Тема 2. 1. Посещение магазина и кафе 

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Тема 2. 1. Посещение магазина и кафе

Грамматическая тема: Артикли с исчисляемыми существительными.

Study the words and the word-combinations.


supermarket – супермаркет

store – универмаг

mall – торговый центр

department – отдел

furniture shop – магазин мебели

hardware shop – магазин скобяных изделий

self-service shop – магазин самообслуживания

jeweler’s – ювелирный магазин

chemist’s – аптека

knitted goods – вязаные изделия

ladies’ fashion – женская одежда

sports fashion – спортивная одежда

hosiery – чулочные изделия

perfumery – парфюмерия

florist’s – магазин цветов

dairy – молочный отдел

grocery – гастроном

greengrocer’s – овощной магазин

baker’s – булочная, пекарня

butcher’s – мясной отдел (магазин)

confectioner’s – кондитерская

Fishmonger’s – рыбный отдел (магазин)

tobacconist’s – отдел (магазин) табачных изделий

haberdashery – галантерея

newsagent’s – газетный киоск

Stationer’s - отдел канцелярских товаров

Shopping bag – сумка для покупок

carrier bag – пластиковый или бумажный пакет с ручками

basket – корзина

scales – весы

trolley – тележка

cash desk – стойка кассы

information desk – справочный стол

counter – прилавок

fitting-room – примерочная

ready-to-serve food – готовая еда

ready-made clothes – готовая одежда

knit-wear goods – вязаные изделия

fabrics – ткани

foot-wear – обувь

sports goods – спортивные товары

leather goods – кожаные товары

china and glass – фарфор и стекло

electric appliances – электроприборы

household goods – товары для дома

office supplies – офисное оборудование

linen – бельё

outwear – верхняя одежда

underwear – нижнее бельё

curtain – занавеска

bedding – постельные принадлежности

make a purchase – делать покупку

give a refund – возвращать деньги (за бракованный товар)

weigh – взвешивать

display – выставка

retail price – розничная цена

wholesale price – оптовая цена

reduce price – снижать цену

customer – покупатель

change – сдача


I. Group the words from the list according to the parts of speech (n, v). Which of them can go to both columns?


store, display, serve, purchase, cost, pay, rise, supply, demand, expense, shop, list, discount, sale, change, price, value, gift, weigh.


II. Express in another way:


Model: at the greengrocer’s -at the greengrocery


at the baker’s  
at the butcher’s  
at the jeweler’s  
at the confectioner’s  
at the stationer’s  


III. Match the words and word combinations with their definitions.


1. retail trade, 2. wholesale trade, 3. bargain, 4. refund, 5. stock, 6. wrap up, 7. supply, 8. chain, 9. staff discounts


a) something bought or offered cheaply

b) a store of goods kept by a storekeeper

c) the sale of goods in shop to customers

d) the business of selling goods in large quantities

e) to pay back the money

f) to put paper round smth

g) to give smth. that is needed

h) price reduced for employees

i) a group of allied shops


IV. Remember the most typical collocations with the words cost, price, value, expense and state the difference in their meaning.


a) the cost of bread, the cost of living, the cost of construction, at any cost.

b) the value of this discovery, the painting of great / no value, the house is rising in value all the time, the suit is good value for money

c) to rise in price, what’s the price of this? at reduced prices, price control.

d) at my / public expense, at great expense, at the expense of one’s health, travelling expenses.


V. Read the text and say what new facts you have learnt about shops in Great Britain and in the USA. Find the abstracts where the places you can buy food are described.


Shops and Shopping Areas in Britain and in the USA

The first place you go shopping in London could be one of the large stores. This is the kind of shop that sells all kind of things such as furniture, food, toys, etc. Two famous London department stores are Selfridges’s and Harrods’s.

Covent Garden is another area of shops and restaurants built in and around the old fruit and vegetable market made famous in B. Shaw’s Pygmalion and the musical My Fair Lady. Covent Garden is also used for the Royal Opera House in the same area.

Department stores, supermarkets, chemists and other kinds of shops are often called chain stores, which means they are part of a group of similar stores belonging to one company. Marx and Spencer is an example of a famous chain store. You can buy quality underwear and sweaters there. Other well-known chains sell shoes, clothing, household goods, etc. and many British High Streets have shops in national chains.

At some time you’ll probably visit a supermarket too. As you might expect, you’ll find not only food in supermarkets but also, for example, things for the house and alcoholic drinks. You’ll also quite often find shampoo, soap and common medicines. If you want something from the last group, however, it may sometimes be a better idea to visit a chemist's, especially if you are looking for medicine.

Shopping, however, is an art of its own and you have to learn slowly where to buy various things. In Britain as well as in America you can find different things at places you don't expect to. So if you are hungry, you can go to the chemist’s (a drugstore in the USA). In large drugstores you may be able to get not only drugs, but stationery articles, candies, toys, braces, furniture. Every drugstore has a food counter with high stools in front of it and there they serve various juices, coffee, ice- cream, sandwiches and other dishes.

If you want cigarettes, go to the grocer’s: if you want to have your shoes cleaned, go to the barber’s; if you want a radio, go to a man’s shop; if you want a suitcase, go to the chemist's. On the other hand if you want to send telegrams they are handled by private companies. Nor has the post-office anything to do with the telephone either, as telephone service is supplied by the American Telephone and Telegraph Co.

You must be extremely careful concerning the names of certain articles. If you ask for suspenders in a man’s shop, you receive a pair of braces; if you ask for a pair of pants, you receive a pair of trousers, and should you ask for a pair of braces, you receive a queer look.

You should also be careful about the prices! The sum may be more than appears on the price tags. This is because there’s a sales tax in America on everything except basic foods.


VI. Answer the questions:


1. What is Covent Garden famous for?

2. What have you learned about chain stores?

3. Why is it especially convenient to do the shopping at supermarkets?

4. What can one buy at a chemist’s?

5. How can word use be confusing when one goes shopping in Britain and in America?

6. How are telephone and telegraph services handled in the USA?


VII. Complete the sentences:


1. The first place you go shopping in London …

2. Covert Garden is also used for …

3. Other well-known chains sell …

4. You’ll find not only food in supermarkets but …

5. Shopping is an art of …

6. In large drugstores you may be able to …

7. Telephone service is supplied by the …

8. If you ask for a pair of pants, you receive …

9. The sum may be more than appears on the price tags because there’s a …


VIII. Agree or disagree:


1. A large store is the kind of shop that sells all kinds of things.

2. Covent Garden is another area of shops and restaurants built in and around the old meat market.

3. Department stores, supermarkets, chemists and other kinds of shops are often called chain stores.

4. You’ll find only food in supermarkets.

5. If you are hungry, you can go to the Stationer’s.

6. Every drugstore has a food counter with high stools in front of it.

7. If you want cigarettes, go to the greengrocer’s.

8. There’s a sales tax in America on everything except basic foods.


IX. Make up the sentences:


1. department stores, two, and, Harrods’s, famous, London, are, Selfridges’s.

2. the Royal Opera House, Covert Garden, in, is, also, the same area, for, used.

3. An example, Marx and Spencer, is, a, of, famous, store, chain.

4. British High Streets, many, shops, national, in, chains, have.

5. a better, a chemist’s, to visit, it, be, may, are looking for, if, medicine, idea, you, especially.

6. private companies, you, want, are handled, by, to send, they, telegrams.

7. the price tags, the sum, appears, be, than, on, more, may.



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