Study the following enquiries. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Study the following enquiries.


Simple business letters

Simple business letters are letters of uncomplicated contents and small in volume, which are drawn up at various stages of business relations between foreign trade organizations.

Among simple business letters are letters containing a request, notification, gratitude or invitation and also accompanying letters and letters of confirmation.

In simple business letters the requisite Text heading and the salutation may be omitted, while stereotype and standard phrases specific for particular types of letters are wide spread.



business letter – деловое письмо

to draw up – составлять (документ)

request – просьба; запрос; заявка

notification – извещение, сообщение

gratitude – благодарность, признательность

invitation – приглашение

accompanying letter – сопроводительное письмо

letter of confirmation – письмо-подтверждение

heading – заглавие, заголовок

salutation – приветствие; фраза приветствия

to omit – пропускать, не включать



Study the following letter.

Letterheaded paper ICF Ltd International Conferences and Fairs Am Hofgarten 953113 Berlin Germany Tel.: +49 228 3011725 Fax: +49 228 3011755 e-mail:    
Reference (initials of writer/typist, some­times a filing refer­ence) DE/KM  
Date (day, month, year) 12 November 20_  
Inside address (name, title, company, full address, postal code) Mr. Paul Norman Director BSE Daisy House, 26 Harley Road Bournemouth BH 2 IW United Kingdom  
Salutation Dear Mr. Norman  
Heading (to give an instant idea of the theme) The Berlin Conference  
Body of Letter (one line space between paragraphs) If you are sending students abroad and are looking for new partners or wish to keep in contact with existing ones, we invite you to attend the Berlin Conference taking place in Intercontinental Hotel in Berlin March 29-30, 20_   THE BERLIN WORKSHOP will put you in face-to-ace contact with education providers from around the world, including boarding schools, hotel management and hospitality schools, MBA programmes, language programmes and summer schools, as well as colleges and universities offering graduate and post-graduate studies, who are interested in appointing new student recruitment partners. Please find enclosed the programme of the event and visit our site for details.      
Complimentary close Yours sincerely,
Name of sender Dorothee Elger
Sender’s designation or department Assistant Manager Appointment section ICF
Enc (if anything is enclosed) Enclosure
Show if any copies are circulated (if more than one, use alpha­betical order) BSE Branch Manchester



Enquiry is a business document in the form of an importer's application to the exporter, containing a request to provide detailed information about the merchandise (services) and to forward offers for the delivery of the merchandise.

As a rule, a letter of enquiry contains the name of the merchandise (services) and some conditions desirable for the importer. In particular, such conditions may be the amount and quality of the merchandise, its model, grade, price, delivery date, and payment conditions.

An enquiry of such kind is usually included in the group of contract documents and used in foreign trade operations in preparing and making a deal.


enquiry – запрос

merchandise – товары

to forward an offer – отправить предложение

as a rule – как правило, обычно

amount – количество

quality – качество

grade – сорт (продукта или материала)

price – цена

delivery date – дата доставки; срок поставки

payment conditions – условия платежа

foreign trade operations – внешнеторговые операции

to make a deal – заключать сделку

Study the following enquiries.

1) Dear Sir

We are interested in the new model of harvester advertised by you in the current number of the Industry and we are considering ordering 3 machines on trial. We need harvesters in a month's time. The advertisement, however, doesn’t give sufficient information about the delivery time and otherwise.

Therefore we should appreciate further details as soon as possible.

We hope to establish business relations with your company and are looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully


harvester – уборочная машина

to advertise – рекламировать

advertisement – объявление; реклама

however – однако, тем не менее, несмотря на (э)то

delivery time – срок поставки

therefore – по этой причине; вследствие этого; поэтому, следовательно

appreciate – оценивать, (высоко) ценить; быть признательным, благодарным

to establish business relations – установить деловые отношения

to look forward to – ожидать с нетерпением; предвкушать (что-л.)

2) Dear Sir

We wish to inform you that we are regular buyers of wheat and we know your sample No 425.

We would like to buy 5,000 tons of wheat of this quality. Also, we ask you to send us samples of other grades of wheat quoting your lowest prices and best terms of payment.

Your prompt reply will be appreciated.

Yours faithfully

African Food Co. Ltd


regular buyer – регулярный покупатель, постоянный покупатель

wheat – пшеница; зерно пшеницы

sample – образец; экземпляр

to quote a price – назначать цену, котировать цену

terms of payment – условия платежа, оплаты

Useful phrases

We are interested in... and would ask you to send us your offer (tender, quotation) for these goods (for this machine, for this equipment). – Мы заинтересованы в... и просили бы Вас выслать нам Ваше предложение на этот товар (котировку и на эту машину, на это оборудование)

Please send us samples of your goods stating your lowest prices and best payment. – Просим Вас выслать нам образцы Вашего товара с указанием Ваших крайних цен и лучших условий платежа.

Please let us know if you can send us your quotation for … (if you can offer us …) – Просим Вас сообщить нам, сможете ли Вы сделать нам предложение на... (сможете ли Вы предложить нам...)

