Фразово - предложные глаголы (Phrasal-prepositional Verbs) 

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Фразово - предложные глаголы (Phrasal-prepositional Verbs)

Фразово - предложные глаголы состоят из: глагол + наречие + предлог. Так как эти глаголы заканчиваются предлогом, за ними всегда следует прямое дополнение. Как и предложные глаголы, они не могут разделяться. Например: put up with - терпеть, мириться/примириться с. I won’t put up with your attitude. Я не примирюсь с твоей позицией/отношением.


Compare (сравните):

Break down: stop working, usually a machine or vehicle - If my car breaks down again, I’m going to sell it.

Break (smth) down: destroy something such as a door or wall – The firemen broke the door down and ran inside to look for the children.

Bring (someone)up: look after and educate a child – Do you think it is difficult to bring children up as a single parent?

Carry on: continue doing something - He carried on watching TV though his mother had told him to go to bed.

Catch on (to smth): understand - The teacher explained it at least three times, but Helen still didn’t catch on.

Close (smth)down: - end an activity – I read in the paper last night that they are closing my old school down.

Come down: fall to the ground - Did you see that the apple tree next door came down in the night?

Come out in(smth): often when your body develops spots or rashes - He came out in red m arks all over his face and neck.

Cut (smth) down: bring to the ground -If we don’t cut that tree down soon, it will fall down.

Cut down on (smth): reduce the amount - You must cut down on all the cakes and chocolates you eat. It’s not good for you.

Cut (smth)out: remove - If you cut some of these late nights out, you won’t feel so tired in the mornings.

Die down: come to an end – She waited until the laughter died down before she continued her speech.

Eat out: eat in a restaurant instead of at home - I’d like to eat out tonight. How about going to that little Italian restaurant on the high street?

Get (smth) across: communicate an idea - He had an interesting plan for reducing the level of pollution in the city, but it took him a long time to get his ideas across.

Get away with (smth): avoid being caught and punished - He is always late for work. How does he get away with it?

Get by: survive - It was hard to get by on one salary when Tom lost his job, but things are OK now.

Get (smth) down: make a written record - Simon, could you make sure you get his telephone number down?

Get down to (smth): start doing seriously - I really must get down to writing my Christmas cards otherwise it will soon be too late.

Get on (with smth): have a good relationship - My brother and I are different kinds of people. I’ve never really got on with him.

Get out: have time outside the home - You should get out more. It’s not good being inside with the children like this.

Get over (smth): recover from - Her grandmother died a couple of months ago and it’s taking her a long time to get over it.

Get round (someone): persuade someone to let you do smth - My father doesn’t want to lend me his car, but I know how to get round him.

Get through (to someone): make contact, often by telephone - I’ve been trying to get through to you all day, but your phone has been constantly engaged.

Get up (to smth): do smth, often naughty and bad -OK, kids, what did you get up to while we were away?

Give (smth out): distribute - The teacher gave files and books out to all the students.

Give (smth)up: stop - All my friends have given smoking up this year. It’s incredible.

Give off (smth): produce - Plastic gives off a horrible smell when it is burnt.

Go down: fall - The price of houses has gone down by five per cent in the last year.

Go on: continue doing smth - She went on talking while he made lunch.

Keep on: continuedoing smth - It kept on raining for the rest of the day.

Keep up (with someone): maintain the same level - It’s very difficult to keep up with her because she walks so fast.

Look after (smth/someone): take care of - Would you mind looking after our cats while we are away on holiday?

Look out: pay attention, be careful - Look out! There’s a car coming.

Make for (smth, someone): go towards - They made for the nearest café when it started to rain.

Make(a room, bed): prepare - We need to make the spare room up if Jim is going to stay here tonight.

Put (money)by: save - I try and put a little by each month. We’d like to go on a holiday to Greek islands next year.

Put (smth) down: write, make a record of - A lot of people seem interested. Why don’t you put all their names down and then we’ll send them a copy.

Put (the price) up: increase - If we put up our prices again, we’re going to lose some of our best customers.

Run out (of smth): finish, have no more left - Could you buy some more milk when you go to the shops. We have nearly run out.

Slow down: reduce speed - Please slow down. You’re driving so fast, it’s making me frightened.

Stay out: remain away from home - Your mother doesn’t like you staying out all night. Please be home by midnight.

Take off: suddenly increase, do well - Interest in the environment has taken off in the last couple of years and I don’t really understand why.

Take (someone) off: imitate someone to make other people laugh - You should hear Simon taking off the Prime Minister –He’s very funny.

