CASE 03: External Wounds (p85) 

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CASE 03: External Wounds (p85)

[How is it? The wound gouged out by my fangs? How is it? The wound torn by my claws?

They're hotly throbbing, right?Soon you'll be at ease..... Because soon, you too will become a beast.]

The last words a female soldier of the Order heard just before changing into a werewolf


Monsterization can occur due to a variety of reasons, and there's also the danger of a human woman changing into a monster as a result of a wound sustained from a monster attack. External wounds caused by claws and fangs infused with a werewolf's energy (encyclopedia I – p. 26) cause energy to pour out of the body instead of blood. And after energy pours out, their demonic energy will be poured in. In a woman's case, she will be changed into a werewolf the same as them. No pain is felt from such wounds. Instead of hurting, the wound heats up and continually throbs. The hot throbbing of the wound gradually spreads throughout the body. The heat of the wound causes the body to flush, and the throbbing of the wound causes the body to throb, remaking a woman's body into that of a monster. Basically, the wound completely heals at the same time a woman changes into a monster, but by that time, their monster body will be seeking a man and their monster womb will begin to throb with even more heat, seeking sperm.


Demon Realm weapons made using “Demon Realm silver”, a special metal produced exclusively in the Demon Realm, and special weapons made from hardened demonic energy have the same effects as the claws and fangs of werewolves as described above. They can inflict wounds not on the body of a living thing, but on a living thing's “mana”. Due to these sorts of weapons, once a large external wound is sustained, energy pours out, and the demonic energy contained in the weapon flows in, causing women to change into monsters such as “succubi”, etc. These weapons were produced especially because of the monsters' disdain for injuring and killing humans. They are widely distributed and used by monsters such as those in the Demon Lord's army. They are actively being used even in battles with the Order's troops. They're changing the soldiers of the Order into monsters like themselves instead of corpses. Battles between humans and monsters end with extremely few dead and injured for the human side thanks in large part to the existence of these weapons.


Furthermore, the effectiveness of Demon Realm weapons varies greatly depending on the quality of the weapon used as a catalyst, the quality of the demonic energy infused, and the skill of the one wielding it. In the case of a weapon where all those qualities are low, even if a woman is cut and some wounds are inflicted, it won't result in monsterization. However, on the contrary, if all the standards are high, such as in the case of a “Dullahan (encyclopedia I – p.170)” master fencer wielding a sword made by a “Cyclops (encyclopedia I – p.110)” artisan with the concentrated energy of a lilim, then even a scratch can result in monsterization. A wielder of such a weapon leaves a mountain of monsters in heat in her wake rather than a mountain of corpses.


CASE 04: Parasism (p86)

["Aha ♥ an egg went inside.....♥ My baby, she is bouncing with joy inside your womb...♥

Ufufu, hurry up and be born so we can get off together...♥"]

A maid working at Lescatie Castle / Roper


Even among the numerous varieties of monsterization, this “parasitism” is something extremely peculiar. “Matango“ come from human women parasitically infected by mushrooms. “Roper“ come from human women implanted with eggs and parasitically infected. Other than those, it is said that there are also slimes, etc. that are parasitic in women. Unlike other monsters which change women into monsters by infusing them with demonic energy, they implant things such as eggs and spores, etc. inside women, and make them grow inside women's bodies. By doing this, the women's bodies are remade from the inside, and changed into monsters.


The sensation of having the body physically remade from within is far greater than that which is caused by demonic energy. Having their whole body teased all over, kneaded around, and changed into something else is accompanied by extreme pleasure. Reason gets thrown out the window and their minds will be stained one color with pleasure. In the case of monsterization due to parasitism like this, even after changing into a monster, their human values and thoughts continue to linger for some time.


