Recruits, young men of the army 

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Recruits, young men of the army

Granite stela of Tuhtmosis IV, found in front of the Sphinx at Giza[2503]; Theban tomb of Baky[2504].



Nfrt snq

Good nurse

Theban tomb of the lieutenant-commander of the army, Amen-em-hab, no. 85[2505]


999- var. , ,

nSdty [2506]

Precious stones-worker, bead maker

Pap. Anast. IV, vs.C6[2507]; Louvre Fragments C, C3-C6[2508]; Amherst Pap., pl. V, 3:1[2509]; Pap. BM. 10054, pl. VII vs. 1:7[2510]



NTr it n st wrt

God’s father belonging to the great throne

Theban tomb of the high priest of Amun of Karnak, Mery, no. 95[2511]




1001- var. , , , , , , , , , ,


Controller, inspector, agent

Statue of the royal barber, Si-Bastet, now in Cairo[2512]; Theban tomb of the overseer of the granary, Ka-em-hat, no. 57[2513]; Dedicatory inscription of Ramesses II for the Temple of Seti I, Abydos[2514] Stela of the troop-commander, Huy, Cairo Inv. 5-11/24-9[2515]; Pap. Anast. V., 27,1[2516]; Pap. Bibl. Nat. 199,1 rt.1[2517]; Pap. Harris I, 11,1[2518]; Turin strike Pap., rt. 4,2[2519]; Gurob fragm. Y., rt. 1,9[2520]; Pap. BM. 10068, pl. XV vs. 4:13[2521]; Wil B 25,1; Pap. Abbott BM. 10221, pl.1 rt. 2,1.



rwD aA

Chief inspector [2522]

Pap. Harris I, 31,5[2523]



rwD m Hwt PtH

Inspector in the temple of Ptah

Statue of the vizier, Nefer-renpet, Leiden D. 44[2524]



RwD nA mDAw

Inspector of the medjay

Pap. Anast. V, 27:1-2[2525]


RwD n pA xr

Inspector of the necropolis

Pap. Bib. Nat. 197, II R.1[2526]



RwD n pA xr aA Sps

Inspector of the great and noble necropolis

Pap. Abbott BM. 10221, pl.I rt. 1:3[2527]



RwD n pr Imn

Inspector of the temple of Amun

Pap. Leopold II, 4,6[2528]




rwD n Hwt Wsr-mAat-ra

Inspector of the mansion of User-maat-re

Stela of the army scribe, Neb-waa, the Ramesseum[2529]



rwD n tA Snwt n Imn

Inspector of the granary of Amun

Funerary stela of Ken-amun[2530]


1010- var. , , ,


Crown prince, hereditary prince, noble

Sinai 172[2531]; Theban tomb of the second priest of Amun, puyemre, no. 39[2532]; Statue of the vizier, Neb-amun, from Abydos, Cairo Cat. 1140[2533]; Statue of Suti, Copenhagen, Glyptothek Ny Carlsberg, AEIN 584[2534]; Statue group of the general in chief, Nakht-min, Cairo 779[2535]; Dark-grey granite sarcophagus of Prince, Ramessu, Cairo J. 72203[2536] Faзade of chapel-niche, Sisila[2537]; Chapel D. Deir el-Medineh[2538]; Second Libyan war texts, Medinet Habu[2539]; Theban tomb of the priest of amun, Amen-em-opet, no. 148[2540]; Lintel of the vizier, Nefer-renpet, from Memphis, Univ. Mus. Philadelphia[2541]



r-pat m iAwt nt @b-sd

Prince in the offices of the Sed-festivals

Fragment of the coffin of Amen-hotep, son of Hapu, Grenoble[2542]



R-pat m wsxt Gb

Prince in the Hall of Geb

Pap. Anast. IV, 4,1[2543]; Pap. Anast. V, 2,1[2544]


1013- var.

