Exercise 8. Read and translate the following Text “Electromagnetic Waves”. Give a summary of the text. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Exercise 8. Read and translate the following Text “Electromagnetic Waves”. Give a summary of the text.



Зразок оформлення………………………………………………………..5

Контрольне завдання 1……………………………………………………6

Variant 1……………………………………………………………………6

Variant 2…………………………………………………………………….8

Variant 3…………………………………………………………………….10

Variant 4…………………………………………………………………….12

Variant 5…………………………………………………………………….16

Список використаної літератури…………………………………………18



Контрольні роботи призначені для проведення перевірки якості фахової підготовки студентів лінгвістичного факультету іV курсу заочного відділення з дисципліни «Переклад науково-технічної літератури» при проведенні залікового контролю знань.

Контрольні роботи включають теоретичні та практичні аспекти, мають п’ять варіантів, що складаються з 7 завдань, які дозволяють провести індивідуальну перевірку знань студентів з дисципліни «Переклад науково-технічної літератури». Варіант визначається останньою цифрою номеру залікової книжки студента:

1 варіант — 1, 2

2 варіант — 3,4

3 варіант — 5, 6

4 варіант — 7, 8

5 варіант — 9, 0

Контрольне завдання 1 виконується в VІІІ семестрі. Контрольна робота виконується в окремому зошиті.

Завдання мають на меті перевірити знання студентів з основних теоретичних положень перекладу англійської науково-технічної літератури та вміння застосовувати ці знання на практиці.

Завдання є комплексними і складені з урахуванням рівня вимог до сучасних фахівців з іноземних мов.



Зразок оформлення титульної сторінки контрольної роботи

Черкаський державний технологічний університет

Кафедра прикладної лінгвістики



Контрольна робота № 1

З «Перекладу науково-технічної літератури»

Варіант 1



Перевірив Виконав

Доцент, к.філол.н. студент іV курсу

(ПІБ викладача) лінгвістичного факультету

групи ____

(ПІБ студента)

залікова книжка № ____



Черкаси 2014



Контрольне завдання 1

Щоб виконати завдання, необхідно засвоїти такі розділи курсу:

1. Система дієслівних часів англійської мови (активний та пасивний стан) та їх переклад на рідну мову.

2. Поняття модальності. Засоби вираження модальності в англійській мові.

3. Неособові форми дієслова (інфінітив, герундій та дієприкметник). Особливості перекладу конструкцій.

4. Числівники, прийменники, сполучники.

5. Багатофункціональні слова: it, one, that, there, for, but, after, before, since, as.

6. Аналіз речень та їх переклад. Загальна перебудова речення.

7. Прийом смислового розвинення і цілісного перетворення тексту, «компресія» тексту, емфатичні конструкції речення та їх переклад, еліптичні конструкції.

8. Спеціальні терміни та їх переклад, скорочення, інтернаціоналізми. Псевдодрузі перекладача та їх переклад.

9. Багатозначність слів, переклад вільних і стійких словосполучень, переклад препозитивних атрибутивних словосполучень, переклад неологізмів та безеквівалентної лексики, передача власних назв при перекладі.

10. Основін види і форми перекладу.

11. Види технічної літератури.

12. Переклад технічної документації.




Exercise 1. Substitute the following word-combinations for one word using the prefix en- (em-). Render the words into Ukrainian:

a) to put smth. (smb.) into a circle, a frame, a danger, a plane, an act, a trap;

b) to make smth. (smb) large (noble, bitter, able, dear, rich, feeble);

c) to give smth. (smb.) courage (power, a title).

Exercise 2. Find the stem of the given bellow derivatives. Give the Ukrainian equivalents of the words. Mind the translation of the misleading words:

Impression, entertainer, trailer, borrowing, borrower, profiteer, profitable, overdependent, unskilled, growth, rapidity, rapidly, aimless, aimlessly, computing, costing, preferable, preferably, accounting, accountant, unoriginal.

