Do you think it is important to follow our grandparents’ traditions? Why? 

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Do you think it is important to follow our grandparents’ traditions? Why?

Traditions are a part of our culture, so we should carefully observe them to respect our ancestors and feel that we are a nation.


CARD № 16

Let’s talk about customs and traditions of Great Britain. What can you tell about holidays in Britain?

The British are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them up. They celebrate such public holidays as Christmas, Easter, Easter Monday, May Day, the Spring Bank Holiday and the Summer Bank Holiday. There are other festivals, such as Pancake Day, April Fool’s day, Halloween, Guy Fawkes night, St Valentine’s Day and others. Halloween is a day on which many children dress up in unusual costumes and go from house to house saying, “Trick or treat!” It is my favourite British holiday. It has a Celtic origin and happens on the 31st of October. The symbols of Halloween are ghosts, spiders, skeletons, witches, black cats, and, of course, pumpkins.

Do you find some British customs and traditions special? Why (not)?

Yes, I do. Some British customs and traditions are very old and you can find them only in Britain. Take, for example, Changing the Guard or the Beefeaters of the Tower of London.

What questions can you ask a British teenager about his/her favourite holiday?

What is your favourite holiday?

Why do you like it?

How do you usually celebrate it?

Whom do you celebrate this holiday with?

Which British holiday celebration would you like to visit?

I would like to see a Bonfire Night which is celebrated on the fifth of November in Britain and take part in burning bonfires.

Nowadays more and more people are getting interested in customs and traditions of different countries. What do you think about it?

It’s very important to know traditions and customs of different countries. It will help you to understand different people and learn their language.


CARD № 17

1. Let’s talk about mass media. Which of these does your family like?

Mass media are one of the most characteristic features of modern civilization. People can learn about what is happening in the world very fast using mass media. The mass media include newspapers, magazines, radio and television. To tell you the truth, I’m not really interested in any traditional media. To my mind, television, radio and newspapers are becoming less and less popular. As for my family, my mum likes watching TV, but she says there is too much crime on it. My dad prefers watching the news and some sporting events on TV. I don’t read newspapers. Instead I look through the news summarized on the Internet.

Do you think all means of communication will exist in future? Why?

Yes, I do. To my mind people will try to find information and learn about what is happening in the world by all means of communication.

What questions will you ask people who live without a TV set, computer or radio?

Where do you get information from?

Why don’t you use radio?

Is it boring to live without news?

Unfortunately, I don’t have enough time to surf the net, but I would like to do it. Which sites would you recommend visiting?

The Internet is a great source of information and entertainment for many people. It depends on your preferences and interests. I would advise you to visit sites about nature or recipes. They will help you to practice navigating from page to page.

Nowadays many people don’t write letters as often as in the past. Do you think it is true?

Yes, it is. Nowadays people needn’t write letters to their relatives because they use mobile phones and such a computer programme as Skype to communicate with each other.


CARD № 18

Let’s talk about a healthy way of life. What influences a person’s health?

The advantages of a healthy way of life are obvious. If your body and your mind suffer from any disorder you can’t be good either at work or at studies. That is why nowadays people are conscious about their health more than ever. They understand that a lot depends on their behaviour – their decisions to smoke, to drink, to over-eat and so on. Income, housing, environment and healthy food are also among factors that influence a person’s health. Living a healthy lifestyle is a matter of choice and like most good choices it takes effort.

Do you agree that smoking is an unhealthy habit?

Yes, I do. Smoking is harmful for all people and especially for children. Also smoking may cause heart diseases and spoil your teeth and skin. So it is better not to begin smoking because in future you will have to make a lot of efforts so as to get rid of this bad habit.


What questions will you ask a person who is on a diet?

How long have you been on a diet?

How much water do you drink a day?

Do you avoid eating sweets and chocolate?

Do you do any sport in order to lose weight?

What can you advise a person who wants to lose weight?

I can advise not to follow someone’s advice from your friends or mates but to have regular exercises and to move as much as possible, to eat more fruit and vegetables and reject junk food, to eat in small portions at regular hours and be positive in your attitude towards your appearance.


Fast food leads to health problems. What do you think about it?

Fast food is high in sodium, fat and cholesterol. Eating too much fast food over a long period of time can lead to health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity. Fast food also lacks many of the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals our bodies need.


CARD № 19

Let’s talk about sport. What role does sport play in our life?

Sport is very important in our life. Sport makes our bodies strong, quickens our reaction and shapes the wits. It also prevents us from getting too fat, gives us so valuable practice in making eyes, brain and muscles work together and makes us more self-organized and better disciplined.

I'm absolutely sure that doing sports is the best way to keep fit. There is always a kind of sport which will suit you and there are many different kinds to choose from. It is popular with both young and old people. Sport helps people to keep fit and stay healthy. As for me, I play basketball, volleyball and from time to time I do my morning exercises.

Do you do any sport?

I play volleyball. / I go in for swimming (fitness).

What questions will you ask a professional sportsman?

Why did you choose a sport career?

Is it difficult to do sports professionally?

What competitions did you take part in?

What are your plans for the future?

What kind of sport could you recommend to take up a person who wants to lose weight?

I would recommend take up swimming together with fitness. They help to lose weight and be fit and at the same time strengthen your heart, lungs and muscles.

They say the most popular sport among pupils is volleyball. What do you think about it?

I agree with it. Volleyball is a team kind of sport. Pupils like to take part in different competitions that take place between schools.


CARD № 20

Let’s talk about fashion. What role does fashion play in your life?

Fashion, as I see it, is the prevailing style in clothes and behavior. The way to fashion is led by fashion designers, media, celebrities and musicians. Of course, the clothes presented at the fashion shows are usually inappropriate in a day-to-day life. That’s why I don’t pay too much attention to fashion. I believe that it is more important to create your own style. I prefer to wear classic clothes that are comfortable and complement my personality, while at home my outfit is definitely more casual.

Do you follow the latest fashion trends? Why (not)?

I can’t say that I do, but I think that if you follow fashion trends you have more chances to make a good impression on others.

What questions would you ask a fashion designer?

What is the difference between fashion and style?

What is your favourite trend?

What colour is in fashion this season?

Is it really important to look stylish?

What can you advise your friend who wants to change something about his/her style?

I can advise to be confident in a new style. Move forward to colors that appeal to him/her. Buy only those clothes that he/she really likes. Change his/her hairstyle if it is necessary.


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