Please inform us by return at what price, on what terms and when you could deliver …– Просим Вас сообщить нам обратной почтой, по какой цене, на каких условиях и в какой срок Вы могли бы поставить...

We are interested in … advertised by you in …– Мы заинтересованы в... разрекламированной Вами в...

We have seen you machine, Model 5 at the exhibition and …– Мы видели Вашу машину модели № 5 на выставке и...

We have read your advertisement in … describing …– Мы прочитали Ваше рекламное объявление в …, где говориться …

We suggest that you send us your catalogues and price-lists in triplicate and preferably in English. – Просим Вас выслать нам Ваши каталоги и прейскуранты в трёх экземплярах и желательно на английском языке.

We would like you to advice us of discounts that you provide and delivery time. – Просим сообщить нам о скидках, которые Вы представляете, и о сроках поставок.

We would be glad to receive …– Будем рады получить …

We will appreciate it if you will send us a more detailed description of …– Мы будем Вам благодарны, если Вы пришлёте нам более детальное описание...

Study these replies to enquiries.

1) Dear Sir

Enquiry for harvester

We thank you for your enquiry for our new model of harvester and enclose with this letter our latest leaflet for details.

But unfortunately the delivery date you asked for is rather short, and we hope you can extend it, say by another month. In that case we are ready to make you an offer.

Your early reply on the matter will be appreciated.

Yours faithfully

Enc: 1 leaflet


to enclose with a letter – приложить к письму

leaflet – листовка; тонкая брошюра

unfortunately – к сожалению

delivery date – дата поставки

to extend – продлевать, оттягивать (о сроке)

to make an offer – делать предложение


2) Dear Sir

Enquiry for wheat

We have just received your enquiry of 3rd July this year for which we thank you.

Unfortunately we have to inform you that we can’t make you an offer now for 5,000 tons of wheat, sample 425. We could offer you 5,000 tons of wheat whose quality corresponds to that of sample No 350.

Our prices and terms of delivery as well as terms of payment are given in a booklet enclosed with the letter.

We hope that our terms will meet your requirements, and if sample No 350 is of interest to you, we ask you to send us your formal order immediately.

Yours faithfully

Enc: 2 pages


to offer – предлагать для продажи по определённой цене; предлагать определённую цену

to correspond to – соответствовать

terms of delivery – условия поставки

booklet – брошюра, буклет, проспект

to hope – надеяться

to meet requirements – соответствовать / отвечать требованиям; удовлетворять потребности

to be of interest – представлять интерес

to send – посылать, отправлять

formal order – официальный заказ

Useful phrases

We acknowledge with thanks receipt of your enquiry of … for … – С благодарностью подтверждаем получение Вашего запроса от … касательно …

Many thanks for your kind enquiry of... concerning... – Благодарим за Ваш запрос от... касательно...

The matter is receiving our careful attention and we hope to send you our proposal (quotation) at an early date. – Вопрос внимательно изучается нами, и мы надеемся вскоре выслать Вам наше предложение (котировку).

We are contacting the manufacturers of... and will advise you immediately upon receipt of their reply. – Мы поддерживаем связь с производителями... и немедленно сообщим Вам об их ответе.

We have forwarded your enquiry to … – Мы переслали Ваш запрос...

We thank you for your enquiry dated... but regret to inform you that … –Благодарим за Ваш запрос, от …, но вынуждены сообщить, что...

In reply to your enquiry of …for …we are offering you – В ответ на Ваш запрос от... на … предлагаем Вам...

In reply to your enquiry and in confirmation of our today's telephone conversation we are pleased to offer you... – В ответ на Ваш запрос и подтверждая наш телефонный разговор, состоявшийся сегодня, мы с удовольствием предлагаем Вам...

We have received your enquiry and are happy to inform you that we can make you an offer for... – Подтверждая получение Вашего запроса, мы с удовольствием сообщаем Вам, что мы можем сделать Вам предложение на …

We thank you for your enquiry and are pleased to inform you that we could supply you with... – Подтверждаем с благодарностью получение Вашего запроса и с удовольствием сообщаем Вам, что мы могли бы поставить Вам …

Referring to your enquiry we would like to tell you that we could deliver... – Ссылаясь на Ваш запрос, мы хотели бы сообщить Вам, что мы могли бы поставить...

We are carefully studying your enquiry and hope to send you our quotation very soon. – Мы внимательно изучаем Ваш запрос в настоящее время и надеемся в ближайшем будущем послать Вам наше предложение.

We have forwarded your enquiry to the manufacturers and will contact you as soon as we have their reply. – Мы передали Ваш запрос заводу-производителю и, как только получим ответ, свяжемся с Вами.

We thank you for your enquiry of... but regret to inform you that we can’t offer you the goods required. – Благодарим Вас за Ваш запрос от..., но с сожалением сообщаем Вам, что мы не можем предложить Вам требуемый товар.

We are very sorry that we are unable to accept new orders for delivery within time specified. – К сожалению мы не можем в настоящее время принимать новые заказы с поставкой в нужные Вам сроки.

