Temple scribe of Amun’s temple 

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Temple scribe of Amun’s temple

Theban tomb of chief of the temple-scribes, Imi-seba, no. 65[5029]



SS Hwt-nTr n Wsir

Scribe of the temple of Osiris

Stela of the nurse, Neb-ka-Benet, from Abydos, Cairo 34117[5030]




sS Hwt nTr n PtH

Scribe of the temple of Ptah

Relief of the mayor of Memphis, Ptah-mose, Florence 2557[5031]



sS Hwt nTr n PtH In-Hrt


Scribe of the temple of Ptah-Onuris

Lintel from tomb, Abydos[5032]




SS Hwt-nTr n Mwt


Scribe of the temple of Mut

Theban tomb of the scribe of the temple, Amen-em-onet, no. 58[5033].



sS Hwt-nTr n MnTw nb Iwnw


Scribe of the temple of Mont, lord of Thebes

Theban tomb of the high steward of Amun, Amen-em-ope, no. 41[5034]



SS Hwt-nTr n nb tAwy


Temple-Scribe of the lord of the two lands

Base of jamb, Turin N. 50224[5035]




sS H bs bht n Hm.f


Scribe who holds the fan of this majesty

Sinai 183[5036]


1874- var.

SS Hsb

Scribe and reckoner [5037]

Turin Tax. Pap., rt. 3,2[5038]; Ostracon Strasburg H. 84[5039]



1875- var.

sS Hsb iHw


Scribe and reckoner of cattle

Theban tomb of the scribe reckoning cattle of Amun, no. 409[5040]; Stela of the scribe, Ahmose, Cairo CGC. 34049[5041]



sS Hsb iHw n Imn m Ipt-swt


Scribe and reckoner of the cattle of Amun in Karnk

Jamb of Ra-mose, DM. 104[5042]


sS Hsb iHw n Imn Ra

Scribe and reckoner of cattle of Amenre

Stela of the scribe, Ramose, Bankes no. 4[5043]



SS Hsb iHw n pr Imn


Scribe and reckoner of the cattle of the temple of Amun

Theban tomb of the scribe and reckoner of the cattle of Amun, no. 409[5044]

1879 -

SS Hsb iHw n nTrw nbw WAst

Scribe and reckoner of the cattle of all gods of Thebes

Theban tomb of the scribe and reckoner of the cattle of Amun, no. 409[5045]



sS Hsb it


Scribe and reckoner of the grain

Tomb of the mayor of Nekheb, Paheri, at el-Kab[5046]; Theban tomb of the Fan-bearer, Thenu-na, no. 76[5047]; Stela of Thenu-na, Cairo Museum CGC. 34168[5048]; Turin Tax. Pap., rt. 4,11[5049]




SS Hsb it m Snwt Htpw-nTr Imn


Scribe and reckoner of the grain in the granary of the divine offerings of Amun

Tomb of the mayor of Nekheb, Paheri, at el-Kab[5050]



SS Hsb it m Snwt nt Htpw-nTr n Imn

Scribe and reckoner of the grain in the granary of the divine offerings of Amun

Theban tomb of Amun-em-hat[5051]




SS Hsb it m Snwt nt Htpw-nTr n Imn m rw-prw nty r-xt n imy-r pr n Hm nTr snnw n Imn

Scribe and reckoner of the grain in the granary of the divine offerings of Amun

Theban tomb of the scribe and reckoner of grain, Djser-Ka-re- Seneb, no. 38[5052]


SS Hsb it n Imn

Scribe and reckoner of the grain of Amun

Theban tomb of Amun-em-hat[5053]; Theban tomb of the land surveyor, Menna, no. 69[5054]; Theban tomb of the scribe and reckoner of grain, Djser-Ka-re-Seneb, no. 38[5055]



SS Hsb it n nb tAwy

Scribe and reckoner of the grain of the lord of the two lands

Graffitti of the scribe of recruits, Her-em-heb, at Konosso[5056]



sS Hsb it n nb tAwy m Smaw &A-mHw

Scribe and reckoner of the grain of the lord of the two lands in Upper and Lower Egypt

Theban tomb of the overseer of the granary, Ka-em-hat, no. 57[5057]


1887 -

SS Hsb it n Snwt pr-aA


Scribe and reckoner of the grain of the granary of pharaoh

Theban tomb of the overseer of the granary, Ka-em-hat, no. 57[5058]



sS Hsb bAkt nb tAwy xrpt ^maw &A-mHw

Scribe and reckoner of the dues of the two lands

Stela of the treasury scribe, Min-hotep, from Abusir, now in Cairo[5059]



sS Hsb nbw

Scribe and gold reckoner

Graffito of the scribe, Inep-em-hab, Wadi el-Allaqi, site F, no. 30[5060]; Fragmentary stela of Setau, from Buhen[5061]



SS Hsb nbw n sA nsw

Scribe and gold reckoner of the royal son

Theban tomb of the royal son of Kush, Huy, no. 40[5062]



sS Hsb HD nbw n nb tAwy m Smaw &A-mHw

Scribe and reckoner of silver and gold of the lord of the two lands, in Upper and Lower Egypt

Stela of the treasury scribe, Huy-shery, Stockholm Mus. no. 25[5063]


sS Hsb HD nbw n PsDt aAt

Scribe and reckoner of silver and gold of the great Ennead

Tomb-chapel of the treasury scribe of Ptah, Mose, Saqqara[5064]



SS Hsb kAw Abdw

Scribe and reckoner of bulls and birds

Theban tomb of the royal herald, Iamu-nedjeh, no. 84[5065]



sS Hsb kAw n Imn


Scribe and reckoner of the bulls of Amun

Theban tomb of the scribe reckoning cattle of Amun Simut-Kyky, no. 409[5066]; Funerary cone of Heby, Florence 6690[5067]; Funerary cone of the royal scribe Sen-em-iah[5068]



sS Hsb kAw n Imn x t spAwt ^maw &A-mHw


Scribe and reckoner of the bulls of Amun throughout the districts of Upper and Lower Egypt.

Funerary cone of Heby, Florence 6690[5069]



sS Hsb t m ^maw &A-mHw


Scribe and bread reckoner in Upper and Lower Egypt

Theban tomb of the bread reckoner, User-hat, no. 56[5070]



sS Hsb t n ^maw &A-mHw



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