Тема 19. 2. Тюрьма и ее разновидности. 

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Тема 19. 2. Тюрьма и ее разновидности.

Грамматическая тема: Словообразование (обобщение)


Study the words and the word-combinations


Serve a sentence - отбывать наказание;

long sentence - длительный срок лишения свободы;

short sentence - краткий срок лишения свободы;

detain - содержать под стражей;

security - режим в тюрьме;

maximum-security prison - тюрьма с максимальной изоляцией заключенных;

strict / high security - строгий режим;

medium security - режим средней строгости;

minimum security - общий режим;

likely - склонный;

escape - побег;

constitute - составлять;

confine - держать взаперти;

open prison - тюрьма открытого типа (неохраняемая);

abscond - скрываться от правосудия;

treatment - исправление преступников;

detention centre - центр для содержания под стражей задержанных правонарушителей,

discipline - дисциплина.


I. Scan through the text. Work in pairs to question the text and to give answers.


Types of prisons.


Prisons are classified administratively as local or central prisons. Local prisons serve a variety of purposes—holding prisoners awaiting trial or sentencing and prisoners serving shorter sentences, up to about 18 months. There the worst overcrowding occurs. Prisoners serving longer sentences are detained in central prisons. Central prisons are large maximum-security prisons holding more than 1,000 offenders in conditions of strict security. For security, prisoners are classified into four categories, from A (prisoners likely to attempt escape, and constituting, if successful, a significant danger to the public) to D (prisoners who can be trusted to work in conditions of minimal security). Prisoners who are not considered a danger to the community may be confined in low-security or open prisons, where there is normally no obstacle to a prisoner's absconding. Women are normally held in separate institutions. Young people who have done something illegal are kept in detention centres because they are too young to go to prison. The purpose of these institutions is rather treatment or correction than punishment. Detention centres for young offenders serving sentences that must not exceed four months are based on the principle of strict discipline and physical activity; research has failed to show, however, that it is an effective deterrent to further crime.


II. Agree or disagree with the following statements.


1) Prisons are classified administratively as rural or municipal prisons. 2) Local prisons hold prisoners awaiting their release from prison. 3) Local prisons hold prisoners serving longer sentences. 4) The worst overcrowding occurs in and characterizes central prisons. 5) Prisoners serving shorter sentences are detained in central prisons. 6) Central prisons are open prisons. 7) Central prisons hold prisoners in conditions of low security. 8) Prisoners who are likely to attempt escape, and constituting, if successful, a significant danger to the public must be confined in low-security prisons. 9) Prisoners who are not considered a danger to the community may be confined in high-security prisons. 10) There are normally some obstacles to a prisoner's absconding in open prisons. 11) Females are normally held together with males. 12) Young offenders are kept in large maximum-security prisons. 13) Young offenders must not go to prison. 14) The purpose of detention centres is rather punishment than treatment. 15) Young offenders are to serve sentences that must not exceed twelve months. 16) Detention centres are based on the principle of permissiveness and mental activity. 17) Detention centres are an effective deterrent to further crime.


III. Restore the word order in the following statements.


1) Prisons classified administratively as local or central prisons are. 2) Local prisons prisoners awaiting trial or sentencing hold. 3) Local prisons prisoners serving shorter sentences hold. 4) The worst overcrowding and characterizes local prisons occurs in. 5) Prisoners serving longer sentences in central prisons are detained. 6) Central prisons large maximum-security prisons are. 7) Central prisons prisoners in conditions of strict security hold. 8) Prisoners who are likely to attempt escape, and constituting, if successful, a significant danger to the public in high-security prisons must be confined. 9) Prisoners who are not considered a danger to the community in low-security prisons may be confined. 10) There normally no obstacle to a prisoner's absconding in open prisons is. 11) Women normally held in separate institutions are. 12) Young offenders are in detention centres kept. 13) Young offenders too young to go to prison are. 14) The purpose of detention centres rather treatment than punishment is. 15) Young offenders to serve sentences that must not are exceed four months. 16) Detention centres the principle of strict discipline and physical activity are based on. 17) Detention centres not an effective deterrent to further crime are.


IV. Translate the following words and phrases from Russian into English.


Режим в тюрьме; задержание; тюрьма с максимальной изоляцией заключенных; режим средней строгости; сельский; общий режим; содержать под стражей; держать взаперти; неохраняемая тюрьма; скрываться от правосудия; строгий режим; незаконный; исправление преступников; побег; городской; центр для содержания под стражей задержанных правонарушителей; отбывать наказание; поведение, не представляющее опасности; освобождение из тюрьмы; вседозволенность.