Our factory is fully engaged orders now, and we can’t send you a quotation, but we may revert to the matter late next month. – Наш завод полностью загружен заказами в настоящее время, и мы не можем сделать Вам предложение, но мы можем вернуться к данному вопросу в конце следующего месяца.



Offer is a business document in the form of the exporter's application expressing his wish to make a deal under the specified conditions.

The offer may be forwarded to the importer in reply to his enquiry, or on the exporter's own initiative.

The offer usually contains the names of the goods being offered, their quality and quantity, price, delivery time, terms of payment, type of packaging, and other conditions of delivery, depending upon the character of the goods.

The contents of an offer of this kind are analogous to those of the text of a sales contract, as such an offer mentions all the conditions required for a transaction.

Offers may be firm or free.

A firm offer is taken here to mean an offer of particular goods, made to one buyer only and containing a term binding the seller to comply with the conditions stipulated in the offer.

Stipulation of the effective time is mandatory for a firm offer, since it determines the period within which it is binding on the seller. If the offer is not answered within the specified period, the seller is deemed exempt from the obligations laid down in the offer.

An offer is free if it contains no obligations on the part of the seller.


offer – оферта (предложение одного лица другому, сообщающее о желании заключить с ним договор)

delivery time – срок поставки

terms of payment – условия платежа

to depend upon – зависеть, рассчитывать

sales contract – договор купли-продажи (соглашение между продавцом и покупателем, устанавливающее права и обязанности сторон в конкретной сделке купли-продажи)

firm offer – твёрдая оферта, твёрдое предложение

free offer – предложение без обязательств

to take an offer – принимать предложение

to make an offer – делать предложение

buyer – покупатель

binding – обязательный, обязывающий

seller – продавец, торговец

to comply with – исполнять (просьбу, требование), удовлетворять (запросы, пожелания); подчиняться (требованиям, правилам), соответствовать (стандартам)

to stipulate – ставить условием, оговаривать в качестве особого условия

to determine – определять, устанавливать

to deem – полагать, считать

exempt from the obligations – освобождённый от обязательств

on the part of smb. – с чьей-л. стороны

Useful phrases

The offer is firm (valid) until … – Это предложение остаётся в силе до …

This offer is firm for immediate acceptance, otherwise without engagement. –Это предложение является окончательным при немедленном акцепте в противном случае – без обязательств.

This offer is firm for acceptance by telegram arriving before tomorrow noon. –

Это предложение окончательно при условии акцепта телеграммой, прибывшей до полудня завтрашнего дня.

Our offer is subject to final confirmation. – Наше предложение входит в силу после подтверждения.



Order is a business document which is the importer’s offer for a transaction and which contains specific conditions for the transaction.

Order confirmation is a business document which is the importer’s message containing unqualified acceptance of the order conditions.


order – заказ

order confirmation – подтверждение заказ

acceptance – акцепт, акцептование

Study these letters-orders.

1) Dear Sir

We thank you for your letter of 5th June enclosing your latest leaflet of the new model of harvester.

We have decided to place a trial order with you for 3 harvesters.

As to the delivery date we agree that they should be shipped 2 months after your confirmation of the order.

Dispatch and marking instructions will be given by our forwarding agents in London, who will tell you of their charges. Your invoice should include CIF Volgograd, and the amount of our credit is sufficient to cover this and your bank commission.

Please tell us by telex when the machines have been dispatched.

Yours faithfully


to decide – решать, принимать решение, делать выбор

to place a trial order – размещать пробный заказ

to ship – перевозить (груз, товар)

confirmation of the order – подтверждение заказа

forwarding agent – экспедитор

charges – расходы, издержки

invoice – счёт, фактура; счёт-фактура (счёт на отправленный товар с указанием краткой спецификации, цены, расходов и других подробностей контракта)

commission – комиссия

to dispatch – посылать; отсылать, отправлять по назначению

2) Dear Sir

In reply to your letter dated 8th July we would like to tell you that your terms of delivery and payment are quite acceptable to us, we find your price a bit too high, though.

We hope, however, that you will grant us a discount when we become your buyers.

So we are pleased to establish business relations and are placing an order 5,000 tons of wheat, sample No 350 with you. Please telex the date of shipment.

We are looking forward to your prompt confirmation of the order.

Yours faithfully


acceptable – приемлемый; допустимый

to grant a discount – предоставить скидку

date of shipment – срок отправки; дата отгрузки


Letter Acknowledging Order


1) Dear Sir

Order for harvesters

We are very happy to have your trial order for 3 harvesters to be delivered in the second half of August. It is a pleasure to have the opportunity of supplying you and we are quite sure you will be satisfied both with the quality of our machines and our service.

Your choice of method of payment is quite acceptable to us, and we note that this will be by irrevocable letter of credit, valid till 15th September.

We assure you that this trial order and all further orders shall be carefully fulfilled.

