Mark the differences in the American education system (age of applicants, pre-medical education, entrance exams, duration of training, degrees, residency, work as interns) 

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Mark the differences in the American education system (age of applicants, pre-medical education, entrance exams, duration of training, degrees, residency, work as interns)


14) Make a scheme of the Health Service in the USA.
How many parts is it divided into? What are they?

Finish the sentences:

The Federal Government developed health insurance programs because…

Medicaid was brought into operation in…

It provides free medical care for…

As for Medicare it works for…

American medicine faces such medical problems as…


15) Choose the true sentences:

a) Any mixture of two of more substances is are solution.
b) Any chemically and physically homogeneous mixture of two or more substances is a solution.
a) We recognize various types of a solution depending on the quantity of the substances
b) We recognize various types of a solution depending on the size of the dispersed particles.
a) A suspension is obtained when comparatively large particles are mixed water.
b) A suspension can’t be obtained by the method mentioned above.
a) A saturated solution is obtained when an excess of a liquid is mixed with liquid.
b) A colloidal solution is obtained when excess of a liquid is mixed with a liquid.
a) A supersaturated solution is produced when the excess solid solute removed and the solution heated.
b) A supersaturated solution is produced when the excess solid solute removed and the solution cooled.


16) Insert proper words and word-combinations:
1. It is started that any chemically and physically …. mixture of two or more substances is a solution.
2. It is supposed that the ultimate sugar particle is of … ….
3. It is proved that for any given solute … has a constant value at a constant temperature.
4. The capsulating of the medicinal substances in … … is considered to be one of the most largely used methods.
5. Under certain conditions it is possible to obtain a … solution.
6. From the pharmaceutical stand-point solutions of solids in liquids are of … … ….
(saturated, molecular dimensions, homogeneous, the greatest importance, solubility, gelatin shells)


17) Соотнесите части предложений:
1. It is easier to cover a thin edge
2. Tablets should have
3. A tablet for making solutions I required to have
4. Lubricants are substances which facilitate
5. The correct pressure must be applied
6. Tablets which should dissolve in the mouth must be
a) a large diameter than average tablets.
b) smooth ejection of the compressed tablets.
c) to avoid unnecessary complication.
d) during the coating process.
e) a pleasing appearance.
f) more strongly compressed.

18) Translate into English:

1. Таблетка это самая распространенная форма лекарства.

2. Таблетки легко приготавливаются из определенных лекарств.

3. Щелочные галоидные соединения используются для приготовления таблеток без добавления других веществ.

4. Иногда мы испытываем трудности в процессе приготовления таблеток из определенных материалов.

5. В процессе приготовления таблеток большую роль играет давление.

6. Необходимо изменять давление в процессе изготовления таблеток в зависимости от используемого материала.

for, preparations, ointments, external, are, semi-solid, use.

contain, and, their combination, these, petrolatum, bases, waxes. ointments, into, penetrate, endodermic, the deeper, of, layers, the skin.

in, bases, as well as, have found, absorption, a, pharmacy, definite, cosmetology, place.


19) Choose the proper word:

The liquid which has passed through the filter is called...

a) the solvent b) the filtration c) the solution d) the decoction

Absorption bases have found a definite place in pharmacy as well as

a) surgery b) traumatology c) cosmetology d) gynecology

… ointments demonstrate no or very slight power of penetration into the skin

a) epidemic b) endodermic c) diadermic d) oleaginous

Ointments of emultion type belong to the group of …base.

a) vegetable b) penetration c) petrolatum d) absorption


20) Match the parts of the sentences:

1. One salt can be transformed into another…

2. All parts of the filling machine are daily…

3. The ampoules are first washed with ordinary water…

4. After filling the ampoules are closed with…

5. A concentrated aqueous solution of sodium penicillin…

6. The dry material is reduced to…

7. The desired amount is measured into the ampoules…

a) and then with pyrogen-free distilled water.

b) sterilized rubber caps or stoppers.

c) dismantled, cleaned, and sterilized.

d) is dried form the frozen state.

e) by treating it with an acid.

f) a fine powder.

g) by hand or automatic machines.


22) Translate the word (s) in brackets. Translate the sentences:

Tinctures are alcoholic or hydroalcoholic (растворы).

Tinctures are prepared from animal or vegetable drugs or from (химические вещества).

The tinctures containing (летучие) constituents and those containing (йод) are exceptions to the rule.

Tinctures are made by (процеживание), (вымачивание) and (растворение).

Percolation is (лучший метод) for making tinctures.

Tinctures should be stored in tight, light-resistant containers protected from (воздействия прямого солнечного света и чрезмерного тепла).


23) Match the columns to make sentences:

In the second stage penicillin is extracted from

Finally the ampoules are labeled and

There are 2 fermentation methods for the production of penicillin:

The sterile concentrated solution of purified penicillin passes the necessary tests for…

The principle of the submerged method is…

to grow the fungus in large steel containers in a medium.

packed for distribution.

the culture medium.

the «surface culture» and the «submerged culture».

Potency and absence of pyrogenic or other toxic impurities.



24) Вставить по смыслу слова и выражения:
a) If medicine is taken incorrectly, it may cause ….
b) As a rule, … contains information about dosage and doses.
c) Some patients don’t always strictly … instructions.
d) Many medicines taken after a meal can lose their ….
e) Effect decreases by … in the stomach and intestinal tract.
f) Medicines having … … should be taken one – half hour to one hour before meal – time.
g) Non – acid – resisting antibiotics should not be taken with … or … … ….
h) … has a very negative influence on the effect of medicines.


25) Расположите разделы аннотации в требуемом порядке:
name of the medicinal preparation
Over dosage
Adverse effects



26). Сгруппируйте слова по разделам “taking medicines” and “drug dose”:

With fluid, age – dependent, to use a drug topically, preferably in the morning, a heavy dose, to apply an ointment, to overdose, without regard to meals, with food, once a day, to crush a tablet, average dose.


27). Найти соответствующие значения:
anhidrosis воспаление языка
Dyskinesia обильное мочеотделение
dysuria повышение выделения секрета из носа
Glossitis расстройство произвольных движений
Leucopenia отсутствие потоотделения
Polyuria расстройство мочеиспускания
Rhinorrhea пониженное содержание лейкоцитов в крови



28). Insert the necessary words:

Antibiotics inhibit… …. This effect of antibiotics was discovered by … in 1929. …. was the first of the antibiotics. It is given orally, … and topically. The term «antibiotic «means»… …».


29) Insert necessary information:

Sulfa drugs treat many … diseases.

They also … meningitis, scarlet fever, mumps, chicken – pox.

Sulfanilamides are often used in place of …

Sometimes sulfanilamides produce toxic …-…: …, …, ….

In the case of complications the dose must be ….

Methazid is contraindicated in …, …, ….


30) Chose the proper word expressions:

… are effective means in treatment of the heart failure.

They improve … of the heart muscle.

They decrease….

Digitalis preparations due to are widely used in therapy.

… on the beneficial effects of cardiac glycosides are carried out.

Digitalis was… to this patient.

Bed rest, …, and often … and restriction of fluid may be required to obtain best results.

(administered, investigations, sedatives, cardiac glycosides, diuretics, glycosidal content, a cardiac rate, the force of contraction)



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