R-pat m HD n Gb

Prince in the white chapel of Geb

Theban tomb of the vizier, Ramose, no. 55[2545]; Theban tomb of the high priest of Amun, Amen-em-hat, no. 97[2546]


R-pat n pA tA Dr

Prince of the whole land

d’Obiney Pap., 19, 2[2547]



r-pat r idbw wsxt

Prince over the limits of the palace court

Statue of the vizier, Amen-hotep, from Bubastis, BM. 1068[2548]



R-pat Hry-tp tAwy

Prince, chief of the two lands

Naophorous kneeling statue, Tell el-Maskhuta[2549]; Scenes and fragment from Bubatis[2550]; Statuary of Ptah, from Memphis, Florence no. 1681[2551]; Inscribed block of Prince Mer-en-Ptah, from Athribis, Cairo J'dE 32009 [2552]; Pillar fragment, from Saqqara[2553]; Lintel of the vizier, Nefer-ronpet, from Memphis, Univ. Mus. Philadelphia[2554]; Kneeling statue of the vizier Nehy, from Deir el-Medineh[2555]


1017- var.

R-pat r HD n Gb

Prince at the white chapel of Geb

Statue of Senmut, Berlin 2296[2556]; Theban tomb of the high steward, Ken-amun, no. 93[2557]

1018 -

R-pat r Drw wsxt

Prince over the limits of the palace court

Stela of the treasury scribe, Min-hotep, from Abusir, now in Cairo[2558]; Theban tomb of the overseer of the palace, Nefer-sekheru, no. 107[2559]; Stela of the high steward, Amen-em-hat, BM. no. 123[2560]


1019- var. var.

R-pat HAty-aA

Prince and Mayor

Tomb of Ahmose-pen-Nekhbt at el-Kab[2561]; Stela of Kares, now in Cairo[2562]; Theban tomb of the overseer of the granary of Amun, Ineni, no. 81[2563]; Theban tomb of the steward of the royal wife, Neb-amun, no. 24[2564]; Theban tomb of the overseer of treasury, Djehuty, no. 11[2565]; Theban tomb of the second priest of Amun, Puyemre, no. 39[2566]; Statue of Puyemre, Cairo 910[2567]; Theban tomb of the chief-treasurer, Sen-neferi, no. 99[2568]; Theban tomb of the mayor of Thebes, Sen-nefer, no. 96[2569] Statue of Sen-nefer, now in BM.[2570]; Statue of Sen-nefer, from Ombos[2571] Theban tomb of the overseer of the granary of Amun, Ineni, no. 81[2572]; Theban tomb of the lieutenant-commander of the army, Amen-em-hab, no. 85[2573]; Theban tomb of the high priest of amun, Men-kheper-sneb, no. 86[2574]; Theban tomb of the royal herald, Intef, no. 155[2575]; Theban tomb of the mayor of Thinis, Min, no. 109[2576]; Theban tomb of the governor of the southern lands, Nehi[2577]; Theban tomb of the steward, Amun-mose[2578]; Theban tomb of the vizier, Rekh-mi-re, no. 100[2579]; Theban tomb of the overseer of the granaries, Min-nakht, no. 87[2580]; Stela of the overseer of the treasury, Bener-merut, Louvre C. 273[2581]; Statue of the vizier, Ptah-mose, now in Cairo[2582]; Tomb of May, at el-Amarana[2583]; Side of Box, Berlin 13239[2584]; Statue of the vizier, Nefer-renpet, Leiden D. 44[2585]; Lintel of Nefer-renpet, from Memphis, Univ. Mus. Philadelphia[2586]; Theban tomb of the high steward, Ken-amun, no. 93[2587]; Ushabti of Ken-amun[2588]; Theban tomb of the high priest of Amun, Amen-em-hat, no. 97[2589] Funerary cones of the high priest, Amen-em-hat[2590] Crouching statue of the high priest, Amen-em-hat[2591]; Theban tomb of the high priest of Amun of Karnak, Mery, no. 95[2592]; Statue of the butler, Min-mose, from Medamud[2593]; Statue group of Min-mose, from Nebesheh[2594]; Theban tomb of the royal butler, Su-em-niut no. 92[2595]; Statue of the mayor of Hermopolis, Iamu-nefer, BM. 1782[2596]; Theban tomb of the high steward, Thenuna, no. 76[2597]; Tomb of the mayor and overseer of the priests, Reny, at el-Kab[2598]; Rock stela of the viceroy, Turi, from Island of Uronarti[2599]; Statue of the soldier, Maay, from Akhmim, Berlin 19286[2600]; Stela of Nefer-pert, from Turra[2601]; Theban tomb of Prince Amen-hotep, no. 345[2602]; Theban tomb of the steward of the royal wife, Neb-amun, no. 24[2603]; Theban tomb of the high steward, Senmut, no. 71[2604]; Theban tomb of the first priest of Amun, Hapu-seneb, no. 67[2605]; Statue of Hapu-seneb, from Karnak, now in the Louvre[2606]; Statue of Hapu-seneb, Cairo 648[2607]; Statue of Hapu-seneb, Bologna 1822[2608]; Chapel of Hapu-seneb, at Silseleh West[2609]; Funerary cones of Hapu-seneb[2610]; Tomb of the overseer of the priests of Thinis, at Abydos[2611]; Sinai 172[2612]; Sinai 194[2613]Sinai 196[2614]; Theban tomb of the royal herald, Iamu-nedjeh, no. 84[2615]; Stela of Intef, Louvre C. 26[2616]; Theban tomb of the royal son of Kush, Huy, no. 40[2617]; Theban tomb of the nurse of the royal son, Heka-er-neheh, no. 64[2618]; Theban tomb of the lieutenant-commander of the army, Peh-su-kher, no. 88[2619]; Theban tomb of the overseer of the granaries, Men-kheper-sneb, no. 79[2620] Statue of Men-kheper-re-senb, Cairo 547[2621]; Statue group of the vizier, User, Cairo 42118[2622]; Theban tomb of the overseer of the granaries, Min-nakht, no 87[2623]; Chapel of Min-nakht, at West Silsileh[2624]; Theban

