Wooly, C. L. and Randall-Maciver, 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Wooly, C. L. and Randall-Maciver,

Buhen, 2 vols. (Philadelphia, 1911).


Wreszinski. W. Atlas Zur altägyptischen Kulturgeschichte, I-III (Leipzig, 1923-1954).


“Die Statue eines hohen Verwaltungsbeamten” ZÄS 67 (1931), 132


Žaba, Z. “un nouveau fragment du sarcophage de Merymose” ASAE 50 (1950), 509-14.



[1] J. W. Barns, Five Ramesseum Papyri (Oxford, 1956), 15-23. (ed.).

[2] J. Černý and A. H. Gardiner, Hieratic Ostraca I (Oxford, 1957), pl. 88.

[3] PM 2 I:1, 128; Urk IV, 529-830.

[4] LD Text III, 287; Urk IV, 1382.

[5] PM VII, 323-4; S. S. Schott, Kanais: der Templ Sethos I im Wadi Mia (Göttingen, 1961), pls. 12-17, 19; KRI I, 67:16; 68:8; 70:1-2.

[6] Habachi, ASAE 52 (1954), 530; KRI III, 228:13.

[7] Habachi, ASAE 52 (1954), 531; KRI III, 228:10.

[8] Epithet of the young Horus and a priestly title.

[9] PM 2 I:1, 86-87; Piehl, ZÄS 25 (1887), 33-45 especially 39; N. de Garis Davies, The Tomb of the Vizier Ramose (New York, 1941), pl. 22; Urk IV, 1787.

[10] PM 2 I:1, 123-25; N. de Garis Davies, The Tomb of Kenamun at Thebes (New York, 1930), pl. 8; Urk IV, 1385.

[11] PM 2 I:1, 123-25; Davies, The Tomb of Kenamun, pl. 8; Urk IV, 1404.

[12]Daressy, ASAE 19 (1920), 149-152; Urk IV, 1404.

[13] LD III, 25; Daressy, Mйm. Miss. VIII, 275, no. 18; Urk IV, 403:1..

[14] Upper Egypt, See: Spiegelberg, ZÄS 51 (1914), 122-26.

[15] PM 2 I:1, 289-290; KRI III, 184:1.

[16] PM 2 I:1, 125-27; Urk IV, 1418 ff.; Newberry, PSBA 22 (1900), 61.

[17] PM 2 I:1, 125-27; Urk IV, 1418 ff.; Newberry, PSBA 22 (1900), 61.

[18]M. Benson and J. Gourlay, Temple of Mut in Asher (London, 1899), 300 ff; Urk IV, 407:15.

[19] LD Text III, 243; Urk IV, 522:5.

[20] PM 2 I:1, 125; LD Text III, 278; Urk IV, 1571:14.

[21] Daressy, Mйm Miss. VIII, 287, no. 161; Urk IV, 1415:1.

[22] A. Mariette, Catalogue gиneral des monuments d'Abydos dйcouverts pendant les fouilles de cette vill, no. 1085 (Paris, 1880); De Rougй, Inscriptions hiйroglyphiques copiйes en Égypte (Paris, 1877-79), pl. XXXIV; K. Piehl, Inscrptiond hiйroglyphiques III, (Leipzig, 1903), pl. III; P. Lacau, Stиles du Nouvel Empire I (Cairo, 1909), 153-55.

[23] Säve-Söderbergh, Four Eighteenth Dynasty Tombs at Thebes (Oxford, 1957), 71; Urk IV, 1904:14.

[24] Urk IV, 1903:20.

[25] Säve-Söderbergh, Four Eighteenth Dynasty Tombs, 69; Urk IV, 1904.

[26] PM 2 I:1, 105-7; Bouriant, Mйm Miss. V, 413-34, pls. I-V; LD III, 78a; Urk IV, 1596:1.

[27] PM 2 I:1, 97-99; J. Capart, Thйbes: la gloire d'un grand passй (Brussels, 1925), 190; fig. 112; Urk IV, 1608:2.

[28] A. H. Gardiner, The Wilbour Papyrus I (Oxford, 1941), pl. 61 A.

[29] PM 2 I:1, 128; Urk IV, 542.

[30]Ćerný-Gardiner, Hieratic Ostraca I, pl. 23:3; KRI III, 150:12.

[31] Bission de la Roque, Rapport sur les fouilles de Mйdamoud (Cairo, 1926), 49; Urk IV, 1482:18.

[32] PM 2 I:1, 97-99; Capart, Thиbes, 190; fig. 112; Urk IV, 1609:1.

[33]Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten II, 94-96, pl.91; Daressy, RT 14 (1892), 26 no. 33; KRI III, 316:14.

[34] BMHT IX, 58, pl.45:1; KRI III, 375:13.

[35] PM 2 I:1, 97-99; Capart, Thиbes, 190; fig. 112; Urk IV, 1609:8.

[36] The capital of the 8th Upper Egyptian nome; See: Gauthier, Dict. Geog. VI, 76-77.

[37] L. Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten II, no. 711, p. 49, fig. 131; Urk IV, 1497:2.

[38] PM 2 I:1, 108-11; Boussac, Mйm. Miss. XVIII; RT 12 (1890), 106-7; Urk IV, 62 ff.

[39] Newberry, PSBA 22 (1900), 32-35; Urk IV, 477:7.

[40] PM 2 I:1, 123-25; Davies, The Tomb of Kenamun, pl. 8; Urk IV, 1385 ff.

[41] PM 2 I:1, 117-19; J.F. Champollion, Notice descriptives I (Paris, 1844), 558; Daressy, Mйm.Miss. VIII, 977,38; Urk IV, 926.

[42]Davies, El Amarna II, pl. IV, V; Sandman, Texts From the Time of Akhenaten, 21 ff.

[43] See: H. W. Helck, Der Einfluss der Militärfьhrer in der 18 ägyptischen Dynastie. Untersuchungen zur Geschichte und altertumskunde Ägyptens 14 (Leipzig, 1939), 38; AEO I, 112* f.

[44] G. Maspero, Étude йgyptiennes I (Paris, 1886), 69; Urk IV, 999 ff.

[45] Name is lost.

[46] KRI III, 262:6.

[47] PM 2 III, 129; G. A. Gaballa, The MemphiteTomb-Chapel of Mose (Warminster, 1977), pls.VII-XLVI; KRI III, 418 ff.

[48] LEM, 31:8; 31:15; 32:1; 32:4.

[49] Davies, El-Amarna VI, 7; Maj Sandman, Texts From the Time of Akhenaten (Brussels, 1938), 70-86.

[50] KRI III, 262:8.

[51] RAD, 18:8.

[52] PM 2 I:1, 125-27; Urk IV, 1418 ff.; Newberry, PSBA 22 (1900), 61.

[53] PM 2 I:1, 78; Carter, ASAE 4 (1903), 178, pl. ii; Urk IV, 1880.

[54] The owner’s name is lost.

[55] PM 2 I:1, 158; Davies, Theban Tombs of Menkheperrasonb, Amenmose, and Another (nos. 86, 112, 42, 226) (London, 1933),pl. 40-45; Urk IV, 1877 ff.

[56] Davies, El-Amarna II, 38-43, pls. XXIX, XXX, XLVII; Sandman, Texts From the Time of Akhenaten, 29-32.

[57] Davies, El-Amarna III, 3-4, 17-18, pl. I; Sandman, Texts From the Time of Akhenaten, 34 ff.

[58] P. Pierret, Recuil d' inscriptions inйdites du Musйe du Louvre II (Paris, 1878), 10; KRI I, 309:4, 7, 13.

[59] G. Roeder, Äegyptische Inschriften aus den Königlichen Museen zu Berlin II (Leipzig, 1924), 153-56; KRI I, 310:7.

[60]P.A.A. Boeser, Beschreibung.der Äegyptischen Sammlung des Niederländischen Reichsmuseum der Altertьmer in Leiden V (Den Haag, 1913), 8-9; KRI I, 313:13-15.

[61] M. Malinine, G. Posner, J. Vercoutter, Catalogue de Stиles du Sиrapиum de Memphis I (Paris, 1968), 15, pl. 6; KRI V, 269:10.

[62] A. Kamal, Tables d’ Ofrande (Cairo, 1909), 64 no. 23077.

[63] Boeser, Beschreibung V, (6-7 no. 16, pl. VII; KRI V, 6:15.

[64] PM III, 177; LD Text I, 184; Roeder, Äegyptische Inschriften II, 192-95.

[65] Roeder, Äegyptische Inschriften II, 153-56; KRI I, 310:7; 311:5.

