Monsters from the Human's Perspective (p40) 

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Monsters from the Human's Perspective (p40)

Humans That Hate Monsters

The only reason the monsters of the present attack humans is to mate and get mana. They don't kill people and devour human flesh like the monsters in the age of the former Demon Lords. Monsters never rob the lives of the men they attack. However, they certainly were bitter enemies of humanity in the past, so there is antagonism, and besides that, The Order which worships the Chief God who is regarded as the creator of the world, has an extremely strong influence among humans. According to The Order's teachings, “monsters are beings that corrupt mankind and lead us to ruin.” Besides that, there is even some false information being spread around a lot that says “monsters use their forms to bewitch humans, and then brutally kill them and greedily devour their flesh.”


Since the age of the former Demon Lords, the majority of humanity has kept faith in god and The Order, and lived their lives with values in line with the The Order's teachings, and as far as they're concerned, it's the truth. They hate monsters and are extremely afraid of them. Men who are actually attacked by monsters become their prisoners, and to them all it looks like is the reason they don't come back is “the men were killed and eaten.” It increases the credibility of the teachings and the false information.


The majority of humans live in such states where the influence of The Order is strong, and monsters are rejected. These states are called “anti-monster states”. To them, even in the present, monsters are “enemies of humanity” that should be slain. Knights and heroes are dispatched by The Order to slay monsters. Sometimes armies are also raised for attempting invasions of the Demon Realm. However, there are many who realized the true forms of the monsters and realized that The Order is lying by actually meeting or being attacked by monsters.


Even the heroes and knights of The Order who had always despised monsters until then can't sense any wickedness or animosity from the friendly attitude of the monsters of the present, and the pure and straightforward love and affection that they direct towards men, so it disturbs them. Not only that, they are beings with literally superhuman charm that is hard to resist and even their appearance and behavior are enough to make prisoners of men. Once they've had sex with them, it's over. The faith in god of the adherents of The Order, and all the values they cultivated in their lives crumble away easily, overwritten by a fondness for monsters, and obscene desire. Most of the people who get involved with monsters in this way become their prisoners, and there is no end to the number of those who have thrown out the teachings of The Order, and chosen the path of living with monsters.


Humans that are friendly towards monsters

Although they are in the minority, in recent years they have been increasing. The nations that accept and live with monsters are called “monster friendly states.” Most residents are those who doubt the teachings of The Order, those who were charmed by monsters, and those who have lived with monsters since they were born. Those unstained by The Order's doctrine would never hate monsters which are friendly towards humans. Without the obstacle that is The Order, the monsters are able to fully exhibit their ability to imprison men, and all of the men of monster friendly states end up being fond of monsters and desiring them.


Humans who live near monsters naturally come closer and closer to sharing their values even without having sex with them due to prolonged exposure to their charm and trace amounts of demonic energy. Even from the viewpoint of humans in monster friendly states, monsters are awfully lewd, but as they're gradually stained with their values, they don't feel disgusted. On the contrary, they feel that they're attractive. After always living beside them, being charmed by them, and having sex with them many times, the men go wild for the monsters, and are ruled by a strong love and desire that never goes away.


Relations with Monsters (p41)

Encounters with Monsters

As explained before in previous sections, monsters are beings that absolutely need human men both as food and as reproductive partners. Due to the nature of the monsters of the present, they strongly seek human men. As beautiful, lustful predators, if they chance upon a human man, they will most likely assault, and attempt to rape and have sex with him. Though its form has changed, the urge to assault men is a deeply ingrained instinct that is a remnant of the age of the former Demon Lords. To have sex with human men is one of the most deeply rooted fundamental desires that monsters have. The urge for sex arises from two strong desires, “lust”, the desire to seek pleasure from sex, and “appetite”, the desire to seek sweet mana, and they love to give into these desires.


Direct assault isn't their only method of “predation.” For one thing, all monsters are highly attractive beings, having literally supernatural charm and beauty. Men find them irresistible, and they take advantage of it to entice men into having sex with them. Furthermore, there are those who excel at charm magic, and those who release demonic energy or pheromones in order to give men mating fever and drive them wild. After pouring it into a man, conversely, they make him attack them. The temptation of monsters is extremely powerful. Unable to bear the lust that arises due to the monsters' temptation, even the moral and rational soldiers of The Order often end up having sex with them instead of executing them.


Also, in certain lands, there are marketplaces and auction houses where monsters that were defeated and captured by humans are sold as slaves, but even so, it's actually the monsters that are pulling the strings behind the scenes. It is said that all of the monsters being sold are only those who deliberately lost to humans and let themselves be captured because they personally desired “to have a man take care of them.” They use charm magic and demonic energy to entice men into “running markets and auctions” “buying them” “training them” and “feeding them.” The slavers themselves aren't even aware of it, but they're being pulled along by strings. Even the winning bidders are being completely manipulated so that the monsters can choose their own “master.” In cases where a human man tries to rape a monster, he may think he's doing it of his own will, but more often than not it's actually a result of him being tempted and lead on by the monster being raped herself. Other than that, monsters have various other abilities that they use to tempt and enthrall men, and they will try to have sex with a man using all sorts of methods.


Monsters that Imprison

In this way, most of the time when a human man meets a monster, he'll probably end up getting ravished and having sex with her. A monster's body isn't just to draw looks from men, it's specialized for pleasuring men. From birth their instinct endows them with the knowledge of how to please a man, and they have techniques for giving men pleasure. If a man ever has sex with one of them even once, he'll become a prisoner of the exquisite pleasure that a monster's body gives him, and he won't ever be able to forget having sex with that monster until his last breath. And while having sex with a monster again and again, the man will end up wanting to have sex with her even though it was originally forced, and eventually he will adapt to where having sex with her will be a priority in his life.


In the case that the partner was a monster that has a grotesque lower body, such as snake, spider, etc. even if the man at first hated and feared that grotesque body, once he has sex with her, even that grotesque body will appear beautifully lewd, and he'll end up feeling that it's unbearably sweet.


The monsters don't always just imprison men through sex. Their every action tempts men and charms them. Even a casual utterance or gesture can make their beauty and loveliness charmingly stand out, and at times, it is their lasciviousness that stands out, and they drive men absolutely crazy. Additionally, the strong love they have for men can be felt through sex, as well as their normal conduct and gestures.


Because of that, men don't just become prisoners of the pleasure they get from sex. They end up having unbearable feelings of love for the monster as a woman, and as an individual, and their body and heart end up both getting completely charmed by the monster, so they become prisoners. Most men who have become a monster's prisoner could never think of leaving them.


The soldiers of The Order who give in to temptation and have sex with a monster become unable to kill the monster before their eyes that they had tried to execute. They choose to flee with her, abandoning the kingdom and The Order. Male slavers who capture monsters will become prisoners of the monsters they were going to sell, give up slaving, and go live with them. Once a man has had sex with one of them, he becomes unable to resist the pleasure he receives from the monster until the very end. For example, even if he were released after being attacked by a monster, if they've had sex, then he'll be unable to forget that devilish pleasure, and he'll want to be attacked by the monster again, so he'd probably end up going to the monster's dwelling on his own.



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