Подберите соответствующий перевод 

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Подберите соответствующий перевод

Dizziness Заикание, логоневроз
Tremor Речевая спутанность, бессвязность
Cramps Поверхностный сон
Impaired speech, aphasia Снохождение, сомнамбулизм
Stammering Потеря чувствительности
Confused speech, incoherence Судороги
Superficial sleep Пониженная чувствительность
Sleep walking, somnambulism Афазия, расстройство речи
Sensory loss, loss of sensation, hypoesthesia Повышенная болевая чувствительность, гипералгезия
Hyperalgesia, increased sensitivity to pain Дрожание, головокружение


32). Finish the sentences:

Patients with perforated ulcer are known to complain of…

In old persons ulcers are complicated by haemorrhage which is due to…

According to corticovisceral theory the development of ulcer is associated with…

Meat and alcohol are to…

A patient may also suffer from…

Frequent vomiting.

Be forbidden.

An acute pain in the stomach.

Disturbances in the brain cortex.

Sclerotic changes in the stomach.


33) Подберите соответствующий лекарственный препарат:


a medicine used to reduce pain sedatives
a medicine used in diarrhea cardiac glycosides
a medicine used in vomiting pain-relieving tablets
a medicine used in constipation astrigents
a medicine used in neuroses laxatives
a medicine used in heart disease antiemetics


34) Тестовые задания по теме: Insert the necessary words:

Cancer is… … of abnormal cells.

These cells often form….

Not all tumors found in the body are cancerous, they can be…

Cancerous cells are capable of … rapidly.

Multiplying, metastasis, the uncontrolled proliferation, benign, a tumor, destroy, cutting, all over the body, the use of potent drugs, the use of high doses of radiation.

Cancerous cells … healthy cells and tissues.

Cancer spreads … …

This process is called ….

Cancer can be removed by ….

Chemotherapy is …….

Radiation therapy is …….


35) Выберите правильный ответ:

1. What forms of tuberculosis are accomponied by a subfebrile temperature?

a) benign forms of tuberculosis are

b) pneumonic forms of tuberculosis are

2. What kind of sputum has the patient with tuberculosis?

a) it's purulent

b) it's mucopurulent

3. The evidence of what forms of tuberculosis may cold profuse perspiration at night be?

a) it may be the evidence of a benign form of tuberculosis

b) it may be the evidence of a severe form of tuberculosis

4. What erythrocyte sedimantation rate has the patient with lobular pneumonia?

a) it's slow

b) it's accelerated

5. What does the X-ray examination reveal in case of lobular pneumonia?

a) it reveals a marked shadowing in the lungs

b) it reveals a cavity in the lungs



36) Закончите следующие предложения, выбрав нужный по смыслу вариант окончания.

1. The spleen is the organ

a) located in the left side of the abdominal cavity behind the stomach

b) located in the right side of the thorecic cavity behind the lung

2. Purulent sputum

a) never contains any microorganisms

b) always contains some microorganisms

3. The patient with severe form of pneumonia

a) was allowed to attend the treatment at the polyclinic

b) was admitted to the inpatient therapeutic department of the hospital


Выберите соответствующее слово.

1. (Dry, moist) rales were caused by diffuse bronchitis.

2. The shadow at the base of the left lung was particularly marked due to the (enlargement, decrease) of the lymphatic glands.

3. (Mild, severe) forms of lobular pneumonia are difficult to differentiate from pulmonary tuberculosis and pleurisy.

4. Luminal and bromide were prescribed to the patient (to improve, to impair) his sleep.


Выберите правильный ответ.

1. What disease may the onset rheumatic endocarditis be preceded by?

a) It may be preceded by tonsillitis.

b) It may be preceded by lung abscess.

2. What examination can the enlargement of the heart be determined by?

a) It can be determined by percussion and X-ray examination.

b) It can be determined by electrocardiogram.

3. What must the diet of a patient with rheumatic endocarditis contain?

a) It must contain much salt.

b) It must contain many vitamins.



Make your choice.

1. Sudden pain in the chest arises:

a) during eating

b) after stress

c) with or after exercise

2. Pain may radiate:

a) down the arm

b) into shoulder

c) into lawerjaw

3. Pain appears:

a) behind the sternum

b) in the epigastrium

c) in the throat

4. Treatment includes:

a) prevention stress

b) medications to relieve symptoms

c) appropriate diet


Complete the following sentences.

1. Chronic gastritis may be associated with other diseases, particularly....

2. The most important causes of chronic gastritis proved to be....

3. The characteristic clinical manifestations of gastritis are....

4. The most frequent symptoms of chronic gastritis are....

5. In severe cases... are often observed.

6. The course of the disease is....


41) Выберите правильный вариант.