V. Complete the following statements.


1) Prisons are classified administratively as … 2) Local prisons hold prisoners awaiting … 3) Local prisons hold prisoners serving … 4) The worst overcrowding occurs in and characterizes … 5) Prisoners serving longer sentences are detained in … 6) Central prisons are … 7) Central prisons hold prisoners in conditions of … 8) Prisoners who are likely … must be confined in … 9) Prisoners who are not considered a danger to the community may be confined in … 10) There is normally no obstacle to … in open prisons. 11) Women are held in … 12) Young offenders are kept in … 13) Young offenders are too young to go … 14) The purpose of detention centres is … 15) Young offenders are to serve … 16) Detention centres are based on … 17) Detention centres are not …


VI. Choose one topic to speak about a) local prisons; b) central prisons; c) dangerous prisoners; d) prisoners of safe conduct; e) detention centres. Retell the text Types of prisons.



Образование глаголов

1. Образование глаголов при помощи суффиксов.

Из суффиксов обычного типа дл образования глаголов чаще всего употребляется суффикс – ize, образующий глаголы с отвлеченным значением: to realize, to organize

Имеются также глаголы, образованные от прилагательных при помощи суффикса – en: wide – to widen,broad - to broaden, dark - to darken,red - to redden

2. Образование глаголов при помощи префиксов (приставок).

При помощи префиксов глаголы обычно образуются от глаголов. Наиболее распространенными глагольными префиксами являются следующие:

Префикс – re, обозначающий повторное действие: to re-read, rebuild, rewrite.

Этот префикс имеют также глаголы с другими значениями: to remember, to receive, to respect, to recover

Префикс dis-, обозначающий действие, противоположное действию исходного глагола: to disagree, to disappear, to discover, to dislike.

Префикс mis-, обозначающий действие, совершенное ошибочно: to misunderstand, to mistake, to misbehave.

3. Образование глаголов путем конверсии.

Путем конверсии глаголы образуются главным образом от существительных: a book – to book, winter – to winter.

Количество глаголов, образованных от существительных

путем конверсии, очень невелико.




Exercise 1. Переведите образованные от следующих существительных глаголы.

head – голова to head - возглавлять

start – старт, начало to start - …

judge – судья to judge - …

end – конец to end - …

answer – ответ to answer - …

work – работа to work - …

place – место to place - …

hand – рука to hand - …


Exercise 2. Образуйте глаголы от существительных и прилагательных при помощи суффиксов:

-en – length, bright, weak, deep

-ize – real, national, character, sympathy

-ify - false, simple.


Exercise 3. Используя данное напротив каждого предложения слово и один из известных вам словообразовательных суффиксов (префиксов), образуйте новое, подходящее по смыслу слово и заполните пропуск.

1. If you … me, I’ll simply inform the police. (threat)

2. Janet had to … from the team because of injure. (to draw)

3. I’m afraid they … (to understand) my intentions.

4. This factory … woolen goods. (product)

5. I can’t … the meaning of this word. (definition)

6. She … us to further efforts. (stimulus)

7. You must … for being so rude. (apology)

8. Circumstances do not … me to help you. (permission)

9. Does he … what I mean? (reality)

Тест 1

1. She agreed to help us with great … (reluctant).

2. Although this family is a rich one, they are not known for their … (generous).

3. There is a great … of a disastrous flood in this region. (possible)

4. His … didn’t come true. (except)

5. The … of the environment is everyone’s responsibility. (protect)

6. This book describes his life and …. (accomplish)

7. … parks are very popular nowadays. (amuse)

8. Disney’s … of the dwarfs were unique. (character)

9. He created a fairy tale mood of …. (time)

10. This film showed his … to experiment. (village)

11. He designed a sound … system. (reproduce)

12. This musician is playing …. (profession)

13. During the … he displayed his lively personality. (perform)

14. The … of his face showed that he was insulted. (express)

15. This article covers the Indian … movement. (depend)

16. All the images in the story were … created. (art)

17. He … her to explore the mysteries of natural history. (courage)

18. She worked … (tire) for hours. (appoint)

19. This gallery contains some of the most … portraits. (forget)

20. She can get … with people very easily. (appoint)

21. I love to watch ballet dancers, they are so …. (grace)

22. Television is a means of …. (communicate)

23. The use of computers in business is a recent …. (develop)

24. My elder brother is a very good …. (organize)

25. You are so …: you are always dropping things. (care)

26. Madonna is a … pop-singer. (fame)

27. He made a … to the press. (state)

28. Smoking is a very … habit. (harm)

29. It was very …. of him to steal that money. (honest)

30. In winter the only … with the far north is by air. (connect)



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