Overseer of the double treasury of silver and gold. 

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Overseer of the double treasury of silver and gold.

Freestanding block stela of the overseer of the treasury, Thya, Cairo 89624[241]


96 - var.

imy-r pr.wy HD

Overseer of the double treasury

Theban tomb of the royal scribe, Sen-em-iah, no. 127[242]; Statue of the mayor of Fayum, Sobek-hotep[243], Berlin 11635[244]; Tomb of the oversser of the harem, Huya, at el-Amarna[245]; Granite sarcophagus fragments of the overseer of the treasury, Amen-mose, from Thebes[246]; Ostracon Gardiner 86[247]; Ostracon Berlin P. 12337[248]; Ostracon Mosco 4478 (I.16328)[249]; Block statue of the high steward Yupa, Cairo 567[250]; Pap. Anast. IV, 11,3[251]; Pap. Anast. IV, vs. C1[252]; Pap. Anast. VI, 18; 20; 22; 34[253]; Pap. Sall. IV, vs. 18,1[254]



Imy-r pr.wy HD imy-r pr.wy nbw

Overseer of the double treasury of silver and the double treasury of gold

Theban tomb of the overseer of treasury, Djehuty, no. 11[255]; Tomb of the overseer of the treasury, Sobek-mose, in er-Rizeikat[256]


98 -

Imy-r pr.wy HD imy-r pr.wy nbw n Imn

Overseer of the double treasury of silver and the double treasury of gold of Amun

Funerary cones of the high priest, Mery[257]; Theban tomb of the high priest of Amun, Men-kheper-sneb, no. 86[258]; Theban tomb of the vizier, Rekh-mi-re, no. 100[259]; Statue of the overseer of the treasury, Bener-merut, Cairo 42171[260]; Stela of Bener-merut, Louvre C 273[261]; Theban tomb of the high priest of Amun, Amen-em-hat, no. 97[262]



99 -

i my-r pr.wy HD m Hwt Wsr-mAat-Ra Stp-n-Ra m pr Imn

Overseer of the double treasury of Ramessum

Stela of the overseer of the treasury, Khay, from Abydos, Brussels E. 5184[263]


100 -

i my-r pr.wy HD m Hwt BA-[n]-ra Mry Imn

Overseer of the double treasury in the mansion of Ba-[en]-re Mery Imun

Rock-stela, Sisila[264]


101 -

i my-r pr.wy HD m st mAat

Overseer of the double treasury in necropolis

Double statue of Amen-em-opet, Berlin no. 6910[265]


102 - var.

i my-r pr.wy HD nbw

Overseer of the double treasury of silver and gold.

Theban tomb of the vizier, Ramose, no. 55[266]; Statue of the viceroy, Suti, from Deir el-Shelwit[267]


103 - var.

i my-r pr.wy HD n pr aA

Overseer of Pharaoh’s double treasury

Pap. Chest. Beat. 4:10-11[268]; Pap. BM. 10383, pl. XXII rt. 1:3[269]


104 -

i my-r pr.wy HD n nb tAwy

Overseer of the double treasury of the lord of the two lands

Granite sarcophagus fragments of the overseer of the treasury, Amen-mose, from Thebes[270]; Statue of the overseer of the treasury Panehsy, BM. 1377[271]; Statuette of the overseer of the treasury, Suti, from Minia?[272]


105 -

i my-r pr.wy HD n Hmt nsw

Overseer of the double treasury of silver of the queen

Tomb of the overseer of the harem Huya, at el-Amarna[273]


106 -

i my-r pr.wy HD n tA Hwt nt nHH m rnpwt n nsw bity Wsr-mAat-ra Mry-Imn

Overseer of the double treasury of the temple of millions of years of king of Upper and Lower Egypt, User-maat-re Mery Amun

Quarying graffiti, W. Silsila[274]



107 -

Imy-r pr wa n Ra m Iwnw

The steward of Ua-en-re in On

Tomb of the scribe of recruits, May, at el-Amarna[275]


108 -

i my-r prw n HD nbw

Overseer of the treasuries of silver and gold

Statue of the royal high steward in Memphis, Amen-hotep, BM. no. 632[276]


109- var.

Imy-r prw HD nbw

Overseer of the treasuries of silver and gold

Theban tomb of the high priest of Amun, Neb-wenn-ef, no. 157[277]; Stela of the overseer of the treasury, Montu-em-tawy, Deir el-Medineh[278]


110 -

i my-r prw nTrw nbw

Overseer of the temples of all the gods

Tomb-blocks of Siese, Cairo Museum[279]



111 - var. ;

imy-r pr wr [280]

High steward

Stela of the high steward, Dwa-er-neheh, from Thebes[281]; Statue of the high steward, Senmut, Berlin 2296[282]; Statue of Senmut, from the Temple of Mut at Karnak[283]; Theban tomb of Intef, no. 155[284]; Graffiti of the troop-commander of Kush, Bak-en-seth, south of temple, Buhen[285]; Statue of the royal record-scribe, Ptah-mose, Leningrad, St. Petrsburg no. 26[286]; Door-lintel of the troop-commander, User-maat-re-nakht, from Hermopolis[287]; Theban tomb of the high steward, Thenuna, no. 76[288]; Statue of the royal high steward, Mery-re[289]; Rock stela of the royal high steward, Senmut, Aswan[290]; Statue of the high steward in Memphis, Amen-hotep, Cairo 1169[291]; Statue of Amen-hotep, BM. 632[292]; Statutte of Amen-hotep, Cairo 763[293]; Stela of the high steward, Ipy, in Leningrad [294]; Stela of the royal high steward, Ruru, Louvre C. 92[295]; Door-lintel of the overseer of provisioning quarters, Hor, from Hermopolis[296]; Papyrus column, from Saqqara[297]; Ushabti of high steward of the Ramesseum, Naher-hu, Leiden[298]; Stela of of the high steward Ur-khya, Louvre E. 3143[299]; Theban tomb of the high priest of Month, User-montu, no. 382[300]; Statue-group of the high steward of Amun, Thutmose, Cairo 549[301]; Ushabti of Thutmose, Berlin 10810[302]; Graffito of the troop-commander of Kush, Bak-en-seth, S. Temple of Buhen[303]


112 -

imy-r pr wr m pr PtH


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