The Body and Abilities of a Monster (p46) 

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The Body and Abilities of a Monster (p46)

Monster's Body

The monsters' forms range from being not much different from that of a human woman, to a variety of forms that are like a human woman mixed with anomalous parts, such as a woman with wings instead of arms, or a woman's upper body combined with a different lower body, etc. Although they have various forms, as for the part of them that has the form of a woman, it may be a beautiful, full-figured, voluptuous temptress, or it may be an adorably lovely little girl who stimulates a man's protective instinct and desire for dominance whether he likes it or not. Either way, they are all extremely attractive and ideal to men.


And it's not just the sight of them. If a man touches the faintly flushed soft skin that they show off even once, he'll be enthralled, and it'll make him want to hold them tight and keep touching that skin forever. The inhuman blue, green, etc. skins of some races are also alluringly beautiful, and they'll draw a man's eyes and imprison him with their devilish charm. Furthermore, even their body odor sweetly and pleasantly tickles a man's nostrils. A monster's female scent is peculiar and good, awakening the male instinct inside of men. It makes a man want to be engulfed in the smell forever.


Many monsters have extremely durable bodies and high physical abilities compared to humans. Some races have high athletic abilities and freakish strength, and they are easily capable of robbing the lives of untrained humans, but of course they never think of any such thing, and they hardly ever actually do it. To them, those athletic abilities and freakish strength are not for that purpose. Instead, they're mainly used for capturing men and having sex. Besides, their overflowing stamina is for having sex with a man again and again over a long period of time, and their strong legs and loins are for getting on top of a man and shaking their hips violently.


Additionally, a monster's body is specialized for having sex with men, and it is built to be sensitive to all of the pleasure that they can receive from a man. Even when men fuck them violently enough to break a human woman, they don't feel any pain, and all they can do is enjoy the strong pleasure. Even little races that are way smaller than humans like the “fairy" only experience ecstasy and euphoria when their stomachs swell up as they get pierced by a man's rigid erection that is way bigger than even their own body. It is impossible for a monster's body to be broken through sex.


Reproductive Organs

A monster's body is generally equipped with the same kind of organs as a human woman. However, even though the monsters various organs look the same as human, they are equipped with greatly different functions and uses. For monsters, their basic life activity is having sex with men, so of course they're used for sex. It's not an exaggeration to say that their entire body is an organ for having sex with men.


Once their devilish vagina engulfs a penis, it tightens up as if to keep the prey from escaping, and begins pulsation to milk out semen as though it has a mind of its own. Through extreme pleasure, the inside of the man's head is stained one color with thoughts of them. Even after semen is released, in order to swallow up every last drop of it, the womb greedily holds in the beloved man's alter-ego and won't let it go. Once all semen is completely released, the pulsation will greedily start again right away to try and get more semen. Their vagina and uterus are equipped with the monster’s unique sensory organs for absorbing a man's energy and tasting it. Pleasure and the taste of energy spread throughout their whole body and they experience a sensation like their body is melting.


If semen is poured inside their womb, as long there is semen in their womb, the thick taste of energy continues to linger. Until the semen in their womb disappears, their thoughts keep melting away with ecstasy and euphoric feelings. For that reason, they always want to taste sugary sweet mana, and to that end, they'll demand sex from men again and again and even rape so they can keep the inside of their womb full of semen as much as possible. They like to spend time joined with men for the same reason. It's not just pleasure. They love the sensation of the taste of their beloved man continuously spreading throughout their entire body.


Of course their mouth is also used for eating, and it has adapted specifically for pleasuring men and milking semen. Besides the normal sense of taste, it is equipped with a monster’s unique special sense of taste that can sense the flavor of energy included in a man's semen and saliva, etc. Also, inside their mouth, a slight amount of demonic energy is included in the faintly sweet saliva that is secreted. When they engulf a penis, lick, and suck it, it is used as lubricant to provide even more pleasure, and aside from that, it is sent directly into the man's body through kissing, hotly igniting his passion from within. Their tongue extends alluringly, crawling freely around the penis and giving pleasure as if it were a living creature. While kissing, their tongue deeply and wetly tangles around the man's tongue, greedily trying to taste saliva. While giving a man pleasure like this, if thick, sticky semen is eventually released inside their mouth, they can fully enjoy energy due to the monster’s unique taste buds equipped everywhere throughout their mouth, such as the tongue, and mucous membranes, etc.


