Servant in the house of life 

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Servant in the house of life

Double statue of Mery and Wen-nefer, Cairo Jd'É 35257[5303].



SDmw n imy-r ssmwt

Servant of the overseer of horse

Stela of the overseer of horse, Sety, Toulouse no. 605[5304]



SDmw n pA imy-r mSa

Servitor of the general

Pap. BM. 10300 rt. 10[5305]


sDmw n pA sA nsw [n K AS]

Servitor of the viceroy

Stela of the Servant of the viceroy, Paiu-khered Balvet, Avignon[5306]



SDmw n pr xnty


Servitor of the harem

Gurob Fragments J., 2[5307]


sDmw n @t-@r


Servitor of Hathor

Jamb of Ra-mose, DM. 104[5308]



sDm (w) sDmt wa

Judge of hearing alone

Statue of Sen-nefer, now in BM.[5309]



SDm(w) sDmt wa m waaw

Judge of hearing alone in the privy council

Statue of Senmut, from the Temple of Mut at Karnak[5310]



SDty nsw

Foster child of the King

Theban tomb of the vizier, Rekh-mi-re, no. 100[5311]


1986- var.



Turin Strike Pap., vs. 2,13[5312]; vs. 4,2[5313]; Pap. BM. 10068, pl. XVI, vs. 6:6, 10[5314]



1987- var. ;

Swty [5315]


Merchant, dealer, trader

Pap. Bol. 1094, 5,5; 10,3[5316]; Pap. BM. 10068, pl. XI, rt. 4:5-17[5317]; Pap. BM. 10053, pl. XVII rt. 1:10, 2:12, 3:1, 2, 10[5318], pl. XVIII rt. 4:5[5319]; Turin Necropolis Journal, vs. A 2:6[5320]



Swty pr #nmw

Merchant of the temple of Khnum

Pap. BM. 10053, pl. XVIII rt. 4:4[5321]



Swty n tA Hwt Imn


Merchant of the mansion of Amun

Funerary cone of the merchant of Amun, Haty[5322]



Sps nsw

Royal noble

Theban tomb of the vizier, Amun-user, no. 131.[5323]



S m ay n Imn


Singer of Amun

Pap. BM. 10068, pl. XI, rt. 5:6[5324]



S m ay n Imn n Ipt-swt

Singer of Amun in Karnak

Theban tomb of the priest of amun, Amen-em-opet, no. 148[5325]



S m ay n PtH Skr

Singer of Ptah-Sokar

Theban tomb of the chief of the alter, Nakht-amun, no. 341[5326]



S m ay n Hwt Wsr-mAat-Ra %tp-n-Ra

Singer of the Ramessum

Theban tomb of the chief of the alter, Nakht-amun, no. 341[5327]


1995- var. , , , , ,

, , , ,

S m ayt

Chantress, Singer, Female musician

Pap. BM. 10052, pl. 25 rt.1, 12[5328]; Pap. Abbott, pl. 2 rt. 3,17[5329]; Pap. BM. 19968, pl. 11 rt. 4,13[5330]




S m ayt Imn


Chantress of Amun

Theban tomb of the lieutenant-commander of the army, Amen-em-hab, no. 85[5331]; Stela of the army-scribe, User-hat, from Abydos; no. 1137[5332]




S m ayt Imn ra

Chantress of Amun-re

Pap. BM. 10417, 9[5333]; Pap. Geneva D 191[5334]




S m ayt wr nt Imn

Great chantress of Amun

Theban tomb of the mayor of Thebes, Sen-nefer, no. 96[5335]; Theban tomb of the prince, Amen-hotep, no. 345[5336]; Theban tomb of the vizier, Paser, no. 106[5337]



S m ayt n Ast


Chantress of Isis

Pap. Leiden I. 360[5338]


2000- var.

S m ayt n Imn

Chantress of Amun

Theban tomb of the lieutenant-commandar of the army, Peh-su-kher, no. 88[5339]; Theban tomb of the third priest of Amun, Amenemopet, no. 148[5340]; Theban tomb of the chief of the temple-scribes, Imi-seba, no. 65[5341]; Theban tomb of the second priest of Amun, Amenhotep, no. 75[5342]; Funerary cone of scribe, Nakht[5343]; Theban tomb of the vizier, Ramose, no. 55[5344]; Theban tomb of the land surveyor, Menna, no. 69[5345]; Stela of Nefer-heb, Cairo Museum CGC.. 34099[5346]; Stela of the chantress of Amun, Aen-em-mer, Tell Basta no. 399[5347]; Stela of the army scribe, User-hat, from Abydos[5348]; Theban tomb-chapel of the scribe of the tomb, Amen-em-opet, no. 215[5349]; Theban tomb of the outline draughtsman, Pa-shedu, no. 323[5350]; Kneeling statue of Setau, from Kom el-Ahmar, Mulhouse Mus.[5351]; Theban tomb of the troop- commander, Pen-nesut-tawy, no. 156[5352]; Limestone naos of the chief craftsman, Raka, BM. 476[5353]; Stela of the scribe of the royal harim Ptah-em-wia, BM. 167[5354]; Theban tomb of the high steward, Neb-su-menu, no. 183[5355]; Stela of the royal table-scribe, Pery-nefer, from Abydos, Cairo 34517[5356]; Monument of the chief of police, Amen-em-one, Naples Mus. 1069[5357]; Theban tomb of the high steward of Amun, Thutmose, no. 32[5358]; Theban tomb of the treasury-scribe, Nefer-renpt-kenro, no. 178[5359]; Stela of the royal butler, Pen-ta-wert, from Abydos, Cairo 12.6-24.17[5360]; Stela of Iuu-en-Amun, Leicester City Mus. no. 2[5361]; Theban tomb of the royal secretary, Thay, no. 23[5362]; Block-statue of An-her-mose, Cairo 582[5363]; Theban tomb of the priest of amun, Tha-nefer, no. 158[5364]; Theban tomb of the overseer of craftsmen, Amen-khaau, no. 372[5365]; Stela of the table-scribe, Heri, Vienna N. 36[5366]; Pap.Bol. 1094, 7,1[5367]; Pap. Sal. IV, vs. 1,1[5368]; Pap. Griffith, 2[5369]; Pap. Geniva D 407,13[5370]; Pap. Turin 1973 rt. 1[5371] Pap. Leiden I, 370 rt.1[5372]; Pap. BM. 9901, 1[5373]; Pap. Leiden I, 370 rt. 1[5374]; Pap. Griffith, rt. 2[5375]; Pap. BM. 10417[5376]; Pap. Geneva D 407, rt. 13[5377]; Turin Taxat. Pap. rt. 2,10[5378]



S m ayt n Imn ra

Chantress of Amun-re

Theban tomb of the chief of the temple-scribes, mi-seba, no. 65[5379]; Double statue of Iuny, from Deir Durunka, Asyut[5380]; Theban tomb of the troop- commander, Pen-nesut-tawy, no. 156[5381]



S m ayt n In-@rt


Chantress of Onuris

Stela of the high priest of Onuris, Amenhotep, BM. no. 902[5382]



Smayt n WADyt

Chantress of Wadjet

Stela of the general heq-mare-nakht, from Qurna[5383]



Smayt n Bastt

Chantress of Bastet

Stela of the royal envoy, Wen-nefer, BM. 154[5384]; Statue group of the steward of the Northern Lands, Kha-em-waset, from Bubastis[5385]



Smayt n Mn w m Gbtyw

Chantress of Min in Koptos

Ostracon Gardiner 40[5386]



Smayt n Mn-xpr-ra


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