[66] Roeder, Äegyptische Inschriften II, 136-38; KRI I, 312:3, 6.

[67]Boeser, Beschreibung V, 8-9; KRI I, 313:8, 11.

[68] W. B. Berend, Principaux monuments du Musйe йgyptien de Florence (Paris, 1882), 95; KRI III, 208:10.

[69] PM III, 192; KRI III, 481 ff.

[70] Davies, El-Amarna II, 38-43, pls. XXIX, XXX, XLVII; Sandman, Texts from the time of Akhenaten, 29-32.

[71] Davies, El-Amarna III, 3-4, 17-18, pl. II; Sandman, Texts From the Time of Akhenaten, 34 ff.

[72] PM 2 I:1, 808; BMHT IX, 32-33, pl. 28; KRI III, 209 f.

[73] Roeder, Äegyptische Inschriften II, 153-56; KRI I, 310:9, 14; 311:2.

[74] Roeder, Äegyptische Inschriften II, 136-38; KRI I, 311:14, 15.

[75] Berend, Principaux monuments, Florence, 95; KRI III, 208:14.

[76] PM 2 I:1, 808; BMHT IX, 32-33, pl. 28; KRI III, 209 f.

[77] Wife of King Ramesses IV, see, A. Dodson and D. Hilton, The Complete Royal Families of Ancient Egypt (Cairo, 2004), 190.

[78] PM 2 I:1, 404; N. de G. Davies, Seven Private Tombs at Thebes (London, 1948), 55-56, pl.40; KRI VI, 86.

[79] PM 2 I:1, 123-25; Davies, The Tomb of Kenamun, pl. 8; Urk IV, 1385.

[80] Ibid.

[81] PM 2 I:1, 129-33; N. de G. Davies, The Tomb of Rekh-mi- rc at Thebes (New York, 1943); P.E. Newberry, The Life of Rekhmara (London, 1900), pl. 7.8; Urk IV, 1071 ff.

[82] PM 2 I:1, 219-24; KRI I, 285 ff..

[83] Qantir in North-eastern Delta.

[84] KRI III, 10:11.

[85] KRI III, 11:4.

[86] BMHT IX, 16; pl. XI; KRI III, 14:15.

[87]Gaballa, MDAIK 30 (1974), 15-21, pl. 15-21, pls. 2, 3; KRI III, 15:8.

[88] PM 2 II, 395; E. Naville, The XIth Dynasty Temple at Deir el Bahari, III (London, 1913), pl. IX; KRI III, 18:14.

[89]O. Koefoed-Petersen, Recueil inscriptions hiйroglyphiques de la Glyptothиque Ny Carlsberg (Brussels, 1936), 12; KRI III, 21:5.

[90] PM 2 I:1, 123-25; Davies, The Tomb of Kenamun, pl. 8; Urk IV, 1385 ff.

[91] PM 2 I:1, 125-27; Urk IV, 1418 ff.; Newberry, PSBA 22 (1900), 61.

[92]Bergmann, RT 18 (1896)., 18, § 21.

[93] Daressy, ASAE 19 (1920), 149 ff; Urk IV, 1404.

[94] PM 2 I:1, 125-27; Urk IV, 1418 ff.; Newberry, PSBA 22 (1900), 61.

[95] PM 2 I;1; 125; LD Text III, 278; Urk IV, 1570:14.

[96] This is another Sobek-hotep, not overseer of the treasury.

[97] Roeder, Äegyptische Inschriften II, 45; Brugsch, ZÄS 31 (1893), 23; Urk IV, 1586.

[98] Urk IV, 1929:1.

[99] E.A.W. Budge, Facsimiles of the Papyri of Hunefer, Anhai, Kerasher and Netchemet, with supplementary text from the papyrus of Nu (London, 1899), pls. 1-11; KRI I, 307:9.

[100] RAD, 9:3.

[101] RAD, 10:11.

[102] RAD, 13:8.

[103] Maspero, RT 1 (1870), 47-59; Bakir, Egyptian Epistolography, 21-23, pls. XXVII-XXXI; KRI VI, 67:2.

[104] KRI III, 643:15.

[105]Zayed, Rd’E 16 (1964), 193-208, fig. 1, pls. 7-8; KRI III, 366:6.

[106] Habachi, Rd’E 21(1969), 43 f., fig. 14; KRI III, 368:16.

[107] Habachi, Rd’E 21(1969), 45, pl. 3; KRI III, 369:9.

[108] Málek, JEA 60 (1974), 165-67, pl. 35; KRI III, 370:16.

[109] LEM, 112:7-8.

[110]Zayed, Rd’E 16 (1964), 193-208, fig. 1, pls. 7-8; KRI III, 366:6.

[111] Habachi, Rd’E 21(1969), 43 f., fig. 14; KRI III, 368:16.

[112] Habachi, Rd’E 21(1969), 45, pl. 3; KRI III, 369:9.

[113] Málek, JEA 60 (1974), 165-67, pl. 35; KRI III, 370:16.

[114] LEM, 112:7-8.

[115] PM 2 I:1, 435; Fakhry, ASAE 36 (1936), 129-30; KRI III, 302:3.

[116] W.M.F. Petrie, Abydos I (London, 1902), 31, 45, pls. 65:2-4; KRI III, 376 f.

[117] RT 2 (1880), 151; KRI III, 14.

[118] PM 2 I:1, 58; Spiegelberg, RT 22 (1900), 115 ff; Urk IV, 448-451.

[119] Daressy, ASAE 19 (1920), 149 ff; Urk IV, 1403.

[120] Daressy, Mйm. Miss. V, 162-185, 287; Urk IV, 1205.

[121] PM 2 I:1, 87; Wreszinski, Atlas I,180; Urk IV, 1477:6.

[122] PM 2 I:1, 113-15; Piehl, Inscriptions hiйroglyphiques I, CVIII Ea; Bouriant, RT 11 (1889), 156-58; Urk IV, 1577 ff.

[123] PM 2 I:1, 105-7; Bouriant, Mйm Miss. V, 413-34, pls. I-V; LD III, 78a; Urk IV, 1596:1.

[124] J. de Morgan, Catalogue des monuments et inscriptions de l'йgypte antique I (Vienna, 1894)., 92, no. 108; Urk IV, 1637.

[125] PM 2 I:1, 86-87; Piehl, ZÄS 25 (1887), 37; Davies The Tomb of th Vizier Ramose, pl. 22; Urk IV, 1776 ff.

[126] Urk IV, 1903:10.

[127] Säve-Söderberg, Four Eighteenth Dynasty Tombs, 71; Urk IV, 1904:13.

[128] Urk IV, 1927:14.

[129] Varille, ASAE 45 (1947), 1 ff.; Zaba, ASAE 50 (1950), 509; Urk IV, 1934:8.

[130] Davies, The Tomb of Kenamun; Urk IV, 1401, 1404

[131]Alliot, BIFAO 32 (1932), 71.

[132] de Morgan, Cat. des Mon. I, 92, no. 108.

[133] Varille, ASAE 45 (1947), 1 ff.; Zaba, ASAE 50 (1950), 509-14.

[134] PM 2 I:1, 136; LD Text III, 251-52; Champollion, Notices Descriptive s I, 525; Urk IV, 1881.

[135] LD III, 25; Daressy, Mйm. Miss. VIII, 275, no. 17.

[136] KRI III, 346:3.

[137]Zayed, Rd’E 16 (1964), 193-208, fig. 1, pls. 7-8; KRI III, 366:15.

[138]Habachi, Rd’E 21(1969), 45, pl. 3; KRI III, 369:9.

[139] Glanville, JEA 15 (1929), 2; pl. 11,2; BMXT VIII, pl.12.

[140] LEM, 100:2.

[141] Mariette, Catalogue des Monuments d'Abydos, no. 1080; de Rougй, Insciptions hiйrogl yphiques, pl. XVIII, Daressy, RT 13 (1891), Lacau, Stйles du Nouvel Empire, 127-29.

[142] Davies, El-Amarna IV, 14-15, pls. XVII; XIX, XLII; Sandman, Texts From the Time of Akhenaten, 50.

[143] Ramesses III.

[144] G. Steindorff, Aniba II (Gьckstadt, 1935-37), 24, pl.11; KRI V, 384:3.

[145] PM 2 I:1, 86-87; Piehl, ZÄS 25 (1887), 37; Davies, The Tomb of Vizier Ramose at Thebes, pl. 22; Urk IV, 1776 ff.

[146] RAD, 9:3.

[147] RAD, 13: 8-9.

[148] Budge, The Book of the Dead, pls. 1-11; KRI I, 306:14.

