Urban Planning – Theory- Concept 

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Urban Planning – Theory- Concept

1)Which of the following is representative of the old town approach?

A.) J. D. Howard

B.) C. R. Mocine

C.) T. J. Kend

D.) A. Bettman


2) Which of the following description of this belongs to the “urban planning is urban areas should be given a direction to change sees in the form”?

A.) Thomas Adams

B.) Harvey S. Perloff

C.) J. T. Howard

D.) E. Basset


3)Which of the comprehensive city planning based on the series of decisions?

A.) Rationalism

B.) Empiricism

C.) Criticalism

D.) Intuitionism

E.) Positivism


4)Whichever approach advocates model put forward by urban planners?

A.) J. D. Howard

B.) Paul Davidoff

C.) T. J. Kend

D.) A. Bettman


5) Which is not true for the planning process?

A. Scientific research and the use of technology.

B. Planning can be applied to all aspects of social development.

C. Planning contributes to the impact of the city's dynamism.

D. Planning should be static.


6)Which of the following is not one of these instruments?

A) inputs

B) process

C) benefit – coast

D) feed-back system


7) Which of the following is not the model used in urban planning?

A) macro and micro models

B) subjective and objective models

C) probality – based models

D) integrated and segmented models


8)Which of the following is not the purpose of the models in urban planning?

A) description

B) to make it possible to make predictions about the future

C) planning the future

D) change the future



Which planners are most successful?

A)Those who technically skilled

B)Who looks for public benefit

C)Who has values and goals

D)Those who aware of public issues


Who suggested to replace “zoning commissions” to planning organizations which related to local legislature organs?

A)Walter White

B)Adam Smith

C)Arnold Schwarzenegger

D)Robert Walker *

Konu 2.grup

´ 1-)Which of the following in not one of the stages of town planning?

´ A-) Research and development

´ B-) Planning in fact

´ C-) Setting up budget

´ D-) Applying the plan

´ 2-) Which one is not one of the urban planning extent according to Perloff?

´ A-) All urbanized areas in metropolitan areas

´ B-) Urban settlement places on small scale

´ C-) Central districts of large cities

´ D-) Physical asset of city

´ 3-) Which one is not a feature of compretensive planning?

´ A-) Planners see the planning as a instrument of development city, not a ‘’land using plan’’

´ B-) Scope of plans only by substancial tack

´ C-) Scope of plans by social, economical adn administrative tack

´ D-) Comprehensive planning extend the urban area subject of plan

´ 4-) Which of the following is assertor of city planning seen as a factor of political process?

´ A-) Robert Walter

´ B-) Thomas Adams

´ C-) S.F Chapin

´ D-) Luis Wirth

´ 5-) ‘’It means that in case urbanization goes on at this speed and intensity, urbanization movements is expected to change the earth into a continuous urbanized district.’’ Which one of the following is the correct term that can we use to define the above sentence?

´ A-)Metropolitan

´ B-)Megalopolis

´ C-)Ecumenopolis

´ D-)Metropolis

The concept of urban planning

Which of the following is not one of the classic urbanism stape?

A)to actually plan

B)studies and research

C)make short-term plans

D)plan implementation

Which of the following is one of the Ebenzer Howard’s book?

A) Shadow Cities

B) An Introduction to Urban Geography


D) Garden Cities of To-morrow

Which of the following is not one of the models used in urban planning?

A)macro and micro models

B)integrated and segmented models

C)feed back control and various limitations models

D)static and dynamic models

E)simultaneous and continuous simulation models


Which of the following is not the purposes in urban planning?

A) Social welfare

B) Health

C) Regular development

D) Construction

Which of the following is not plan consept in other law?

A) Reformation zoning plan

B) Plan for tourism

C) Plan for airlines

D) Zoning plan for protect

E) National park development plan

Which of the following is not the central government organizations?

A) Environment and Urban Planning

B) Metropolitan Municipalities

C) Forest and Water Management

D) Culture and Tourism

There are two main methods for making a plan.



Which of the following should be the above-mentioned gaps?

A)A request for proposal / by tender

B)By contest / by tender

C)Negotiated or sole source contracting / sealed bid

D)By contest / sealed bid

Which of the following don’t reserve roads that categorized as the number of passenger?

A) Speed roads

B) Main roads

C) Collector roads

D) Local roads

E) Central roads

In countries where the central government is strong, plans approve by the center.

Which of the following countries is an example of this situation?





Plans have some consequences in terms of all organizations and individuals. It is called …………….

Which of the following words should come above the space?

A) Approval of the urban plan

B) Binding of the urban plan

C) Functions of the urban plan

D) Limitations of the urban plan

Which of the following is an approach that combines the planning process with the bugdeting process?

A) Planning system

B) Eminent Domain

C) Planning, Programming, Budgeting System

D) All of them

Which of the following is not from the use zoning?

A) Transportation zoning

B) Commercial zoning

C) Industry zoning

D) Living zoning

Which of the following is not the place of the partitioning principles?

A) Location is based on partitioning plan

B) Compliance with location partitioning size

C) Location partitioning is unlimited

D) Location partitioning has council approval

Which of the following is not included the other structure bans?

A) Close to the historical and cultural asserts building ban

B) Bosphorus field construction ban

C) Throughout the land and railways construction ban

D) Instrumental construction ban

Which one is not qualities and principles of city plan?

A) Principle of Being Long Durational

B) Principle of Objectivity

C) Principle of Large Comprehensiveness

D) Principle of Static

E) Principle of Clarity

HOUSING (group 1)

When European countries became interested the housing needs?

A)between the first and second World wars

B)between the first habitat and second habitat

C)In the first World war

D)In the second habitat in İstanbul

Which of the following does not determine the residental properties?

A)The number of family members



D)Job opportunities

Which of the following is not factors determining the demand housing?



C)Parks and gardens

D)Income and demand elasticities

Which of the following countriesdo not use the way of the cooperative system to fulfil in a need of housing?



C)Scandinavian countries


Which of the following is not an assessment of principles of which law?

A)New draft has the characteristics of slum exemption

B)In urban transformation, the protection of the area at risk in natural disasters is purpose of urban transformation

C)Transformation resolution approaches these construction plans as piece.

D) The task given to multiple public institutions decreases the productivity.

Which of the following is not related to Law No. 6306?

A) The protection of area at risk in natural disasters is purpose of urban transformation.

B) The last law of urban transformation has illegal properties.

C) the draft shows that is part of privatizing soil

D) Public and posterity damaged and still damage from sharing of unearned income

7) What is the name of the mortgage loan that is given to artisants, craftspeople and other independent workers?
B) Military Cooperative Instution
C) Türkiye Emlak Kredi Bankası
D) Bağ- Kur

8) To meet housing needs families taken by the states to the priorities of legal all the legal and operational measures are called as......?

A)housing policy

B)social housing policy

C)cooperative system

D)free market

Why the cooperative system and globalization are enemies?

A)They have not common goal.

B)They are not enemies.

C)they want to be only system on the world.

10) Who did show us that our insuffiency on book named Mülayim?

A)Ziya Gökalp

B)Halit Ziya

C)Reşat Nuri

D)Mustafa Kemal


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