Overseer of the seals of the good god 

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Overseer of the seals of the good god

Stela, Cairo Museum CGC. 34175[992]


im y-r x tmw rsy mHtt

Overseer of the seals of South and North

Statue of the overseer of the treasury, Panehsy, BM. 1377[993]


358- var.

im y-r x tmt [994]

Overseer of seal

Tomb of Ahmose-pen-Nehbt, el-Kab[995]; Stela of King Thutmosis I, from Abydos[996]; Statue of the overseer of the seal, Ptah-mose, Florence 1791[997]; Stela of the scribe, Ahmose, Cairo CGC. 34049[998]; Statue of Her-min, Leiden D. 38[999]



im y-r x tmt n nb tAwy

Overseer of the seal of the lord of the two lands

Statue-group of the chief table scribe, Hori, Louvre A. 68[1000]


360- var.

im y-r x tmtyw

Overseer of sealers

Theban tomb of the overseer of work, Pa-heka-men, no. 343[1001]; Stela from the Temple of Osiris at Abydos, Cairo Museum[1002]



im y-r x tmwt

Overseer of the treasuries

Wine-Jar sealings nos. 48; 100; 167; 205, from Malkata[1003]



Imy-r xtmwt m tA Hwt nt pr-aA

Overseer of the treasuries in the mansion of the pharaoh

Wine-Jar sealing no. 47, from Malkata[1004]




im y-r x tmt

Overseer of treasury, Chief-treasurer

Tomb of Ahmose-pen-Nekhbt at el-Kab[1005]; Theban tomb of the overseer of the treasury, Sen-neferi, no.99[1006]; Stela of Nefer-pert, from Turra[1007]; Sinai 194[1008]; Sinai 196[1009]; Sinai 221[1010]; Theban tomb of the nurse of the royal son, Heka-er-neheh, no. 64[1011]; Theban tomb of the overseer of the treasury, Sobek-hotep, no. 63[1012]; Statue of Sobek-hotep, from Memphis, Cairo no. 1090[1013]; Relief of the overseer of the royal harim at Memphis, Her-min, Louvre C. 213[1014]



im y-r x tmt nbt m pr Imn

Overseer of all treasuries in Amun’s temple

Theban tomb of the overseer of the granary of Amun, Ineni, no. 81[1015]



im y-r x tmt m tA xntyt

Overseer of the treasury in the southward voyage

Tomb of the mayor of Nekheb, Paheri, at el-Kab[1016]



Imy-r xtmt qn

Capable overseer of the treasury

Statue of Sen-nefer, now in the British Museum[1017]



imy-r Xnw


Rock stela of the royal high steward, Senmut, Aswan[1018]



Imy-r sanx n Hmt-nsw

Overseer of sculptors [1019]

Tomb of the overseer of the harem, Huya, at el-Amarna[1020]


Imy-r sbAw n Imn

Overseer of the initiates of Amun

A lower part of a seated statue of Amen-em-hat, Louvre A51[1021]



Imy-r spAt

Overseer of district (quarter)

Pap. BM. 10068, pl. XV vs. 5:11[1022]; Ostracon Mosco 4478 (I.16328)[1023]; Pap. Cairo J. 65739[1024]



Imy-r spAt n pA xr

Overseer of the district of the necropolis

Pap. BM. 10054, pl. VII, vs. 2:11[1025], pl.VIII, vs. 4:4[1026]


Imy-r smywt

Overseer of the desert lands

Stela of year 400[1027]



Imy-r srsw

Overseer of six

Ostracon Mosco 4478 (I.16328)[1028]



374- var.

im y-r sxtyw [1029]

Overseer of fowlers

Theban tomb of the royal herald, Iamu-nedjeh, no. 84[1030]; Statue of the high steward, Maai-nakht-ef, from Medamud[1031]; Pap. Anast. IV, 3,9[1032]



im y-r sxtyw n Imn

Overseer of the fowlers of Amun

Lintel of the priest, Pa-iry[1033]


376 - var. , , ;


i my-r ssmwt [1034]

Overseer of horses

Ushabti of the commander of the troops of Tharu, Menna[1035]; Stela of year 400[1036]; Fragmentary statue of a general of the chariotry, now in Florence[1037]; Ushabti of Prince Webn-senu, Cairo 24271[1038]; Two stelae of the overseer of the royal harim in Memphis, Raya, from his tomb at Saqqara, Berlin nos. 7270 and 7271[1039]; Coffins of Youiya and Touiyou[1040]; Tomb of the chamberlain, Tutu, el-Amarna[1041]; A Box from Tuna, Berlin no. 17555[1042]; House of Ra-nefer, N 49.18, el-Amarnah[1043]; Tomb of the viceroy of Kush, Huy, no. 40[1044]; Great stela of the viceroy, Huy, from Lower Nubia, Berlin no. 17332[1045] Theban tomb of the scribe of recruits, Her-em-heb, no. 78[1046]; Theban tomb of an overseer of the horses[1047], no. 91[1048]; Stela of the high steward, Ruru, Louvre C. 92[1049]; Stela of the viceroy, Huy, Berlin no. 17332[1050]; Statue of the overseer of horses, Sety, Louvre A. 70[1051]; Temple of Ramesses III, Medinet Habu[1052]; Tomb of the overseer of charioteers, Nakht-Min, Abusir-Saqqara[1053]; Pap. Bol.1094, 7,9[1054]; Ostracon Cairo CGC. 72502[1055]



i my-r ssmwt wr n nsw

Great overseer of the Royal horses

Temple of Ramesses III, Medinet Habu[1056]


i my-r ssmwt nb(t) n Hm.f

Overseer of all horses of his majesty

Tomb of the overseer of horses, Ay, at el-Amarna[1057]


379- var ;


imy-r ssmwt n nb tAwy

Overseer of the horses of the lord of the two lands

Theban tomb of the vizier, Ramose, no. 55[1058]; Theban tomb of the overseer of the granaries, Min-nakht, no. 87[1059]; Stela of the royal high steward, Ruru, Louvre C. 92[1060]; Statue of the high steward, Yupa, Berlin 24022[1061]; Statue of the of the overseer of horses, Sety, Louvre A. 70[1062]; Lintel of the overseer of horses, Thutmose, from Hermopolis[1063]; Squatting statue of Prince Montu-hir-khepsh-ef, Boston MFA, from Bubastis[1064]; Dark-grey granite sarcophagus of Prince Ramessu, Cairo J. 72203[1065]



Imy-r ssmwt n Hm.f

Overseer of the horses of his majesty

Funeray cones of the royal nurse, Heka-er-neheh[1066]



Imy-r sS

Overseer of the marsh-lands

Statue of the mayor of Fayum, Sobek-hotep[1067], Berlin 11635[1068]



Imy-r sSw

Chief scribe

Theban tomb of the vizier, Ramose, no. 55[1069]; Theban tomb of the vizier, Rekh-mi-re, no. 100[1070]



Imy-r sSw mr(w) n nb tAwy


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