The parasite that infects her makes the host's body become unbearably hot and gives her extreme pleasure. By robbing her thoughts and implanting its own thoughts, it rules its host by seizing control of the woman's thoughts. The parasite's objective is a source of nutrition, and the obtainment of a human male partner for the production of seeds. The parasite can read which man she yearns for from the host's memories and feelings, and it will target that man, or target any man indiscriminately if there is no such person. The parasite will lead the host to a man by manipulating her thoughts and actions and will try to obtain the man using the host's body.


Eventually the parasite will make the host have sex with a man, and absorb spirit energy. Upon obtaining spirit energy, the parasite begins rapid growth, binding itself with the host in an attempt to become one. After perfectly binding and fusing with the host in this way, the parasite will stop controlling the host, and will return all the thoughts that it had seized back to the host. However, after fusing with the parasite, the host will no longer have human-like thoughts or values. Her body and heart will have changed into those which belong to a lewd monster. The host's self-perception will also change. Until that point, she would have thought of herself as “a human parasitically infected with a monster”, but due to fusion with the parasite, she would start to think, “I, myself, am a monster.”


Since the parasite's instinct and memories are also completely fused, even though she'll have the memories of being manipulated as a host, she'll also have the memories of doing the manipulation as the parasite at the same time. Ecstatic two-fold joy springs forth, since she was reborn as a host, and she obtained her own body as a parasite. Their thoughts and behavior objectives become based on the parasite's instinct. That objective is mainly to keep having sex with their beloved and obtaining spirit energy which is a source of nutrition. And then, they'll implant their own egg or spore, etc. inside a human woman and change her into their own kind.


This is the troublesome thing about them. Unlike other races that change human women into monsters for amusement or to be meddlesome, attacking human women and changing them into monsters is their main objective. Since it's the equivalent of becoming pregnant for other monsters, they strongly desire it, and since they do it aggressively following sex with a man, if one of them appears, it will cause a widespread outbreak in no time at all. Villages, towns, and in the worst case scenario, entire nations of matango and roper will be formed.


CASE 05: Melting (p87)

["Hey~ Hey~!♥ Get sticky with me!♥ There... Put it inside my sticky pussy...♥

I want you to shoot lots and lots of sticky semen♥".]

Former human, assassin of the religious kingdom of Lescatie / Dark Slime


It is unique even among the multitude of monsterization phenomena. As of the present, only "Dark Slime" uses this method. They envelop human women with their own half-liquid body, and in doing so, tease the woman's entire body, diving into and violating every single orifice. The messy body of the slime continually gives them sticky pleasure throughout their entire body that we can say is truly out of this world, melting away the woman's thoughts. As for women violated by dark slimes, everything melts into the dark slime, including their body, thoughts, knowledge, and memories. All of it mixes with the pleasure given to them by the dark slime, and their mind gets muddled.


After the woman's consciousness has been completely melted away by pleasure, before long, even her body melts away inside the dark slime and disappears. After the human body melts away and disappears, a “slime core” the same as one of those possessed by the slimes remains. After that, the woman's body is reformed from half-liquid goo based on her form from when she was human. In this way, after one's heart and body have completely melted away, a new “dark slime” is born.


Unlike other slimes, dark slimes are a race that possesses high intelligence and thinking abilities. For that reason, their knowledge and intelligence from when they were human remains intact, but since the inside of their head has been melted by pleasure, they think of everything based on sex and pleasure, and they use everything for that purpose. If they were originally a powerful sorceress, all of their spells will be used to heighten their enjoyment of sex with men. If they were originally military strategists gifted with great intelligence, they can come up with an elaborate strategy to imprison whatever man they have their mind set on.


CASE 06: Undead (p88)

[“Uh... ah ah... I'm so cold... big brother...

