PB: page 38, 1. Choose and write. 

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PB: page 38, 1. Choose and write.

T. does the example with the class; T. asks the children to look at picture 1 in the story. T. asks Where is Sally going? T. asks the children to read out the example sentence.

T. asks the children to choose the words and complete the sentences. T. reminds them to look at the story to check their answers. T. monitors and helps where necessary.



PB: page 39, Learn with Tag

T. asks three volunteers to stand up and act out the dialogue.

T. says Let’s clap our hands. T. claps his/her hands to demonstrate. T. propmts the children to copy him/her. T. repeats with let’s stand up. T. says Don’t sit down and stay standing up him/herself. T. says sit down and prompts the children to do the same.


PB page 39, 2.listan and tick (a).

T. plays the CD. T. pauses after the first sentence and asks the children to repeat the sentence. (Let’s go to the library.). T. holds up his/her book and points to picture 1a.

T. plays the CD. T. says Listen and tick. T. pauses after each sentence for the children to tick the correct pictures.

PB page 39, 3. Circle.

T. does the example with the class: T. reads out sentence 1. T. elicits the correct option from the children.

T. asks the children to read and circle. T. monitors and helps where necessary.

T. checks the answers.


PB page 39, 4. Play the game.

T. asks the children to look at the picture and say What the children are doing.

T. demonstrates the game: T. reads out the sentences for the children to mime as in the picture.

T. can either play the game as a class, or =, for a change, divide the class into small groups. (It is the same game as “Simon says”, but using Sally).

T. monitors and helps where necessary.



T. asks the children to complete pp. 36-37 in their Activity Book.


Title of the lesson: Sally’s Story ‘The bear fight’



Skills to be emphasized:

- listening

- Speaking

Objectives: to read a story

Vocabulary: fight, go for a walk, swing, saucepan

Review: vocabulary from Lesson 9-12

Grammar Review: grammar from lessons 9-12

Materials: Class CD, Lesson Flashcards

Procedure of the lesson

Warm-up page 40


T. plays a game: T. says Let’s eat a cake. T. asks the children to mime. T. says Let’s eat a cake and carry the shopping. The children mime. T. continues, adding another action each time (e.g. jump,close our eyes, etc.) until the children can’t carry on!


T. checks the homework from the previous lesson.


PB page 40, Vocabulary

T. says Open their books at page 40.

T. presents the new vocabulary with the Lesson’s flashcards.


Sally’s story: The bear fight.

Pre-reading: T. asks the children to look at the story. T. points to each picture and asks (in L1 where necessary) Who are the people in the story? What room are the boys in? is there a bear in the story?

T. follows the steps for presenting stories.

T. asks some questions to check understanding and engage the children. T. holds up his/her book and points to different pictures, asking What are Adam and Harry doing? Each time. T. asks (avoiding L1 if possible) What Adam and Harry saying?



PB: page 40, 1. Read and write.

T. does the example with the class: t. divides the class into two groups. T. asks one group to read the example question out loud and the other to read the example answer.

T. asks the children to read the questions and write the answers. T. reminds them to look at the story to check their answers. T. monitors and offers help where necessary.

T. checks the answers.


PB page 41, 2. Write with Karla.

T. asks the children to look at the picture and read Karla’s description out loud.

T. asks the children to draw a picture of their family and write sentences like Karla.

If there is time. T. invites children to bring their pictures to the front and tell the class about their family and what they are doing.

Optional activity

T. asks the children to label their pictures. T. sticks the pictures on the wall. T. invites children to come up and talk about their friend’s pictures (e.g. This is Sam’s family. His mum is making a cake., etc.).


T. asks the children to complete pp.38-39 in their Activity Book.


Quiz 3

T. can now use photocopiable Quiz 3. T. can see Active Teach resources section





Title of the lesson: The Fly High Review 3



Skills to be emphasized:

- listening

- Speaking

Objectives: to review Lessons 9-12 and prepare for Progress Review 3

Vocabulary Review: vocabulary from Lessons 9-12

Grammar Review: grammar from Lessons 9-12

Materials: Class CD, a large sheet of paper/card, scissors, drawing paper, glue for the project

Procedure of the lesson

Warm-up page 42


T. plays “Word Bingo”: T. asks the children to write down four words from Lessons 9-12. T. calls out letters at random. The children cross out the letters in their words. The winner is the first person to cross out all the letters in their words.


T. checks the homework from the previous lesson.

Before doing an exercise with the class, briefly review the relevant vocabulary and grammar. T. uses flashcards, questions and answers, etc.



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