II. Блок тестов на знание медицинской лексики общепрофессиональной направленности. 

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II. Блок тестов на знание медицинской лексики общепрофессиональной направленности.

Задание: Выберите верную форму перевода:


1. There are centers to ensure the birth of (здоровых) children

A fine

B healthy

C happy

D good

2. We have polyclinics for the (взрослого) population and for children.

A adult

B ill

C tired

D old


3. The ambulance can give (экстренную) surgical and therapeutic treatment.

A qualified

B dental

C starting

D emergency


4. For popularization of medical science among population press, radio & TV are very (полезны).

A important

B successful

C helpful

D serious


5. The working day of district doctor consists of 3 hours of (приема больных) and 3 hours of visiting patients in their homes.

A lectures

B rest

C reading

D consultation


6. The (причина) of the disease is unknown.

A condition

B cause

C signs

D attack


7. The lungs are main organs of (дыхательной системы).

A respiratory surface C breathlessness

B respiration D respiratory system

8. (Младенцы) have the lungs of pale rose color.

A children

B infants

C pupils

D junior children


9.The patient's sputum is (гнойный)

A viscous C smelly

B abundant D purulent


10.Children often (жалуются) pain in the throat.

A suffer from

B complain of C try to

D breathe out


11.The (хрипы) are present for a short time and then disappear.

A sputum

B conditions

C rales

D signs


12. The patient has (двустороннюю) pneumonia

A. chronic

B. clear

C. lobular

D. bilateral


13. She had (сухой кашель) two days ago.

A. dry cough

B. persistent cough

C. purulent sputum

D. acute attack


14. In case of pneumonia X-ray examination (показывает) a shadowing.

A. notice

B. shows

C. radiates

D. suffer


15. This medicine (облегчает) an asthma attack.

A. causes

B. is given

C. takes

D. relieves


16. Some types of cancer are (излечимы).

A. lethal

B. dangerous

C. difficult

D. curable


17. Remission is the absence of all (признаков) of disease.


A. signs

B. cells

C. doses

D. functions


18. Cancer of (желудка) may be treated surgically.

A. bowel

B. stomach

C. esophagus

D. lung


19. A maximal dose of ionizing radiation to the tumour (ткань) was given.

A. organ

B. mass

C. tissue

D. growth


20. Side effects of chemotherapy may be leucopenia, bleeding, (тошнота) and vomiting.

A. nausea

B. headache

C. pains in the abdomen

D. a bad appetite



21. A variety of (осложнений) may occur with lobar pneumonia.

A. inflammations

B. complications

C. separations

D. rates


22. When the patient has a (озноб) with a rapid pulse, fever and pain in the side of the chest, the diagnosis is easily made.

A. cough

B. condition

C. sputum

D. chill



23. Sometimes the pain may extend in the (брюшная полость или живот) simulating acute appendicitis.

A. lymph

B. abdomen

C. lung

D. chest


24. The coughing begins, and there may be (отхаркивание).

A. attention

B. prostration

C. breathing

D. expectorati

25. The disease usually terminates by crisis, when the temperature (падает).

A. does

B. makes

C. drops

D. look

26. The patient couldn't (описать симптомы)


A. have symptoms C. detail a symptoms

B. exaggerate the symptoms D. describe the symptoms


27. This patient should be (осмотреть) immediately.


A observed C. follow

B. examined D. check


28. The doctor recommended (удвоить дозу).


A. to test the dose C. to double the dose

B. to take the dose D. to increase the dose


29. He is taking up the problems of (наследственные заболевания).


A. inherited diseases C. toxic diseases

B acquired diseases D. congenital diseases


30. The patient complained of high (артериальное давление).


A. loss of blood C. heart attack

B. bleeding D. blood pressure

31. After he (полностью выздоровел) he began playing football again.


A. completely recovered C. was recovered

B. had completely recovered D. is recovering

32. Spleen

A. Почка B. Селезенка C. Кишечник D. Легкое


33. To treat

A Стонать B. Страдать C. Исправить. D Лечить


33. Fever

A. Рвота B. Онемение C. Жар D. Заикание

34. Intestine

A. Голова B. Кишечник C. Плечо D. Грудь


35. Weakness

A. слабость B. нервозность C. утомляемость D. судорога

  A. сердце B. рука C. печень D. голова
37. To cough          
  A. оперировать B. болеть. C. дренировать D. Кашлять
38. Kidney          
  A. желудок B. почка C. позвоночник D. Палец
39. Scarlet-fever          
  A.) корь B. гастрит C. язва D. скарлатина
40. Blood          
  A. сыворотка B. раствор C. кровь D. плазма