[149] Bisson de la Roque, Medamoud, 49; Urk IV, 1482.

[150] RAD, 35: 7.

[151] Budge, The Book of the Dead, pls. 1-11; KRI I, 307:2.

[152] Daressy, RT 9 (1887), 90; KRI III, 211:12; 377:9.

[153] BMHT IX, 58, pl. 45:1; KRI III, 375:13.

[154] Maspero, RT 2 (1880), 151; KRI III, 376:8.

[155] W.M.F. Petrie, Gizah and Rifeh (London, 1907), 22, pl. 27; KRI III, 443:12.

[156] Theban Necropolis. See Gardiner, JEA 7 (1921), 120; JEA 24 (1938), 163.

[157] Roeder, Äegyptische Inschriften II, 63-71; KRI I, 386:9.

[158] A.H. Gardiner, Hieratic Ostraca (London, 1913), 16 b-c; KRI III, 43:6.

[159] Bauyиre, Deir el-Medineh (1935-40) II, 116, fig. 197; KRI III, 628:6.

[160] PM 2 I:2, 733; Tosi-Roccati, Stele Deir el-Medineh, 81-82; KRI III, 621:1.

[161] PM 2 I:1, 155; Jourdain, La Tombe du Scribe Royal Amenopet, 19-48; KRI I, 381:ff.

[162] Urk IV, 528-29.

[163] LEM, 37:3; see: AEO II, 34* ff.

[164] Davies 1930,

[165] Daressy, ASAE 19 (1920), 149-52; Urk IV, 1404:10.

[166] PM 2 I:1, 111-13; Säve-Söderberg, Four Eighteenth Dynasty Tombs, pl. 60; Urk IV, 1050.

[167] PM 2 I:1, 128; Urk IV, 528-29.

[168] Urk IV, 1927:15.

[169] The main task of the bearer of this title was the supervision of all livestock. It is noteworthy, that the title is attested regularly during the Middle Kingdom, and survives down to the early New Kingdom, though it becomes obsolete during the Ramesside Period. See, Loret, R d’É 38 (1916-17), 61 ff.

[170] PM 2 I:1, 105-7; Bouriant, Mйm Miss. V, 413-34, pls. I-V; LD III, 78a; Urk IV, 1596:1.

[171] PM 2 III, 129; Gaballa, Tomb-Chapel of Mose, pls. VII-XLVI; KRI III, 418 ff.

[172] LD Text III, 264; Urk IV, 1632 f.

[173] LD Text III, 264; Urk IV, 1632:13.

[174] RT 9 (1887), 95-97; Urk IV, 151:1.

[175] RAD, 3:3.

[176] Bouriant, RT 9 (1887), 95-97; Urk IV, 152 ff.

[177] PM 2 I:1, RT 31 (1909), 52; Urk IV, 1452.

[178] Urk IV, 1452:6.

[179] Daressy, Mйm. Miss. VII, 283, no. 123.

[180] S. Sharpe, Egyptian Inscriptions from the British Museum and other Sources II (London, 1855), 107; LD III, 25; Urk. IV, 405:13.

[181] Urk IV, 411:13.

[182] Lacau, Stиles du Nouvel Empire, 162-63.

[183] PM 2 I:1, 128; Urk IV, 531:5.

[184] Legrain, ASAE 4 (1903), 193 ff; Urk IV, 398:10.

[185] Benson-Gourlay, Temple of Mut, 318-19; Urk IV, 467:17.

[186] PM 2 I:1, 125-27; Urk IV, 1418 ff.; Newberry, PSBA 22 (1900), 61.

[187] Urk IV, 559.

[188] Benson-Gourlay, Temple of Mut, 330; Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten II, 152.

[189] LD. III, 25; Daressy, Mйm. Miss. VIII, 275, no. 18; Urk IV, 403:3.

[190] Sharpe, Egyptian Inscriptions II, 107; LD. III, 25; Urk. IV, 405:16.

[191]Hayes, JNES 10 (1951), 100, figs. 5, 15; M.A. Leahy, Excavations at Malkata and Birket Habu: Jar Sealings and Amphorae (Warminster, 1978), 29-31.

[192] E. Bogoslarsky, VDI 123 (1973), 96-104; KRI III, 147:6.

[193] Urk IV, 1644:5.

[194] Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten II, 103-04.

[195] PM 2 I:1, 125-27; Urk IV, 1418 ff.; Newberry, PSBA 22 (1900), 61.

[196] PM IV, 269; Hayes, Scepter of Egypt II, 350:2, fig. 220; KRI I, 352:10.

[197] PM IV, 269; Kamal, ASAE 16 (1916), 86-89 especially; KRI I, 353:14.

[198] Habachi, ASAE 52 (1952), 433-559, pl. 26; KRI V, 425:10.

[199] Habachi, Cd’E 46 (1971), 63-64; KRI V, 426:7.

[200] PM 2 I:1, 152; Fakhri, ASAE 42 (1943), 449; Urk IV, 1868:14.

[201] PM VII, 134:12; R. Caminos, The New Kingdom Temple of Buhen I (London, 1974), 44-45, pl. 55; D. Randalll-MaCiver and C.L. Wolly, Buhen I (Philadelphia, 1911), 33.

[202] The above-mentioned papyrus is the only reference to this title.

[203] LEM, 38:1.

[204] PM 2 III, 571-72; KRI III, 494:3-6.

[205] PM 2 I:1, 125-27; Urk IV, 1418 ff.; Newberry, PSBA 22 (1900), 61.

[206] Davies, The Tomb of Kenamun, pl. 8; Urk IV, 1390:7.

[207] PM 2 I:1, 123-25; Davies, The Tomb of Kenamun, pl. 8; Urk IV, 1385 ff.

[208] Moret, Rd’E 1 (1880), 164-5; Urk IV, 1856.

[209] PM 2 I:1, 120; Urk IV, 1021ff; Wreszinski, Atlas I, 284-86.

[210] Davies, El-Amarna II, 38-43, pls. XXIX, XXX, XLVII; Sandman, Texts from the time of Akhenaten, 29-32.

[211] Davies, El-Amarna IV, 22, 30, pl. XXXV; XLV; Sandman, Texts from the time of Akhenaten, 50.

[212] Davies, El-Amarna V, 8-9, 17, pl. X; Sandman, Texts from the time of Akhenaten, 64.

[213] Hayes JNES 10 (1951), 100, figs. 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15; Leahy, Excavations at Malkata, 29-31.

[214] Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten III, 49, fig. 131; Urk IV, 1497.

[215] BMHT VII, 42; Urk IV, 1897.

[216] PM 2 I:1, 369-72; KRI III, 80:15.

[217] KRI III, 80:7, 8, 12.

[218] Hamada, ASAE 35 (1935), 122-31, pls. I-II; Badawi, ASAE 44 (1944), 186 ff; KRI III, 168 ff.

[219] Boeser, Beschreibung IV, 8-9, pl. 31; KRI III, 179:2.

[220] Boeser, Berchreibung IV, 9, pl. 32; KRI III, 179:6.

[221] de Wite, MDAIK 25 (1969), 220-22, pl.10; KRI III, 181:9, 10.

[222] Ruffle, GAE, 56, pl. 2; KRI III, 192:5, 8.

[223] Ruffle, GAE, 57, KRI III, 194, 11.

[224] Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten II, 117-18, pl. 96; Ruffle, GAE, 59; KRI III, 195 f.

[225] Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten II, 117-18, pl. 96; Ruffle, GAE, 59; KRI III, 196:7.

[226] Wenig, Forschungen n. Berichte VIII, 95-98, pls. 33-36; KRI III, 197:8.

[227] Ruffle, GAE, 58, pl. 6; Spleers, Recueil des inscr., 66-68; KRI III, 197:16.

[228] Clйre, ZÄS 96 (1969), 3, fig. 5; Vandier, Rd’E 18 (1966), 133; KRI IV, 138:15.

[229] Kitchen-Gaballa, Serapis 6 (1981), 82; KRI V, 428:10-11.

[230] Legrain, Statues II, 25-26; KRI VI, 526:4.

[231] KRI IV, 138:15.

[232] Urk IV, 1372:5; Rd’É 1 (1880), 15-16.

[233] PM 2 I:1, 123-25; Davies, The Tomb of Kenamun, pl. 8; Urk IV, 1385 ff.

[234] Daressy, ASAE 19 (1920), 149 ff; Urk IV, 1403:19.

[235]Virey, Mйm Miss. V, 200-15: Piehl, Inscriptions hiйroglyphiques I, 127-29; Champollion, 1844, 558; Daressy, Mйm Miss. VIII, 277-83.