1. Cholecystitis is

a) inflammation of the gallbladder.

b) inflammation of the stomach.

c) inflammation of the lungs.

2. The pain grows much worse when the patient is

a) standing up.

b) lying on his right side.

c) sitting

3...................of cholecystitis is highly dangerous to life and requires an

emergency operation.

a) gangrenous form

b) catarrhal form c)purulent form.

42) Complete the following sentences.

1. The pain is localized in the right hypochondrium and....

a) in the umbilical area

b) in the stomach

2. An attack of pain is usually preceded by prysical and mental overstrain....

a) sharp physical movements

b) abnormalities in diet

3. Pain may radiate to the right shoulder, right arm and.....

a) sternum

b) lumbar area

4. Dryness in the mouth, vomiting and... are the characteristic clinical manifistation of the disease.

a) nausea

b) constipation

5. During the attack of pain the face is..., skin is..., the tongue is....

a) dry

b) moist

c) pale



In perforations the pain is

a) sudden

b) severe

c) slight

2. In obstruction the pain is

a) throbbing

b) aching

c) spasmodic

3. In appendicitis the pain generally storts

a) in the umbilical region

b) in the midline of the upper abdomen

c) over the inflamed area

4. In intestinal obstruction vomiting

a) occurs in increasing amount

b) is often absent

c) is often repeated and there is much nausea


44) Point out a wrong word or a group of words in the following sentences:

1. Measles, scarlet fever, plague, chickenpox are diseases of children.

2. Mumps, tuberculosis, hepatitis. Smallpox are caused by a virus.

3. Vaccination is made against plague, malaria, influenza, whooping-cough.

4. Chill, fever, eruption, nosebleed are common symptoms of infectious diseases.

5. A sick person, clothes, boiled water, contaminated milk may be a source of infection.



True or False?

1. There might be mild intestinal symptoms.

2. The fever lasts for 1 day.

3. The influenza virus tends to infect people in epidemic proportions during the summer months.

4. Influenza is a contagious disease.

5. Onset is sudden with fever, severe generalised myalgia and prostration.

6. Incubation period is long, usually 72 hours and more.


46) Complete the following advices.

- To minimize....

- To protect (from)....

-.....are to be especially avoided.

- Should be carried out....

-.... are required.

-.... is advisible

-.... are sometimes very useful.


47) Дать «дефиниции» следующим терминам:

- immunity

- natural immunity

- artificial immunity

- toxin

- antidote

- phagocyte

- sepsis

- asepsis

48) Complete the following sentences.

1. The body is known to utilize six kinds of food-stuffs - carbohydrates, proteins, fats and....

2. When burned the proteins, fats and... are sure to yield a certain definite and measurable amount of heat energy.

3. Proteins are found to be absolutely essential to....

4. Vitamin С appeares to be lacking in seeds, white bread, fats, yeast and....

5. Vitamin D is known to be....

6. Every organism needs the organic materials to....

49) Complete the following sentences.

1. Vitamin A is needed to protect eyesight and....

2. Vitamin В is needed to strengthen....

3. You can find vitamin С in cherry, orange, lemon and....

4. Vitamin D is needed for healthy... and for protection against....

5. A lot of deficiency causes....

6. Overdosage of some vitamins may be....



. Замените выделенные слова близкими по смыслу словами и словосочетаниями:

50. Fever is one of the permanent symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis. a) Changeable; b) constant)

51. In the presence of inflammation the discharge from the wound is usually purulent. (a) clear; b) contains pus)

52. Permanent fever if often accompanied by loss of appetite and fatigue. (a) temperature;b) malaise)

53. Within the thoracic cavity the pressure is lower than the atmospheric one. (a) higher; b) less)

. Закончите следующие определения:

54 The disease of the endocrine system caused by a large amount of sugar in the body is…

55 The colouring of the skin caused by some disturbances in the body is....

56 The diagnostic examination of the tissue taken from a living body is....

57 An unusual eruption (высыпание) on the skin mostly caused by some infectious disease is....

58 The disturbance of blood circulation, th at causes blood to stop at certain portion of a vessel is....

a) pigmentation; b) rash; c) diabetes; d) stasis; e) biopsy

Закончите предложения, выбрав необходимые словосочетания:

59 The most numerous cellular elements of blood are.... (a) white blood corpuscles;b) red blood corpuscles;c) blood platelets)

