The relationship between using the online resources and enhancing the learning of language skill 

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The relationship between using the online resources and enhancing the learning of language skill

According to the Gary Motteram [59], editor of Innovations in learning technologies for English language teaching explains how the arrival of digital technologies in the classroom has helped learning. Technology is very much part of language learning throughout the world at all different levels. We are as likely to find it in the primary sector as much as in adult education. I no longer need to make the case for computers to be provided in education, because computers are there in abundance in all their modern forms. We may see traditional computers in labs, teachers and students walking around with laptops or tablet PCs, and many people will have a mobile phone in their pocket that is capable of doing rather more than the mainframe computers that started computer-assisted language learning in the 1960s. I do recognize that there are many kinds of digital divide, and that this is not true everywhere.


What can put teachers off using technology?

What is still sometimes an issue is the reliability of these technologies for classroom use. This can discourage teachers from making use of technology as often as they would want to. It's compounded by the fact that, if these teachers are working in schools, they are faced with classes of learners who may, on the surface at least, appear to be more digitally competent than their teachers are. Learners can therefore challenge their teachers, in ways that put the latter off using the technologies that could potentially make such a difference to what happens in the classroom.


How technology can help learners test their skills?

In my recent book for the British Council, Innovations in learning technologies for English language teaching, I argue that digital technologies are ideally placed to help teachers working with learners, and learners working independently, to do the necessary ‘language’ (M. Swain Opens in a new tab or window.) that makes their language development possible. We are talking here about doing things with language rather than just learning about language. Swain argues that learners can’t simply develop based on input. We must engage with other people using that language, and try to make meaning together. Whenever I speak or write something, if I don’t produce language with someone else in mind, I have no way of knowing whether others can understand what I say or write. Of course, I need to read and listen as well, but unless I progress to this further stage, I can’t complete the process.


If we take writing as a starting point, technology in the form of word processors (and the many other ways we now have of producing text) allows us to work at the language. We go through a process of creating and re-creating text until it is fully comprehensible to others and is accurate. We can create a draft, show it to others and, based on feedback, can make changes to improve the text. The tools can also help us by showing that our spelling or grammar needs work, too. Technology makes this much easier, and makes it more likely that learners will engage with the editing process to produce the highest-quality text that they can. This writing can then be displayed for others to look at and comment on.


Trying to find ways for people to do meaningful spoken language practice in a class can be very challenging, particularly if, as a teacher, you lack confidence in your own spoken language skills. Linking your class to other classes around the world, using tools such as video conferencing, can give a reason for a learner to ask a question and then try to understand the response. It might also provide support for the teacher, too. The technology mediates the process, getting language out there and giving feedback that shows whether someone has or hasn’t understood what you have said.


The benefits of technology in language learning that is integrated with project work?

Another area that technology supports very effectively is project work. We have always tried to encourage learners to learn about things through language. Getting learners to do work about topics that are of interest to them, or topics that are taught in other parts of the curriculum (sometimes called Content and Language Integrated Learning or CLIL Opens in a new tab or window.) is a great way to improve their skills. Technology makes this possible wherever you are in the world. Teachers and learners can go online to read or listen to material about different areas of interest, and can then write or speak about what they have discovered, telling others in the class or other classes elsewhere in the world.


In the book, there are plenty of examples of case studies of teachers doing these kinds of activities, so you can see how technology can be effectively used to support the language development process.

According to the Olga Titova Zakirovna Modern society of the XXI century will not accept giving up the use of computer and Internet technologies in the working process and daily activities. Every day, accompanied by the modern student in to some extent using the latest gadgets, laptops, where there is access to the Internet, since the society of XXI century is the information and high-tech. Internet is gradually emerging in the first place among the other means of dissemination and exchange of information. Information Internet system offers its users with diverse information resources: web pages of all the newspapers of the world in English, dictionaries, cross-cultural sites, Encyclopedia Britannica, as well as programs and technologies to communicate with native speakers.

Using the Internet can solve a variety of didactic task: develop the skills and reading skills, improve writing, increase vocabulary. In addition, Internet resources can be of great help in the formation of the communicative competence of students and information. According to a new generation of educational standards, competence information included in the list of core competencies that ensure the readiness of high school graduates to be competitive and demand in the labor market of a modern information society.