41. Liver

A.рука B. желудок C. кишечник D. печень

42. To sneeze

A.стонать B. чихать C. недомогать D. кашлять

43. Tongue

A. спина B. тело C. рука D. язык


44. Chicken-pox

A. ветряная оспа B. ангина C. грипп D. 4) коклюш

45. Brain

A. селезенка B. сердце C. мозг D. грудь

46. Heart

A. рука B.сердце C.) желудок D. нога


A. селезенкаa B. печень C.) ладонь D. легкое

48. Rash

A.кровеь B.отравление C.) сыпь D. мокрота

49. Pain

A. боль B. рана C. вывих D. лекарство

50. To prescribe

A. защищать B. выписывать C. госпитализировать D. облегчить

51. A variety of (осложнений) may occur with lobar pneumonia.

A inflammation

B complications

C cases

D rates



52. (Воспаление) of the lung, with or without infection is also called pneumonitis.

A complications

B cause

C inflammation

D infection

53. There are many possible causes of lung inflammation, including


A condition

B cause

C hypersensitivity

D infection



54. The organisms that (вызывают) most pneumonias are already present in the environment.

A form

B do

C lead

D cause



55. Every dentist is (отвечает) for the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity.

A responsible

B possible


C comfortable

D suitable

56. There are centers to ensure the birth of (здоровых) children

A Russian

B healthy

C happy

D good


57. We have polyclinics for the (взрослого) population and for children.

A adult

B ill

C tired

D old


58. The ambulance can give (экстренную) surgical and therapeutic treatment.

A qualified

B dental

C starting

D emergency


59. For popularization of medical science among population press, radio & TV are very (полезны).

A important

B successful

C helpful

D serious


60. The working day of district doctor consists of 3 hours of (приема больных) and 3 hours of visiting patients in their homes.

A lectures

B rest

C reading

D consultation


61. The (причина) of the disease is unknown.

A condition

B cause

C signs

D attack


62. The lungs are main organs of (дыхательной системы).

A respiratory surface

B respiration

C respiratory rate

D respiratory system


63. (Младенцы) have the lungs of pale rose color.

A children

B infants

C pupils

D junior children


64.Children often (жалуются) pain in the throat.