Yours faithfully


to deliver – доставлять, разносить, развозить

to have the opportunity – иметь возможность

supply – снабжение, поставка

to be satisfied with – быть удовлетворенным

to note – замечать, обращать внимание

irrevocable letter of credit – безотзывный аккредитив

to assure – уверять; заверять кого-л.; убеждать

to fulfil an order – осуществлять заказ

Order for wheat

2) Dear Sir

We thank you for your order of 13th July and confirm delivery of 5,000 tons of wheat, sample No 350 in August.

We would like to let you know that if you increase your order to 10,000 tons of wheat, we can grant you an 10 per cent discount.

We hope that we shall be doing business to the mutual benefit of both countries.

Your faithfully


Complaint (Claim)

Complaint is a business document forwarded to a side which failed to fulfil its obligations against contract, and containing a claim for compensation of losses.

There may be complaints in respect to:

quality, e. g. when the dispatched goods are not up to the standards stipulated by the contract;

quantity, e. g. when the quantity of the goods does not tally with that given in the packing list or other relevant documents;

time of delivery, e. g. when goods are dispatched after the expiry of the delivery deadline;

packing and marking, e. g. when goods have been inadequately packed, or marking contains errors;

payment, e. g. in the case of overdue payment;

other conditions of the contract.

A letter of complaint comprises the following particulars:

grounds for making the complaint;

arguments: references to standards and documents, e. g. to expertise, acceptance or test reports, or a commercial statement, etc.;

specific requests of the side making a complaint, to effect, for example:

—replacement of substandard goods with quality ones, or price reduction in the case of complaint of inferior quality;

—delivery of the missing goods or return of the payment made for the missing goods in the case of complaint of short-shipment;

—reduction of the total price of a consignment;

—termination of the contract and compensation of the losses caused by failure fully to comply with the contract.

The complaint should be submitted timely, by registered letter with the enclosure of all documents which confirm the complaint and have full evidencing effect for both sides.

Complaints of inferior quality should be submitted within 6 months from the date of sight; of missing from the delivery — within three months. For goods with the warranty the complaints should be submit­ted not later than 30 days after the expiry of the warranty period.

In cases of dispute, when a matter cannot be arranged by agreement of the sides, the dispute should go to arbitration whose decisions shall be final and mandatory for both sides.

A justified complaint may result in:

—replacement of the defective goods with brand new ones;

—delivery of short-shipped goods;

—allowing a discount on the cost of goods;

—payment of penalty, fine;

—warning of cancellation.



complaint (claim) – претензия, рекламация, иск

to fail – не исполнить, не сделать, не удаваться

to fulfil an obligation – выполнять обязательство

claim for compensation of losses – требование возмещения убытков

dispatched goods – отправленные товары, отправленный груз

to be up to the standards – соответствовать стандарту

to stipulate – ставить условием, обусловливать

to tally – соответствовать

packing list – упаковочный лист

expiry – окончание, истечение срока

delivery deadline – крайний срок поставки

overdue payment – просроченный платёж

ground – причина, основание, мотив

to make a complaint – подавать рекламацию

acceptance report – акт приемки

test report – протокол испытаний

substandard goods – некондиционный товар

price reduction – снижение цены

inferior quality – низкое качество

to make a payment – производить платеж

short-shipment – недопоставка

termination of a contract – аннулирование контракта

to comply with the contract – исполнять контракт

to submit – представлять на рассмотрение

registered letter – заказное письмо

enclosure – вложение, приложение (к чему-л.)

warranty – гарантия

warranty period – гарантийный период, гарантийный срок

dispute – спор, разногласия; ссора

to go to arbitration – обращаться в суд

justified complaint – справедливая, обоснованная претензия

to allow a discount – предоставить скидку

cost of goods – стоимость товара

payment of penalty – погашение неустойки

fine – штраф, пеня


consignment – партия отправленного или прибывшего товара, груз

equipment – оборудование

to damage – повреждать, портить

extent of the damage – размер убытка

to draw attention – привлекать внимание

fortnight's delay – двухнедельная задержка

infringement – нарушение

clause – статья, пункт, условие (договорного документа)

supplier – поставщик

Complaint of wrong goods

2) Dear Sirs

Our order №. J73

We received the documents concerning the above order and took delivery of the goods which arrived at Port Elizabeth on the S.S. Castle yesterday.

We are much obliged to you for the prompt execution of this order. Everything seems to be correct and in good condition except in case №.14. Unfortunately, when we opened this case we found it contained completely different articles from those ordered, and we can only presume that a mistake has been made and that this case is part of another order.

We assume that your packing agents made a mistake. Perhaps the contents of case №.14 were for a different order? As we need the articles we ordered to complete deliveries to our customers, we must insist on your replacement for the case №. 14.

We attach a list of the contents of case 14, and would be glad if you would check this against our order and your copy of the invoice. We would like you to arrange for a dispatch of replacement at once. We are keeping the case №.14 in our warehouse. Please let us know what you wish our agents to do with it.

