Royal envoy of all foreign lands 

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Royal envoy of all foreign lands

Stela of Asha-hebu-Sed, Serabit el-Khadem, Sinai, no. 247[2008]; Stela of the high steward, Yuy, Berlin 2080[2009]; Door lintel of the rolyal envoy, Pa-rem-neter, from el-Hileh, Cairo no. J. 25769[2010]


800- var.

Wpwty nsw r xAswt nbw(t)

Royal envoy to all foreign lands

Squatting statue of the viceroy, Heqa-nakht, from Quban, Cairo 35674[2011]; Graffiti of the viceroy, Huy, Aswan[2012]; Graffito of the troop-commander, Nakht-min, Aswan[2013]; Doorjamb of Her-nakht, from Sai, Khartum Mus. 446[2014]; Stela of the high steward of Queen Nefertari, Yuy, Berlin 2080[2015]; Stela of the scribe of the royal harim, Ptah-em-wia, BM. 167[2016]; Stela of the royal envoy, Nui[2017]; Conical figure of the royal envoy, Ramesses-sma-khaset[2018]; Graffito of the chief of horse, Men-kheper, Sehel[2019]; Stela of the royal envoy, Nui[2020]; Statue of the overseer of horse, Sety, Louvre A. 70[2021]; Tomb-stela of the lieutenant commander of the chariotry, Pa-hem-neter, Sedment OIC. 11731[2022]; Two statues of Prince Pa-Ra-mesu, son of Seti I, found in Karnak[2023]; Statue-group of the high steward of Amun, Thutmose, Cairo 549[2024]; Graffito of the stable master, Nakht-Montu, Elephantine[2025]; Door lintel, Kestner Museum, Inv. 1925.186[2026]; Statue of the chief of police, Amen-em-one, from Deir el-Bahari, Luxor Mus. 227[2027]; Stela of the transport officer, Djehuty-hotep, Cook Collection, Richmond[2028]; Ivory plaque of Nakht-amun, Meggido[2029]; Lintel of the royal envoy, Pa-hem-neter, from el-Hilleh, Cairo 25769[2030]; Tomb of the overseer of charioteers, Nakht-Min, Abusir-Saqqara[2031]



wpwty nsw r st mAat

Royal envoy to the necropolis

Statue of the viceroy, Setau, from Wadi Halfa area, Cairo 1134[2032]


802- ;

wpwty nsw r tA nb

Royal envoy to every land

Stela of the chief of police, Pen-re, in the Ashmolean Museum[2033]; Tomb of the general, Sety, Sedment[2034]; Stela of the charioteer, Suti-em-hab, from Abydos[2035]; Stela of the royal envoy, Wen-nefer, BM. 154[2036]



wpwty nsw Hr xAswt

Royal envoy in the foreign land

Statuette of the standard bearer, Kamose, BM. no. 292[2037]


804- var.

Wpwty nsw Hr xAswt nbt

Royal envoy in all foreign lands

Rock stela of mayor of Tharu, Neby, Sinai 58[2038]; Rock-stela of Paser, south of the temple of Abu Simbel, no. 14[2039]


805- var.


Doorkeeper; porter

Pap. BM. 10068, pl. XIII vs. 1:23[2040], pl. XVI vs. 7:4[2041]; Turin Tax. Pap., rt. 2,1[2042]; Pap. BM. 10053, pl. XVII rt. 1:7, 13[2043]


806 -

wn aAwy m Ipt-swt

Doorkeeper of the two gates in Karnak

Pylon VIII, E. end, Karnak Temple[2044]



Wn pA xtm

Fortress doorkeeper

Turin Strike Pap. A.; vs. 2,6[2045]


808 -

wn (w) r

Opener of the mouth

Statue of the butler, Minmosi from Medamoud[2046]


809- var.

Wnwt n Imn

Skywatcher of Amun

Funerary cone of the scribe, Nakht[2047]


Wr iAt.f

Chief of his office

Theban tomb of the royal Secretary, Thay, no. 23[2048]


811 -

Wr imy Iwnw

Great one of On [2049]

Granite statue of the overseer of works, Maya, from Memphis, Cairo 67878[2050]


812 -

wr w AD

Chief of Papyrus Sceptre

Statue of the butler, Minmosi from Medamoud[2051]



Wr wAD m pr Bastt

Chief of Papyrus sceptre in the temple of Bastt

Statue of the butler Min-mose from Medamud[2052]


814- var. ;

Wr wrw

Great one of great ones

Theban tomb of the first royal herald, Ra-mose, no. 94[2053] Statue of Senmut, from the Temple of Mut at Karnak[2054]; Statue of the vizier, Ptah-mose, now in Cairo[2055]; Theban tomb of the high steward, Ken-amun, no. 93[2056]; Statue of Amen-hotep son, of Hapu, Cairo 583[2057]; Theban tomb of the chamberlain, Amen-hotep, now is lost[2058]; Theban tomb of the mayor of Thebes, Sen-nefer, no. 96[2059]; Theban tomb of the royal herald, Iamu-nedjeh, no. 84[2060]; Statue of the high steward, Amen-em-hat, BM. no. 421 (503)[2061]; Theban tomb of the chamberlain, Amen-hotep, now is lost[2062]


Wr wrw m tA r Dr.f

Great one of great ones in the entire land

Statue of Senmut, from the Temple of Mut at Karnak[2063]; Theban tomb of the overseer of the treasury, Sen-neferi, no. 99[2064]



Wr wrHy

Greatest of anointers [2065]

Pap. Anast. IV, 3,8.[2066]



wr pr S m ay Imn

Steward of the singer of Amun

Pap. BM. 10054, Pl.VII, vs. 2:1[2067]


818- var

wr mAw [2068]

Greatest of seers

Stela of cakh-pet, from Qantir, Hildesheim no. 1102[2069]; Statue with standerds of Mery-Atum, Berlin 19716[2070]; Wine-Jar sealing, from Malkata, nos.124; 206; 207; 208[2071]; Pap. Harris I, 31,2[2072].


Wr mAw wab awy

Greatest of seers, pure of hands

Stela of the high priest of Re, Si-Anher, Cairo CGC. 34056[2073]


820 -

Wr mAw wab awy m Wast

Greatest of seers, pure of hands in Thebes

Theban tomb of the high priest of Amun, Neb-wenn-ef, no. 157[2074]



wr mAw pA itn

Greatest of seers of the Aten

Tomb of the high priest, Mery-re, at el-Amarna[2075]


Wr mAw m pr wr

Greatest of seers in the national shrine of Upper Egypt at el Kab [2076]

Theban tomb of the vizier, Rekh-mi-re, no. 100[2077]

823- var. ;

Wr mAw m pr ra


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