Hey... Fill my empty insides with it...♥ Fill my insides full of your white stuff...♥“]

Former human, younger sister who died during her first year as a soldier of the order / zombie


Demonic energy sometimes even dwells in the corpses of human women, resurrecting them as monsters. Monsters born in this way are called “undead”, there are many races, including “zombie“ and “ghost”. Corpses in lands such as the demon realm that are full of demonic energy will most certainly resurrect as the undead, but aside from that, there are also many who are intentionally infused with demonic energy and resurrected directly by monsters. Also, since it's in the nature of demonic energy to bind with powerful human emotions, it easily gathers in the corpses of those women who died with strong regrets, and those who left behind a man they deeply loved, so even in lands where there is little demonic energy, undead outbreaks are not uncommon.


No matter how horrific their wounds were at the time of death, the bodies of the undead are mended enough to be attractive to men. Rotting also stops, and they don't reek. The undead basically keep their memories from when they were human intact, but many of them have diminished intelligence and capacity for thought due to a lack of spirit energy. They'll try to assault human men and have their way with them due to an attachment to life and an attachment to sex. All of the undead are fueled by the spirit energy of human men, and through it they maintain their body.


At first they are dim-witted, and hardly seem to be alive, but the more they have sex with a human man, the more they regain their beauty and wits from when they were alive. Not only that, as far as beauty is concerned, since they've become monsters, by continuously having sex, they grow even more alluringly attractive than they ever were as humans.


It is hypothesized that the monsters seek humans because of 3 desires, “appetite” “lust” and “love”. In addition, the undead have a fourth strong desire. It is an “attachment to life.” They sense life when they cling to a beloved man and feel the warmth of his body, when they join with him, have sex with him, and are pierced by his cock, and when spirit energy is poured into their body. They are always continuously seeking to have as sex with a man, the only thing that makes them feel alive. Most of them would rather not separate from a conjoined state with their beloved if at all possible.


Furthermore, as mentioned previously, by continuously gaining spirit energy, the bodies of the undead are mended to the state they were in before death. An undead that is continuously pumped full of tons of spirit energy everyday can even completely mend her own womb, if she so desires, and then it's even possible for her to become pregnant with the children of her beloved. For an undead, the sense of life she gets at the moment of conception is the greatest happiness she can ever know as an organism, and as a monster female. During pregnancy, at the moment of the child's birth, and even afterwards, this joy will always remain with her. The children born on such occasions are not human children. If it's a zombie, then the child will be the same kind of zombie. For this reason, it is said that the undead aren't “human corpses reanimated via demonic energy”, but “organisms called undead that are reborn from human corpses due to demonic energy.”


CASE 07: Corruption (p89)

[Oh, God... I confess. I didn't use my body, even though I wanted this person. I didn't strike him with my desire. My sin was being ignorant of such a pleasurable thing...

Ah... You came again for me, huh... From now on..... I swear to you and God, that I'll drown in this pleasure, and be lewdly corrupted......

Aah… Please fill me with more thick white stuff and stain my sin pure white...]

A sister / dark priest and former human confessing while straddling a man


Yielding to pleasure, losing to desire, and doing whatever one pleases is nothing other than corruption to the humans who uphold the teachings of the Chief God and regard chastity and abstinence as righteous.


The one who governs such “corruption” is a god of the monsters possessing vast power that is called “the Fallen God”. She regards falling, and living according to pleasure and desire as virtuous, and she uses her own subordinates, angels, and devotees to corrupt every race, whether human, monster, or other. Her religion is propagated by her angels and devotees using sex to directly instill the body with the wonderfulness of corruption and spending ones days enjoying hedonism. They basically increase the number of devotees using mostly this method, but sometimes the Fallen God directly calls out to a human heart in an attempt to corrupt it.


Among people who are devotees of the Chief God, there are those who can hear the voice of god, and use god's power to cast holy spells. Such is only possible because the devotee is connected to god through mana. Due to this connection, the will of god can be revealed, and it's possible to use divine powers. This energy link is extremely firm, but if the devotee begins to harbor doubts about god and the Order, their faith weakens, and they're corrupted by demonic energy and in the process of changing into a monster, then the link weakens tremendously. According to one explanation, the energy of the Fallen God has a very similar quality to that of the Chief God, so she can usurp these weakened energy links, and use them to call out to human hearts. The Fallen God's words are words of temptation that vividly illustrate the ecstasy and happiness that awaits after falling.