tomb of the second priest of Amun, Amen-hotep, no. 75[2625]; Theban tomb of the lieutenant-commandar of the army, Peh-su-kher, no. 88[2626]; Theban tomb of the first royal herald, Ra-mose, no. 94[2627]; Stela of the viceroy of Nubia, User-satet, from Amrah-west[2628]; Stela of User-satet, from Wady Halfa, BM. no. 623623[2629]; Lower part of a statue of User-satet, from Deir el-Medineh[2630]; A niche of User-satet, at Kasr Ibrim[2631]; Theban tomb of the vizier, Hepu, no. 66[2632]; Theban tomb of the high steward,Thenuna, no. 76[2633]; Theban tomb of the overseer of the treasury, Sobek-hotep, no. 63[2634]; Statue of Sobek-hotep, from Memphis, Cairo no. 1090[2635]; Statue of the mayor of Fayum, Sobek-hotep[2636], Berlin 11635[2637]; Statue of the mayor of Fayum, Sobek-hotep, now in Marseilles[2638]; Theban tomb of the scribe of recruits, Her-em-heb, no. 78[2639]; Theban tomb of an overseer of the horses[2640], no. 91[2641]; Theban tomb of the palace employee, Amun-em-hab, no. 77[2642]; Stela of the fan-bearer, Thuna, Stockholm no. 124[2643]; Statue of the royal high steward, Mery-re[2644]; Theban tomb of the chief of police, Neb-amun, no. 90[2645]; Stela of the mayor of Tharu, Neby, Leiden; V 43[2646]; Theban tomb of the vizier, Ramose, no. 55[2647]; Graffito of the mayor of Memphis, Heby, at Aswan[2648]; Statue of the royal high steward in Memphis, Amen-em-hotep, from Memphis[2649]; Alter of the royal high steward in Memphis, Amen-hotep, from Memphis[2650]; Statue of Amen-hotep, son of Hapu, from Karnak, Cairo 42127[2651]; Statue of Amen-hotep, son of Hapu, from Karnak, Cairo 583[2652]; Fragment of a sitting statue of Amen-hotep, son of Hapu, BM. 103[2653]; Statue of the vizier, Amen-hotep, from Bubastis, Cairo 590[2654]; Theban tomb of a royal tutor[2655], no. 226[2656]; Theban tomb of the overseer of the royal harim, User-hat, no. 47[2657]; Theban tomb of the overseer of the palace, Nefer-sekheru, no. 107[2658]; Statue of the second priest of Amun, Anen, now in Turin[2659]; Tomb of the scribe of recruits, May, at el-Amarna[2660]; Coffins of Youiya and Touiyou[2661]; Stela of the high steward, Amen-em-hat, from Karnak[2662]; Stela of high steward, Amen-em-hat, BM. no. 123[2663]; Statue of the high steward, Amen-em-hat, Louvre A. 50[2664]; Statue of the high steward, Amen-em-hat, Louvre A 51[2665]; Stela of the vizier, Dhehuty-mose, Florence no. 2565[2666]; Stela of the vizier, Ptah-mose, Lyon no. 88[2667]; Ushabti of the vizier, Ptah-mose, from Abydos[2668]; Group-statue of the steward of the Northern Lands, Kha-em-waset, from Bubastis[2669]; Tomb of the General in chief, Her-em-hab, Saqqara[2670]; Statue of the vizier, Neb-amun, from Abydos, Cairo Cat. 1140[2671]; Statue-base of