Control of pollution in great Britain 

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Control of pollution in great Britain


Government measures to control environmental pollution are long established, and are complimentary to the planning system to conserve the country's heritage.

The Control of Pollution Act 1974, which applies to England, Scotland and Wales, sets out a wide range of powers and duties for local authorities, including control over wastes, air and water pollution and noise. It contains important provisions on the release of information on environmental conditions to the public. The Act also increases the penalties for a large number of pollution offences. The provisions relating to noise and air pollution are fully in force, as are a substantial number of those relating to waste on land. Similar legislation applies in Northern Ireland.


1. What are the government measures to control environmental pollution in Great Britain?

2. Are there any similar measures taken in our country?



В английском языке глаголы имеют два залога: действительный (the Active Voice) и страдательный (the Passive Voice).

В действительном залоге действие совершается подлежащим.

В страдательном залоге подлежащее (лицо или предмет) подвергается воздействию со стороны другого лица или предмета.


L. Tolstoy wrote the novel Л. Толстой написал роман

War and Peace. «Война и мир».

The novel War and Peace Роман «Война и мир» был

was written by L. Tolstoy. написан Л. Толстым.






Indefinite am Present is + Part.II are was Past + Part.II were shall Future be + Part.II will
I am often asked about it. Меня об этом часто спрашивают. I was asked about it yesterday. Меня спросили об этом вчера. I shall be asked about it tomorrow. Меня спросят об этом завтра.
Continuous am is being + Part.II are was being + Part.II were  
I am being asked about it now. Меня спрашивают об этом сейчас. I was being asked about it when you came. Меня спрашивали об этом, когда вы пришли.  
Perfect have been + Part.II has   had been + Part.II shall have been + Part.II will
I have been asked about it this morning. Меня спросили об этом сегодня утром. I had been asked about it before I met you. Меня спросили об этом до того, как я встретил вас. I shall have been asked about it by that time. Меня уже спросят об этом к тому времени.


При образовании вопросительной формы в страдательном залоге вспомогательный глагол ставится перед подлежащим:


Are the exercises done? Will they be done? Have they been done? Are they being done?


При образовании отрицательной формы частица not употребляется после первого вспомогательного глагола.


The letters will not be typed tomorrow.


В английском языке в страдательном залоге могут употребляться не только переходные, но и непереходные глаголы с предлогами, такие как:


to agree on (upon) to insist on (upon)

to attend to to laugh at

to comment on to look at

to face with to look after

to dream of to speak of (about)

to depend on to send for

to talk about to refer to

to think of to rely on





1. Глаголом «быть» в сочетании с краткой формой причастия страдательного залога. The book was published last year. Книга была опубликована в прошлом году.
2. Глаголом, оканчивающимся на -ся, -сь. This problem is being discussed. Эта проблема обсуждается.
3. Неопределенно-личным предложением. The film is much spoken about. О фильме много говорят.
4. Глаголом в действительном залоге, если в предложении есть дополнение с предлогом by. She was laughed at by everybody. Над ней все смеялись.
5. Безличные конструкции соответствуют в русском языке глаголам в 3-м лице множественного числа с неопределенно-личным значением. It is said … Говорят … It is known … Известно … It must be said … Следует сказать … It can’t be forgotten … Нельзя забыть …


При преобразовании предложений из действительного залога в страдательный необходимо помнить следующее:

а) глагол в страдательном залоге ставят в том же времени, что и в действительном. Лицо и число может меняться, так как меняется подлежащее.


I read newspapers in the evening.   Я читаю газеты вечером.  
Newspapers are read in the evening. Газеты читают(ся) вечером.  


б) дополнение в действительном залоге будет подлежащим в страдательном и наоборот.


They build new houses in our street. Они строят новые дома на нашей улице.
New houses are built in our street. На нашей улице строятся новые дома.


в) если в предложении действительного залога имеется два дополнения, то любое из них может быть подлежащим в страдательном залоге. При этом дополнение, выраженное местоимением в косвенном падеже, ставится в действительном залоге в именительном. Местоимение, указывающее на носителя действия в страдательном залоге, ставится в объектном падеже. Например:


Nick gave me an interesting book. Николай дал мне интересную книгу.
An interesting book was given to me. Мне дали интересную книгу.
I was given an interesting book. Мне дали интересную книгу.

г) дополнение с предлогом в страдательном залоге часто опускается, если оно выражено личным местоимением. Например:


Не showed me a picture. Он показал мне картину.
A picture was shown to me (by him). Мне показали картину.


д) если сказуемое действительного залога выражено сочетанием модального глагола с инфинитивом, то в страдательном залоге ему соответствует сочетание того же модального глагола с инфинитивом в страдательном залоге. Например:


I can’t answer your question. Я не могу ответить на ваш вопрос.
Your question can’t be answered. На ваш вопрос невозможно ответить.
He must clean the room. Он должен убрать в комнате.
The room must be cleaned. В комнате необходимо убрать.