Exercise 3. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following word-combinations:

Electronic phenomenon, mono-frequential pulse, digital broadcasting, all-purpose instrument, overall trend, suitable trade, printed board, charge carrier, intrinsic semiconductor, space exploration, milling machine, scientific management, public ownership, fierce competition.

Exercise 4. Translate the following Ukrainian words having the same root in English:

План – планувати – плановий – планування;

просування – просуватися – передовий;

Людина – забезпечувати (укомплектовувати) людьми - керований людиною;

Рівновага - урівноважений – урівноваження;

основа - засновувати - заснований – заснування.

Exercise 5. Arrange the following words in pairs according to:

c) similar meaning (synonyms): close, tremendous, increase, significance, tight, branch, importance, raise, field, efficiency, work, huge, rest, labour, impact, effectiveness, influence, cornerstone, latest, reserve, essential, resource;

d) opposite meaning (antonyms): backward, powerless, few, slow, heavy, prime, natural, speed up, strong, major, dependent, weak, advanced, many, slow down, powerful, secondary, rapid, light, artificial, independent, minor.

Exercise 6. Render the following sentences into Ukrainian. Pay attention to the ways of term-building:

1. To be really cost effective, we must have a good footing in the world market.

2. In fact, software and the disk that contains it are often thought of as being the same thing.

3. It is a fact that some materials are available on insufficient quantities and the more effective use of new substitute materials should be made.

4. We have at our disposal several procedures to apply.

5. The inflation rate in October was higher than that in September.

6. Any list of operations a processing engineer has to deal with will be incomplete without mentioning the finishing process.

7. Iron is made by refining iron ore to a point where it reaches 90 to 95% purity.

8. The evidence may be biased or mistaken, fragmentary, or nearly unintelligible after long periods of cultural or linguistic change.

9. Few, if any, theories or empirical investigations in the field appear sufficiently related to the present area to permit extrapolation of testable hypotheses.

10. Many of the biggest pharmaceutical producers are involved in the search for genetically improved plants and animals and for genetically engineered vaccines.

Exercise 7. Translate the follow word-combinations into Ukrainian:

The ideas to be advanced, a problem to be discussed, facts to prove the theory, the equipment to carry on the experiment, the data to be given in the article, the results to be obtained.

Exercise 8. Read and translate the following Text “Electromagnetic Waves”. Give a summary of the text.

The conversion of sound waves into electric currents and the amplification of these currents are the two basic electronic techniques required for record players, different electronic techniques.

There are many reasons why it is not practically to transmit radio waves of very low frequencies, but for one thing, the transmitting aerial will be impossibly large. It is therefore not possible: to broadcast electromagnetic waves of audio frequencies, and for long-distance transmission it is necessary to resort to higher frequencies and therefore shorter wavelengths; the wavelengths actually used vary about 1 m to 2000 m.

In general electromagnetic waves are propagated through the Earth's atmosphere in two ways: travel over the surface of the Earth, and waves, which leave the surface of the Earth and are reflected back ionized layers of the outer atmosphere between 60 and 400 km above the Earth's surface. This ionized region of the atmosphere is called ionosphere.

Long waves are transmitted as over ground waves and therefore lose a good deal of their energy in passing through ground obstacles; they consequently have only a limited range. The shorter waves escape more easily from the surface of the Earth and can be received over greater distances owing to their reflection back to the Earth bythe ionosphere. Very short waves pass through the ionosphere so they can be used for long-distance communications. This is why the range of TV stations is limited. This problem has, however, been overcome in recent years by the use communication satellites. If the satellite simply reflects the radiation it is called a passive satellite, where as it is receives the signal and retransmits an amplified signal, it is called an active satellite.




