PB: page 82, 1. Choose and write. 

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PB: page 82, 1. Choose and write.

T. does the example with the class; T. asks the children to look at the picture 1 and read the text out loud. T. chooses a child to read out the example sentence.

T. asks the children to choose words and complete the sentences. T. reminds them to look at the story and asks them to underline the parts of the story where they find the answers. T. monitors and helps where necessary.

T. checks the answers.



PB: page 83, Learn with Tag

T. asks the children to look at the picture. T. divides the class into two groups (Sally and Tag) and asks them to read the example dialogue.

T. asks the children to read the questions and answers from the grammar box-they read them in their groups, so one half of the class reads the questions and the other half reads the answers. T. swaps roles and repeats.

T. asks children some more questions for extra practice. For example, Can I go to sleep now? Can I ride your bike today? Can I eat a cake in class?


PB page 83, 2. Listen and stick.

T. asks the children to find the stickers for lesson 25.

T. plays the CD. T. says Listen and stick. T. stops after each sentence. T. allows the children enough time to stick their stickers.

T. checks the answers.

PB page 83, 3. What about you? Circle.

T. asks the children question 1 and asks them to call out the answer.

T. asks the children to read the question and circle. T. reminds them to refer to the Learn with tag box for help. T. monitors and helps where necessary.

T, checks the answers.


Optional activity

T. asks the children to write down three can you …? Questions. T. puts the children in pairs. They take turns asking and answering with their friend.


PB page 83, 4. Sing along with the Fly High band!

T. plays the CD.


T. asks the children to complete pp.80-81 in their Activity Book.



Title of the lesson: You must be brave.

Lesson 40

Skills to be emphasized:

- listening

- Speaking

Objectives: to talk about rules using must

Vocabulary: worried, far, stay, near, scared, stuck, monster

Grammar: must/mustn’t.

Materials: Class CD, Lesson 26 flashcards, paper for Write with Karla

Procedure of the lesson

Warm-up page 84


T. puts the children in pairs to mime different activities (e.g. play football, climb a tree, make a cake, read a book, etc.). Each time, one child mimes, their friend guesses and then asks a Can you…? Question using the activity. For example, a child mimes playing football, their friend guesses playing football, then asks Can you play football? Their friend answers.


T. checks the homework from the previous lesson.


PB page 84, Vocabulary

T. says Open your book at page 84.

T. presents the new vocabulary with the lesson’s flashcards.

T. uses extra repetition to practice the pronunciation of the a /a:/ in far and the ea /iə/ in near.


You must be brave.

Pre-reading: T. asks the children look at the story. T. asks (in L1 where necessary) Where are Sally and the animals? Where is Patty? Who is on the beach?

T. follows the steps for presenting stories.

T. asks some questions to check understanding and engages the children. T. asks (avoiding L1 if possible) What does Patty think is in the sea? What is in the sea? What’s the problem?


PB: page 84, 1. Circle.

T. does the example with the class; T. asks the children to look at picture 1. T. asks Who is swimming?

T. asks the children to read and circle yes or no. T. reminds the children to look at the story to find the answers. T. monitors and helps where necessary.

T. checks the answers.



PB: page 85, Learn with Tag

T. does the example with the class: T. asks the children to read out Tag’s speech bubble. T. asks the children to stand up and act out being Tag trying to cross the road. T. reads out the sentence again while the children are acting out.

T. asks the children to read the sentences in the grammar box out loud.

T. asks the children to find more examples of the language in the story.


Optional activity

T. writes on the board must and mustn’t as headings. T. asks the children to call out things they must and mustn’t do in class. T. writes their suggestions on the board in the correct column. For example, they must be quiet, bring their book, bring their homework-they mustn’t be noisy, stand up, talk to each other.


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