Yours faithfully


to take delivery – принимать поставку (товара)

S/S (steamship) – пароход

execution of the order – выполнение заказа

to assume – допускать, предполагать

to presume – предполагать, полагать; допускать

articles – товары

customer – покупатель; потребитель; заказчик; клиент

to insist on – настаивать на

replacement – замена

dispatch – отправка

warehouse – товарный склад


china ware – фарфор

to take delivery – принимать поставку (товара)

in accordance with – в соответствии с

advice of dispatch – извещение об отправке (груза)

according to – в соответствии с, согласно, по

to arrange for – организовать


Complaint about bad packing

4) Dear Sirs

Order №. JAD/1573

We inform you that two of the twenty cases containing your consignment of PDA were inadequately packed.

We sent you specific packing instructions for this consignment, and besides we informed your forwarding agent concerning our packing instructions. Cases 18 and 20 didn’t include the layers of waterproof lining we insisted on. As a result, the PDA contained in these cases is almost ruined and certainly unsalable.

We must insist on an immediate replacement for the two cases, and we must ask you to follow our instructions more carefully in the future.

Yours faithfully


PDA –"карманный" компьютер

forwarding agent – экспедитор

layer of waterproof lining – зд. водонепроницаемая прокладка

Complaint about quality

5) Dear Sirs

We refer to our order (№. 0896/HRE) for the 70 sweaters, which were consigned by you on the 5th January, and which we received on 12 th January.

We regret to inform you that the quality of this consignment of sweaters is unacceptably low, especially in design and color. The pattern isn’t what we expected when we saw your samples. Our customers will not buy these sweaters at the market price. They will expect a discount.

Since the sweaters correspond neither to the description in your brochure nor to the sample, we can accept the sweaters only on condition that you make a substantial reduction in price. We expect this reduction to be about 30 per cent.

Please let us know what you propose to do. Our agent can bring a sample from the consignment to show you.

Yours faithfully


consign – отправлять, посылать на консигнацию (груз, товар)

pattern – образец, модель

to buy at the market price – покупать по рыночной цене

to make a reduction – сделать скидку


Complaint of late delivery

6) Dear Mr. Grey

We are concerned that we haven’t yet received an advice of dispatch from you about our order for 1000 TV-sets.

Our order stressed the importance of an early delivery date. That date is very near (25th January). In your acknowledgment (of 10th January) you said you were confident you could meet this delivery date. There is no possibility of this now, unless your advice of dispatch was lost in the post.

Our stocks are running out and it will be most unfortunate if you can’t arrange delivery before the above date.

Please inform us by cable whether the goods have been dispatched and when we can expect delivery.

Yours faithfully



to stress – ставить ударение; подчёркивать; делать акцент

acknowledgment – подтверждение; расписка в получении (чего-л.)

to be confident – быть уверенным

possibility – вероятность, возможность

stock – запас; ассортимент (товаров)

to run out – кончаться, иссякать

Useful phrases

a) in connection with poor quality or damaged goods

We regret to inform you that you have supplied goods below the standard we expected from the samples. – C сожалением сообщаем Вам, что Вы поставили товар, качество которого ниже стандарта, ожидавшегося нами судя по образцам.

The bulk of the goods delivered is not up to sample (is inferior to sample). –Большая часть поставленного Вами товара по качеству ниже образца.

Unfortunately, we find that you have sent us the wrong goods. – К сожалению, мы обнаружили, что Вы поставили нам не тот товар.

We can’t accept these containers as they are not the size and shape we ordered. – Мы не можем принять эти контейнеры, так как и по размеру и по форме они отличаются от заказанных нами.

Although the quality of the goods is not up to sample, we are prepared to accept them if you reduce the price by 12%. – Хотя качество товара не соответствует образцу, мы готовы принять его, если Вы снизите цену на 12 %.

We much regret that we have to complain about the insufficient (inadequate) packing (or carelessness in packing, or packing of the wrong type, i.e. unsuitable to local conditions). – Мы очень сожалеем, что нам приходится заявлять Вам жалобу о недостаточной упаковке (или о небрежности при упаковке, или об упаковке, не соответствующей местным условиям).

The packing inside the case was too loose with the result that there was some shifting of the contents and several things have been broken; the attached list will give you all the details. – Упаковка внутри ящика была не совсем жесткой, в результате чего содержимое, ящика перемешалось, и часть его была сломана. Из прилагаемого списка Вы можете узнать все подробности.

The cartons must have been very roughly handled during loading or discharging and the contents appear to have been slightly damaged. Therefore we reserve the right to call on you for compensation. – С коробками, очевидно, очень грубо обращались во время погрузки или разгрузки, и содержимое, по-видимому, слегка повреждено. Поэтому мы оставляем за собой право обратиться к Вам за компенсацией.

We hope you will pay more attention to packing to avoid any breakage in future. – Мы надеемся, что впредь Вы будете уделять больше внимания упаковке с тем, чтобы избегать каких-либо поломок.

A number of cases arrived in a badly damaged condition, the lids were broken and the contents were crushed. – Ряд ящиков прибыли в сильно поврежденном состоянии, были сломаны крышки и попорчено (помято) содержимое.

The goods shipped by you against our Order don’t correspond to the sample on the basis of which our order was placed. – Товар, отгруженный Вами в счет нашего заказа, не соответствует образцу, на базе которого мы разместили свой заказ.

