The Monsters' Hierarchy and the Demon Lord 

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The Monsters' Hierarchy and the Demon Lord

Among the monsters there are many individualists who think mainly about themselves and their husbands and many collectivists who mainly think about the group. For that reason, many of the monsters move variously according to what they want to do, and they have a hard time forming orderly organization and groups in the way that humans do. Yet even they have a firmly established hierarchy, and the relationship between the monsters and their absolute ruler the Demon Lord is exemplary of that.


Monster society is basically meritocratic. The monsters can accumulate power by obtaining mana, but we can say that aside from some exceptional individuals, power is determined by race to a certain degree. For that reason, hierarchical status is generally often determined by the race of birth. For example, “mummy“ normally serve under “anubis” and “sphinx”, and “baphomets” almost always become bosses of Sabbath that rule “witches”. In addition, the members of the highest ranked race of the lamia family “echidna” have higher positions than the lower ranked races “medusa” and “lamia.”


However, the hierarchical relationships aren't ones of absolute obedience like they were in the age of the former Demon Lords. As of the present, the hierarchical relationships have become extremely loose. In the age of the former Demon Lords, lower ranked monsters were practically treated like slaves by the higher ranked monsters, but in the present it's entirely formal during times such as when maintaining a dungeon, capturing men as a group, or battling the forces of the Order. Outside of such situations, they mostly have a basically equal relationship.


But even so, organizations such as the Demon Lord’s army and Sabbath, etc. do definitely observe a hierarchy, but although the monsters respect and love the higher ranked monsters, the lower ranked monsters don't absolutely obey the higher ranked monsters, and the higher ranked monsters don't restrict the lower ranked monsters. Especially when it comes to squabbles over human men, rank is meaningless, and they compete equally as individual females for the right to mate first with the male. If lower rank monsters were given orders that interfere with them having sex with men, they would of course express displeasure, and it's also understood that the higher rank monsters should refrain from issuing orders that get in the way of the lower rank monsters having sex with men. In the age of the former Demon Lords, lower rank monsters would often kill higher rank monsters and steal their positions, but as of the present, since the monsters hierarchical relationships are loose, and they lack a lot of interest in things other than sex, such killing no longer occurs at all.


The “Demon Lord” who is considered to be an absolute being by the monsters is an exception to the rule of vague, loose hierarchical relationships. She reigns supreme over the monsters. Fear and respect towards the Demon Lord is imprinted in their instinct. All of the monsters are subordinate to the Demon Lord, and they know from birth that the Demon Lord's energy flows within them.


In the age of the former Demon Lords, the Demon Lord ruled the monsters through terror and fear using its immense power, but, appropriately for a succubus, the current Demon Lord rules the monsters by giving them more pleasure and happiness. The current Demon Lord doesn't bind the monsters through power and laws, but the Demon Lord and the monsters are linked through demonic energy, and the monsters are strongly influenced by her, so it's possible for them to know her will to a certain degree. Formerly even the Demon Lord position was decided by monsters killing each other. New Demon Lords rose to power through rebellions, but the current Demon Lord prefers pleasure, and doesn't like killing, and because of the way she rules, the monsters of the present have no desire whatsoever to rebel. They gladly obey her will, have sex with men, and enjoy pleasure. Most of the monsters indulge in pleasure every day and thank the Demon Lord that they are able to become intimate with men, and many of them are also infatuated with her ideals. To monsters like that, the Demon Lord is a being equivalent to a god.


In this way, the Demon Lord is an absolute being to all monsters, but even though they're subjects of the Demon Lord, there are also a few exceptions. Take the monsters that dwell in “Zipangu” for example. They have great respect for the Demon Lord, but they don't identify themselves as the Demon Lord’s underlings. Many of them obey powerful local monsters more than the Demon Lord.


In the same way, monsters who are adherents of the “Fallen God” respect the Demon Lord and feel grateful towards her, but their master is the “Fallen God”. Their thoughts and actions are based more on the teachings of the “Fallen God” rather than the Demon Lord's will.


Monster related religions / gods

In this world the most well known god is the “Chief God”, who is regarded as the creator god. Most humans are zealous followers of the Chief God, but because her doctrine is hostile towards monsters, of course there are almost no monsters who have faith in the Chief God. However, the Chief God isn't the only being that is called a god. There are various gods under the Chief God, and since they're not monolithic, they're not necessarily hostile towards the monsters. The neutral “God of Fighting, Ares” and “Goddess of Love, Eros” even have monster adherents. Also, these gods are said to grant blessings and protection to those who have faith in them, even monsters. In addition, many of the gods related to art and recreation are also regarded as neutral.