If they swallow it afterwards, the taste and aroma of mana, which is the best and the sweetest, passes through the throat, and then at the same time as it drops into the stomach, a hot, satisfying sensation and a mind-numbing ecstasy courses throughout their entire body.


The monsters use more than just their mouth and vagina during sex with men. The monsters know all of a man's weak points. Their palms gently envelop the penis, and each finger tip deliberately attacks the man's weak points. The alluring monsters' hands give the penis pleasure by fondling, stroking, and enveloping it, guiding a man to climax.


Monsters with full breasts can insert the penis between them, and then while using their hands to freely change the shape of their soft breasts, they give the man a sweet, melty pleasure. In addition, the feet, tail, etc. will be used to give pleasure to a man, and monsters who have vines and tentacles as part of their body will also use those. There are some that even use their hair to pleasure men. In this way, as far as monsters are concerned, their entire body exists for having sex with men and milking semen. It's extremely pleasant when men feel pleasure from their body and release energy into their body.


Also, as was explained in the section “sex with monsters”, these organs adapt to their “husband” once they get a husband and change into organs specialized for sharing pleasure with their husband. If it's a devoted monster, then she'll even feel that her entire body exists solely for her husband's sake, and she'll feel powerful joy because of it.


Monster's Intelligence

The standard for monster intelligence varies widely depending on race, but nearly all monsters can understand and utter speech in the same way as humans, and it's possible for communication.


Although their standard intelligence varies, most races come equipped with an instinctive knowledge concerning sex with human men. Also, no matter how low a monster's intelligence may be, they will greedily study and memorize knowledge concerning sexual matters.


There are some monsters that have intelligence and knowledge that greatly surpasses humans, and there are even monsters who can devise various new spells, magical items, and medicines. However, no matter how smart they are and how much knowledge they've accumulated, they're still monsters, so of course that knowledge will mainly be used for having sex with men. The various spells and magical items they develop are mostly used for improving sex with men.


Demonic energy

“Demonic energy” is the vital energy that all monsters have inside of their bodies. Monsters always have a race specific “demonic energy” along with “succubus' demonic energy” that pours into them from the Demon Lord. Compared to humans, many of them have high magic power. Since demonic energy is mainly produced by absorbing “male human spirit energy” and converting it into demonic energy inside of their body, it is purported that the more an individual has sex with men, the higher the magical energy she will possess.


Due to this magical energy, the spells they use are often vastly more powerful than similar spells used by ordinary humans. Some of them even have magical energy powerful enough to level a small town. However, of course, being monsters, they wouldn't use their magic power for something like that. Instead, it is mainly used for spells to seduce men, or enhance sex with men. “succubus' demonic energy” is an energy that is especially well suited for charm and aphrodisiac spells, etc. In the present, since all monsters have at least a bit of succubus' demonic energy, the charm spells which were only used by some monsters such as succubus, etc. are now regarded as the chief fundamental spells that monsters use. Furthermore, not all monsters can use high level spells. Even if all monsters have magical energy inside their bodies, they may not know how to use that energy freely, or they may not have the intelligence necessary to use it. Some races are not good at handling magical energy, and some can't handle it at all. For such reasons, there are many monsters that can't use spells at all.


Aside from spell casting, small amounts of demonic energy are naturally continually released from the monsters' bodies. Monsters are always in a state where they're draped in demonic energy. This demonic energy that is released is used by them unconsciously for various purposes. When they have sex with a man, the energy serves to protect the man's body. No matter how roughly and how long they have sex, the man's body never enters an abnormal state worse than fatigue, and he can never die due to sex. It also ensures that the man won't be harmed by the monster's horns, scales, etc. If the man touches the tip of a pointed horn or scale, the demonic energy covering the horn or scale gently pushes him back with a feeling like the touch of soft skin.


Monsters' Illnesses

The monsters have durable bodies, high demonic energy inside their bodies, and even a strong resistance to disease. Also, although they appear similar to humans, they are different organisms, so most of them don't come down with the same kinds of illnesses as humans. However, there are some peculiar and dreadful illnesses that only afflict monsters. Let's introduce some of them below.