As the period of guarantee hasn’t expired yet, we ask you to replace the machine by another one. – Поскольку еще не истек срок гарантии, просим Вас заменить данную машину другой.

We have examined the goods in the damaged cases and find that we can’t use them. – Мы осмотрели товар в поврежденных ящиках и сочли, что мы не можем его использовать.

We can’t make use of the goods and are very sorry to have to return them to you. – Мы не можем использовать этот товар и, к сожалению, должны вернуть его Вам.

We must ask you to carry out our orders more carefully in future. – Мы должны просить Вас более тщательно впредь выполнять наши заказы.

We regret that unless we hear from soon, we shall have to cancel the order. – Мы сожалеем, но если в ближайшем будущем мы не получим от Вас известий, нам придется аннулировать наш заказ.

b) in connection with delay in delivery

If you can’t deliver the goods within the next month, we shall have to cancel the order and get the goods elsewhere. – Если Вы не сможете поставить товар в течение следующего месяца, нам придется аннулировать заказ и купить товар в другом месте.

The delay in delivery against our Order is causing us considerable inconvenience. – Задержка поставки товара в счет нашего заказа создает для нас большие неудобства.

This is not the first time we have to complain of delay in delivery. – Не в первый раз нам приходится заявлять Вам жалобу о задержке в поставке товара.

Please ship the spare parts by the first boat available. – Просим Вас отгрузить запчасти первым пароходом (имеющимся в наличии).

You will remember that it was agreed the goods would arrive here by the end of the month, otherwise the installation of the machinery can’t be carried out in the time planned. – Вы, очевидно, помните, что было согласовано, что товар должен прибыть сюда в конце месяца, в противном случае не может быть проведена установка оборудования в запланированные сроки.

If the goods haven’t been shipped yet, we must ask you to send them by air. –Если товар еще не отгружен, мы вынуждены просить Вас отправить его самолетом.

An explanation of this delay will be appreciated. – Мы будем благодарны за объяснение данной задержки.

We must ask you to dispatch the consignment immediately, if you have not already done so, anyway please inform us by telex what the position is. – Мы вынуждены просить Вас отправить эту партию немедленно, в случае, если Вы этого еще не сделали, во всяком случае просим Вас информировать нас телексом, каково положение с отгрузкой.

We hope to hear from you by telex that the consignment is on its way. – Надеемся получить от Вас сообщение телексом о том, что эта партия товара уже в пути.

As the delay in delivery has lasted over six weeks, in accordance with clause 4 of the Contract you will have to pay us damages. – Поскольку задержка в поставке превысила 6 недель, то в соответствии со статьей 4 Контракта Вам придется уплатить нам штраф.

c) in connection with missing or short-shipped goods

The consignment contains only 30 cases instead of 35 cases stated (entered) on the Bill of Lading. – В партии содержится лишь 30 ящиков вместо 35 ящиков, указанных в коносаменте.

On checking the goods received we find that several items on your Invoice have not been included; we enclose a list of the missing articles. – Проверив полученный товар, мы обнаружили, что не хватает нескольких позиций, включенных в Ваш счет-фактуру. Прилагаем список недостающих позиций.

Unfortunately, you haven’t sent us all the goods we ordered; the following are missing... – К сожалению Вы не прислали нам все заказанные нами товары, не хватает следующего...

There is a discrepancy between the packing list of case 3 and your invoice: the number of items entered on the invoice and that in the case don’t coincide. – Между упаковочным листом ящика № 3 и Вашим счетом-фактурой имеется несоответствие: число позиций, занесенных в счет-фактуру, не соответствует тому, что содержится в ящике.

Reply to wrong goods

1) Dear Sirs

Your order №. J73.

Thank you for your letter of 11th May. We are pleased to hear that the consignment was delivered promptly, but are very sorry to learn that case № 14 didn’t contain the goods you ordered.

On going into the matter we find that our agents made a mistake in catalogue reference numbers, as you suggested.

We have arranged for the dispatch of the right goods on board of P/T Cludyel, which will leave from the East Indian Docks, port of Lon­don.

We assume that you will not invoke the penalty clause in your contract, since the bulk of the order was dispatched promptly. Relevant documents will be mailed to you within the next forty-five hours. We have already cabled you in this connection and enclose a copy of the telegram.

We should be grateful if you would kindly keep case № 14 in your warehouse until our forwarding agents can collect it.

We shall do everything we can ensure that similar mistakes don’t happen again. Please accept our many apologies for the trouble caused to you by the error.