[236]Newberry, Rekhmara, Pl. 7.8.

[237] Legrain, Statues II, 35.

[238] PM 2 I:1, 128; Gardiner, ZÄS 47 (1910), 87-99; Urk IV, 1408:8; Urk IV, 1408 ff

[239] Wreszinski, ZÄS 67 (1931), 132, pl. 9; Urk IV, 1614:16.

[240] PM 2 I:2, 790; Sharpe, Egyptian Inscriptions I, pl. 54; KRI III, 136:16.

[241]Zayed, Rd’E 16 (1964), 193-208, fig. 1, pls. 7-8; KRI III, 367:4.

[242] RT 13 (1891), 174 ff; Urk IV, 513:5.

[243] This is another Sobek-hotep, not overseer of treasury.

[244] Roeder, Äegyptische Inschriften II, 45; Brugsch, ZÄS 31 (1893), 23; Urk IV, 1586.

[245] Davies, El-Amarna III (London, 1905), 3-4, 17-18, pl. II; Sandman, Texts from the time of Akhenaten, 34 ff.

[246] A. Fakhry, ASAE 37 (1937), 36 f; KRI III, 135:13.

[247] Ćerný-Gardiner, Hieratic Ostraca I, pls. 81-82; KRI III, 138:6.

[248] Hieratic Pap. Berlin III, pls. 31, 31 A; KRI III, 145:15.

[249] E. Bogoslarsky, VDI 123 (1973), 96-104; KRI III, 147:3.

[250] Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten II, 117-18, pl. 96; Ruffle, GAE 59 (xxx); KRI III, 195:15.

[251] LEM, 46:14.

[252] LEM, 55:10.

[253] LEM, 73:15; 74:2, 4; 75:4.

[254] LEM, 98:19.

[255] Speigelberg, RT 22 (1900), 115 ff; Urk IV, 420:16.

[256] Hayes, Burial chamber of the treasurer Sobk-mose; Urk IV, 1890:6.

[257] Daressy, Mйm. Miss. VIII, 287, no. 160: Urk IV, 1414:15.

[258] Virey, Mйm. Miss. V, 200-15; Piehl, Inscriptions hiйroglyphiques I, 127-29; Champollion, Notices Descriptive s I, 558; Daressy, Mйm. Miss. VIII, 277-83.

[259] Newberry, Rekhmara, Pl.7.8.

[260] Legrain, Statues II, 35.

[261] Moret, Rd’É 1, N.S. (1880), 15-16, pl. 4; Urk IV, 1372:13.

[262] PM 2 I:1, 128; Gardiner, ZÄS 47 (1910), 87-99; Urk IV, 1408:8; Urk IV, 1408 ff.

[263] Spleers, Recueil des Inscr., no. 267; KRI III, 373:10.

[264] PM V, 209-10; LD Text IV, 85g; Radwan, MDAIK 32 (1976), 187-89; KRI IV, 90:10.

[265] Roeder, Äegyptische Inschriften II, 63-71; KRI I, 387:16.

[266] PM 2 I:1, 86-87; Piehl, ZÄS 25 (1887), 37; Davies, The Tomb of the Vizier Ramose, pl. 22; Urk IV, 1776 ff.

[267]Daressy, ASAE 18 (1919), 282-83; KRI III, 143:7.

[268] A.H.Gardiner, Hieratic Papyri in the British Museum (London, 1935), I, 24-26, III, pl.11:11; KRI IV, 87:2.

[269] Peet, Great Tomb Robberies II, pl. XXII; KRI VI, 833:14.

[270]Fakhry, ASAE 37 (1937), 25-38 especially 36; KRI III, 135:11.

[271] PM 2 I:2, 790; Sharpe, Egyptian Inscriptions I, pl. 54; KRI III, 136:14.

[272]Fakhry, ASAE 39 (1939), 91-94; pls. 7-9; KRI III, 140:2,3, 6.

[273] Davies, El-Amarna III, 3-4, 17-18, pl. II; Sandman, Texts from the time of Akhenaten, 34 ff.

[274] PM V, 209-10; LD VI, pl. 23; KRI V, 228:11-12.

[275] Davies, El-Amarna V, 17-18, pl.IV; Sandman, Texts from the time of Akhenaten, 59-63.

[276] BMHT V, pl. 38; W.M.F. Petrie, Abydos II (London, 1903), pl.36; Urk IV, 1802:18.

[277] PM 2 I:1, 266-68; KRI III, 285:1.

[278] Bruyиre, Deir el-Medineh ( 1934-35)III: Le Village, 395-60, fig. 209; KRI VI, 82:7.

[279] Urk IV, 1929:3.

[280] New Kingdom and Late Period title of the administrator of an estate of the god’s temple, the king or his mortuary temple, or a member of royal family.

[281] Petrie, Six Temples at Thebes, pl.15; Urk IV, 1480:12.

[282] Sharpe, Egyptian Inscriptions II, 107; LD III, 25; Urk. IV, 406:14.

[283] Urk IV, 409.

[284] Pierret, Rec.des inscr. du Louvre II, 25-27; Gayet, Stйles de la 12 me Dyn., 16-22.

[285] Caminos, New Kingdom Temple of Buhen I, 44-45, pls. 55; MaCiver-Wolly, Buhen, 33; PM VII, 134:12.

[286] Lieblein, Dunkmьler in St. Petersburg V, 5-6, 95; KRI V, 391.

[287] Roeder, MDAIK 7 (1937), 33-34, pl.10b; KRI VI, 230.

[288] PM 2 I:1, 113-15; Piehl, Inscriptions hiйroglyphiques I, CVIII Ea; Bouriant, RT 11 (1889), 156-58; Urk IV, 1580.

[289] Wreszinski, ZÄS 67 (1931), 132, pl. 9; Urk IV, 1614.

[290] LD Text IV, 116; de Morgan, Cat. des Mon. I, 41: UrK IV, 396:12.

[291] Borchardt 1934, 88; Urk IV, 1801:9.

[292] BMHT V, pl. 38; Petrie, Abydos III, pl.36; Urk IV, 1802:4.

[293] Borchardt 1930,78-79; Urk IV, 1811:11.

[294] Lieblein, Dunkmьler in St. Petersburg V, 17; Urk IV, 1812:14-15.

[295] Pierret, Recuil des 'inscrip du Louvre II, 20; KRI I, 307:14.

[296] Hermann, MDAIK 5 (1934), 35-36; KRI III, 155:7.

[297] PM III, 193; Quibell, Excavations at Saqqara “1905-1906” III, 15; KRI III, 179:8.

[298] H.D. Schneider; Shabtis: An Introduction to the History of Ancient Egyptian Funerary Statuettes, with a Catalogue of the Shabtis in the National Museum of Antiquities at Leiden II (Leiden, 1977), 63, pl. 94, III, pl. 21; KRI III, 187:11.

[299]Ruffle, GAE, 57, KRI III, 194:14.

[300] PM 2 I:1, 435; Fakhry, ASAE 36 (1936), 129-30; KRI III, 302:3.

[301]Borchardt 1925, 94-96, pl. 91; Daressy, RT 14 (1892), 26 no. 33; KRI III, 316:13.

[302] Roeder, Äegyptische Inschriften II, 514; KRI III, 318:5.

[303] PM VII, 134, Maciver-Wooly, Buhen, 33; Caminos, New KingdomTemples of Buhen I, 44-45, pls. 55, 58; KRI V, 383:15.

[304] PM III, 142; Berend, Principaux monuments, Florence, 62 f; pl. 8; KRI III, 172:6.

[305] Boeser, Beschreibung IV, 1911, 7-8, pls. 26-29; KRI III, 173 ff.

[306] Boeser, Berchreibung IV, pl. 30; KRI III, 177:13.

[307] PM III, 193; Quibell, Excavations at Saqqara “1905-1906” III, 15; KRI III, 179:11.

[308] A royal estate of Memphis. See Helck, Verwaltung 6, xxx

[309] PM 2 I:1, 123-25; Davies, Tomb of Kenamun l. 8; Urk IV, 1385 ff.

[310]Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten III, 163-4, pl.158; Benson-Gourlay, Temple of Mut, 326-8; Urk IV, 1407:11.

[311] Gauthier, Dict. Geog. III, 38-39.

[312] Piehl, ZÄS 25 (1887), 37; Davies, The Tomb of the Vizier Ramose at Thebes, pl. 22.

[313] Petrie, Memphis I, pl.18; Urk IV, 1804:6, 10.