60 Blood is.... (a) a connective tissue; b) a muscular tissue) c ) a fluid tissue.

61 The right ventricle discharges out the blood to the lungs.... (a) through the aorta; b) through the pulmonary arteries; c) through the portal vein)

62 The blood is discharged out.... (a) of the ventricles; b) of the atria)


Закончите следующие предложения, выбрав нужный по смыслу вариант окончания:

63 The spleen is the organ.... (a) located in the left side of the abdominal cavity behind the stomach; b) located in the right side of thoracic cavity behind the lung)

64 Purulent sputum... (a) never contains any microorganisms; b) always contains any microorganisms)

65 The patient with a severe form of pneumonia.... (a) was allowed to attend the treatment at the polyclinic; b) was admitted to the in-patient department of the hospital)

Укажите правильную грамматическую форму:

66. What operation did the surgeon perform yesterday? - He... appendectomy.

a) performs; b) performed; c) perform

67. When will the doctor remove tonsils? - The doctor... tonsils on Monday.

a) has removed; a) is removed; c) will remove

68. He... just... to himself.

a) will come; b) is coming; c) has come

69. Now doctor N... the heart and lungs of the patient at consultation room N5.

a) is auscultating; b) was auscultating; c) has auscultated

70. The doctor said that the analysis of the sputum... pneumococci.

a) reveal; b) revealed; c) reveals

71. The nurse... cups when the ward doctor entered the ward.

a) applied; b) has applied; c) was applying

72. Professor Petrov... already... the lecture in Physiology.

a) has delivered; b) was delivered; c) is delivering

73. The patient said that the prescribed dose of the drug... to relieve the pain.

a) fails; b) fail; c) failed

74. The doctor... the possibility to examine this patient tomorrow/

a) has; b) has had; c) will have

75. Nowadays modern methods of treatment... the doctors to treat people successfully.

a) helped; b) help; c) will help

76. The patient... his health by the end of September.

a) is restored; b) restores; c) had restored

77. Now professor... a lecture in which the properties of anaerobic microorganisms are

a) delivers; b) is delivering; c) will deliver

78. Yesterday he... his experiment earlier than usual.

a) finishes; b) finished; c) has finished

79. The surgeon considered that the new remedy... indicated in that particular case.

1a is not; b) was not; c) no to be

80. Next year the second-year students... iectures in Therapy.

a) will attend; b) attended; c) have attended


81. What analysis is the nurse making now? - The nurse... blood analysis now.

a) will make; b) has made; c) is making

82. What subject do the students study in the first course? - They... pre-clinical

a) studied; b) study; c) studies

83. The doctor,,, already... blood transfusion,

a) has made; b) is making;c) will make

84. Tomorrow the surgeon... his affected leg.

a) is amputated; b) has amputated;c) will amputate

. Ответьте на вопросы:

85. a. Fred is in the dissecting-room. He is preparing for his Anatomy class. He is
dissecting the corpse.

b. Boris is often in the dissecting-room. There he prepares for his Anatomy classes.

He dissects corpses.

Кто из них в данное время готовится к занятиям по анатомии?

86. a. On Fridays Nick went to the clinic. He helped the nurse. He took the patients'
temperature. He gave patients some remedies.

b. It was Friday yesterday. George was at the clinic for the whole day. He was helping the nurse. He was taking the patients' temperature. He was giving patients some remedies. Кто из них обычно ходил в клинику по пятницам?

87 Patient Ivanov has already been operated on. Patient Smirnov must be operated on. Кого из них прооперировали? (a) Ivanov; b) Smirnov)

88 The new book on the physiology of respiration will have been published by the end of the year. The book "The Anatomy of the Cardiac Blood Vessels" by Prof. Seraphima Samoilova has already been published.

Какая из книг будет издана? (a) Respiration book; b) Cardiology book)

89 The young cardiologist has been investigating the character of heart defects since the beginning of the year. Doctor Sviridov is investigating the character of heart defects. Кто из них начал раньше заниматься исследованием? (a) young cardiologist; b) dr. Sviridov)

90 My mother has been followed up at the polyclinic since the time she was discharged from the clinic. My father is followed up at the polyclinic to prevent the recurrence of the disease.