Yours faithfully


to invoke – требовать применения чего-л.; применять (норму, статью, оговорку, прецедент)

penalty clause – пункт о штрафах за невыполнения условий договора

bulk – большая часть



crate – (деревянный) ящик; тара для упаковки (клеть, корзина)

wharf – пристань; причал

short shipment – недопоставка

to be due to – являться результатом, быть обусловленным

circumstances – обстоятельства, условия

port authorities – портовые власти


to carry out instructions – выполнять указания

to be in touch with – находиться в контакте с...

to give account of smth. – давать отчёт в чём-л.

in the meantime – тем временем, между тем; за это время



sales representative – торговый представитель; агент по продаже товаров

to postpone a decision – откладывать принятие решения

price reduction – скидка с цены; снижение цены

to supply – снабжать (чем-л.), поставлять; доставлять

by return – обратной почтой

clear up – выяснять, узнавать

misunderstanding – недоразумение

doubt – сомнение; неопределённость, неясность



shipment – перевозка; поставка (товаров)

delay – задержка, приостановка

Southampton – Саутгемптон (город и порт на юге Великобритании)

schedule – график, план; расписание


Business visits

Business visits are very important in development of trade relations with countries and companies. Personal contacts promote a better understanding not only in foreign trade but in all spheres of human activities.

Normally businessmen contact through telephone calls or correspondence. But as the human element is very important they solve main problems more effectively through a personal meeting. During the talks the partners have an opportunity to discuss all problems face to face, to hear out their counter-part's arguments and to come to an agreement more easily.

Since a business trip is always limited in time, a businessman usually makes all arrangements in advance by phone or by telex. If he goes abroad he will apply for a visa. His partners will support his visa and send him an invitation. They will also reserve accommodation for him and work out the program for his visit. When all these preparations are done and agreed upon a businessman should book his railway or airway ticket. It is better to do it in advance.

It is common for Buyers' representatives to visit Sellers' premises for technical and commercial discussions either before or after signing a contract. During this visit the Sellers show their premises and workshops to the Buyers. The latter (the Buyers) have the chance to see the equipment in operation, to be present at the tests at the testing department. If the Sellers offer some modifications in the equipment the Buyers can see them, discuss and approve immediately.

The Sellers often visit the Buyers' premises when they have to revise prices or other terms of the contract or draw up a new contract with their customers. Both the Sellers and the Buyers can meet to discuss different claims if they appear during the fulfillment of the contract.

It is very important to be punctual in business. If you can't keep the appointment you should notify your partner in advance and fix a new date. On formal occasions such as talks, business lunch, a reception a businessman should wear a suit and a tie. During an informal meeting such as sightseeing tour, a visit to a private home a businessman can be dressed casually. It is always best to behave naturally. Jokes and humor are appreciated by businessmen just as much as they are everywhere.


business visit – деловой визит

development of trade relations – развитие торговых отношений, связей

to promote a better understanding – способствовать лучшему пониманию

to solve main problems through a personal meeting – решать основные вопросы посредством личной встречи

to have an opportunity – иметь возможность

to discuss all problems face to face – обсудить проблемы с глазу на глаз

to hear out the counter-part's arguments – выслушать доводы партнёра

to come to an agreement – прийти к соглашению

business trip – командировка, деловая поездка

to be limited in time – быть ограниченным во времени

to make arrangements – договариваться, уславливаться с кем-либо

to go abroad – уезжать за границу

to apply for a visa – запросить, обращаться за визой

to support (to get, to receive) a visa – получать визу

to send an invitation – посылать приглашение

to reserve accommodation – заказать номер в гостинице

to work out the program for the visit – составить программу делового визита

to book a ticket – заказать билет

to visit Sellers’ premises – посетить предприятия продавца

to sign a contract – подписать контракт

to show the premises and workshops – показывать предприятия и цеха

to see the equipment in operation – увидеть оборудование в действии

to be present at the tests – присутствовать на испытаниях

to offer some modifications in the equipment – предлагать изменения в оборудовании

to approve – одобрять

to revise prices – пересматривать цены

terms of the contract – условия контракта

to draw up a new contract – составлять новый контракт

to discuss different claims – обсуждать различные требования, претензии

to fulfil a contract – выполнять контрак

to be punctual in business – быть пунктуальным в бизнесе

to keep the appointment – прийти на встречу

to notify a partner in advance – уведомить, извещать партнера заранее

to fix a new date – назначать новую дату

reception – прием

to wear a suit and a tie – носить, надевать костюм и галстук

to be dressed casually – быть одетым соответственно ситуации

to behave naturally – вести себя естественно

to appreciate jokes and humor – ценить шутки и юмор

Code of conduct

The most important rule for a businessman is to keep his word and to be honest. Besides, punctuality is very important, for business and social appointments.

The businessman should observe various rules. There are rules for example for greeting people. The most common greetings are: Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening. The less formal greetings are: Hello, Hi.

There are also various levels and types of saying Good-bye when parting. The most common ways are: Good-bye, Bye-bye, Bye now and Bye. If the people part after their first meeting they can add something like this: It has been nice seeing you. I hope to see you again soon.

There are different levels of introductions. For example: May I introduce Mr. Brown (the most formal way). I'd like you to meet Mr. Brown (the less formal way). This is Mr. Brown (the least formal way).

If you are introducing a person or yourself you should say a few words about the person, for example: Mr. Smith, I would like you to meet Mr. Brown. He is doing business in chemicals. He is a Vice President of British Chemicals Ltd. His office is not far from yours, in London.