Exercise 1. Provide written forms:

a) numerals:

7.008.568 miles; 4.673 tons; 3.706 metres; ½ inch; 2 1/3 tons; 4 ½ cm; 35/8 miles; 953.385 kilometres; 73.573.501 miles.

b) dates: in 2567; March 20, 1998; 18th May, 1986; 9/18/2015; 1950’s.

c) mathematical symbols and expressions: 3x-5=25; 3x3 +5=8; a>b 64×10=640; 15:3=5; 75; √125.

Exercise 2. Read and give Ukrainian equivalents of the following international words:

Potential, conservation, productivity, intensive, natural, character, modern, effect, extensive, universal, priority, total, reconstruction, scale, integrate, peak, transmission, distance, manufacture, national, concentration, primitive, utility, expressive, personal, exterior, dynamic, application, concept, assembly, radically, safe, interference, composition, coding, detective, sensitive, to register.

Exercise 3. Use the words "advanced", "leading", “progressive" to translate the following Ukrainian word-combinations:

Передова наука, прогресивні ідеї, прогресивна технологія, прогресивна людина, прогресивний письменник, передовий робітник, передова бригада, передова стаття, провідний інженер, провідний, прогресивне людство, поглиблений курс.

Exercise 3. Arrange the following words in pairs according to:

a) similar meaning (synonyms): exploration, cosmos, modern, change, launch, humanity, conquest, artificial, breakthrough, spaceman, open, send, man-made, cosmonaut, outer space, up-to-date, mankind, achievement, begin, turn into;

b) opposite meaning (antonyms): late, near, advanced, complex, early, old, swift, long, short, slow, few, new, artificial, backward, simple, many, far, natural.

Exercise 4. Render the following sentences into Ukrainian. Pay attention to the translation of titles and personal names:

1. Peter Schwarz, former headof the London Stock Exchange, illustrates the reformational nature of the planetary economy by noting that international foreign exchange transactions)reached 87 trillion dollars in 1986, trade being only about 10 percent of that sum.

2. Such projects as the Strategic Defense Initiative or Star Wars have as their ultimate goal giving the USA absolute strategic superiority.

3. I spent most of my vacation in 1950 studying the first 354 pages of R.G.D. Allen's "Mathematical Analysis for Economists", because Professor Milton Friedman said I needed calculus to take Kris University of Chicago course in price theory. This paper was originally presented at the 79th Annual Meeting of the Communications Association in Miami Beach, FL, Nov. 18-21,1993, as part of a program entitled "Communication, Education, and Culture: Perspectives on the Scholarly Activity of Neil Postman".

4. He once was the Co-director of the Institute for Health, Behavior, and Environmental Policy at the University of Ohio.

5. When I was teaching at the University of California Berkeley Law School, at a Lake Arrowhead conference I ran into important IBM executive.

6. Scientists at SIBLA, the corporate spin-off of the Balk Institute for Biotechnology La Jolla, California, are preparing to commercialize the first predictive diagnostic tests for Alzheimer disease.

7. In a paper reported in the Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, Alan Price states that it is a mistaken idea that road corrugation results from the frictional action of motor car wheels.

8. On April 30 the U.S. responded to the French plan by detonating a nuclear bomb in a tunnel at the US Department of Energy Nevada Test Site.

9. The World Space Congress brings together scientists from the Committee Research and the Astronautical federation.

10. Tethered Satellite System is a cooperative undertaking with NASA, to be operated with its space shuttle.

Exercise 5. Translate the follow word-combinations into Ukrainian.

Various means of generating energy, a new idea of applying low temperatures, great interest in modifying old equipment, the reason for launching new space rockets, to prevent smbd from using glass plastics, to object to extracting metals from these ores.

Exercise 6. Form the proper English equivalents of the following Ukrainian words and word-combinations, using the word "power":

енергетика, виробництво електроенергії, споживання електроенергії, атомна електростанція, електростанція, енергопостачання, енергія поділу ядра, термоядерна енергія, реактивна сила, ядерна держава.