Those who listen are painted with desire, and envision a wonderfully splendid future in which they do as they want, seeking sex, becoming more and more lewd and lascivious, ultimately falling as a filthy, depraved being that exists solely for the purpose of indulging in desire. The vision of the future revealed by the Fallen God is so sweet that their faith in the Chief God is completely swapped for faith in the Fallen God. Lewd desire and sex which were formerly taboo become deeply rooted for them, and conversely, overcoming desire and living abstemiously becomes their new taboo. On the contrary, they become ashamed of themselves for having formerly been clean and pure, and having had puritanical thoughts, so they have sex with men and try to fall as hard as they can, almost as if to drag down and defile their past self, painting over her with thick white mana.


Even in the case of monsterization where the devotees of the Fallen God are not involved, due to the intervention of the Fallen God's voice, one who would change into a “succubus” would instead change into a “dark priest”, and in the case of other races, as soon as they change, they awaken to the faith of the Fallen God at the same time that they change.


Human beings are animals filled with desire in the first place. The Fallen God awakens them to the desire that they possessed all along and corrupts them by making it swell so huge that desire itself becomes a core value. However, warping the values of god's servants who regard chastity and abstinence as virtuous to be exactly the opposite is something that feels almost like brainwashing.


CASE 08: Ritual (p90)

[Aah...... thank you..... I too have a beautiful snake body, the same as god..... I'm so happy.

I can bind my beloved man with this body, and continue to be joined with him......]

Former human, girl who was a member of the snake god faith / echidna


Races that can change human women into monsters had that ability to begin with. However, they aren't necessarily the only ones that can change human women into monsters. Although it can take some time, there are various spells and magical rituals for changing humans into monsters that exist in the world.


One of them is the “ritual of the snake god” performed by the snake god faith. The snake god faith is one of the monster faiths where the monster “echidna” is worshiped as a god. It's treated as heresy by the Order of the Chief God. To them, the snake is the symbol of bountiful harvest, eternity, and womanhood. We can say that the form of lamia family monsters having a snake body binding men, and the motherly nature of echidna, the mother of monsters, are truly symbols of eternity and womanhood.


Also, they are symbolic of “power”, since they can seize the prey they desire, claim it as their own, and bind it to themselves. Not only echidna, but other lamia family monsters such as “medusa” and “lamia” also generally end up as targets of worship as relatives of god. The worshipers have peculiar values. Their children are also raised with those values from generation to generation. Along with their god echidna, they hold monsters in an entirely positive light. They desire the power to bind what they want to themselves the way that monsters, especially lamia family monsters can. Human girls brought up that way since early childhood strongly desire to become monsters themselves and acquire a beautiful, alluring snake body. Becoming an echidna means becoming a god themselves. Becoming another lamia family monster is also an act of approaching godhood. The ritual for converting such girls into monsters is the “ritual of the snake god”. The ritual is performed using numerous snakes.


By continuously exposing the snakes to the demonic energy of echidna and other lamia family monsters over a prolonged period of time, they can infuse them with demonic energy for future use. The ritual is performed over a special magic square that changes the body to make it easier to receive demonic energy and pleasure. The snakes infused with demonic energy are released onto the girl's body, crawling around, coiling around, and binding her while giving her pleasure. The demonic energy settles in over night. At the same time when the girl's body changes into that of a monster, in the case that she changes into a medusa or echidna, the snakes used in the ritual join with the girl's body, becoming her hair snakes. Once the ritual is over, the girls are ecstatic that their body has changed into a beautiful snake body like that of a god. They will then immediately desire to use that body to bind the man they love to them eternally.


