Idnw n tA Hwt Wsr-mAat-Ra stp-n-Ra m pr Imn-Ra Hr imntt Wast 

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Idnw n tA Hwt Wsr-mAat-Ra stp-n-Ra m pr Imn-Ra Hr imntt Wast

Deputy of the Ramessum

Theban tomb of the deputy of the Ramessum, Mahu, no. 257[1650]


Idnw n tA Snwt pr-aA

Deputy of the Pharaoh’s granary

Stela of the chief of the Cattle, Heri, BM. 132[1651]


Idnw n tA qd

Deputy of builders

Ostracon of Amen-khau, Turin III[1652]


671 -

Idnw n tA qdw m st mAat

Deputy of builders in the necropolis

Stela of Hay, from Deir el-Medina[1653]



Idnw n tA qdw m st mAat Hr imnt wAst

Deputy of builders at the western necropolis of Thebes

Theban tomb of Hay, no. 267[1654]


673- var. ;

idnw n t-nt-Htri [1655]

Lieutenant - commander of chariotry

Stela of the viceroy, Huy, Berlin no. 17332[1656]; Tomb-stela of the lieutenant commander of the chariotry, Pa-hem-neter, Sedment OIC. 11731[1657]; Stela of the charioteer, Suti-em-hab, from Abydos[1658]; Pap. Abbott BM. 10221, pl. IV 7:5[1659]; Pap. Anast. III, 1,9[1660]; Pap. Leiden I. 350 vs. 3[1661]


674 -

idnw n t-nt-Htri n nb tAwy

Lieutenant - commander of the chariotry of the lord of the two lands

Tomb-stela of the lieutenant commander of the chariotry, Pa-hem-neter, Sedment OIC. 11731[1662]; Door lintel, Kestner Museum, Inv. 1925.186[1663]



idnw n *kw

Deputy of Theku

Pap. Anast. V, 25,2[1664]



idnw KAS

Deputy of Kush

Jamb of the deputy of Kush,User-maat-nakht[1665]



677- , ,


Leader, chief, magnate

Pap. Mosco Museum 1,16[1666]


aA iswt

Chief builder; chief workman

Pap. BM. 10053, pl. XVII rt. 1:6[1667]; Ostracon Cairo CGC. 25.809[1668]



aA atxw n #nsw

Chief brewer of Khonsu

Theban tomb of the sculptor of Amun, Huy[1669], no. 54[1670]


680 -

AA pDt praA

Chief of bowmen of pharaoh

Black granite statue group of the commander of the troops, Sa-en-was, from Saft el-Henna[1671]


681- var.

aA m pr-nsw

Magnate in the palace

Theban tomb of the high steward, Ken-amun, no. 93[1672]; Theban tomb of the lieutenant-commander of the army, Peh-su-kher, no. 88[1673]; Stela of the viceroy of Nubia, User-satet from Amarah[1674]; Stela of the vizier, Ptah-mose, Lyon 88[1675]; Stela of the mayor of Tharu, Neby, Leiden; V 43[1676]; Statuette of the standard bearer, Kamose, BM. no. 1210[1677]; Theban tomb of the lieutenant-commander of the army, Amen-em-hab, no. 85[1678]; Theban tomb of the high priest of Amun, Amen-em-hat, no. 97[1679]; Theban tomb of the mayor of Thebes, Sen-nefer, no. 96[1680]; Theban tomb of the royal herald, Iamu-nedjeh, no. 84[1681]; Theban tomb of the high steward, Thenuna, no. 76[1682]; Theban tomb of the overseer of the treasury, Sobek-hotep, no. 63[1683]; Theban tomb of the overseer of the palace, Nefer-sekheru, no. 107[1684]; Stela of the high steward, Amen-em-hat, BM. no. 123[1685]; A monument of the steward, Mery-ptah, Leiden V 14[1686]; Theban tomb of the vizier, Paser, no. 106[1687]



AA m saH.f

Great in his dignity

Theban tomb of the high steward, Senmut, no. 71[1688]; Theban tomb of the royal herald, Iamu-nedjeh, no. 84[1689]; Statue of Men-kheper-re-senb, Cairo 547[1690]; Theban tomb of the general, Thanuni, no. 74[1691]; Theban tomb of the lieutenant-commander of the army, Peh-su-kher, no. 88[1692]; Theban tomb of the mayor of Thebes, Sen-nefer, no. 96[1693]; Stela of the vizier, Ptah-mose, Lyon 88[1694] Theban tomb of the vizier, Ramose, no. 55[1695]; Theban tomb of the lieutenant-commander of the army, Amen-em-hab, no. 85[1696]; Theban tomb of the royal Secretary, Thay, no. 23[1697]; Stela of Thauna, Cairo 34023[1698]



AA m dmi.f

Great in his town

Pap. Sall. IV, vs. 18,2[1699]


684- var. ,

AA n iswt

Chief workmen; Chief builder

Offering table of the chief workmen, Nefer-hotep, from Deir el-Medina[1700]; Theban tomb-chapel of the chief workmen, Pa-shedu, no. 326[1701]; Stela of Baki, BM. no. 265[1702]; W. Theban Graffiti, no. G10, G13, G15, 765, 2043[1703]; W. Theban Graffiti, no. 140, 318, 729[1704]; W. Theban Graffiti nos. 263, 636, 651, 726, 998[1705]; Theban tomb of the chief workmen, Nefer-hotep (the younger), no. 216[1706]; Theban tomb of the chief workmen, Qaha, no. 360[1707]; Theban tomb of the chief workmen Qaha, no. 360[1708]; Pap. Leyd. I 369, 1[1709]; Pap. Berlin P. 11238[1710]; Pap. Abbott BM. 10221, Pl.III rt. 5:13[1711]; Pap. Salt 124, 1,1.[1712]; Pap. Leid. I 369 rt.1[1713]; Pap. Amiens 1,2[1714]; Turin Strike Pap. vs. 6,2[1715]; vs. 6,6[1716]; rt. 7,3[1717]; rt. 4,2[1718]; rt. 4,11[1719]; Ostracon Berlin P. 11238[1720]; Ostracon Cairo CGC. 25.809[1721]; Ostracon Cairo CGC. 25.573[1722]; Ostracon Cairo CGC. 25.802[1723]; Ostracon Deir el-Medineh 126[1724]; Ostracon Deir el-Medineh 189[1725]; Ostracon Cairo CGC. 25.756[1726]: Graffiti of the chief workmen, Nefer-hotep, nos. 1824, 3305[1727]; Pap. Berlin P. 12654 rt. 4, rt. 6[1728]; Ostracon Gardiner 122[1729]; Pap. Turin Cat. 1930/2050+2013, rt. 1:5[1730]


685- var.

AA n iswt m st mAat

Chief workmen in the necropolis

Stela of Baki, Turin N. 50055[1731]; Theban tomb of the chief workmen, Pa-shedu, no. 326[1732]; Stela of Pa-shedu, Florence no. 7624[1733]; Stela of Pa-shedu, Cairo Mus. no. 27820[1734]; Theban tomb of the chief workmen, Neb-nefer, no. 6[1735]; Stela of the royal butler, Hori, BM. 588[1736]; Stela of the chief workmen Nefer-hotep, BM. 267[1737]; Stela of the chief workmen, Qaha, BM. no. 291[1738]; Theban tomb no. 250[1739]



aA n iswt m st mAat Hr Imntt Wast

Chief workmen in the necropolis in Western Thebes

Theban tomb of the chief workmen, Qaha, no. 360[1740]


aA n iswt n Wsr-mAat-ra %tp-n-ra m st mAat


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