Exercise 1. Use the Present Perfect or the Past Simple Tense in the Active or the Passive Voice instead of the verbs in brackets.


1. The old fireplace (to replace) in his room recently.

2. In 1964 Martin Luther King (to win) the Nobel Peace Prize.

3. The cartoon character Micky Mouse (to create) by Walt Disney.

4. What (to change) in this room? You (to put) a new carpet?

5. Lawyers (to give) a new pay rise.

6. Where you (to find) this dog? It’s so dirty.

7. A valuable painting (to steal) from the Central Art Gallery last night.

8. Where you (to be) lately?

9. You (to invite) to the party?

10. John Kennedy (to assassinate) in Dallas in 1963.


Exercise 2. Ask questions to the following sentences beginning with the words in brackets:


1. The tape-recorder is being fixed now (what?).

2. Some record is being played (what?).

3. The fire is being put out by the firemen (whom … by?).

4. Ted was stung by a bee (who?).

5. Local calls are booked well in advance (when?)

6. Lorries are produced at a plant (where?).

7. I was given 2 hours to make a decision (what?).

8. By the time you get there everything will have been done (when?).

9. She will be sent abroad next month (where?).

10. A very interesting book was shown to me (what?).


Exercise 3. Change the sentences from active to passive.


1. Bob Smith built the house.

2. People speak Spanish in Peru.

3. Do people speak Spanish in Peru?

4. A special committee is going to settle the dispute.

5. Mr. Show hasn’t taught that course since 1990.

6. Lightening didn’t cause the fire.

7. The news will amaze you.

8. I think that they have sent us the wrong tickets.

9. They showed her the easiest way to do it.

10. Someone had given her the wrong number.


Exercise 4. Use active or passive in any appropriate tense for the verbs in brackets.


1. Walt Disney (create) the cartoon character Mickey Mouse.

2. This problem (discuss) at the last meeting.

3. These photos (take) by my sister.

4. Right now Alec (treat) for a bad burn on his hand and arm.

5. A new house (build) next to ours next year.

6. Yesterday the wind (blow) my hat off my head.

7. The first fish (appear) on the earth about 500 million years ago.

8. When your bike (steal)?

9. Our mail (deliver) before noon every day.


Exercise 5. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense-form.


1. This piece of music (know) to me. But it never (play) so wonderfully before. 2. When I came into the cinema, a new film (show). I was sorry that I (not, tell) about the show before and was late for the beginning as the end impressed me greatly. 3. It is raining and football (not, play). 4. The students (work) at the laboratory the whole evening yesterday. 5. Nick was late for the party, so when he came into the room all the guests (introduce) to each other, some of them (dance) and some (sing) in the next room. 6. The mother (tell) not to worry about her sick boy. He (examine) soon by the doctor. 7. We (discuss) the problem already when you came. 8. The weather changed for the worst. It (rain) heavily. The windows (break) by the strong wind. 9. When you come here in summer, their house (repair). 10. It’s a very good class. It (teach) by Mr. Smith. 11. I (give) a kitten. It (call) Pussy, but my little sister (call) it Push. 12. I (introduce) to him last week but I am afraid I (not, recognize) him if I meet him again. 13. I ( not,see) anything of Moscow yet.


Exercise 6. Transform the sentences from Passive into Active.


1. The student was asked to tell the story once again. 2. Moscow is very much admired by the visitors. 3. «King Lear» can be successfully performed by a group of amateurs. 4. The meal is being prepared now. 5. Many valuable paintings were destroyed by the fire. 6. Light and heat are given to us by the sun. 7. The question hasn’t been answered properly.


Exercise 7. Translate the following sentences into Russian.


1. My letter was answered at once. 2. We were joined by a group of our students in the Crimea. 3. These events were followed by a wave of strikes. 4. The lecture was attended by many students. 5. The terms were agreed upon. 6. We hope that an agreement will be arrived at. 7. He was listened to attentively. 8. This problem was not spoken about. 9. The doctor will be sent for at once. 10. This book was often referred to. 11. He was never heard of. 12. The terms were insisted upon. 13. They are taught French at school. 14. He was offered a new job. 15. We are paid twice a month.


Exercise 8. Translate into English.


1. Какой вопрос сейчас обсуждается? — Обсуждается работа нашего научного кружка. 2. Ее можно видеть в библиотеке каждый день. 3. Когда будет открыта новая школа? 4. Мне предложили новую работу. 5. За последнее время в нашем городе построено мало красивых зданий. 6. В этой школе преподается английский язык. 7. Какие достопримечательности города будут показаны туристам? 8. Когда доставили эту телеграмму? 9. Это событие широко комментируется в прессе.


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