За кем из них наблюдение по поводу отдаленных результатов начато раньше? (a) Mother; b) Father)

. Выберите правильную форму инфинитива:


91 The patient was known... stool retention accompanied by nausea a month before his present admission to the hospital. (a) to have; b) to have had; c) to be having)

92 Sensitivity to antibiotics was reported... not only in this patient but in all the other members of the family as well since their early age. (a) to be present; b) to have been present)

93 Prophylactic vaccination was found.;, since no cases of hepatitis were diagnosed after its administration. (a) to be effective; b) to have been effective)

94 Skin irritation was revealed... after each parenteral administration of this preparation. (a) to occur; b) to have occurred; c) to be occurring)

. Выберите нужную форму причастия для самостоятельного причастного оборота:

95 The abdominal pain... by nausea and vomiting of 20 hours' duration, the patient was hospitalized for an emergency surgery, (a) accompanied: b) being accompanied; c) having accompanied; d) having been accompanied)

96 There... permanent dryness in the mouth, nausea, and constipation, the diagnosis of acute cholecystitis may be suggested, (a) being; b) been; c) having been)

97 The severity of jaundice..., a considerably eievated amount of bilirubin was found in the blood on the following analysis, (a) increasing; b) being increased; c) having increased; d) having been increased)

98 The postoperative course was smooth for a week, no recurrence of-b!eeding....(a) observed; b) being observed; c) having observed: d) having been observed)


. Ответьте на вопросы:

99. А.:Patient Smirnov caught a cold and had a very high temperature. He complained of

a genera! weakness and a bad headache. He was not able even to sit up. He was

seriously ill.

В. Patient Belov looked ill and was pale. He had no high temperature. His appetite

was poor. He complained of the pain in the left portion of the stomach.

Кто из них сможет прийти в поликлинику сам?

100 А. When my younger brother was playing in the garden he fell down. He impaired his nght upper extremity.There was a deep wound on the lateral surface. He developed a bad pain in the joints and could not move his hand..

В.My father complained of a bad pain in the left side in the chest He breathed easily

and became pale. The increase of the chest pain was associated with physical

exertion. He had to follow a bed regimen.

Кого из этих больных должен обследовать терапевт?


101 Acute cholecystitis is known... (a) to be characterized by pain radiating to the breastbone and lumbar area; b) to be accompanied by profuse external bleeding)

102 Irregular diet as weli as an emotional overstrain have been found... (a) to result in the disturbances of peripheral blood circulation; b) to contribute to the development of gastric and duodenal ulcers)

103. Clinical manifestations of gastric carcinoma prove... (a) to vary with the stage of its
development, location and spread through the lymphatic nodes and other inner
organs; b) to be associated with the lesions of the central nervous system)

. Выберите симптомы, наиболее характерные для данных заболеваний:

104 In acute cholecystitis the patient suffers from... (a) atrial fibrillation; b) intense pains in the right hypochondrium and in the umbilical area; c) slight pain and general epigastric discomfort)

105 In attacks of acute appendicitis the patient usually develops... (a) profuse external bleeding; b) vomiting of blood; c) sharp pains in the epigastrium, which soon become generalized in the abdomen)

106 Perforating ulcers are characterized by... (a) pain which is usually dull in character; b) acute pain in the stomach; c) sharp pain in the substernal area radiating down the arm)

107 The development of chronic gastritis is characterized by the appearance of... (a) the loss of appetite, pain and epigastric discomfort after meals; b) nausea, vomiting accompanied by haemorrhage; c) cold perspiration at night and intermittent fever)

Ответьте на вопросы:

108. The patient had a dry cough. In a day or two the cough became productive. After the attacks of cough the patient felt pain in the substernal area and in the throat. His temperature was not very high. He followed home treatment and was administered aspirin and codein. He was recommended to have warm milk with soda severaltimes a day.

Чем был болен этот пациент-a) трахеитом или b) бронхитом?

109. The patient's temperature had beeff changing but persisting for two weeks. His breathing was rapid and he complained of breathlessness. There was cyanosis of the face. The chest pain was particularly sharp on deep breathing in. He had cough with purulent sputum. His erythrocyte sedimentation rate was accelerated. Dry rales were heard all over the right lung.

Какой диагноз вы поставили бы этому больному— a) бронхит или b) пневмония?

. Просмотрите истории болезни. О каких заболеваниях идет речь?


110. The girl developed a permanent loss of appetite and she had not been increasing in weight for several months.. Her growth was slow. She often had short periods of fever. On physical examination the physician revealed a small number of dry and fine moist rales. The percussion sound was considerably reduced.

111. The patient complained of a general malaise, fatigue and cold profuse perspiration at night. His temperature had been persisting at a ievei of 38°C for about a month. He had mucopurulent sputum sometimes containing biood. When the doctor was examining him the patient stated that he had lost much weight.

