SB: Page 30, 1. Say it with Sally. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


SB: Page 30, 1. Say it with Sally.


a) Listen and point. Then repeat.

T. plays the CD. T. demonstrates by holding up his/her book, repeating the letter sounds after Sally and pointing at the letter.

T. plays the CD again. The children repeat the letter sounds and points to the letters.


b) Listen and write. Then repeat.

T. plays the CD. T. pauses after ks ks fox. T. writes x on the board and repeat the letter sounds and the word.

T. plays the CD again. T. asks the children to listen and write.

T. calls out the numbers for children to repeat.


c) Chant.

T. plays the CD. T. asks the children to follow in their book. Then T. says the chant as a class.

T. plays the CD again. T. asks the children to chant with the CD.

T. divides the class into four groups (one group for jumping jellies!, etc.). T. asks each group to chant its part in turn.


SB: Page 30, 2. Colour the family members to get to the plane. Then write.

T. elicits all the family words the children can remember.

T. asks the children to find the family words and colour them. T. monitors and helps where necessary.

T. asks the children to complete the lists with words from the table.

T. does the example with the class: T. asks what the food word is on the first line (spagetti). T. asks what the food word is on the third line (meat).

T. asks Where are the family going? T. encourages the children to shout the answer.


SB: Page 31, 3. Look and answer.

T. asks the children to look at the picture and tells him/her what they can see.

T. does the example with the class: T. asks the children to count the planes. T. asks How many planes can you see? (two).

T. asks the children to look at the picture and answer the questions. T. monitors and helps where necessary.



T. asks the children to complete pp.28-29 in their Activity Book.


End-of-Term Test 1

T. can now use photocopiable End-of-Term Test 1. T. sees the Active Teach Resources section.



Title of the lesson: I’m cooking.



Skills to be emphasized:

- listening

- Speaking

Objectives: to talk about what people are doing

Vocabulary: cook, learn, talk, bored, home, doorbell, ring

Review: English

Grammar: I am/I’m cooking., You/We/They are/ You/We/They’re cooking., He/She/It is cooking./ He/She/It’s cooking./He/She /it’s cooking.

Materials: Class CD, Lesson 9 flashcards

Procedure of the lesson

Warm-up page 32


T. asks the children to stand up. T. says I’m reading a book. And mime reading. T. asks the children to repeat the sentence and copy him/her. T. says I’m writing English. T. asks the children to repeat the sentence and mime the action. T. repeats with other simple sentences in the present continuous.



T. checks the homework from the previous lesson.


PB page 32, Vocabulary

T. says Open your book at page 32.

T. presents the new vocabulary with the lesson’s flashcards.

T. uses extra repetition to practice the oo sound in cook /kuk/ and doorbell /´dɔ:bel/.

I’m cooking

Pre-reading: T. asks the children to look at the story. T asks (in L1 where necessary) Who’s in the picture? Who is bored? Who’s got an idea? Is Chatter happy?

T. follows the steps for presenting stories.

T. asks some questions to check understanding and engage the children. T. asks (avoiding L1 possible) What’s Sally doing? Is there a mess in the kitchen?

PB: page 32, 1. Match.

T. does the example with the class: T. holds up his/her book and points to the words Tag is and follows the line with his/her finger to b. T. reads out the example sentence. T. asks the children to point to the picture of Tag playing his guitar.

T. says Match. T. reminds the children to refer to the story to find the answers. T. monitors and helps where necessary.

T. checks the answers.



PB: page 33, Learn with Tag

T. writes on the board and says I am writing. I’m writing. T. asks a child to read the two sentences. Then T. says He/She is reading. He/She’s reading. T. points to the children and says You are learning English. You’re learning English.

T.writes on the board I am reading. T. rubs out the a and puts an apostrophe in its place. T. says I’m reading. T. writes on the board He is cooking. T. invites children to rub out letters and writes apostrophes to make the short form.


PB: page 33, 2. Write.

T. does the example with the class: T. writes on the board You …. … (learn) English. T. asks the children to call out the example answer. T. writes on the board.

T. asks the children to complete the other sentences. T. reminds them to refer to the Learn with Tag box for help. T. monitors and helps where necessary.

T. checks the answers.


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