When learning a foreign language in the absence of a natural language environment of formation of information competence becomes particularly relevant. Under the informational competence, we understand the totality of preparedness and the need to use modern information sources, which involves the formation of the following skills:

- Find information through various information sources, including modern multimedia and global Internet.

- Determine the degree of reliability of the novelty and importance of the information received;

- Process information according to the situation and tasks;

- Archive and retain information;

use the information for a wide range of applications (creation of presentations, blogs, online diaries, videos) Lysenko [25].

Undoubtedly, information and communicative competence relate to each other. Communicative competence is regarded as the primary, since it is this is the basis of the information competence development. Development of communicative abilities occurs in close association with the information skills, willingness to solve problems both at home and in a foreign language.

According to the educational standard, to the communicative skills of high school graduates is the creation of texts of different functional types in the native and foreign languages. Among the most important skills of information processing skills, and evaluation of information. Without such skills found information will be useless. It should be noted that not all students have sufficiently specified competence. It is obvious that they need to be focused to form.

It should be noted that currently the ability to quickly find the information highly valued and encouraged in every possible way on the Internet. For example, the company Yandex holds special competitions - Russian Open Cup in Internet search. Considers information skills in the context of information behavior of the person Ryabov [29, p. 111] and analyzes the behavior of the following indicators:

- The choice of the source of information;

- The regularity of treatment for him;

- The amount of time spent on the consumption of information;

- Actions caused by the influence of the information received.

E. S. Matos [37] considers the information and communication competence in four aspects:

- In the aspect of cognitive activity,

- In the aspect of communication activities,

- In the technological aspect,

- In the sphere of social activity.

Information competence in the field of cognitive activity involves knowledge of basic stages of system-structural analysis, knowledge of basic intellectual operations of analysis, synthesis, and generalization, identify causal relationships. Competence in the field of communication activity involves knowledge of modern means of communication and communication channels; ownership of the basic means of telecommunications, knowledge of ethical communication.

Technological competence involves knowledge of automated technology information activities, the ability to identify key steps and operations in solving the problem of technology.

The need is an objective need, the need for the student to something, it is individual and depends on the circumstances of the particular student's life. The needs and desires in obtaining information plays an important role in the construction and operation of the educational process, to attract Internet - resource is of great theoretical and practical interest to many contemporary authors considered problems of formation of information technology as a component of the behavior of the professional activity and analyzed the integration of Internet resources as an innovative learning technologies in vocational education. An integrated approach to self-organization, and student government activities in the information researched N.G.Bazhenova. I.V. Sapozhnikov studied the role of the Internet in modern Russian education. Foreign scientists are also considering the use of evaluation of students problem of Internet resources in education.

Bosikova K. N. [35]She believes that "modern technology provide us with a unique opportunity - to use in the educational process on the study of a foreign language a huge amount of information available on the Internet" This and other factors greatly increase the effectiveness of training. We consider as a foreign language school education, and independent.

Natalia Valerievna ]36[ She began its work with the use of computer programs and possibilities of Internet resources in English language teaching and practical aspects of self-educational activity of the teacher and students. Created by Natalia Valerievna project on this topic led to a comparative analysis of Internet opportunities in English language learning, and choose the following activities for their school: work on interactive learning sites, participate in the Skype conferences and webinars, regular work with educational computer programs, the use of. resources Video Hosting «Youtube», participated in various contests and competitions Natalya Valerievna uses Internet-resources for teaching reading techniques in primary school, for learning and informational search reading in high school; It uses the resources in the project activity, in extracurricular activities, in search of didactic and handouts for use in English lessons, which undoubtedly leads to the lessons of colorful, informative.


What is a WebQuest?

A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented lesson format in which most or all the information that learners work with comes from the web. These can be created using various programs including a simple word processing document that includes links to websites.

The WebQuest format allows educators to help students use content-rich Web resources in ways that encourage higher order thinking.

- WebQuests are classroom activities that guide students as they learn to use resources from the Web to create new projects that analyze, synthesize, or evaluate the information they find.

- WebQuests are inquiry-based. Students must actively use online information rather than simply copying it.

- Some WebQuests require one to two class periods to complete; others take weeks or more.


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