[314] Schiaparelli, Cat. no. 2567; Bagnani, Aegyptus 14, 34 ff; fig. 1; Urk IV, 1807:12.

[315] Boeser, Beschrijv V, 1; Urk IV, 1812:7.

[316] BMHT V, pl. 38; Petrie, Abydos II, pl. 36; Urk IV, 1802.

[317] Baganani, Aegyptus 14, 37, fig. 2; Urk IV, 1808:16-18.

[318] Baganani, Aegyptus 14, 42, fig. 5; Urk IV, 1809:7, 10.

[319] Hayes, JEA 24 (1938), 9 ff., pl. I 2; Urk IV, 1809:19.

[320] L. Habachi, Festschrift Wessetsky: Studia Aegyptiaca I (Budapest, 1974), 139-42, figs. 6-9; KRI III, 240:11.

[321]Wente, JNES 22 (1963), 30-36 especially 32, fig. 1; KRI III, 187:5-6

[322] Quibell, Excavations at Saqqara (1909-10), pl. 67:3, 68:1, 71:1-8; 74:10; KRI III, 187 ff.

[323] Lieblein, Denkmäler in St. Petersburg, 4-5, pl. I:1-3; KRI III, 211:5.

[324] PM 2 II, 177, 527a; LD III, 237 a, k; Lefebvre, Histoire des Grands Prкtres d'Amon, 264-66; KRI VI, 88:6.

[325] PM 2 I:1, 146; Legrain, Statues II, 29, pl. 26; KRI VI, 531:12.

[326] Ruffle, GAE, 56 f., pl. III; KRI III, 444:6-7.

[327] KRI III, 171:16.

[328] Urk IV, 410:13.

[329]Barsanti-Gauthier ASAE 11 (1911), 77-81; H. Gauthier, Le Temple de Ouady es-Seboua (Cairo, 1912), pl. 66; KRI III, 91:15.

[330] PM 2 I:1, 78; KRI III, 308:7.

[331] Daressy, RT 19 (1897), § 139; KRI III, 308:4.

[332] PM 2 I:1, 49-50; KRI III, 318:10-11.

[333] Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten II, 94-96; KRI III, 317:2.

[334] N. de G. Davies and M. G. Macadam; Corpus of Egyptian Funerary Cones I (Oxford, 1957), no. 346; KRI III, 318:7.

[335] PM 2 I:1, 289-290; KRI III, 182:11.

[336] Lacau, Stйles du Nouvel Empire, 36-37, pl. XI, no. 34018; Urk IV, 1495.

[337] PM 2 I:1, 123-25; Davies, Tomb of Kenamun, pl. 8; Urk IV, 1385 ff.

[338] Bouriant, RT 9 (1887), 94-5; Piehl, Inscriptions hiйroglyphiques, 26, 117-18.

[339] PM 2 III, 571-72; KRI III, 493:12.

[340] Barsanti-Gauthier, ASAE 11 (1911), 75-77, pl. III; KRI III, 91:4.

[341] PM IV, 139; Champollion, Notices descriptive s II, 439; LD Text II, 55-56; KRI I, 305:2.

[342] Petrie, Heliopolis, pl. 9; KRI VI, 230.

[343] Quibell, Excavations at Saqqara II (1906-7), pl. 37:4-5; KRI III, 181:16.

[344] PM 2 I:1, 289-290; KRI III, 183:8.

[345] Quibell, Excavations at Saqqara (1909-10), pl. 67:3, 68:1, 71:1-8; 74:10; KRI III, 187 ff.

[346] Ruffle, GAE, 57, KRI III, 194:16.

[347] Brochardt, Statuen und Statuetten, no. 1220; KRI III, 199:11.

[348] PM 2 I:1, 289-290; KRI III, 183:15.

[349] PM 2 I:1, 123-25; Davies, Tomb of Kenamun, pl. 8; Urk IV, 1385 ff.

[350] Bission de la Roque, Mйdamoud, 49; Urk IV, 1482:16.

[351] PM 2 I:1, 86-87; Piehl, ZÄS 25 (1887), 37; Davies, The Tomb of the Vizier Ramose, pl. 22; Urk IV, 1786.

[352] Benson-Gourlay, Temple of Mut, 300 ff; Urk IV, 408:2.

[353] Daressy, ASAE 19 (1920), 149 ff; Urk IV, 1404:7.

[354] Bisson de la Roque, Medamud, 49; Urk IV, 1482.

[355] Wreszinski, ZÄS 67 (1831), 132, pl. 9; Urk IV, 1614:6.

[356] Glanville, JEA 18 (1932), 57, pl. VII 3; Urk IV, 1615:8, 15.

[357]Chevrier, ASAE 50(1950), pl. 12; Sauneron, ASAE 52 (1952), 145; Urk IV, 1896.

[358] Legrain, Statues I, 80-81, pl. 77; Urk IV, 1900.

[359] Pierret, Recueil des inscrip. du Louvre II, 38; Urk IV, 1902.

[360] Säve-Söderberg, Four Eighteenth dynasty Tombs, 71; Urk IV, 1905:1.

[361] Koefoed-Petersen, Recueil inscr. hiйrogl. Ny Carlsberg, 5-7; KRI III, 142:2.

[362] A name of first Lower Egyptian nome, Memphis. See: Gauthier, Dict. Geog. I, 82-83.

[363] PM 2 I:1, 86-87; Piehl, ZÄS 25 (1887), 37; Davies, Tomb of the Vizier Ramose, Pl. 22; Urk IV, 1776 ff.

[364] PM 2 I:1, 123-25; Davies, Tomb of Kenamun, pl. 8; Urk IV, 1385 ff.

[365] LD Text IV, 116; Legrain, ASAE 4 (1903), 193 ff; Urk IV, 398:8.

[366] Vandier, Rd'É 13 (1961), 65-69, fig. 1; KRI VI, 99:3.

[367]The Ramesseum.

[368] Brochardt, Statuen und Statuetten, no. 1220; KRI III, 199:8, 10, 13, 14.

[369] Roeder, Äegyptische Inschriften II, 143-44; KRI III, 186:7.

[370] Benson-Gourlay, Temple of Mut, 300 ff; Urk IV, 408:1.

[371] Urk. IV, 455.

[372] Roeder, Äegyptische Inschriften II, 290; KRI III, 140:12.

[373] Davies, Tomb of Kenamun, pl. 8; Urk IV, 1386:20.

[374] PM 2 1:1, 113-15; Piehl, Inscriptions hiйroglyphiques I, CVIII Ea; Bouriant, RT 11 (1889 ), 156-58; Urk IV, 1579.

[375] PM 2 I:1, 289-290; KRI III, 182:15.

[376] PM 2 I:1, 120; Urk IV, 1021.

[377] PM V, 189; LD Text IV, 45.

[378] Badawi, ASAE 44 (1944), 181-206, pls.16-20; KRI III, 165:15.

[379] Hamada, ASAE 35 (1935), 122-31, pls. I-II; Badawi, ASAE 44 (1944), 186 ff; KRI III, 168 ff.

[380] Ruffle, GAE, 57 f, pl. 5; KRI III, 193:4-5.

[381] Wente, JNES 22 (1963), 30-32, fig. 1; KRI III, 187:5.

[382] Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten II, 117-18, pl. 96; J. Ruffle, GAE, 59; KRI III, 196:4.

[383] Spleers, Recueil des Inscr., 65 no. 270; KRI III, 198:14-15.

[384] PM 2 I:1, 289-290; KRI III, 183:3.

[385] Badawi, ASAE 44 (1944), 181-206, pls. 16-20; KRI III, 165:4.

[386] Badawi, ASAE 44 (1944), 181-206, pls. 16-20; KRI III, 164:11.

[387] PM III, 193; LD I, 15; KRI III, 179:14.

[388] Hamza, ASAE 30 (1930), 37-38; KRI III, 443:4-7.

[389] Badawy, ASAE 44 (1944), 181-206; KRI III, 164 ff.

[390] The Abydos Ramesseum.

[391] PM 2 I:2, 813; Daressy, RT 14 (1892), 170; KRI III, 202:12.

[392] A temple of the Sun-god in Heliopois. See, Gauthier, Dict. Geog. III, 127.

[393] Badawy, ASAE 44 (1944), 181-206; KRI III, 165:4.

[394] Urk IV, 1924:18.

[395] Gardiner, The Inscriptions of Sinai I, pl. XX, no. 58; Björkman, JARCE 11(1974), 43-51. Urk IV, 1634:6.

[396] LD Text III, 259; Daressy, Mйm. Miss. VIII, 272, no. 17; Urk IV, 403:9.