When two persons are introduced they exchange the following: How do you do. – How do you do. They can also add a phrase like this: I'm glad to meet you. I’m pleased to meet you. It's nice to meet you.

When you are introduced listen carefully to each name and use it later in your conversation. This will help you to remember the name. If you forget a person's name or didn’t hear the name don’t hesitate to say: I am sorry I have forgotten your name or I am sorry I didn’t hear your name.

In many English speaking countries handshaking is a social courtesy whenever people meet or are introduced. When men meet or are introduced they generally shake hands. Women shake hands less frequently. Kissing is prevalent at parties when people meet.

Sometimes people are to introduce others to audience on some formal occasions. For example: Ladies and gentlemen! It is a privilege for me to introduce Mr. Watts. Mr. Watts is a recognized authority in the management field. He is a member of the advisory committee for the labour and management program. Mr. Watts' topic tonight is: How to organize an effective business programme. Mr. Watts.

Business visits

When one businessman wishes to have a business talk with another and to visit him he first is to make an appointment either by telephone or by exchanging letters.

Here is an example of how a business visit is carried out:

Receptionist: Good morning, sir.

Mr. Hill: Good morning, I have an appointment with Mr. James. My name is Mr. Hill. Could you tell me where his office is?

Receptionist: Please take a seat for a moment, sir. I'll ring through to his office and tell him you are here.

Mr. Hill: Thank you so much. I hope he is expecting me.

Receptionist: Mr. Hill, Mr. James' secretary is just coming down to meet you. She’ll take you up to his office.

Mr. James' secretary: Mr. Hill?

Mr. Нill: That's right. Good morning.

Mr. James' secretary: Good morning, Sir. If you'd like to come with me we can go up straight away.

Mr. Нill: Thank you. Which way?

Mr. James’ secretary: This way, please.

Mr. Hill: Oh, is it the twentieth floor?

Secretary: You are quite right. The twentieth floor. It's our new office. We have moved this month.

Mr. Нill: It's a very impressive building.

Secretary: Here we are. This way, please. Mr. James, Mr. Hill.

Mr. James: Good morning. I’m happy to see you. We haven't met for ages. How are you?

Mr. Нill: Good morning, Mr. James. I'm glad to see you too. I'm fine. And I hope you are quite all right.

Mr. James: Thank you. I hope you had a very good trip.

Mr. Hill: You are quite right. It was very smooth. Though when I left London it was rather warm but here in New York the weather is not very good.

Mr. James: Oh, it's nasty. We hate it. But it can't be helped.

Mr. Hill: Then we should better get down to business.


A business trip

Roberts and Company, a British firm, sent an enquiry for engines to "Machinoexport". The buyers were interested in engines of different models. "Machinoexport" received the enquiry from the firm and the President of our office asked Mr. Bunin to be ready for the talks. On the 3rd of April Mr. Camp, a representative of Roberts and Co. came to Moscow. The next day he had a talk with Mr. Bunin and got the necessary materials from him. Mr. Camp and Mr. Bunin made an appointment for the 6th of April.


Camp: Good afternoon, Mr. Bunin.

Bunin: Good afternoon, Mr. Camp. I hope you are having a good time.

Camp: Oh, yes. I like it here very much.

Bunin: Have you gone sightseeing yet?

Camp: Well, I've only been here since Tuesday and I haven't seen much yet. I was at the Tretyakov Gallery yesterday and I've just been to the Kremlin. It's wonderful.

Bunin: Glad to hear it. Now, what can I do for you?

Camp: I've gone through your catalogues and price-lists. I believe we can buy from you 100 engines. Model PK-67 and 200 engines Model BK-220. But your prices are too high, I'm afraid.

Bunin: I don't think so. We usually sell our engines at these prices. They are in great demand, and we have sold a lot of them at these prices lately. I'm afraid we can't reduce them.

Camp: I see. And what about the terms of delivery?

Bunin: We can offer you the goods CIF London.

Camp: Good, then we accept the terms.

Bunin: When do you require the engines?

Camp: We'd like to have them in May.

Bunin: That's all right. We can ship them in May.

Camp: Fine. I'd like to contact my people and let them know your answer. Can I see you on Friday?

Bunin: Certainly. What time is convenient to you?

Camp: Any time you say.

Bunin: 11.30 then.

Camp: Very good. Good-bye.

Bunin: Good-bye.


Business talks

Our company is one of the leading manufacturers of engines in Volgograd. We produce a wide range of engines for automobile industry. We produce 80 % of engines for home industry and 20 % of our products go to different countries of the world. Our manufacturing plant has modern facilities to produce engines of different models. The engines of our company are reliable in operation and our customers are satisfied with their modern design and capacity. The company delivers engines to markets of Europe, to the North and the South of America. We are also interested in selling our goods to the countries of the East. The company can guarantee shipment of the goods within 10 days.

We do business with many foreign companies interested in buying our engines. Our goods are in great demand because they are of high quality. When a representative of a foreign company gets instructions to buy engines from our company he arrives in Volgograd and contacts our manager to make an appointment. Usually our customers get in touch with our secretary on the phone and the manager invites them to come to his office.


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