Quite a few of the gods have even taken the Demon Lord’s side. There's the previously mentioned “Fallen God”, and the “God of the Sea, Poseidon” who is worshiped by all those who live in the sea, etc. These gods also have an extremely high number of monster adherents.


Additionally, sometimes not only divinities, but monsters are also treated as gods. It's especially common in Zipangu which is beyond the reach of the Order's forces. Many monsters are regarded as gods and worshiped by humans such as powerful “inari“, and “ryu” that are regarded as water gods, etc. Even in lands under the control of the Order's forces, there are a few monster faiths such as the “elemental faith” where monster elementals that changed into monsters from pure elementals, and even dark elementals are all worshiped as gods, and the “snake god faith” that worships “echidna” the mother of monsters as a god, etc. Many monster faiths are different than the faiths of ordinary gods. Many of them have doctrine that's in line with the monsters' values. Human men are offered up as sacrifices to the monster gods, and in exchange for that, rituals, etc. are performed to convert the human women into gods (monsters). Monster faiths such as these are treated as heretical and blasphemous, and since they are fiercely persecuted by the Order, they are mostly practiced in secrecy underground and in hidden villages, etc.


Below I'll simply introduce the gods worshipped by monsters, and the doctrine of the monster faiths. Additionally, I introduce the snake god faith in detail on p.90.


Fallen God

A faith that is governed by the “Fallen God”, a high rank god who became completely depraved and received demonic energy in her body, that believes the true form of living things is when they're drowning in pleasure and falling. The devotees of the Fallen God are humans and monsters that fell through pleasure and chose the path of falling even further. It's regarded as virtuous to expose all of ones desires or catch all of a partner's desires with ones body. Conversely, concealing desire and enduring through abstinence is regarded as taboo. For that reason, as for the subordinates of the Fallen God, “dark angels”, and her worshipers “dark priests”, when they spot puritanical humans, they thoroughly pleasure them and make them fall. If it's a human woman, they'll change her into a “dark priest”.


The female devotees’ desire is to aim their lewd desires at men, and have men aim their lewd desires at them. As far as they're concerned, the thick milky white stuff released by men is desire itself, an extremely sacred liquid. As for their black robes, they wear them because they like having their entire bodies showered with semen, and the white stands out most against the black, so they can strongly feel themselves being sullied, painted, and covered in thick milky white desire. As for those who awaken to the teachings of the Fallen God, many of them awaken to the faith when they are changed into monsters by having sex with her devotees and the doctrine is instilled in their bodies and hearts, but when adherents of the Chief God are changed into “succubi”, it is said that sometimes they're able to hear the voice of the Fallen God directly in their hearts, and they awaken to the faith of the Fallen God after being guided by that voice.


Eventually the monsters devotees of the Fallen God who obtain a human man head for their utopia, the Fallen God's holy land and castle, “Pandemonium”. Due to the power of the Fallen God, time is distorted in that land. It is said to be a space where the same moment continues eternally and there's no aging or growing hungry. There they are promised days of having sex with men forever consumed by unfathomably deep desire, and a bottomless fall with continuous indulgence in pleasure.


Poseidon, God of the Sea

A high rank god that ended up betraying the gods and joining the monsters. She was originally a kind-hearted, gentle goddess who deeply loved all who lived in the sea, whether human or monster, but because of the Chief God, she was forced to shoulder the burden of causing storms and tsunamis to thin the numbers of the overpopulated humans. However, she ended up taking the Demon Lord's side because at the same she was being forced to kill her beloved humans with her own hands, the Chief God began persecuting her beloved monsters in the same way.


Sailors and fishermen who live at sea, and nearly all monsters who live in the sea are devotees of this god. Devotees are given blessings by her, and promised safety at sea, and a peaceful life. As of the present, she's become a monster that has demonic energy within her and left the control of the Chief God, so the storms and tsunamis she causes aren't for killing people, they're for hooking up human men with monsters who are looking for a man. It is said that most of the people presently thought to be missing at sea are actually living peacefully in the sea. In the case of men, they've become a sea monster's husband, and in the case of women, they've become monsters themselves. A portion of her power is granted to her faithful followers, the “sea bishops (encyclopedia I – p.116).” This power is used in rituals to save humans who've fallen into the sea, and modify their bodies so that they can live in the sea as husbands of sea monsters


Ares, God of Fighting

A high rank god that protects those who place themselves in battle. Among the monsters that place themselves in battle such as “amazoness” and “lizardman”, etc. there are many worshipers. According to the god's teachings, “fighting” isn't for the sake of pillaging. The kind of fighting that this god sanctions is fighting to improve oneself, fighting to earn something, or fighting to protect someone, etc. For example, warriors who would risk their lives in battle, whether human or monster, would be granted the power to claim victory. On the contrary, those who fight simply for the sake of stealing lives will never receive blessings.


