Title of the lesson: We’ll meet again. 

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Title of the lesson: We’ll meet again.

Lesson 42

Skills to be emphasized:

- listening

- Speaking

Objectives: to talk about the future using will and won’t

Vocabulary: meet, dive

Review: August, September, summer

Grammar: will, won’t.

Materials: Class CD, Lesson 28 flashcards

Procedure of the lesson

Warm-up page 88


T. goes round the class asking children which is their favourite Fly High character and why. T. does a class vote and writes the results on the board.


T. checks the homework from the previous lesson.


PB page 88, Vocabulary

T. says Open your book at page 88.

T. presents the new vocabulary with the lesson’s flashcards.


We’ll meet again.

Pre-reading: T. asks the children look at the story. T. asks (in L1 where necessary) Who can you see? What’s happening?

T. follows the steps for presenting stories.

T. asks some questions to check understanding and engages the children. T. asks (avoiding L1 if possible) Why are the characters saying goodbye? Are they sad?


PB: page 88, 1. Circle the activities in the song.

T. divides the class into four groups and asks each group to read out one verse of the song again.

T. asks the children to read the song and circle the activities. T. monitors and helps where necessary.

T. checks the answers.



PB: page 89, Learn with Tag

T. asks the children to look at the picture, then read Tag’s speech bubble and the grammar box out loud.

T. checks that the children understand the idea of talking about the future by asking some children to make a sentence like Tag’s.

T. says In August my friend will be in London. She won’t be here. T. asks the children if they can think of some sentences using won’t.


PB page 89, 2. What about you? Write I’ll or I won’t.

T. does sentence 1 with the class: T. asks Do we have school in August? T. elicits No, we don’t. T. asks the children to read sentence 1. T. asks I’ll or I won’t? T. elicits I won’t.

T. asks the children to complete the sentences. T. monitors and helps where necessary.

T. checks the answers.

PB page 89, 3. Listen and circle.

T. plays the CD. T. stops after the first question and answer. T. asks the children to read the example answer.

T. plays the CD. T. says Listen and circle. T. stops after each question and answer for the children to circle the correct answer.

T. checks the answers.

PB page 89, 4. Play the game.

T. asks the children to look at the picture and say what the children are doing.

T. asks a boy and a girl to read out the example dialogue.

T. puts the children in pairs and asks them to take turns talking about what they will be as grown-ups..

If the children need help thinking of words for job, T. asks for suggestions and writes them on the board as prompts. T. adds extra words if necessary.



T. asks the children to complete pp.86-87 in their Activity Book.


Title of the lesson: Sally’s Story ‘Our beautiful world’



Skills to be emphasized:

- listening

- Speaking

Objectives: to read a story

Vocabulary: litter, desert, camel, jungle, parrot, snow, ocean

Review: vocabulary from Lesson 25-28

Grammar Review: grammar from lessons 25-28

Materials: Class CD, Lesson Flashcards, paper for Write with Karla

Procedure of the lesson

Warm-up page 90


T. writes Our beautiful world as a heading across the top of the board. T. invites children to come to the board to draw something beautiful –an animal, a bird, a nice beach, etc. T. leaves the picture on the board throughout the lesson.


T. checks the homework from the previous lesson.


PB page 90, Vocabulary

T. says Open their books at page 90.

T. presents new vocabulary using the Pupil’s Book picture.

T. uses extra repetition to practice the pronunciation of jungle and ocean.


Sally’s story: Our beautiful world.

Pre-reading: T. asks the children to look at the story. T. asks (in L1 where necessary) children to tell him/her one thing or person they can see in each of the pictures.

T. follows the steps for presenting stories.

T. asks some questions to check understanding and engage the children. T. asks (avoiding L1 if possible) What do you like about story? What’s your favourite picture? Why? What do you do to look after our world.



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