A suffer from

B complain of

C try to

D breathe out


65. The patient has (двустороннюю) pneumonia

A chronic

B clear

C lobular

D bilateral


66. She had (сухой кашель) two days ago.

A dry cough

B persistent cough

C purulent sputum

D acute attack


67. This medicine (облегчает) an asthma attack.

A causes

B is given

C takes

D relieves


68. Sometimes the pain may extend in the (брюшная полость или живот) simulating acute appendicitis.

A lymph

B abdomen

C lung

D chest


69. The coughing begins, and there may be (отхаркивание).

A attention

B prostration

C breathing

D expectoration


70. The disease usually terminates by crisis, when the temperature (падает).

A does

B makes

C drops

D looks


C hypersensitivity

D infection


71. Every dentist is (отвечает) for the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity

A responsible

B possible

C comfortable

D suitable



72. The ambulance can give (экстренную) surgical and therapeutic treatment.

A qualified

B dental

C starting

D emergency




73. Sometimes the pain may extend in the (брюшная полость или живот) simulating acute appendicitis.

A lymph

B abdomen

C lung

D chest


74. These various factors (приводят) two different patterns of pneumonia.

A lead to

B causes

C mean

D do


75. Many pneumonias that are infectious (начинаются) for no apparent reason.

A begin

B fill in

C rise

D cause


76. Professor Petrov ……..already ….. (прочитал) the lecture in Physiology.

A has delivered

B have read

C was reading

D is delivered


77. In the student (научном) society students work on those subjects which they are interested in.

A science

B research

C inventor

D scientific


78. The operation was (выполнена) by the best surgeons.

A made

B performed

C did

D executes


79. General measures include (отдых), support of breathing, if needed.

A rest

B calm

C lightness

D host


80. What do you (жалуетесь)?

A complain at

B complain in

C complain of

D complain


81. When did your first (зуб мудрости) erupt?

A wisdom tooth

B brain tooth

C clever teeth

D toothache


82. The students must work (усердно) during the whole term.

A hard

B strong

C many

D much


83. Many complications may occur with (долевая) pneumonia.

A wisdom

B brain

C cell

D lobal


84. His temperature is (высокая).

A. large

B. big

C. high

D. low


85. One of the most (широко распространенный) diseases of teeth is caries.

A. wide-spread C. known

B. large - known D. well-known


86. The doctors must be (более ответственны) for their work than the people of other professions.

  1. most responsible
  2. more responsible D. responsiblest

C. responsibler


87. Call for (скорая помощь) if he feels worse.

A. an ambulance C. a quick help

B. a help bus D. a medical assistance

88. Having made an injection of lidocain the doctor (удалил) the tooth.

A. extracted C removed

B put off D. put out


89. Interstitial pneumonia is inflammation involving the (ткань) between the air sacs.

A. material

C. tissue

B. cell D paper

90. A person (поступающий) Medical Academy has to pass examinations in Biology, Chemistry and the Russian language.


A. entering C. сoming

B. going D. moving into



91. Examining the patient the doctor listened to his (сердце).

A. heart

C. head

B. hand D. blood


92. The (информация) obtained by the scientist were very interesting.

A. information C. new

B. data D. news


93. When examined by the doctor, he complained of a severe pain in his (груди).

A. back C. chest

B. leg D. brain


94. Sometimes the pain may extend in the abdomen simulating (острый) appendicitis.

A. acute C. sharpB. thin D. long

95. The pulmonary artery takes up the blood from the right ventricle and carries it to the (легким).

A. stomach C. intestine

B. lungs D. brain


96. How many per sent oxygen does (вдыхаемый) air contain?

A. inhaled C. exhaled

B. unhaled D. deshaled

97. Alveoli are surrounded by a network of thin-walled (капилляров).


A. capillaries C. capillars

B. capillary D. capillarys


98. The (аорта) is the largest artery in the body.


A. aorta C. capillary

B. vein D. vessel


99. The heart is a hollow muscle which has four (камеры).


A. halls C. rooms

B. cells D. chambers


100. The blood is a red (жидкость).


A. water C. fluid

B. lymph D. mass


Ключи к блоку тестов на лексику общепрофессиональной направленности:

1- B

2- A

3- D

4- C

5- D

6- B

7- D

8- B

9- D

10- B

11- C

12- D

13- A

14- А

15- D

16- D

17- A

18- B

19- C

20- A

21- B

22- D

23- B

24- D

25- C

26- B

27- C

28- A

29- D

30- D

31- B

32- B

33- D

34- B

35- A

36- D

37- D

38- B

39- D

40- C

41- D

42- B

43- D

44- B

45- C

46- B

47- D

48- C

49- A

50- B

51- B

52- C

53- D

54- D

55- A

56- B

57- A

58- D

59- C

60- D

61- B

62- D

63- B

64- B

65- D

66- A

67- D

68- B

69- D

70- C

71- A

72- D

73- B

74- A

75- A

76- A

77- D

78- B

79- A

80- C

81- A

82- A

83- D

84- C

85- A

86- B

87- A

88- A

89- C

90- A

91- A

92- B

93- C

94- A

95- B

96- A

97- A

98- A

99- D



III. Блок тестов на знание грамматики и медицинской лексики общепрофессиональной направленности №3.

1. Complete the following sentences:

1. Medical students have practical training during which they do the work of
nurses and...

2. The course of studies helps them to gain much.... of medicine.

3. The doctor must love people and have a kind....

4. Medical students must understand well all... of their future profession.

5. A good doctor will always do his best to gain his patient's....

6. Doctor's profession requires a real....


Agree or disagree.

1. The study of medicine does not demand great intellect.

2. Patient could live or die but the doctor remained unemotional.

3. People with dosabilities and/ or diseases can become particularly sensitive

4. You'll never cease to be a medical student.

Match the Words


secondary specialists
competitive anatomy
gold classes
excellent procedure
practical subject
compulsory mark
academic language
clinical department
preventive education
pediatric examination
organic disease
human medal
foreign attendance
infectious year
surgical medicine
diagnostic faculty
narrow chemistry


3) Вставьте вместо пропусков определения к существительным. Подберите их из текста.

1. Both services demand... knowledge and... standards.

2. General chemistry deals with... principles and... substances.

3. Pharmacognozy embraces the history and preservation of... origin.

4. The... names of chemical substances do not always represent their chemical

5. The official description usually includes its... properties.

6. The reaction to litmus is an... test of identity or purity.


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