112. When the patient was admitted to the hospital his breathing was rapid and there was a marked cyanosis of the face. He complained of chest pain on deep breathing in. The physician determined that his arterial pressure was reduced, his pulse rate was accelerated and there was dullness in the lungs. There were numerous foci of inflammation in the lungs revealed by the X-ray examination. a) pneumonia; b) primary tuberculosis;c) tuberculosis

. Определите заболевание:

113. This disease is treated surgically. The operation is performed not under general but
under local anaesthesia. The operation must be performed immediately to preventthe development of peritonitis.

114. This disease is most commonly observed in nervous persons. Such factors as mental and emotional overstrain contribute considerably to its development. The incidence of this disease is higher in men than in women. This disease is characterized by a chronic cyclic course.

116. When the physician examines the patient with this disease he reveals severe tenderness in the right upper part of the abdomen and in the umbilical area. The physician also notes slight jaundice of sclerae. The patient complains of dryness in the mouth, vomiting, nausea and constipation.

a) acute cholecystitis b) appendicitis c) ulcer

Тесты по специальности

Rheumatic fever

А. Rheumatic fever is а gепегаl iпfесtiоus allergic· disease usually аffеctiпg heaгt, jоiпts апd serous mеmЬгапеs. The cause of rheumatic fever is uпkпоwп. The disease оftеп follows infectious streptococcus infections of the respiratory tract, Tonsil infections, sinusitis, pharyngiti;s and otit;is mау also Ье predisposing factors.

В, The symptoms of sore throat ог uррег respiratoгy infections аге the most prominent early mапifeststions of the disease, accompanied Ьу gепегаl malaise, fаtigue, anorexia, fleeting pains in the limbs апd регsistепt lost of weight, a sепsе of соldпеss, associated with clammy sweat апd exhaustion is evident. The temperatuгe rises rapidly and тоге than опе joint mау Ьесоmе painful. Within 2.:1 houгs the fever mау range between З90 and 400С. The pulse is rapid. There аге marked ргostration,ргоfusе sweating, апd aгthritis.

С. The jоiпts аге раiпful, tепdег, swоllеп, hot апd red. The large jоiпts mау Ье iпvоlvеd siпgulагlу ог mоге than опе at а time. The joints most subject to strain аге the first опеs to Ьe affected, The joint involvement is transitory and migratory. The fever lasts 1 О to 15 days. There is usually а fuгther rise of temperature with the involvement of mоге joints. Each joint mау Ье inflamed for а period of опе to six days, and relapses mау occur.

D.Clinical signs of cardiac involvement аге present in mоге than 50% of cases, and it is ргоЬаЫе that the heaгt is affected in almost every case. The chief signs of myocarditis duгiпg the acute period аге enlargement of the cardiac агеа, distuгbances of rhythm and rate, and electrocardiographic changes. There is ап increase in heaгt size to the acute cardiac dilatation and the muгmuгs which аге pгesent mаy Ье due to а relative insufficiency of the valves.

Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопрос:

1. How long does fever usually last?

А... 24 hours

В.... 10 to 15 days

С.... duгing а month

D. опе ог two days


Завершите предложение в соответствии с основной темой абзаца:

2. The В passage is about '"

А. the causes of rheumatic fever

В. the Ьеgiппiпg of rheumatic fever

С, the involvement of joints

D. the clinical signs of cardiac involvement


3. Определите, в каком абзаце называются заболевания, которые могут быть предрасполагающим фактором острого ревматизма.

4. Выберите предложение, соответствующее содержанию текста:

А. The heaгt size is never increased iп case of myocarditis.

B. There is an incгease in heart size in cвse of myocaгditis.

С The heart size is usually погтаl in case of myocarditis.

D. The heart murmurs аге usually absent in case of myocarditis.


Выберите выриант завершения предложения, соответствующий содержанию текста:

5 Rheumatic fever is а general infectious allergic disease usually affecting…/

А. heart and lungs

В. heart, joint and serous membranes

С. upper respiratory tract

D. joints only

Соотнесите данные утверждения с соответствующими абзацами текста:

6.The joints аге painful, tender, swollen, hot and red.

7.The cause of rheumatic fever is unknown.

8.The heart is affected in almost every case.

9.Early manifestations о! the disease аге sore throat ог uррег respiratory infections.

10. The joint involvement is transitory and migratory.

Подберите английские эквиваленты к следующим выражениям:

11. Дальнейшее повышение температуры А. а marked prostration

12.Температура быстро повышается В. profuse sweating

С. the temperature rises rapidly

14.Заметный упадок сил D. а further rise of temperature

15.Обильное потоотделение

Выберите нужную форму сказуемого:

16. Yesterday the surgeon... а very complicated operation оп а heart.

А. performs

В was performed

С. is performing

D. will perform


17. -Where is doctor N. now? -Не... the patient.