the vizier, Neb-amun, Karnak north[2672]; Theban tomb of the vizier, Paser, no. 106[2673]; Stela of the royal high steward, Ruru, Louvre C. 92[2674]; Wooden box (fragments), from Thebes, Cairo no. 45386[2675]; Theban tomb of the high priest, User-hat, no. 51[2676]; Double statue of Iuny, from Deir Durunka, Asyut[2677]; kneeling statue of Iuny[2678]; Theban tomb of the vizier, Paser, no. 106[2679]; Door-lintel of Paser, from Pi-Ramsess[2680]; Statue of Paser, from Pi-Ramsess, Louvre E. 25980[2681]; Statue of Paser, from Medamud, BM. no. 954[2682]; Block-statue of Paser, Karnak “Cachette”, Cairo 38062[2683]; Statue of Paser, from Deir el-Bahari, Philadelphia, Univ. Mus. E. 534[2684]; Statue of Paser, from Deir el-Bahari, BM. 687[2685]; Stela of the vizier, Pa-re-hotep, Cairo 48845[2686]; Stela of the vizier, Pa-re-hotep, Cairo 47001[2687]; Squatting statue of the viceroy, Heqa-nakht, from Quban, Cairo 35674[2688]; Great stela of Huy, from Lower Nubia, Berlin no. 17332[2689]; Statue-base of the viceroy, Setau, from el-Kab, Cairo 885[2690]; Statue of the overseer of the treasury, Panehsy, BM. 1377[2691]; Statue of Panehsy, Berlin 4508[2692]; Statue of Suti, Copenhagen, Glyptothek Ny Carlsberg, AEIN 584[2693]; Statue of Suti, from Deir el-Shelwit[2694]; Three panels from Memphite tomb, Cairo 4873-4-5[2695]; Relief of mayor of Memphis, Ptah-mose, Florence 2557[2696]; Tomb relief of Ptah-mose, Leiden K. 16[2697]; Fragments from tomb-chapel of the high steward of the Ramesseum, Her-em-hab, Saqqara[2698]; Stela of the high steward, Hatiay, from Qurna[2699]; Stela of the overseer of the army-scribes, Sety, Turin 172[2700]; Theban tomb of the high priest of Amun, Neb-wenn-ef, no. 157[2701]; Statue of of the high priest of Amun, Paser, from Karnak “Cachette” Cairo 42156[2702]; Theban tomb of the high priest of Amun, Bak-en-khons, no. 35[2703]; Hes-vase” palette of Bak-en-khons, Louvre N. 3018[2704]; Statue of of Bak-en-khons, from Karnak, Cairo 42155[2705]; Statue of Bak-en-khons, Munich[2706]; Cube Block-statue of the high priest of Amun, Bak-en-khonsu, from Karnak, Cairo 581[2707]; Statue of Bak-en-khonsu, from Karnak “Cachette”, Cairo 42160[2708]; Statue of Bak-en-khonsu, from Karnak “Cachette”, Cairo 42161[2709]; Block-statue of Bak-en-khonsu, Berlin 2082[2710]; Statue of the vizier, Panehsy, from Temple of Monthu in Karnak[2711]; Theban tomb of the royal Secretary, Thay, no. 23[2712]; Stela of Rama-ray, from Thebes, Leiden V. 8[2713]; Tomb of the high priest of Onuris, An-her-mose, at Nagaa el-Mesheikh[2714]; Red granite statue of the vizier, Nefer-renpet, Leiden D. 44[2715]; Stela of Thauna, Cairo 34023[2716]



R-pat HAty-aA n S Sbk


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