Scribe and bread reckoner of Upper and Lower Egypt 

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Scribe and bread reckoner of Upper and Lower Egypt

Theban tomb of Amun-em-hat[5071]



sS Htpw n Iwnyt

Scribe of offerings of Esna

Theban tomb of the vizier, Rekh-mi-re[5072]


1899 -

sS Htpw n nTrw nbw


Scribe of the offerings of all gods

Graffito of the scribe of offerings of all gods, Mer-opet, Morwaw[5073]; Stela of the royal table-scribe, Pery-nefer, from Abydos, Cairo 34517[5074]



sS Htpw n nTrw nbw WAwAt


Scribe of the offerings of all gods of Wawat

Graffito of the scribe of offerings of all gods, Mer-opet, Morwaw[5075]; Hathor niche of the viceroy, Setau, Faras[5076]

1901- var. ; ;

SS Htpw-nTr

Scribe of the divine offerings

Theban tomb of the treasury scribe, Nefer-renpt-kenro, no. 178[5077]; Statue of Iamu-nufer, BM. 1782[5078]; Graffito at Sehel[5079]; Temple of Ramesses II, Abydos[5080]



SS Htbw-nTr n Imn

Scribe of the divine offerings of Amun

Theban tomb of the scribe of the temple, Amen-em-onet, no. 58[5081]




SS Htbw-nTr n Imn m Hnqyt-anx

Scribe of the divine offerings in Henket-ankh

Theban tomb of the overseer of the granaries, Min-nakht, no. 87[5082]



sS Htpw-nTr n Wsir @r Ast n nTrw nbw Hwt Mn-mAat-ra

Scribe of the divine offerings of Osiris, Horus, Isis and of all gods of the temple of Men-maat-re

Stela of Maiya, from Abydos, Burseels no. E. 5300[5083]



sS Htp- nTr n nTrw nbw


Scribe of the divine offerings of all gods

Stela of the royal table-scribe, Pery-nefer, from Abydos, Cairo 34517[5084]


1906 -

sS Htp- nTr n nTrw nbw WawAt


Scribe of the divine offerings of all gods of Wawat

Graffiti of the scribe, Mer-Opet, Farrig[5085]; Text of viceroy, Setau, Hathor-niche in Faras[5086]



SS Htpw-nTr n nTrw nbw Hwt Mn-mAat-ra

Scribe of the offerings of all gods of the Temple of Men-maat-re

Stela of Maiya, from Abydos, Burseels no. E. 5300[5087]



sS Htpw-nTr n +Hwty


Scribe of the divine offerings of Thoth

Statue of Iamu-nufer, BM. 1782[5088]



sS Htpw-nTr n +Hwty nb #mnw

Scribe of the divine offerings of Thoth, lord of Hermopolis

Statue of Iamu-nefer, BM. 1782[5089]; Graffito of Iamu-nefer on Mahatta[5090]


SS Htp- nTr tpy n Imn


Chief scribe of the divine offerings of Amun

Theban tomb of vizier, Rekh-mi-re, no. 100[5091]



SS xtmt nTr

Scribe of the divine seal

Temple of Ramesses II, Abydos[5092]; Theban tomb of the lector priest, Amen-em-ope, no. 177[5093]



SS xtmt nTr n Imn

Scribe of the divine seal of Amun

Statue of the high steward, Amen-em-hat, Louvre A 51[5094]


SS xtmt nTr pr Imn

Scribe of the divine treasury of Amun

Theban tomb of the treasury scribe, Nefer-renpt-kenro, no. 178[5095]; Theban tomb of the lector priest, Amen-em-ope, no. 177[5096]


SS spAt


Chapel of the director of works, Ahmose, West Silsila[5097]; Statue-group of the chief table-scribe Hori, Louvre A. 68[5098]; Pap. BM. 10054, pl. VI rt. 1:11[5099]; Pap. BM. 10054, pl. VII vs. 2:2[5100]; Pap. BM. 10068, pl. IX, rt. 1:6[5101]; Pap. BM. 10068, pl. XIV vs. 3:7[5102]; Pap. BM. 10053, pl. XVII rt. 1:6[5103]; Pap. Leopold II, 1,4[5104]


1915 -

sS spXr nfrt

Scribe of the register of cattle

Sinai 191[5105]



SS sHwy

Assemblage scribe (of recruits)

Block statue of Ramesses-nakht, Berlin no. 2277[5106]


sS sHwy n pA mSa

Assemblage scribe of the army

Block statue of Ramesses-nakht, Berlin no. 2277[5107]


1918- var. ;

SS sHnw

Scribe of commands

Stela of the general, heq-mare-nakht, from Qurna[5108]; Stela of the royal scribe, Djehuty-em-hab, Leiden V. 17[5109]


sS sHnw m st mAaty

Scribe of the commands in the place of double Truth

Door-lintel from Luxor[5110]



SS sHnw n pA mSa

Scribe of the commands of the army

Sinai 276[5111]



SS sHnw n mSa

Scribe of the commands of the army

Rock-grafitto of the deputy of Wawat, Her-nakht, no. 18, Abu Simbel[5112]


SS sxAw n nTr nfr


Record-scribe of the good god

Theban tomb of the royal Secretary, Thay, no. 23[5113]



SS sxAt n nb tAwy

Scribe of the alter of the lord of the two lands

Tomb of the steward, Any, at el-Amarna[5114]



SS sS nsw

Scribe of royal record

Pap. BM. 10054, pl. VI rt. 3:15[5115]


SS sS nTr


Scribe of the divine record

Tomb of the high priest of Nekhbet, Setau, in el-Kab, no. 4[5116]; Pap. BM. 10068, pl. XIII, vs. 1:9[5117]; Pap. BM. 10068, pl. XV, vs. 5:18, 19[5118]; Pap. Mayer A, vs. 13 C3[5119]


1926- var.

SS sS(w) nTr m pr Imn

Scribe of the divine records in the temple of Amun

Theban tomb of the Amen-wah-su, no. 111[5120]; Monument of the chief of police, Amen-em-one, Naples Mus. 1069[5121]



SS sS(w) nTr m pr-anx

Scribe of the divine records in the house of life

Theban tomb of the high steward, Neb-su-menu, no. 183[5122]; Graffito of the scribe Ramesses-nakht, sehel[5123]



1928- var. ;

SS Sat

Secretary [5124]

Theban tomb of the second priest of Amun, Amen-hotep, no. 75[5125]; Donation stela of the viceroy, Paser, Abu Simbel, Cairo Jd'E 65834[5126]; Theban tomb of the royal Secretary, Thay, no. 23[5127]; Pap. Anast. V, 9,2[5128]; Stela of the draughtsman, Neb-re, Berlin 20377[5129]; Pap. Ambas (Vienna 30), 1,5[5130]


1929- var.

SS Sat n pr-aA

Secretary of the pharaoh

Pap. Turin B, vs. 2,2[5131]; Theban tomb of the royal Secretary, Thay, no. 23[5132]


SS Sat n nb tAwy



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