[397] LD III, 25 I-n; Sharpe, Egyptian Inscriptions II, 107; Urk IV, 405:11.

[398] Davies, Tomb of Rekhmare, pl. 7, 8.

[399] Legrain, Cat. Gйn.

[400] Daressy, Mйm. Miss. VIII, 287, no. 160; Urk IV, 1414:14.

[401] Petrie, Naqada and Ballas, pl. 78; Urk IV, 1437:11.

[402] LRL 59:2.

[403] PM 2 I:1, 128; Gardiner, ZÄS 47 (1910), 87 ff; Urk IV, 1408:8; Urk IV, 1408 ff.

[404] PM 2 I:1, 136; LD Text III, 251-52; Champollion, Notices descriptive s I, 525; Urk IV, 1882:7, 16.

[405] PM 2 I:1, 105-7; Bouriant, Mйm Miss. V, 413-34, pls. I-V; LD III, 78a; Urk IV, 1596:1.

[406] Urk IV, 1929:4.

[407] Mariette, Catalogue des Monuments d'Abydos II, pl. XXXIII b; Lacau, Stиles du Nouvel Empire, 37-38, pl. XI; Urk IV, 1496:5.

[408] PM V, 74; Legrain, RT 31 (1909), 212; KRI III, 458 ff.

[409] Champollion, Notices descriptive s I, 539; Urk IV, 1950.

[410] PM III, 192; A. Mariette, Monuments divers recuillis en Égypte en Nubie (Paris, 1892), pl. 62; KRI III, 417:10.

[411] Davies, El-Amarna III, 26-32, pl. XXVII; Sandman, Texts From the Time of Akhenaten, 43-47.

[412] Davies, Tomb of Kenamun, pl. 68; Urk IV, 1408:9.

[413] Speigelberg, R d’É 1 (1880), 216; 1408:3.

[414]Gauthier, BIFAO 6 (1908), 140; Urk IV, 1506:14.

[415] Davies, El-Amarna IV, 22, 30, pls. XXXV, XLV; Sandman, Texts from the time of Akhenaten, 55-56.

[416] PM III, 193; Quibell, Excavations at Saqqara IV (1908-10), 140, pl. 86; KRI III, 180:13.

[417] BMHT V, pl. 38; Petrie, Abydos II, pl. 36; Urk IV, 1802:17.

[418] LD Text III, 264; Urk IV, 1633:1.

[419] Bission de la Roque, Mйdamoud, 49; Urk IV, 1483:1.

[420] Gauthier, Dict. Geog. III, 48.

[421] Fairman, JEA 25 (1939), 139-44, pl. XVI.1.

[422] KRI III, 81:2

[423] PM 2, I:2, 773-74; S. Schott, Wall Scens from the Mortuary Chapel of mayor Paser at Medinet Habu (Chicago, 1957), 19-21; KRI V, 385.

[424] PM VII, 36 f; Roeder, Äegyptische Inschriften II, 78; KRI III, 87:6.

[425] Davies, El-Amarna V, 15, pl. XIII; Sandman, Texts From the Time of Akhenaten, 66.

[426] PM V, 6; Chaban, ASAE 2 (1901), 137-140; G. Brunton, Mostagedda and the Tasian Culture (London, 1937), 135-36; KRI III, 143:15-16.

[427] MDAIK 25 (1969), 220-2, pl.10; KRI III, 181:6.

[428] Ruffle, GAE, 55-56, pl. I, KRI III, 193:13.

[429] Davies, Tomb of Kenamun, pl. 8; Urk IV, 1404:.

[430] Daressy, ASAE 19 (1920), 149 ff; Urk IV, 1403:17.

[431]Davies, El-Amarna III, 26-32, pl. XXVII; Sandman, Texts From the Time of Akhenaten, 43-47.

[432] The owner’s name is lost.

[433] PM 2 I:1, 158; Davies, Theban Tomb Series V, pl.40-45; Urk IV, 1877 ff.

[434] Budge, Facsimiles of the Papyri of Hunefer, Anhai, Kerasher and Netchemet …., pls. 1-11; KRI I, 306:14.

[435] Moret, Rd’É, N.S., 1 (1880), p.5; Dunham, JEA 26 (1940), 138, XXVII; Urk. IV, 1501.

[436] KRI III, 442:2.

[437] Ruffle, GAE, 57 f, pl. 5; KRI III, 192:14.

[438]Kuentz, BIFAO 21 (1922), 119-30.

[439] PM 2 I:1, 78; Davies, Seven Private Tombs, pl. II; Urk IV, 1416.

[440] Bouriant, RT 9 (1887), 95-97; Urk IV, 152 ff.

[441] PM 2 I:1, 152; Fakhri, ASAE 42 (1943), 449; Urk IV, 1858 ff.

[442]Davies, El-Amarna III, 3-4, 17-18, pl. II; Sandman, Texts from the time of Akhenaten, 34 ff.

[443] Roeder, Äegyptische Inschriften II, 143-44; KRI III, 186:7.

[444] PM 2 I:1, 125-27; Urk IV, 1418 ff.; Newberry, PSBA 22 (1900), 61.

[445] Davies-Gardiner, Five Theban Tombs, pl. 43; Urk IV,1439.

[446] PM 2 I:1, 65; RT 9 (1887), 95-97; Urk IV, 145 ff.

[447] LD III, 25; Daressy, Mйm. Miss. 8, 275, no. 18; Urk IV, 403:2.

[448] Mariette, Catalogue des Monuments d'Abydos 33; KRI V, 427:16.

[449] PM 2 I:1, 259-60; Gaballa-Kitchen, MDAIK 37 (1981), 161-80; KRI V, 412 ff.; KRI VI, 92:9.

[450] LD Text III, 259; Daressy, Mйm. Miss. VIII, 275 no. 17; Urk IV, 403:11.

[451] Glanville, JEA 15 (1929), 2, pl. II,2; BMHT VIII, pl. 12; Urk IV, 1829:11.

[452] The statue was found in the Temple of Mut at Karnak.

[453] Newberry, ASAE 28 (1928), 141-43; Urk IV, 1832:1.

[454] Davies, El-Amarna V, 17-18, pl. II-IV; Sandman, Texts from the time of Akhenaten, 59-63.

[455]Hayes, JNES 10 (1951), 100, figs. 5, 6; 7; Leahy, Excavations at Malkata and Birket Habu, 29-31.

[456] Kitchen-Gaballa, Serapis 6 (1982), fig. 2.

[457] Petrie, Sedment II, pl. 68; KRI III, 243:16; 244:8.

[458] Quibell, Excavations at Saqqara IV (1908-10), Pl.72; KRI III, 188:14.

[459] Brochardt, Statuen und Statuetten; KRI III, 199:10, 13.

[460] Petrie, Abydos II, pl. 35, 38; KRI III, 200:2.

[461] Urk IV, 1050.

[462] Urk IV, 1050.

[463] Urk IV, 1050.

[464] Urk IV, 1050.

[465] PM 2 I:1, 103-5; LD Text III, 266.

[466] Urk IV, 1403; Daressy, ASAE 19 (1920), 149 ff.

[467] PM 2 I:1, 107-8; LD Text III, 271; Urk IV, 1476:4.

[468] BMHT VIII, pl. 7; Urk IV, 1503:14, 20.

[469] Hayes, Burial chamber of the treasurer Sobk-mose; Urk IV, 1890.

[470] PM 2 I:1, 58; Spiegelberg, RT 22 (1900), 115 ff.

[471] Legrain, Statues II, 35; Urk IV, 1374.

[472] PM 2, I:2, 773-74; S. Schott, Wall Scens from the Mortuary Chpel of mayor Paser at Medinet Habu (Chicago,1957), 19-21; KRI V, 385.

[473] Davies, El-Amarna I, 20-23, pl. VI, IX; Sandman, Texts From the Time of Akhenaten, 1.

[474] Davies, El-Amarna III, 3-4, 17-18, pl. II; Sandman, Texts from the time of Akhenaten, 34 ff.

[475] Davies, El-Amarna III, 26-32, pl. XXVII; Sandman, Texts from the time of Akhenaten, 43-47.

[476] Gardiner, Inscriptions of Sinai I, pl. LXVII; II, 172.

[477] Gardiner, Inscriptions of Sinai II, 168, fig. 13.

[478] Gardiner, Inscriptions of Sinai I, pl. LXV, II, 169.

[479] Gardiner, Inscriptions of Sinai I, pl. LXV, II, 169.

[480] Ibid.

