Eyes of the king in every place 

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Eyes of the king in every place

Theban tomb of the land surveyor, Menna, no. 69[1506]



irty nsw m ^maw &A-mHw

Eyes of the king in Upper and Lower Egypt

Graffito of the mayor of Memphis, Heby, at Aswan[1507]



irty nsw m tA Dr.f

Eyes of the king in the whole land

Theban tomb of the scribe of recruits, Her-em-heb, no. 78[1508]; Theban tomb of the vizier, Ramose, no. 55[1509]




irty nsw r wAwAt psDt 9

Eyes of the king on the roads belonging to the Nine Bows

Theban tomb of the high steward, Ken-amun, no. 93[1510]



Irty nsw Hr xAswt RTnw

Eyes of the king in the foreign land of Rethenu

Theban tomb of the commander of the troops, Amenmose, no. 42[1511]


irw Htp

Basket-makers (plural)

Pap. Anast. IV, 13,10[1512]; Pap. Koller 5,8[1513]





Statue of Nefer-renpet[1514]


608 - var. , , , ,

, , ;


Cultivator [1515]

Dedicatory inscription of Ramesses II for the Temple of Seti I, Abydos[1516]; Pap. Anast. II, 7,4[1517]; Pap.Anast. VI, 41[1518]; Pap. Bol.1094, vs.1,2[1519]; Amiens Pap. 3,1[1520]; 3,6[1521]; 3,8[1522]; 3,10[1523]; 4,1[1524]; vs. 2 x+2[1525]; Pap. Groub fragm. M 5, 6, 7, 9, 12[1526]; Turin Tax. Pap. 3,12; 3,13[1527]; 4,7[1528]; Pap. BM. 10447, 2, 4, 5[1529]; Pap. Turin 1887 vs. 1,7[1530]; Leather Fragm.Louvre A, a 4[1531]; Pap. Sal. I, 7,2; 7,6[1532]; Pap. Lans. 7,5[1533];Pap. Bib. Nat. 199,2R 3[1534]; Wilbour Pap. A 27,8; A 93,18; A 95,40; A 100,27[1535]




IHwty m tA Hwt Mn-mAat-Ra

Cultivator in the mansion of Men-maat-Re

The Nauri Decree of Seti I[1536]




IHwty n pr Imn-ipt

Cultivator of the temple of Amen-ope

Amherst Pap. Pl.V, 3:3[1537]



iHwty n pr $nmw nb Abw

Cultivator of the temple of Khnum, lord of Elephantine

Pap. Turin 1887 vs. 3,5[1538]


IHwtyw n tA mint pr-aA

Cultivators of the minet- fields [1539] of pharaoh

Pap. Bol. 1094, 3,1-2[1540]






Pap. Turin 1973 vs. 6[1541]; Pap. Turin 1972 vs. 1[1542]: Ostracon Cairo 25.803[1543]; Ostracon Cairo GCC. 25.809[1544]



Ist mnSw

Crewman of the cargo ship

Pap. Anast. VIII, rt. 2,11[1545]



Iqr Tsw

Superior of commanders

Chapel of the overseer of the treasury, Nehsy, at Silsila[1546]






Pap. Leyd. 348, vs.10,6[1547]



Iqdw nDst

Potter [1548]

Pap. Lans. 4,4[1549]





Pap. Leyd. 348, vs.10,6[1550]



619- var.

it nTr [1551]

Divine father, God’s father

Tomb of the overseer of horses, Ay, at el-Amarna[1552]; Theban tomb of the high steward, Ken-amun, no. 93[1553]; Ushabti of Ken-amun, from Zawiyet Abu Mesallem[1554]; Theban tomb of the butler, Su-em-niut, no. 92[1555]; Theban tomb of the high priest of Amun, Amen-em-hat, no. 97[1556] Theban tomb of the nurse of the royal son, Heka-er-neheh, no. 64[1557]; Theban tomb of the vizier, Hepu, no. 66[1558]; Theban tomb of the overseer of the treasury, Sobek-hotep, no. 63[1559]; Theban tomb of the vizier, Ramose, no. 55[1560]; Theban tomb of a royal tutor[1561], no. 226[1562]; Statue of the second priest of Amun, Anen, now in Turin[1563]; Ushabti of the vizier, Ptah-mose, from Abydos[1564]; Tomb of the overseer of horses, Ay, el-Amarna[1565]; Theban tomb of the high priest of Amun, Neb-wenn-ef, no. 157[1566]; Theban tomb of the god’s father of Amun, Anuy, no. 168[1567]; Pap. BM. 10068 vs. pl. XV, 5:20[1568]; Theban tomb of the priest of amun, Tha-nefer, no. 158[1569]; Stela of Thauna, Cairo 34023[1570]


It nTr n Imn

God's father of Amun

Theban tomb of the mayor of Thebes, Sen-nefer, no. 96[1571]


It nTr n Imn m Ipt-swt

Divine fathers of Amun in Karnak

Theban tomb of the god’s father of Amun, Anuy, no. 168[1572]


622- var.

Itw nTr n Imn

Divine father of Amun

Theban tomb of the sculptors, Neb-amun and Ipuky, no. 181[1573]; Theban tomb of the chief temple-scribes, Imi-seba, no. 65[1574]



It nTr n BAstt

Divine father of Bastet

Stela of the Wab -priest, Heri, from Qantir[1575]


it nTr n PtH

Divine father of Ptah

Black basalt statue of the divine father of Ptah, Ptah-mose, from Saqqara, Leiden D. 45[1576]



It nTr n Mwt

Divine father of Mut

Theban tomb of the god’s father of Mut, Wen-nefer, no. 203[1577]


it nTr n Nxbt

Divine father of Nekhbet

Tomb of the high priest of Nekhbet, Setau, in el-Kab, no. 4[1578]



It nTr n Hwt BA-n-Ra Mry-Imn m pr Imn

Divine father of the temple of Ba-en-re Mery-Amun [1579] in the temple of Amun

Block-Statue of the divine father, Nedjem, from Deir el-Bahari[1580]


628 -

it nTr n @r xnty #ty

Divine father of Her-khenty-khety [1581]

Lintel and Jamb of the divine father, Her-em-hab, from Athribis, Cairo 2.2-21.12, 14.6-24.6[1582]



It nTr n st wrt

Divine father belonging to the great place

Theban tomb of the first priest of Amun, Mery, no. 95[1583]



It nTr tpy n Imn

First divine father of Amun

Theban tomb of the high priest of Amun, Amen-em-hat, no. 97[1584]


631- var. ; , ,



Theban tomb of the lieutenant-commander of the army, Amen-em-hab, no. 85[1585]; Ushabti, Cairo 39590[1586]; Stela of the table scribe, Huri, Vienna no. 63[1587]; Tomb-chapel of the deputy of Wawat, in Aniba[1588]; Wine-Jar sealings, from Malkata, nos. 103, 243[1589]; Graffito, of the deputy, Hatiay, Wadi el-Allaqi, no. 36[1590], Graffito of scribe Ramesses-heru, Wadi el-Allaqi, site F, no. 27[1591]; Stela of the table scribe Heri, Vienna N. 36[1592]; Stela Turin Cat. 1606[1593]; Pap. Anast. vs. 5,7[1594]; Pap. Leyd. 348, vs.10,6[1595]; Pap. BM. 10068, pl. XVI vs. 6:22[1596]; W. Theban graffito no. 1968[1597]



Idnw aA

Chief deputy

Stela from Serapeum, Louvre, IM 5952; 10; R 394[1598]



Idnw aA m pr ra


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