As for the preparation of this ritual, when young men are offered up as sacrifices, in exchange, the lamia family monsters will continuously have sex with them, and after this the demonic energy produced from all that sex is then infused into the snakes. The higher the rank of the lamia family monster, the longer it takes for the preparation. If they're snakes for lower rank lamia, then it can be done in a few days at the earliest, but in order to produce a high rank echidna, it takes at least several years, and could take decades, depending on the case. That's why these girls feel extremely happy and honored to be chosen for the snake god's ritual, and even more so if they're able to change into an echidna.


One point about these rituals that deserves special mention is that these rituals weren't created by the monsters. They were created by humans who desired to become gods. In this way, among the adherents of the monster faiths, there are many trials for the sake of approaching godhood. Various spells and rituals for monsterization were produced by the hands of humans.


Case 09: Possessions (p91)

[Huh!? Why can't I take off this armor!? Damn! Damn! Oh, my head came off.....]

Dullahan that had been a human knight until only a moment ago


In the dungeons where monsters lurk, there sleep various treasures such as valuable, beautiful ornaments, and magically enchanted armors and robes, etc. Even among such treasures, there exists some equipment such as clothing, weapons, and ornaments, etc. that is imbued with powerfully concentrated demonic energy.


This equipment is also called “cursed equipment” by humans. Once a human puts it on, they're unable to take it off, and the thick, solidified demonic energy dwelling within the equipment will flow into the human wearer's body to bind with the energy inside. At first, effects such as a heightened mood, and greater physical abilities, appear. Depending on what race the imbued energy belongs to, it can cause various other effects such as improved agility and a better sense of smell in the case of “werewolf mana”, freakish strength in the case of “ogre mana”, and the ability to cast ice magic in the case of “yuki onna mana”. However, if worn for a long time, with each use of the equipment's ability, more demonic energy flows inside. It's difficult to notice because there will be no change in appearance whatsoever, but bit by bit their thoughts and behavior will get closer and closer to that of a monster of that race. Additionally, like a monster, they'll start to feel that human men are delicious, and notice the sweet smell of energy in the air.


By the time they notice, it's already too late, and they're unable to remove the equipment. Their desire for men just keeps on swelling, and all they can do is wait until they change into a monster. Eventually, all of the equipment's energy flows into the wearer, and at that moment, the body suddenly starts changing completely into a monster. Equipment like this has been set up as a trap for humans by the monsters of the “radical faction”. Monster merchants disguised as humans sell them to people, and they get mixed in with the regular merchandise, so they're scattered throughout all the lands of the world.


These items are made with a special product of the Demon Realm called “Demon Realm silver”, a metal that is easily infused with demonic energy. Other than that, if items related to each particular race are used, such as collars for “werewolves”, armor for “dullahans”, or flower decorations for “alraune”, then it's easier to infuse mana. What's dangerous are pajamas made from “weresheep” wool, etc. Only a faint amount of demonic energy dwells in wool that has just been sheared normally, and it would have no influence on humans other than causing the original effect of peaceful sleep, but it's impossible to tell if there's one with condensed demonic energy mixed just by looking. If a woman were to wear it and go to sleep, then upon awakening, she would completely change into a weresheep.


Additionally, if a man were to wear one of these items, then he would gradually change into an incubus due to the demonic energy imbued in the item. In that scenario, what's different from changing into an incubus normally is that the energy generated by the man will change to be more preferred by monsters of the same race as the monster whose energy is imbued in the equipment. For example, in the case of equipment imbued with “werewolf” mana, the flavor and taste of the man's energy will change to suit the preference of werewolves. The scent would tickle the nose of werewolves and be more appealing to them compared to that of normal mana. No matter where the wearer went, he would be hunted by unmarried werewolves, and he'd end up getting attacked over and over.


CASE 10: Sex Change (p92)

[Hey, what's gotten into me...!

Why is it I want you so badly...

This is wrong... I'm a boy, yet.....