[481]Hayes, JNES 10 (1951), 100, figs. 5, 15; Leahy, Excavations at Malkata and Birket Habu, 29-31.

[482]Gaballa, MDAIK 30 (1974), 15-21, pl.15-21, pls. 2, 3; KRI III, 15:8.

[483]Barsanti-Gauthier, ASAE 11 (1911), 77-81; H. Gauthier, Le Temple de Ouady es-Seboua (1919), pl. 66; KRI III, 91:13.

[484] Fakhry, ASAE 37 (1937), 36-37; KRI III, 135:13.

[485] PM 2 I:2, 790; Sharpe, Egyptian Inscriptions I, pl. 54; KRI III, 136:7 ff.

[486] Roeder, Äegyptische Inschriften II, 61; KRI III, 137:16.

[487] Roeder, Äegyptische Inschriften II, 290; KRI III, 140:12.

[488] Boeser, Berchreibung IV, pl. 30; KRI III, 177:13.

[489]Habachi, Rd’E 21(1969), 43 f., fig. 14; KRI III, 369:4.

[490]Zayed, Rd’E 16 (1964), 193-208, fig. 1, pls. 7-8; KRI III, 366:13.

[491] Habachi, Rd’E 21(1969), 44, fig. 15; KRI III, 371:14.

[492] Málek, JEA 60 (1974), 161-5, pl. 34, fig. 1; KRI III, 372:12.

[493] Hier. Pap. Berlin III, pls. 31, 31A; KRI III, 145 f.

[494] Černý-Gardiner, Hieratic Ostraca I, pls. 81-82; KRI III, 138 ff.

[495] Bogoslavsky, VDI 123 (1973), 96-103-104; KRI III, 146 f.

[496] PM 2 I:1, 86-87; Piehl, ZÄS 25 (1887), 37; Davies, The Tomb of the Vizier Ramose, pl. 22; Urk IV, 1789.

[497] Roeder, Äegyptische Inschriften II, 290; KRI III, 140:11.

[498] Fakhry, ASAE 39 (1939), 91-94, Pls. 7-9; KRI III, 141:2-3.

[499] Legrain, Statues II, 38-39, pl. 36; KRI III, 141:11.

[500] Lieblein, Denkmäler in St. Petersburg, 4-5, pl. I:1-3; KRI III, 211:5.

[501]Ruffle, GAE, 58, pl. 6; Spleers, Recueil des Inscr., 66-68; KRI III, 198:2, 3.

[502] Legrain, RT 14 (1892), 57 § 36; KRI VI, 87:1.

[503] Hayes, Burial Chamber of the Treasurer Sobek-mose.

[504] J. Černý, Egyptian Stelae, Bankes Collection ( London, 1958), no. 4; KRI III, 620:11.

[505]Zayed, Rd’E 16 (1964), 193-208, fig. 1, pls. 7-8; KRI III, 366:3-4.

[506]Habachi, Rd’E 21(1969), 43 f., fig. 14; KRI III, 368:16.

[507] PM 2 I:1, 369-72; KRI III, 80:15.

[508] KRI III, 80:6

[509]Hamada, ASAE 47 (1947), 15-21, pls. 3-5; Gardiner, JEA 48 (1948), 19-22; KRI V, 415:9.

[510] Koefoed-Petersen, Recueil inscr. hiйrogl. Ny Carlsberg, 5-7; KRI III, 141:16 ff.

[511]Černý, Egyptian Stelae, Bankes Coll ection, no. 4; KRI III, 620:10.

[512] PM VII, 365; Gardiner, The Inscriptions of Sinai I, pl. 75, II, 194; KRI VI, 85.

[513] PM 2 I:1, 107-8; LD Text III, 271; Urk IV, 1476:4.

[514] Fakhry, ASAE 37 (1937), 36-37; KRI III, 135:11.

[515] PM 2 I:2, 790; Sharpe, Egyptian Inscriptios I, pl. 54; KRI III, 136:14.

[516] Roeder, Äegyptische Inschriften II, 61; KRI III, 137:15.

[517] Davies, El-Amarna V, 14, 17, pl. XV; Sandman, Texts From the Time of Akhenaten, 1938), 66.

[518] Roeder, Äegyptische Inschriften II, 61; KRI III, 137:15.

[519] PM V, 6; Chaban, ASAE 2 (1901), 137-40; KRI III, 143:16.

[520] PM V, 6; Chaban, ASAE 2 (1901), 137-40; KRI III, 144:14.

[521] Legrain, Statues II, 38-39; pl. 36; KRI III, 141:11.

[522] BMHT 9, 31-32, pls. 27-27a; Brunner, JEA 45 (1959), 3-5, pl. I; KRI IV, 123:11.

[523]Zayed, Rd’E 16 (1964), 193-208, fig. 1, pls. 7-8; KRI III, 366:11.

[524]Habachi, Rd’E 21(1969), 42, fig. 13; KRI III, 368:4.

[525]Habachi, Rd’E 21(1969), 43 f., fig. 14; KRI III, 369:5.

[526] PM VII, 222; D. Dunham, The Barkal Temples Excavated by George Reisner (Boston, 1970), 29, pl. 28; KRI VI, 528:8.

[527]Habachi, Rd’E 21(1969), 45, pl. 3; KRI III, 369:9.

[528] A name of the Funerary Temple of Ramesses III at Medinet Habu, see: Gauthier, Dict. Geog. IV, 90.

[529] PM V, 209; LD Text IV, 85; KRI V, 419:7.

[530] PM 2 I:1, 43; KRI III, 373:15.

[531] PM III, 193; Quibell, Excavations, Saqqara (1907-8), III, 15; KRI III, 179:14.

[532] PM III, 193; LD I, 15; KRI III, 179:14.

[533] Daressy, RT 16 (1894), 123; Lacau, Stиles du Nouvel Empire, 214-16.

[534] The owner’s name is lost.

[535] PM 2 I:1, 158; Davies, Theban Tomb Series V, pl. 40-45; Urk IV, 1878:3.

[536] Urk IV, 418:9.

[537]Gauthier, ASAE 21 (1921), 17-21; KRI III, 239:3.

[538] PM IV, 11; Daressy, ASAE 20 (1920), 124-26.

[539] Bission de la Roque, Mйdamoud, 49; Urk IV, 1483:4.

[540] G. Maspero, Étude Égyptiennes I (Paris, 1886), 69; Urk IV, 999.

[541] PM 2 I:1, 100-1; Champollion, Not ices descriptives I, 831; Piehl, Inscriptions hiйroglyphiques I, 107-8.

[542] Davies, El Amarna VI, 7; Sandman, Texts from the time of Akhenaten, 70-86.

[543] Legrain, ASAE 14 (1914), 30.

[544] PM IV, 66; Engelbach, ASAE 30 (1930), 198-202, pls. I-II; KRI II, 903:16.

[545] Wenig, Forschungen n. Berichte VIII (1967), 95-98, pls. 33-36; KRI III, 197:8.

[546] KRI III, 237:14.

[547] PM V, 6; Chaban, ASAE 2 (1901), 137-140; Brunton, Mostagedda, 135-36; KRI III, 143:15.

[548] Petrie, Sedment II, 27, pls. 69-70; KRI III, 234 ff.

[549] Gauthier, ASAE 21 (1921), 19.

[550] Ruffle, GAE, 56 f., pl. III; KRI III, 444:11.

[551] PM III, 193; Quibell, Excavations, Saqqara (1907-8), III, 15; KRI III, 179:11.

[552]Gauthier, ASAE 21 (1921), 17-21; KRI III, 238:11, 13, 15; 239:2, 3, 5, 6.

[553] Legrain, RT 14 (1892), 57 § 36; KRI VI, 87.

[554] PM 2 I:2, 546; LD III, 217; Davies – Maspero, The Tomb of Siptah, 24-28; KRI VI, 463.

[555] PM V, 209-10; LD Text IV, 85g; Radwan, MDAIK 32 (1976), 187-89; KRI IV, 90:1.

[556] Mariette, Abydos II, pl. 57; KRI VI, 848 f.

[557] PM IV, 11; Daressy, ASAE 20 (1920), 124-26.

[558] PM IV, 11; Daressy, ASAE 11 (1911), 142-44.

[559] LEM 68:8.

[560] LEM 73:10.

[561] Peet, Great Tomb Robberies II, pl. XI.

[562] LRL, 22:12.

[563] LRL, 29:9.

[564] LEM, 107:17.

[565] J.J. Janssen, “Nine Letters from the Time of Ramses II” Oudheidkundige Mededelingen uit het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden 41 (Leiden, 1960), 35, 40, pl. III, fig. 7; Bakir, Egyptian Epistolography,pls. 9, 12; KRI III, 230:4.