Take (smth) up: start a new hobby - I’ve taken up yoga recently. It’s changing my life.

Work (smth) out: calculate - You’ve been trying to do that puzzle for ages. Haven’t you worked it out yet?





Exercise 1. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. He called me at five o’clock, but I was very busy, so I asked him to call me…later.

a) on b) back


2. The bus stopped and the old fat lady got…with some difficulties.

a) off b) of


3. Peter picked… a sheet of paper and looked at me inquiringly.

a) up b) in


4. The case was too heavy so Claude put it…for a minute and then continued walking.

a) down b) in


5. Do you need these newspapers? I’m asking it because I’m going to throw them…

a) down b) out


6. It’s getting colder, you’d better put…your overcoat!

a) on b) off


7. Don’t you hear the phone? Pick it…!

a) off b) up


8. Please, write…my address.

a) up b) down


9. I don’t believe you. I’m sure you have just made …this story.

a) up b) off


10.When she got asleep Carlos came in and turned…the light.

a) on b) in


11.Tom looked…the telephone directly but didn’t find her name there.

a) on b)up c) of


12.We had been arguing for a long time but at last Mr. Bright came…to my way of solving that problem.

a) round b) into c) on


13.All this story makes me sick. I had enough of it and I want this stupid secret to come….

a) round b) out c) down


14.Tom used to talk about his uncle Ben who was a millionaire. Last year he died and Tom came… a fortune.

a) in b) into c) through


15.It’s five past seven! We must hurry a bit because if not we can be… a) about b) behind c) out


16.They said to me in the office that the general director was…on business.

a) out b) behind c) away


17.For the first time after his long illness Mr. Sombrely was….

a) out and away b) up and out c) out and about


18.That horrible year she broke …all her friends ad colleagues.

a) out b) to c) with


19.The windows of this large room broke…their conversation.

a) up b) off c) with


20.My translation of this book is not getting…as fast as I would wish.

a)on b)out c)up


21.He rushed beyond the barrier and called…her to follow.

a) for b) on c) to d) off


22.This incessant rain and fog is getting me….

a) down b) out c) away d) through


23.He had to go…the first few paragraphs several times to get an idea.

a) down b) over c) through d) away


24.Don’t eat that pork, it’s going…

a)down b) off c) away d) on


25.I must look… this a little more carefully before reaching a decision.

a)up b) on c) in d) into


26. Some flowers give… their richest fragrance at night.

a) on b) off c) up d) down


27.A heavy snowfall held… the trains from the North.

a) on b) into c) off d) up


28.Why do you think these two decided to set… on their own?

a) on b) up c) into d) down


29.After a few months the project fell …owing to the lack of support.

a) down b) out c) across d) through


30. He let… a shout of joy.

a) away b) out c) down d) through

Тест 1.

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.


1. When he saw his wife with another man in a restaurant he broke … his umbrella.

a) off b) out c) down


2. She told him to look … her at the Central post-office, she would have a newspaper in her hands.

a) out for b) on for c) with of


3. Listen! I’m near your house. I’ll call … for a minute to return you the book. OK?

a) to b) into c) in


4. She said she was going to clear … that pile of dust in the studio.

a) out b) away c) down


5. If you are the last to leave the room, please put… the lights.

a) out b) away c) down


6. Alice has bought a new fridge and some modern furniture. I think her husband’s business is looking pretty…

a) on b) out c) up


7. I want you to cut… smoking! You are killing yourself!

a) off b) out c) down


8. Can you do … a five-dollar banknote?

a) with b) out c) up


9. Two armed bandits held… Mr. Brown’s car and asked him to get…

a) on, out b) up, off c) off, down


10.I’m sure that you will get…this work on Monday.

a) down b) away c) through


11.I have been listening to you for an hour but I don’t understand what you are getting…!

a) on b) in c) at


12.Because of his wedding all her plans were fallen…

a) through b) away c) down


13.Has your brother already broken… prison?

a) down from b) out of c) up off


14.Tommy, your room needs doing… badly! Look, there is garbage everywhere!

a) up b) on c) off


15.I can’t give you my dictionary. I can’t do … it.

a) with b) out c) without


16.Our gardener recommended to cut… the tree in front of our house.

a) up b) down c) away


17.I came … from New York to my native town for a week.

a) in b) down c) on


18.The summer is… and I haven’t got any rest.

a) down b) away c) over


19.How often does this newspaper come…?

a) out b) up c) away


20.Next week I’m going to bring… my new article.

a) out b) on c) down


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