Hey, should I let myself get even weirder.... ♥]

Former human male, boy soldier of Lescatie / Alp


Normally, monsterization only occurs in females. Since monsters are exclusively female beings, males don't change into monsters. In the case when a male receives demonic energy in his body, regardless of the race of the owner of the energy and the method of energy infusion, he will only change into an “incubus”. But, very rarely, a male who should be an incubus may sometimes change into a female monster. The huge exception is the “alp (encyclopedia I – p.108)”. Alps are incubi who strongly desired “to become female” or “to be joined with a male” that unconsciously used the demonic energy dwelling within them to destroy their own spirit generation function. By losing all spirit and being completely stained with only demonic energy, they are changed into monsters. They change from being human males to being incubi, and from being incubi to being monsters, in that sort of order, but since the transformation can occur immediately after becoming an incubus, in most cases it probably looks like those who changed into alps changed directly from human males into alps.


Unlike the cases when a female changes into a monster, their morals and thinking don't suddenly change. Instead, the heart, values, memories, and personality of an alp, everything except the body, remain the same as those of the original male. In spite of their body changing into that of a female, they will probably only acknowledge themselves as male. Even if the desire they possess is strong, often it may be hidden deep at the bottom of their heart, and the individuals themselves may not be aware of it, or they may have just been pretending not to notice it. They will be bewildered by the gap between a male heart and a female body. Even if their heart is male, their body and instincts have become those of a splendid monster. A monster's body throbs with desire for pleasure and spirit. A monster's instinct naturally craves human males. Though bewildered, they are fated to eventually lie with their beloved male. Once they copulate, learning the taste of a woman's pleasure and mana for the first time, they'll no longer be able to suppress their monstrous urges. As they have sex again and again, they change to become even more monster-like.


Alps mainly change into one of two types. The first is one that retains a male heart while changing to become more monstrously lascivious. Their male values and thoughts remain intact, and they'll even treat the male who becomes their husband lightheartedly as a friend, no differently than before. They already acknowledge that having sex with another guy is a natural thing because they're in love. They'll likely desire to have fun hanging out and getting off with their beloved best friend day after day. Even when they invite a guy for sex, they do it lightheartedly as if inviting him to hang out. The words they used to use to invite him to hang out when they were human “What are we gonna do today?” probably have taken on a completely differently meaning, “What are we gonna do today?”, now that they've changed into a monster. Also, since they were originally male, they know all about male tastes and weak points, so they can enthrall a male with pleasure that's different from that of other monsters.


The other type consists of those who awaken to the powerful joy of being a woman while having sex with a male. Unlike the other variety of alps who mostly have an androgynous appearance, their bodies change to become even more lewd and womanly. Their butts and breasts grow big and soft the way men like, and their facial features also change to become more feminine and beautiful. Their heart, values, and personalty, etc. also change to become womanly. Since they're overjoyed to be a “woman”, they're even more womanly than those who were women to begin with, and they may possibly grow into a more lustful and lewd succubus (inma) than those who were born a succubus to begin with. Also, since their memories and values from when they used to be male don't disappear, they have a firm understanding of what a man's preferred “ideal woman” should be like. Their “womanly” figure will turn out to be the kind of “womanly” figure that a man would prefer.


In this way, we've broadly divided them into two types, but they don't necessarily cleanly split into one of these two types, and there are alps that vary greatly due to individual differences. Among them are also those who retain androgynous looks, while their heart alone has grown feminine, and those who have a full womanly figure while retaining a male heart. Furthermore, since an alp's body has completely become that of a woman, it's also possible for them to produce children with a man's semen.


What it comes down to is this. Alp is just a moniker for those who exceptionally changed from an incubus into a “succubus”, so they are essentially succubi. For that reason, the children born will turn out to be ordinary succubi, not alps.


In this section, I've written in detail concerning alps, but there's another possibility for a male to turn into a monster, “skeletons (encyclopedia I – p.164), which are bones reanimated by demonic energy. They can also be born from the bones of a male, and retain memories from when they used to be male, but they get distorted in the following manner: they will believe “they used to be a woman when they were alive”, and that the man who was their best friend when they were alive “used to be their lover.”