Demon Realm Fever

Monsters normally release a minuscule amount of demonic energy from their bodies, but normally it's under control. When it goes out of control, a huge amount of demonic energy ends up being discharged as a powerful charm spell. The energy of those who contracted the disease that is released as a charm spell will unconsciously target their husband or a man they like if possible. If not, it will pour into any man who approaches, and drive him wild with a powerful lust for the afflicted. Afflicted monsters lose all strength because of a lack of demonic energy. Since they space out and feel feverish while they are afflicted with the illness, even a normally ferocious monster that enjoys raping men will find herself getting thoroughly raped by men driven wild. Additionally, in the middle of sex, energy that is poured inside is immediately converted into demonic energy and continuously poured into the man, so the sex won't end until they both get completely worn out and fall asleep.


It's not an illness that can lead to death. If they rest for a while and get some sleep, they naturally recover. Also, after getting completely worn out after non-stop sex with a man exposed to demonic energy, if she sleeps a whole night while still joined with him, it's even possible to make a full recovery overnight because the demonic energy released by the afflicted goes through his body and returns to her own body, However, if treated through this method, the man who remained joined with the afflicted will definitely change into an incubus due to his body having been continually exposed to large amounts of demonic energy throughout the night.



An illness where the body and instinct of the afflicted feel that there is not enough, even though they do have plenty of mana, causing them to constantly seek more. If monsters who have known the taste of mana, especially the taste of their husband's energy, go a long time without having sex with a man or their husband, and don't absorb mana, then outbreaks may rarely occur.


It's only clear that an outbreak has occurred when the afflicted has sex with a man. They tend to think that they just can't be satisfied since it's been so long since they had sex, but even after tons of sex, the afflicted won't be satisfied. They'll continue to desire energy unlimitedly. No matter what kind of monster she is, once she's tasted energy after an outbreak of this illness, her head will become filled with thoughts of nothing but mana, and she'll become unable to think of anything else until the illness is remedied.


Additionally, since they actually get more than enough energy each time they have sex, the body of the afflicted actually rapidly grows more lusty, and the more sex they have, the more wild the sex becomes. It's an extremely terrible illness.


The disease can be remedied by doing nothing but having sex all day long except while sleeping and repeating this over and over for a while. Since the afflicted convert every single bit of the huge amount of energy poured into them during this time into demonic energy, after making a full recovery, their power as a monster is greatly increased compared to before the outbreak. Afterwards, sex will change, becoming more lewd and wild. Furthermore, the man who kept having sex with them during their treatment will have had to have sex a significant number of times in a short period of time, so he'll definitely change into an incubus during the treatment.


Alraune Pollen Allergy

Outbreaks rarely occur among monsters who breathe in pollen produced by "Alraune". Since all of the alraune became females after the shift to the “new Demon Lord's era”, they no longer use pollen for reproduction, but even now, whenever spring comes, they release pollen infused with demonic energy into the air. The afflicted have the inside of their body violated by demonic energy after breathing it in, and then their body begins to naturally prepare for intercourse with a man. They end up in a state where their body flushes hotly, yearning for a man, the throbbing is intense, their vagina is always wet, and nectar drips out. The saliva, sweat, love juices, etc. of those afflicted with this illness have a sweet fragrance and taste, almost like alraune nectar. Men are lured in by the fragrance, and when they lick it, it melts away their thoughts.


There is no clear way to treat it. Some temporary relief can be had by having sex with a man, but both partners will get all sticky because the larger than normal amount of vaginal secretions causes a larger than normal amount of semen to be released. Furthermore, it is said that if a man afflicted with ordinary pollen allergy has sex with a person afflicted with alraune pollen allergy, a defensive mechanism kicks in, and the demonic energy infused in the alraune pollen seems to drive away the other pollen, so the man's normal pollen allergy will be cured.


For that reason, scholars expected the alraune pollen to have some kind of curative effect for pollen allergy, but if a man has sex with the afflicted and takes in alraune pollen even once, from then on, he'll become extremely sensitive to alraune pollen. In reaction to the fragrance of the sweet nectar and the slight amount of pollen, etc. released by the afflicted, he'll be overwhelmed by a maddening lust for them, his body will begin preparing for sex, and he won't be able to stand not having sex with them. For that reason, many scholars have expressed the opinion “isn't it simply being overwritten by a more severe form of pollen allergy?” instead of claiming that the original allergy was cured.



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