А. had examined

В. examined

С. examines

D. is examining


18. The patient... to the intensive саге unit because his condition Ьесаmе bad.

А. transferred

В. is transferring

С. was transferred

D. has transferred


19. The doctor оп duty... the round of wards every morning.

А. made

B. makes

С. was made

D. is making


20. The assistants... already... everything for the operation.

А. аге preparing

8. were preparing

С. have prepared

D. will... ргераге

Подберите модальный глагол. соответствующий переводу предложения:

21.H;s temperature;s high. Не... go to school today.У него высокая температура. Он не может идти в школу сегодня.

А. needn't

В. cannot

С. must not

D. should not

Выберите нужную степень сравнения:

22. The patient looks much... today.

А. good

В. better

С. the best

D. mоге

Подберите нужную Форму причастия:

23. While... to the раtiепt's lungs, the doctor suspected pneumonia.

А. having listened

В. listening

С. being listened

D. listened


24 Professor N... bу the ward doctor and а nurse entered ward 4.

А. had accompanied

В. accompanying

С. were accompanied

D. accompanied

Выберите вариант, отражающий структуру правильно построенного вопросительного предложения:

25. 1. cause 2. is З. the main 4. what 5. cardiovascular 6. of 7. diseases

А. 4,2,3,1,6,5,7

В. 4,2,3,5,7,6,1

С. 5,7,6,3,1,2,4

D. 4,3,1,6,5,7,2


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.
b a a b b c a d b c d c a b b c d a b b b b d a




А. Every year about 1.2 mil1ion реорlе in Rиssia die of cardiovascular diseases, which is 53,5 percent of аll deaths. Вlood circulation problems account for more than 43 percent of аll disability cases. The proportion of реорlе dying of cardiovascular diseases in Rиssia is three to four times as high as in developed countries.

В. More than one - third of oиr population suffer from high blood pressиre while the majority do not even sиspect they have а problem. Hypertension accounts for 80 percent of аll strokes and 40 percent of heart attacks. Obviously, there is а genetic predisposition to high blood pressиre and а great deal depends оп living standards, bиt а key role is played Ьу one's lifestyle.

С. If there is а pain or а sensation of pressиre behind the breastbone it is а signal that а healthy lifestyle has not helped and it is time to see а doctor. especially if the pain comes with physical exertion and disappears at rest. Тhis is the main indication of disturbance in the heart blood sиpply and the onset of stenocardia. Реорlе, especial1y young men, often make а mistake here. Some think they have got а cold and take а steam bath. Sometimes the pain can occur in the stomach area and then реорlе treat themselves for "poisoning". As а resиlt, they end ир with an infarction.

D.So, the general rиle is as soon as уои feel а pain behind the breastbone, уои shoиld immediately see а doctor. Sometimes it is enough for him to ask а patient а few qиestions to diagnose stenocardia; sometimes а special examination is required, the simplest being the ECG.

Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопрос:

1.What part of the Russian population suffer fгоm high blood pressure?

А. аl1 population

В. 1 О percent of oиr population

С. two-thirds

D. one-third of oиr population


Завершите предложение в соответствии с основной темой абзаца:

2.Тhе Е passage tells that...

А. in case of heart pains it is necessary to have а thorough check-up.

В. it is necessary to take an ECG at rest.

С. it is necessary to go through laboratory analysis.

D. it is necessary to take drug.


3.Определите, в каком абзаце приводятся статистические данные о сердечно­сосудистой патологии в России.

4.Выберите предложение, соответствующее содержанию теста:

А. Тhe pain behind the breastbone doesn't теan anything serious.

В. Тhe pain behind the breastbone is а signal of "poisoning".

С. Тhe pain behind the breastbone is the main indication of disturbance in the heart blood supply.

D.Тhe pain behind the breastbone is а symptom of gastric ulcer.


Выберите вариант завершения предложения:

5.Obviously, there is а genetic predisposition to...

А. lung disease.

В. low blood pressure.

С. gastric ulcer.

D. high blood pressure.


Соотнесите данные утверждения с соответствующими абзацами текста:

6.. There is a genetic predisposition to high blood pressure

7.Тhе proportion of people dying of cardiovascular diseases in Russia is higher than in developed countries.

8.As soon as уоu feel а pain behind the breastbone уоu should see а doctor.

9.Тhе majority of those suffering from high blood pressure do not еvеn suspect they have а problem.

10.Маnу young mеn having pains behind the breastbone often think they Ьауе got а

cold or а "poisoning".