They're beings who changed from “what used to be a man” into a monster, but when it comes down to it, they're supposedly just golem family monsters produced from bones as a material, and for that reason, scholars have a divided opinion over whether or not this case of monsterization should actually be regarded as a sex change.


CASE 11: Food (p94)

[This pink fruit smells nice, and it's very sweet and tasty♪

Huh..... There's some kind of nice smell coming from you too......

Anyway, it seems very tasty...... ♥]

A certain inn's sign girl / human


Food gatherable in Demon Realms grows rich from absorbing demonic energy in abundance, and there is a variety of special produce made from it. The fruits, vegetables, livestock, and fish produced in demon realms are all delicious and very highly nutritious compared to that of the human realms. However, since it contains plenty of demonic energy, if one eats the produce again and again, she will eventually end up changing into a monster.


Out of all the special produce, “prisoner fruit” is especially famous. Prisoner fruit is a heart-shaped fruit that ripens on demon realm trees that is a lustrous pink color, almost like a gemstone. There is soft, milk white pulp packed inside skin that's so thin it's almost transparent, and poking it with a finger would cause sticky juice with a sweet fragrance to spill out, stirring the appetite. Upon eating the pulp, it would melt in the mouth filling every inch of it with a mind-blowing sweetness. As the name suggests, this fruit has a powerful aesthetic effect. It is familiar among monsters as a standard dessert. By consuming this fruit, monsters' bodies grow more alluringly attractive so they can better “imprison” men.


This fruit is a staple among monsters, but when humans eat it, it suddenly causes an extremely huge change in the body due to the effect of the demonic energy. If a human woman eats it, first the woman herself will become a “prisoner” of this sweet fruit. She'll become half dependent on it and end up seeking the fruit. When a human woman continues to eat this fruit, in the first stage, an ordinary beauty-enhancing effect is apparent, and each time the woman eats the fruit, she'll gradually change into the beautiful figure preferred by men.


In the second stage, not only changes in looks, but also psychological changes begin to appear. Regardless of the woman's intentions, her behavior and gestures will naturally change into the kind that is preferred by men. Eventually, even her casual utterances and gestures will change to become arousing and seductive to men.


Even her gestures when eating the fruit will become alluringly sensual. In the third stage, pheromones that attract men will start to be released from the woman's now beautiful body, and the men around her will already be becoming her “prisoners”. The woman herself will become extremely interested in men and sex. Her head will become full of desire for them, and her mind will be dominated by thoughts that are almost just as pink in color as the prisoner fruit. A woman in this state will sense a human man's spirit energy as having almost the same sweet fragrance as the fruit, and men will appear as delicious as the fruit, or perhaps even more so. In the final stage, regardless of still being human, she will be under the control of thoughts characteristic of a monster, and she'll attempt to seduce and copulate with men, just like a monster. Once she's copulated with a man and obtained his spirit energy, all of the demonic energy that had accumulated in her body from eating prisoner fruit up until then will blossom all at once, and she'll transform into a succubus.


Women changed into monsters by this fruit tend to continue to eat it periodically even afterward. Perhaps for that reason, their power to “imprison” men is mighty, and sweet smelling pheromones that imprison men are released from their body. Due to this, they're able to ensure that the men who become their husbands will be completely preoccupied with them even more so than other monsters.


Additionally, while these fruits are easily obtainable in demon realms, other than that, they also ripen in the trees of lands that are on the verge of becoming demon realms, and monster merchants sell them. They're normally extremely hard to obtain for humans, especially people living in anti-monster states. In spite of a situation like that, there's no end to the number of people who become prisoners of the fruit and change into monsters. It is said that monster merchants slipping in disguised as humans who continue to provide the fruit at low cost are to blame.



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