This god lends her power to many monsters in the same way that she does to humans. She is thought to play a huge role in the reason why casualties are extremely scarce in battles between humans and monsters. Concerning monster battles, it seems she likes it very much when a monster finds the man she loves most in the middle of combat, and the number of warriors who say they felt her gaze in the middle of combat is increasing, so it is supposed that she watches the battle after granting her blessings. Furthermore, according to the “amazons” who are zealous adherents, lately it's not just when they're in the middle of battle. Even afterwards when they're having sex, they sense a powerful gaze other than that of the villagers, plus, just as when they were fighting, their body is in great condition almost as if they had received the god's blessing, and they're able to feel strong pleasure, so it is supposed that the god may be watching over warriors and granting her blessing even at such times.


Eros, God of Love

A mid rank god who governs love. She is a god who views the love that living things direct towards other living things as beautiful, and blesses couples of the opposite sex that are in love with eternal love. But on the other hand, she's extremely strict about betrayal and other things that destroy love. It is said that if one of her adherents performs infidelity, etc. not only will they lose her protection on the spot, they'll suffer her divine wrath and become unable to be loved by anyone for eternity. It seems she is very empathetic towards the monsters who are overflowing with love for human men, and it is said that she even actively grants them her protection.


It is said that in the spaces where her devotees spend time with the opposite sex, there is always a sweet atmosphere, and the bonds of love that her devotees share with their lovers of the opposite sex can never be broken. The monsters are granted even greater blessings. As for monster devotees, depending on the potency of their love, the pleasure they give to their partner during sex, and the pleasure they receive from their partner become stronger, and sweeter, thus enabling them to express their love more strongly. Because of this doctrine and blessing, lately the number of monsters becoming her devotees is said to have skyrocketed.


Also, there are times when she dispatches her subordinates to men who perform good deeds. Her angel subordinates are all extremely beautiful physically and spiritually, and they strongly desire to love human men. Their mission is to continue showering men who've accumulated good deeds with love as their wives until they die. One would think this behavior is close to that of the monsters, but no matter what, it's regarded as “a way of expressing appreciation for those who have done good deeds.” The Order views it with suspicion, but it isn't treated as heresy or blasphemy.


Inari Faith

Just as the name suggests, it's a monster faith that worships powerful inari. Even in Zipangu where there are many monster faiths, it's one of the most famous. Inari with many tails, especially the kyubi kitsune that have 9 tails, possess power that easily exceeds that of a low rank god. Due to that power, they are worshiped by people who wish for rich harvests, or easy childbirth, etc. Sometimes young inari with few tails are also worshiped. They don't seek sacrifices or any such thing, but humans insist, so they never have difficulty finding husbands because there's no end to the number of human men who volunteer, or people who offer up their sons.


Also, inari have a custom of letting human virgin girls live in their shrines as miko and help them out. The demonic energy of the inari flows into the miko girls while they're spending time with them, and they end up getting changed into monsters called “kitsune-tsuki” that have the immense demonic energy and lust of the kitsune within their bodies. Girls who have become “kitsune-tsuki” are extremely lustful in the same way as inari. Soon after their transformation they will do away with their virginity, but by transforming and doing away with their virginity, the miko girls come to be regarded as the kin of a god, and this is extremely welcomed by the people of the inari faith.


Elemental Faith

They are those who worship the four great elementals that control the elements of water, wind, earth, and fire as gods who shape the world. They believe that humans are a part of nature, and should become one with nature which was bestowed by the elemental gods and live in harmony. Because of that, their affinity with the elementals has increased.


Their objective is to make nature richer with elements and live together with the elementals by borrowing their power. They used to only worship pure elementals which hadn't changed into monsters, but as of the present, due to the appearance of monsterized elementals and dark elementals, they've split into two forces and begun fighting over whether or not they should be included as gods since they're monsters. However, unlike the pure elementals that have vague forms, the monsterized and dark elementals have a concrete form that's nearly human, and their power far exceeds that of the pure elementals, so many treat them as greater elementals.


Also, since those believers whose goal is nothing but to become closer with the elementals and make nature richer together don't think highly of the Order's forces who use the power of the elementals in battle, presently the force that includes monsterized elementals and dark elementals as gods has become extremely powerful.


Along with that, the progress of the monsterization of elementals, and monsterization into dark elementals is welcomed because their power is an order of magnitude greater and they become beings that can relate more intimately to humans. Also, the monsterization of the land is interpreted by them to be a result of nature growing richer. The Demon Realm is even said to be the ideal form of nature that they and the elementals should aim for.



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