Chief treasury keeper of the temple 

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Chief treasury keeper of the temple

Pap. BM. 10068, pl. XI, rt. 4:23[3245]

1236 -

Hry iry pr HD n Imn pr

Chief treasury keeper of the temple of Amun

Theban tomb of the chief temple-scribes, Imi-seba, no. 65[3246]


1237 -

Hry iry n pr HD

Chief treasury keeper

Theban tomb of the treasury scribe, Nefer-renpt-kenro, no. 178[3247]


Hry iry n pr HD n pr Imn

Chief treasury keeper of the temple of Amun

Pap. BM. 10068 rt. pl. XI, 23[3248]


Hry iry sSw

Chief archivist

Text of the chief archivist, Pen-pato, Ramesside Pylon, Edfou[3249]


Hry iry sSw n prwy HD n pr aA

Chief archivist of pharaoh’s treasury

Text of the chief archivist, Pen-pato at Tod[3250]


Hry irw pDt

Chief bow-makers

Ostracon Cairo CGC. 25760[3251]


Hry irw nfrw n pr Imn

Chief linen-makers of the temple of Amun [3252]

Theban tomb of the chief of fine-linen makers, Djehwty-em-hab, no. 45[3253]


1243 -

Hry irw Hbs

Chief clothe-makers

Ostracon Cairo CGC. 25760[3254]

1244 -

Hry irw xsbd

Chief lapis-lazuli makers [3255]

Ostracon Cairo CGC. 25760[3256]

1245- var. ; ;

Hry iHw [3257]

Stable master

Theban tomb of the royal butler, Su-em-niut no. 92[3258]; Funerary cones Su-em-niut[3259] Graffito of Kha-em-waset at Sehel[3260]; Theban tomb of the stable master, Neb-en-kemt, no. 256[3261], Theban tomb of the high steward Kenamun, no. 93[3262]; Two fragmentary statue, found in Balansourah[3263]; Theban tomb of the royal son of Kush, Huy, no. 40[3264]; Nauri decree of Seti I[3265]; Stela of the high steward of Queen Nefertari, Yuy, Berlin 2080[3266]; Stela of the army scribe, Khaa-mtir, BM. 139[3267]; Stela of the table scribe, Heri, Vienna N. 36[3268]; Rock stela, Abu Simbel no. 18[3269]; Stela Cairo Museum CGC.. 34098[3270]; Graffito of the table master, Amen-em-opet, Sehel[3271]; Ostracon Cairo CGC. 25760[3272]; Ostracon Cairo CGC. 72502[3273]; Pap. Sal. I, 7, 2[3274]; Pap. Anast. II, 8,1[3275]; Pap. Anast. III, vs. 5, 4[3276]; Pap. Bol. 1094, 3,2-3[3277]; Pap. Turin A, vs. 4, 2[3278]; Pap. BM. 10054, pl. VII vs 2:4[3279], pl. VIII vs. 4:7[3280]; Pap. BM. 10068, pl. XIII vs. 1, 5[3281]; Pap. BM. 10068, pl. XIV vs. 2:13[3282], pl. XV vs. 4:3[3283], pl. XVI vs 6:28, 7:9-10[3284] Pap. BM. 10447, rt. 4[3285]; Pap. Cairo, Cat. 58057[3286]




Hry iHw n pA Imn

Stable master of Amun

Rock stela of Castart, Kanais[3287]



Hry iHw n pA iHw aA n Ra-mss-mry-Imn n Xnw

Stable master of the great stable of Ramesses Mery-amun of the residence

Graffito of the stable master of the residence, Amen-em-ope, Sehel[3288]; Graffito of the stable master, Nakht-Montu, Elephantine[3289]




Hry iHw n pA iHw n Sty Mry n PtH

Stable master of the stable of Seti Mery-en-Ptah

Rock stela of the viceroy, Iuny, Kanais[3290]



1249- var.

Hry iHw n nb tAwy

Stable master of the lord of the two lands

Theban tomb of the commander of the troops, Amenmose, no. 42[3291]; Door lintel of the royal envoy, Pa-rem-neter, form el-Hilleh, Cairo no. J.25769[3292]; Statue of the high priest of amun, Men-Kheper-re-seneb, Cairo 547[3293]; Stela of Ithu-Osiris, in the Ashmolean Museum[3294]; Theban tomb of the high steward, Neb-su-menu, no. 183[3295]; Lintel of the royal envoy, Pa-hem-neter, from el-Hilleh, Cairo 25769[3296]


1250 -

Hry iHw n Hm.f

Stable master of his majesty

Stela of the high priest of Onuris, Amen-hotep, BM. no. 902[3297]; Graffitto of the viceroy of Kush, Amen-hotep, on Sehel[3298].



1251 - var.

Hry iHw n Xnw

Stable master of the residence

Stela of the scribe of the royal harim, Ptah-em-wia, BM. 167[3299]; Tomb-stela of the lieutenant commander of the chariotry, Pa-hem-neter, Sedment OIC. 11731[3300]; Stela of the royal envoy, Wen-nefer, BM. 154[3301]; Ivory plaque of Nakht-amun, Meggido[3302]; Tomb-chapel of the mayor of Thebes, Paser, Medinet Habu[3303]; Lintel of the royal envoy, Pa-hem-neter, from el-Hilleh, Cairo 25769[3304]; Stela BM. 132[3305]; Theban tomb of the priest of amun, Amen-em-opet, no. 148[3306]; Stela of the viceroy of Kush, Went-awat, BM. 792[3307]; Lintel of the chief of stable, Wen-wawat, Semna west[3308]; Lintel of Wen-wawat, Buhen, Pennsylvania Univ. Mus. E. 10990[3309]



1252 - var.

Hry iHw tpy n Hm.f

Chief stable master of his majesty

Theban tomb of the vizier, Paser, no. 106[3310]; Theban tomb of the troop- commander, Pen-nesut-tawy, no. 156[3311]; Statue-group of the high steward of Amun, Thutmose, Cairo 549[3312]

1253- var.

Hry iswt

Chief workmen, chief of (the) gang

Theban tomb-chapel of the chief workmen, Pa-shedu, no. 326[3313]; Lilimestone Naos fragment of the chief wokmen, Nefer-hotep[3314]; Theban tomb of the chief workmen, Neb-nefer, no. 6[3315]; Theban tomb of the chief workmen, Nefer-hotep (the younger), no. 216[3316]

1254- var. ;

Hry iswt m st mAat

Chief workmen in the place of Truth [3317]

Reliefed lintel of the chief workmen, An-her-khawy[3318]; Stela base of the chief workmen, Hay[3319]; Theban tomb of the chief workmen, Baki, no. 298[3320]; Stela of Baki, BM. no. 265[3321]; Theban tomb of the chief workmen, Neb-nefer, no. 6[3322]; Theban Graffiti, no. 546, G10, G13, G15, 765, 2043, 2100, 2661[3323]; Theban tomb of the chief workmen, Nefer-hotep (the younger), no. 216[3324]; Libation-table of Nefer-hotep[3325]; Base of Naos of Nefer-hotep[3326]; Stela-base of Nefer-hotep, Turin 50196[3327]; Stela of the chief workmen, Qaha, BM. 144[3328]


1255 -

Hry iswt m st mAat HrImntt Wast


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