Модуль 2. Повседневное общение 

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Модуль 2. Повседневное общение

Цель: Формирование речевых умений. Обучение монологической и диалогической речи.

План: Чтение, перевод и обсуждение текстов по теме, драматизация диалогов. Монолог-высказывание. Знакомство с рекламными проспектами и сайтами Вузов.

Задание1. Read the text Student’s Life, translate it.

Student life is the best part of life. A student learns many things from books. But he has to enter the real world after his student life is over. So, he needs practical knowledge of things. Student life prepares a man to lead a successful life. In fact, student life is a life of learning. A student learns morality and good manners. He understands the value of discipline in life. So student life is a period of making and preparation.

Student life is a care-free life. It is a life of joy. A student is free from almost all cares of the world. He gets a different atmosphere at college from that of home. He takes part in games and sports. He goes sometimes on a picnic and sometimes on educational trips. A student lives in a small world of his school or college. The life of a student, therefore, is a golden period of life.
Student life is a life of discipline. At home a student may behave well or badly. But the atmosphere of a school college is completely different. Good boys are loved and praised. Wicked boys are punished. All students have to follow some rules and obey their teachers. Thus, they learn discipline. Discipline makes them self-less and teachers them ‘live and let live’.
Student life is a life of character building. Character has its importance in life. A student must be bold and fearless. He must think society. He should try to solve the problems of the nation. He must be loving and truthful. Student life is a life of character formation. Students must have a sense of patriotism. They must go on doing work without thinking of the dead past and the uncertain future.

“Trust no future; howe’er pleasant!

Let the dead past bury its dead!

Act-act in the living present

Heart within and God o’er head”

Задание 2. Translate the statements in English. Tell the group, do you agree or not with the statements. Give your own arguments about Student’s life.

1. Это самая прекрасная пора в твоей жизни, когда ты - студент.

2. Ты изучаешь то, что тебе нужно для твоей будущей карьеры.

3. Ты четко понимаешь, что образование поможет тебе зарабатывать деньги на жизнь.

4. У тебя есть время не только учиться, но и заниматься своим любимым делом.

5. Пока ты учишься очно, тебя содержать родители, и тебе не надо заботиться о деньгах.

Самостоятельная работа:

Напишите эссе: «Студенческая жизнь»


Тема3.4. The Education System in the USA

Модуль 3.Страноведение

Задание 1. Выпишите слова, относящиеся к теме «Система образования в США», прочтите текст, обсудите тему.

Text 1.

In the USA, children start school when they are five or six years old. Depending on the state, schooling is compulsory until the age of 16 or 18. Children younger than five can go to a nursery school or preschool.

At the age of five or six, the children attend elementary school (also known as grade school or grammar school), which last six years. The fist year at elementary school is called kindergarten.

After elementary school, students attend middle school (also known as junior high school) for three years. Then they continue at high school. In some states, students have to stay in school until they are 18 years old. In other states they may leave school at 16 or 17 with parental permission.

Age School
< 5 nursery school / preschool
5-11 elementary school
11-14 middle school / junior high school
14-18 high school / senior high school

When students in the USA say what year they are in, they usually use ordinal numbers, e. g. ‘tenth grade’. (In the UK students would use cardinal numbers, e. g. ‘year ten’.)

Text 2 Classes

At elementary school pupils primarily learn how to read, write and count. There are about 20 to 30 pupils in one class.

At junior and senior high school, mandatory subjects are English, maths, biology, chemistry, physics, physical education and history. Schools also offer optional courses from which the students can choose, e. g. art, modern languages, computers. Physical education is a very important subject in the United States – many students participate in sports programs.

Gifted and talented students can take advanced courses in their schools or attend additional courses at community colleges in the afternoons or during the holidays. Often such courses are later acknowledged by universities, and can facilitate early graduation.

Text 3. Grading Scale

In the USA (as in other English speaking countries) letter grades are used in reports.

§ A > 90 % (excellent)

§ B > 80 % (very good)

§ C > 70 % (improvement needed)

§ D > 60 % (close fail)

§ E > 50 % (fail)

§ F < 50 % (fail)

In general, only grades A to C are a 'pass' – a plus (+) or minus (-) might be added (e. g. A-, B+).

Text 4.Different Kinds of Schools

Most students in the USA are enrolled in public schools. These are financed through taxes, so parents do not have to pay for their children's education. About 10 % of US students attend private schools, where parents have to pay a yearly fee.

Another option is homeschooling: approximately 1-2 % of parents in the USA educate their children at home. Some reasons for homeschooling are religious views, special needs (e. g. handicapped children), or problems in traditional schools (bullying, drugs etc.). However, there is also opposition to homeschooling claiming that the students have difficulties socializing with others, that homeschooling (often carried out by the parents) is of a poor academic quality and that (especially concerning religion) extremist views might be encouraged.

Text 5. School Uniforms

It is not common for students in the USA to wear school uniforms, but many schools have dress codes telling students what kind of clothing is or is not allowed in school. Some schools (especially private schools) have started to require their students to wear school uniforms in order to improve school discipline and avoid 'fashion cliques'.

Text 6. Extracurricular activities

A major characteristic of American schools is the high priority given to sports, clubs and activities by the community, the parents, the schools and the students themselves. Extracurricular activities are educational activities not falling within the scope of the regular curriculum but under the supervision of the school. These activities can extend to large amounts of time outside the normal school day; home-schooled students, however, are not normally allowed to participate. Student participation insports programs, drill teams, bands, and spirit groups can amount to hours of practices and performances. Most states have organizations that develop rules for competition between groups. These organizations are usually forced to implement time limits on hours practiced as a prerequisite for participation. Many schools also have non-varsity sports teams; however, these are usually afforded less resources and attention.

Sports programs and their related games, especially football and/or basketball, are major events for American students and for larger schools can be a major source of funds for school districts.

High school athletic competitions often generate intense interest in the community.

In addition to sports, numerous non-athletic extracurricular activities are available in American schools, both public and private. Activities include Quizbowl, musical groups, marching bands, student government, school newspapers, science fairs, debate teams, and clubs focused on an academic area (such as the Spanish Club) or community service interests (such as Key Club).

Самостоятельная работа, домашнее задание:

Написать краткое изложение по теме «Система образования в США»


Тема3.4. The Education System in the USA

Модуль 3.Страноведение

Задание 1.


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