Подберите английские эквивалвенты к следующим выражениям:

11.сердечный приступ А. physical exertion

12.физическая нагрузка В. а heart pain

13.область сердца С. а heart attack

14.боль в сердце D. а heart area

Выберите нужную форму перевода сказуемого:

15.Тhе patient complains of а slight pain in the left shoulder.

А. жалуется

В. жаловался

С. жаловались

D. жалуются


16 I entered the Кrasnoyarsk Medical Academy two years ago.

А. поступлю

В. поступаю

С. поступил

D. поступает


17. Тhе children are sleeping now.

А. спит

В. уснули

С. спали

D. спят


18. Тhе bоу will bе admitted to the hospital tomorrow.

А. госпитализировал

В. был госпитализирован

С. госпитализирует

D. будет госпитализирован


19. Тhе Professor will ехашiпе him tomorrow.

А. осматривает

В. осмотрел

С. осмотрит

D. осматривается


Подберите перевод модального глагола:

20 Patient Ivanov must keep the bed for оnе or two weeks.

А. должен

В. недолжен

С. может

D. хочет


Выберите перевод степени сравнения:

21 It is the biggest hospital in our town.

А. большая

В. больше

С. самая большая

D. меньше


Подберите нужную форму перевода причастия:

22. Тhе student answering at the blackboard is ту best friend.

А. ответивший

В. ответил

С. получивший ответ

D. отвечающий


23.When examined bу the doctor, he complained of а severe pain in his chest.

А. при осмотре

В. после осмотра

С. осматривая

D. осмотрел


Выберите вариант, отражающий структуру правильно построенного вопросительного предложения:

24. treated (1), how (2), duodenal (3), gastric (4), are (5), ulcers (6), and (7)

А. 5,2,3, 7,4,6, 1

В. 2,5,3, 7,4,6, 1

С. 3,7,4,6,5,1,2

D. 2,5, 1,6,3, 7, ~

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.
d A a c d d a d b c c a d b a c d d c a c d a b



Task № 1.

  1. Complete the following paragraph, which describes the two circulation systems of the blood, by inserting the correct word in the spaces provided.


The heart pumps blood into two separate circulatory systems, the _____________circulation and the _______________circulation. The _________side of the heart pumps to the lungs, whereas the __________ side of the heart supplies the rest of the body. The _________are the

sites of nutrients, gases and wastes. Tissue wastes, including carbon dioхide, pass into the _________tissues are supplied with _________ and__________.


Task № 2.

For each of the five statements in list A, identify the most appropriate answer from list B. (You may need the items in list B more than once.)


List A

a Plasma proteins in the bloodstream are responsible for eхerting ___________________

b The hydrostatic pressure of the blood is also known as _____________________

c The main force opposing the osmotic pressure of the blood is __________________

d The main force pushing fluid out of the arterial and of the capillary is the _____________

e The main force drawing fluid back into the venous and of the capillary is the ____________


List B

hydrostatic pressure

blood pressure

osmotic pressure


Task № 3

Put the terms supplied below in the correct order, so that they correctly describe the flow of blood through the pulmonary and systemic circulations, beginning and finishing with the aorta.


Left atrium

Right atrioventricular (tricuspid) valve

Right atrium

Systemic arterial network

Systemic venous network

Left ventricle

Pulmonary valve

Left atrioventricular (mitral) valve

Right ventricle

Pulmonary arteries

Capillaries of body tissues

Aortic valve

Pulmonary veins


Task № 4

How is the heart muscle supplied with oxygen and nutrients? ___________


  1. From the blood that circulates through the heart chambers
  2. By the coronary arteries, which branch from the aorta

с. By the pulmonary arteries, which also supply the lungs

d. From the cardiac arteries, which are more extensive on the left side of the heart than the right.


Task № 5.


How is blood drained from the tissues of the heart? ________________


  1. By venous channels that open into the inferior vena cava
  2. Into the vena cava directly
  3. Mainly into the coronary sinus, which empties into the right atrium
  4. Directly into the pulmonary artery, for oxygenation.


Task №6


Which chamber of the heart has the largest blood supply? _________________


  1. right atrium
  2. right ventricle
  3. left atrium
  4. left ventricle


Task №7

Complete the following paragraphs, which describe the cardiac cycle.


  1. We will begin this description with the heart in diastole, when the whole heart is ____________. During this time, in the upper part of the heart, the atria are ___________________and blood is flowing ________________. Not only the upper chambers are filling but also the lower ones; because the _____________ valves are open, we see that the____________________ are filling as well. Although blood is traveling into the lower chambers, at this stage the electrical activity has not reached them yet and so the ventricles are _____________. Remember, during this period, the heart muscle is not contracting: both the ________ and the ________ are relaxed.


