Chief Dockyard scribe of the lord of the two lands 

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Chief Dockyard scribe of the lord of the two lands

Base-block of the scribe, Iniy, Cairo Museum Inv. 20-1/25-3[1071]



Imy-r sS mSa

Chief scribe of the army

Theban tomb of the general, Thanuni, no. 74[1072]



imy-r sS mSa aA n nsw

Chief scribe of the great army

Theban tomb of the general, Thanuni, no. 74[1073]



Imy-r sSw mSa n nb tAwy

Overseer of the army scribes

Stela of the overseer of the army scribes, Sety, Turin 172[1074]



imy-r sS mSa n nsw

Chief scribe of the royal army

Theban tomb of the general, Thanuni, no. 74[1075]



Imy-r sS nw sxm ib

Overseer of the marsh-lands for recreation

Statue of the mayor of Fayum, Sobek-hotep, now in Marseilles[1076]



imy-r sSw nsw

Overseer of royal scribs

Theban tomb of the general, Thanuni, no. 74[1077]



imy-r sS nsw nb n mSa

Overseer of all royal scribs of the army

Theban tomb of the scribe of recruits, Her-em-heb, no. 78[1078]



imy-r sSw nTr - mDAt

Overseer of the divine book

Tomb-blocks of Siese, Cairo Museum[1079]




Imy-r sS Hsb iHw n Imn n Mwt n #nsw

Overseer scribe reckoning cattle of Amun, of Mut and of Khonsu

Theban tomb of the scribe reckoning cattle of Amun, Simut-kyky, no. 409[1080]


imy-r sS Hsb iHw n nTrw ^maw &A-mHw

Overseer scribe reckoning cattle of gods of Upper and Lower Egypt

Theban tomb of the scribe reckoning cattle of Amun, Simut-kyky, no. 409[1081]


Imy-r sS Hsb bHsw n Imn

Overseer scribe reckoning calves of Amun

Theban tomb of the scribe reckoning cattle of Amun, Simut-kyky, no. 409[1082]



imy-r sS ssmt

Overseer scribe of horses

Scene over doorway, W. Silsila[1083]


imy-r sS qdwt n Imn

Overseer of the draughtsmen of Amun

Wooden Palette of the chief draughtsman, Didia, Louvre N. 2274[1084]; Stela of Didia, Louvre C. 50[1085] Stela of Didia, from Deir el-Bahari, BM. no. 706[1086]



im y-r st

Overseer of storehouse

Theban tomb of the high priest of Amun, Amen-em-hat, no. 97[1087]; Chapel of Nakht-min, at West Silsileh[1088]; Ramesseum ostraca nos. 163, 189[1089]; Ostracon Cairo CGC. 72502[1090]



im y-r st m WAtt @r

Overseer of the storehouse at the Ways of Horus [1091]

Statue of the mayor of Thebes, Sen-nefer, now in BM.[1092]



im y-r swt n nb tAwy

Overseer of the storehouses of the lord of the two lands

Double statue of Iuny, from Deir Durunka, Asyut[1093]



Imy-r st wr(t)

Overseer of the great place

Theban tomb of overseer of the granaries, Min-nakht, no. 87[1094]



im y-r st m WAtt @r

Overseer of the storehouse at the Way of Horus

Statue of Sen-nefer, in the British Museum.[1095]



im y-r st n at irp

Overseer of the department of the wine cellar

Theban tomb of the overseer of the granaries, Min-nakht, no. 87[1096]; Palette of Min-nakht’s son, BM. 12786[1097]



im y-r st n nb tAwy

Overseer of the storehouse of the lord of the two lands

Double statue of Iuny, from Deir Durunka, Asyut[1098]



Imy-r S

Sea Captain

Limestone stela of Akhthoy, from his tomb at Thebes[1099]



Imy r Smaw

Overseer of Upper Egypt

Granite statue of Hapu-sneb, Louvre[1100]


Imy r Smaw

Overseer of Singers (musicians) [1101]

Theban tomb of the high priest of Amun, Mery, no. 95[1102]



Imy r Smsw

Overseer of retainers

Fragments of “Book of the Dead”, from Sedment[1103]



Imy r Smsw n nb tAwy

Overseer of the retainers of the lord of the two lands

Tomb of the general, Sety, Sedment[1104]


imy r Smsw n nsw

Overseer of the retainers of the king

Tomb of the general, Sety, Sedment[1105]



im y-r S na

Overseer of storehouse, provisioning quarter

Ostracon Mosco 4478 (I.16328)[1106]; Stela, Cairo Museum CGC. 34050[1107]; Ostracon Berlin P. 9026, rt. 4[1108]



im y-r S na n m tA Hwt Wsr-mAat-ra %tp-n-ra m pr Imn

Overseer of the provisioning quarter in the The The Ramesseum

Theban tomb of the high priest, Amen-mose, no. 19[1109]



im y-r S na n Imn

Overseer of the provisioning quarter of Amun

Theban tomb of the high steward, Ken-amun, no. 93[1110]; Theban tomb of the overseer of the granaries, Min-nakht, no. 87[1111]; A statue-base of Nefer-hotep, from Deir el-Bahari, BM. no. 40964[1112]; Stela, Cairo Museum CGC. 34046[1113]



im y-r S na n Prw-nfr

Overseer of the provisioning quarter of Peru-nefer

Stela of the overseer of the storehouse, Peru-nefer, from Saqqara, Cairo 34050[1114]



imy-r Sna n #nsw

Overseer of the provisioning quarter of Khonsu

Ostracon Gardiner 40[1115]


415- var. ; ;


im y-r S nwty

Overseer of the granary

Theban tomb of the overseer of the granary of Amun, Ineni, no. 81[1116]; Statue of Penin-heret, Cairo 711[1117]; Theban tomb of the royal herald, Intef, no. 155[1118]; Stela of Intef, Louvre C. 26[1119]; Palette, BM. 12786[1120]; Inscription of the overseer of works, Nakht, Sinai 181[1121]; Tomb of the high steward, Kha-em-waset in Heliopolis[1122]; Theban tomb of the first herald, Dua-er-neheh, no. 125[1123]; Theban tomb of the overseer of the treasury, Sen-nefri, no. 99[1124]; Theban tomb of the overseer of the granaries, Men-kheper-sneb, no. 79[1125]; Funerary cone of the high steward maai-nakht-ef[1126]; Statue of the second priest of Onuris, Penin-heret, from Abydos, Cairo 711[1127]; Statue of the mayor of Fayum, Sobek-hotep[1128], Berlin 11635[1129]; Graffito of the scribe, Mer-Opet, Morwaw[1130]; Graffiti of the scribe, Mer-Opet, Farrig[1131]; Text of the viceroy, Setau, Hathor-niche in Faras[1132]; Ostracon Mosco 4478 (I.16328)[1133]; Block statue of the overseer of the granary, Siese, Louvre A. 47[1134]; Ostracon Gardiner 40[1135]; Theban tomb of the high priest of Amun, Neb-wenn-ef, no. 157[1136]; Statue of the overseer of the granary, Siese (younger), Vienna no. 34[1137]; Naophorus statue of Siese, Louvre A. 73[1138]; Wooden statue of Siese, from Assiut, Brooklyn Museum no. 47.120.2[1139]; Ushabti of Siese, from Deir Drunka, Assiut[1140]; Pap. BM. 10383 Pl.XXII, 1:3[1141]; Pap. Geneva D. 191, vs. 4[1142]; Pap. Berlin, Inv. 3040A[1143]; Pap. Turin Cat. 1906+2047+1939[1144]



im y-r S nwty pA itn m Axt itn


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