[566] Barns, JEA 34 (1948), 35-40, pls. IX-X; KRI I, 240:2.

[567] Peet, Great Tomb-Robberies II, pl. XXXVIII; KRI VI, 837:9.

[568] Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten III, 87-9: Urk IV, 1908:5.

[569] It was found near the Sphinx. PM 2 III, 9; Urk IV, 91:12.

[570] PM 2 I:1, 9; Urk IV, 91; Grйbaut, RT 7 (1886), 142.

[571] Daressy, ASAE 18 (1919), 282-83; KRI III, 143:12.

[572] Gauthier, ASAE 35(1935), 81-87, pl. I; KRI III, 191:15.

[573] PM 2 I:2, 813; Daressy, RT 14 (1892), 170; KRI III, 202:13.

[574] Pierret, Rec. des inscr. du Louvre II, 84; KRI II, 854:8.

[575] PM V, 249; de Morgan, Cat. des Mon. I, 41 no. 182; Brugsch, Thesaurus, 1221; KRI II, 854:14.

[576] KRI II, 85516.

[577] Petrie, Sedment II, 27, pls. 69-70; KRI III, 234 ff.

[578] G.T. Martin, The Hidden Tombs of Memphis: New Discoveries from the Time of Tutankhamun and Ramesses the Great (London, 1991), 35-98.

[579] A. Mariette, Serapeum (Cairo,1857), pls. 13, 14; KRI II, 369:2.

[580] PM IV, 66; Engelbach, ASAE 30 (1930), 198-202, pls. I-II; KRI II, 903:16.

[581] Christophe, ASAE 51 (1951), 343 f.; KRI II, 904:15.

[582] Bakry, RSO 46 (1971), 1 ff; KRI II, 903:9.

[583] PM IV, 31; E. Naville, Bubastis (London,1891), 42-43, pl. 36; KRI II, 902:7.

[584] Legrain, ASAE 16 (1916), 161 ff.

[585] Legrain, Statues II, 4-6, pl. II; KRI II, 586:16.

[586] PM 2 I:2, 813; Daressy, RT 14 (1892), 170; KRI III, 202:13.

[587] KR I III, 237:14.

[588] PM V, 209-10; LD Text IV, 85g; Radwan, MDAIK 32 (1976), 187-89; KRI IV, 90:1.

[589] Epigraphic Survey, Medinet Habu II, pls. 68-70, 73-74, 77-78; KRI V, 45:12.

[590] PM 2 I:1, 259-60; Gaballa-Kitchen, MDAIK 37 (1981), 161-80; KRI V, 412 ff.

[591] PM 2 I:2, 546; LD Text III, 220-21; Davies-Ayrton, The Tomb of Siphtah, 21, 26-28; KRI VI, 463 ff.

[592] PM 2 II, 232; Lefebvre, ASAE 26 (1926), 134-47; KRI VI, 844 ff.

[593] Boeser, Berchreibung IV, pl. 30; KRI III, 177:13.

[594] Davies, El-Amarna V, 17-18, pl. II-IV; Sandman, Texts from the time of Akhenaten, 59-63.

[595]Stadelmann, MDAIK 32 (1976), 207-15, fig. 1, pl. 52.

[596] Legrain, ASAE 14 (1914), 30.

[597] Daressy, ASAE 18 (1919), 282-83; KRI III, 143:7.

[598] Petrie, Sedment II, 27, pls. 69-70; KRI III, 234 ff.

[599] KRI III, 238:4, 5.

[600] Koefoed-Petersen, Recueil inscr. hiйrogl. Ny Carlsberg, 5-7; KRI III, 141:15-16.

[601] Koefoed-Petersen, Recueil inscr. hiйrogl. Ny Carlsberg, 5-7; KRI III, 142:1.

[602] PM 2 I:2, 546; LD III, 217; T. M. Davies, and G. Maspero, The Tomb of Siptah (London, 1908), 24-28; KRI VI, 463.

[603] Canopic Nile branch in the 7th nome of Lower Egypt, see: Gauthier, Dict. Gйog. I, 118.

[604] PM 2 I:1, 145; Pierret, Rec. des inscr. du Louvre II, 25-27; A. Gayet, Stйles de la 12 me Dynastie (Paris, 1886).

[605] LRL, 34:8.

[606] LRL, 35:12.

[607] LRL, 36:4.

[608] LRL, 37:4.

[609] Urk IV, 1928:19.

[610] Davies, El-Amarna V, 17-18, pl. IV; Sandman, Texts from the time of Akhenaten, 59-63.

[611] Legrain, Statues II, 38-39; pl. 36; KRI III, 141:10.

[612] KRI III, 238:4, 5.

[613] PM 2 I:1, 43; KRI III, 373:15.

[614] LRL, 59:15.

[615] PM 2 II, 147; Legrain, Statues II, 59, pl. 52; Lefebvre, ASAE 26 (1926), 63-68; KRI VI, 843:16.

[616] PM 2 I:2, 813; Daressy, RT 14 (1892), 170; KRI III, 202:13.

[617] Mariette, Catalogue des Monuments d'Abydos 408; Urk IV, 1915.

[618] PM 2 II, 395; Naville, The XIth Dynasty Temple at Deir el Bahari III, pl. X; KRI III, 18:10.

[619] Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten II, 109-10.

[620] Davies-Gardiner, Five Theban Tombs, pl.43; Urk IV, 1440.

[621] PM V, 29; Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten II, 133-34, pl. 100; KRI IV, 146:13.

[622] PM 2 I:1, 125-27; Urk IV, 1418 ff.; Newberry, PSBA 22 (1900), 61.

[623] Davies-Gardiner, Five Theban tombs; Urk IV, 1440.

[624] Varille, ASAE 36 (1936), 204.

[625] PM 2 I:1, 86-87; Piehl, ZÄS 25 (1887), 37; Davies, Tomb of the Vizier Ramose, Pl.22; Urk IV, 1776 ff.

[626] Bruyere, Mert Seger, 14-17, figs 10, 11.

[627] Bruyиre, Deir el-Medineh (1935-40) II, 40; PM 2 I:2, 696.

[628] Anthes, MDIAK 12 (1943), 22.

[629]J. Ćerný, Graffiti hiйroglyphiques et hiйratiques du Nйcropole thйbaine (Cairo,1956), 4, pl. 9.

[630] Leemana, Monuments йgyptiens du Musйe...а Leyde, II, Monuments Civil, 6-7, pl. XI: 44a; Boeser, Beschreibug V, 7-8, no. 18; KRI VI, 78.

[631] Christophe, BIE 37 (1956), 24-25; KRI VI, 248.

[632] Bruyиre, Deir el-Medineh (1935-40), 109-10; KRI VI, 349.

[633] R. Mond and O. H. Myers, Temples of Armant: a preliminary survey (London, 1940), 189; KRI VI, 349.

[634] Newberry, PSBA. 22 (1900), 32-35; Urk IV, 472.

[635] Mond, ASAE 6(1905), 93; Urk IV, 493.

[636] Legrain, Cat. Gйner.; Urk IV, 1035.

[637] Naville, The XIth Dyn. Temple at Deir el-Bahari, vol. III, pl.VII, 4; Urk IV, 1473.

[638] Naville, Bubastis, pl. 35; BMHT VIII, pl. II; Urk IV, 1840.

[639] Schiparelli, Cat. no. 1570; Urk IV, 1913 f.

[640] Mariette, Catalogue des Monuments d'Abydos 408; Urk IV, 1915.

[641] PM 5, 94; Mariette, Abydos II, pl. 56, d, e, f; de Rougй, Inscr. hiйrogl., pl. 47; Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten IV, 76-77; KRI I, 283:10, 13, 15.

[642] PM 2 II, 5; P. Barguet and J. Leclant, Karnak Nord IV (Cairo, 1954), 65, fig. 107; KRI I, 284

[643] PM 2 I:1, 97-99; N. de G. Davies, Two Ramesside Tombs at Thebes (New York,1927), 1-30, pl. I-IXX; KRI I, 336:2.

[644] PM IV, 23; Montet, Kкmi 4 (1933), 191-215, pls. 11-15; KRI III, 288:7.

[645] PM 2 I:1, 219-24; KRI I, 285 ff; KRI III, 1 ff.

[646]Habachi, ASAE 52 (1952), 480, pl. 20; KRI III, 10:6.

[647] KRI III, 10:11.

[648] T. Smekein, Stad Antwerpen, Oudheidkundige Musea: Vleeshuis Catalogu


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