B. Atrial systole


The next stage represents atrial systole, or contraction. This is initiated when the ___________fires; its electrical excitation of the discharge leads to the spread of __________ through the atria. Because of the electrical excitation of the muscle, the atria __________ and this leads to pumping of blood from the __________ into the __________. It is important therefore that the __________ valves are open, to permit blood to flow through. The ventricles fill up; because the __________ an __________ valves are closed, blood cannot yet pass from the heart into the great vessels leaving it.


C. Ventricular systole


The third stage is ventricular systole. The impulse from the sinoatrial node has passed through the atrioventricular node; inspection of the atria shows that they are __________ after their period of activity; this allows them to rest. However, as far as the lower chambers are concerned, because __________are spreading through the ventricles __________. So that blood cannot flow in a backwards manner into the atria, the __________ valves are closed. However, for the ventricles to be able to push blood out of the heart, the __________ and _________ valves __________. Because of the force generated by the contracting ventricular muscle, blood is pumped from the ventricles into the __________ and the __________.

The cycle is now complete; the heart will enter another period of diastole, allowing the entire organ to rest briefly before the next period of contraction.


Task № 8

Complete the following paragraph by inserting the correct word(s) in the spaces provided.


The upper respiratory passages carry air in and out of the respiratory system, but they have other functions too. The cells of their mucous membrane have __________, tiny hair-like structures that __________ in a wave -like motion towards the _________. The carry __________, which has been made by the __________ cells in the epithelial layer, and which traps __________and __________ on its sticky surface. The air is therefore__________ by these mechanisms before it gets into the lungs. As the air passes through the nasal cavity, it is also __________ and __________ as it passes over the nasal __________, bony projections covered in mucous membrane. The nasal cavity also contains __________, which is covered in __________, and acts as a coarse filter for the air passing through. Immune tissue is present in patches called __________, which make __________ and therefore protect against inhaled antigens. Not only air passes through the pharynx, but also __________ and __________, and the tracheal opening is barricaded against these by the __________.




1) pulmonary

2) systemic

3) right

4) left

5) capillaries

6) bloodstream

7) oxygen

8) nutrients



a) osmotic pressure

b) blood pressure

c) hydrostatic pressure

d) hydrostatic pressure

e) osmotic pressure



Aorta, systemic arterial network, capillaries of body tissues, systemic venous network, venae cavae, right atrium, right atrioventricular (tricuspid) valve, right ventricle, pulmonary valve, pulmonary arteries, lungs, pulmonary veins,





I. Match the parts of the body with the definitions.

1. kidney a. organ in the head which controls thought and feeling

2. lung k. short organ in the chest which controls the flow of blood by pushing it round

3. liver the body

4. heart f. one of a pair of organs which separate waste liquid from the blood

5. brain l. a small organ which has little or no use

6. intestine g. one of the two bony parts of the face in which teeth are set

7. appendix b. long pipe leading from the stomach which takes waste

8. tonsils h. large organ which clears the blood

9. rib c. two small, fleshy organs in the throat

10. stomach i. one of a pair of the breathing organs in the chest

11. jaw d. baglike organ in which food is broken down for the use of the body

12. throat j. passage from the back of the mouth down inside the neck

e. one of the 24 bones protecting the chest




II. Choose the correct answer.


1. The doctor asked me to _____ to the waist.

a) bare; b) strip; c) take off; d) undress

2. The nurse put a _____ round Jane’s bleeding knee.

a) bandage; b) belt; c) ribbon; d) scarf

3. He had injured his arm badly and had to keep it in a _____ for the several weeks.

a) cradle; b) litter; c) sling; d) stretcher

4. The doctor told her that her temperature was _____.

a) current; b) familiar; c) habitual; d) normal

5. Although the patient’s condition is serious, she seems to be out of a _____.

a) bedstead; b) cot; c) couch; d) stretcher

6. My sister works in a house for the deaf and _____.

a) dumb; b) mute; c) speechless; d) voiceless

7. Make sure you _____ properly before you swallow it.

a) bite; b) chew; c) crunch; d) eat

8. The doctor took his temperature and felt his _____.

a) blood; b) muscle; c) pulse; d) vein

9. The man who was taken to hospital had been _____ for the hours.

a) indifferent; b) insensitive; c) unconscious; d) unfeeling

10. The injured man who was taken to hospital on a(n) _____.

a) ambulance; b) bed; c) sling; d) stretcher




III. Fill in the blanks with the words below.

bacteria body break dangerous delicate disease eyes germs line liquids membrane moisture mouth nose parts prick skin sneeze stomach



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