Exercise 1. Provide written forms:

a) numerals:

7.241 meters, 3.152 tons, ½ km, 6.098.237 miles, 4.008 miles, 46.506.009 feet, 8.05 tons, 0.9 mile, 2.5metres, ¼ kilos, 35/8 miles, 0.5 km, 76.770.501 miles.

b) dates:

in 1998; January 22, 2016; 25th May 1987; 7/28/1998; 1980’s.

c) chemical formulas and equations:

4HCL; Zn + CuSo4 = Cu + Zn So4.

Exercise 2. Translate the sentences, paying special attention to terms, proper names, shortened words, pseudo-international words, weights and measures:

1) Thanks to a resourceful Canadian, scientists have obtained a 4.5-billion-year-old relic of the solar system’s beginnings. On January 18 a 50-ton meteorite exploded over Canada’s Yukon Territory. Soon afterward a resident of the sparsely populated area found some crumbly black rocks on the snow-covered ground. He placed them in plastic bags and kept them frozen until he could contact a geologist.

2) The 10-inch rubber hose is connected to a 10-inch steel pipe line leading to a r.-c. 100,000-gallon storage tank.


Exercise 3. Find the meaning of the following word combinations. Mind the “misleading words”:

1. banking officers; 2. public debt; 3. interest rate; 4. convention of the Entrepreneurs Union; 5. personnel department; 6. champion of piece; 7. ammunition storage; 8. null document; 9. legal matters; 10. accurate data; 11. title and position; 12. human values.

Exercise 4. Express the following word combinations in English, using the synonymic terms "apparatus", "device", "instrument", 'mechanism":

затискувальний пристрій, підйомник, підйомний пристрій, підйомний механізм, вантажний пристрій, передавач, передавальний механізм, рентгенівська установка (апарат), розрахунковий пристрій, лічильний механізм, обчислювальний пристрій, лічильний прилад, прецизійний (високоточний) прилад, кодуючий пристрій, електронний прилад, електронний вимірювальний прилад.

Exercise 5. Pair the words-synonyms. Find their Ukrainian equivalents:

Courtesy, alike, couple, response, subject, achieve, additional, position, aim, try, essential, accommodation, obligation, allow, supplement, rapid, income, officer, objective, tranquil.

Politeness, similar, calm, obtain, reply, extra, attempt, extremely important, surcharge, lodging, pair, job, permit, speedy, revenue, official, duty.


Infectious agent

Clostridium botulinum is a spore-forming anaerobic bacillus. Several serotypes exist, however types A, B and E cause most human disease.

Method of diagnosis

Diagnosis is made by culture of C. botulinum or demonstration of specific toxin in serum, gastric aspirate, faeces, implicated food or wounds. Electromyography may be useful in corroborating the clinical diagnosis.

Incubation period

Classical botulism occurs within 12-36 hours (sometimes several days) after eating contaminated food. The incubation period for infant botulism is unknown due to difficulty in determining the precise time of ingestion. Shorter incubation periods are associated with more severe disease and higher case fatality rates.


It is most commonly found in soil and agricultural products. Spores have been found in marine sediments and the intestinal tracts of animals, including fish.

Mode of transmission

Classical botulism is acquired by ingestion of inadequately cooked food or processed or refrigerated foods in which toxin has formed, particularly canned and alkaline foods. Most cases of wound botulism are due to ground-in soil or gravel. Several cases have been reported amongst chronic drug users. Infant botulism arises from ingestion of spores rather than pre-formed toxin.

Sources of spores include foods such as honey and dust. Honey has been described in the US literature as a source of infection but never implicated in Australia and surveys of Australian honey have failed to identify C. botulinum.

Period of communicability

Secondary transmission has not been documented.

Control measures.

Preventive measures Ensure effective control of processing and preparation of commercially canned and preserved foods. Educate people undertaking home canning and other food preservation techniques about cooking time, pressure, temperature, adequate refrigeration and storage. The absence of a bulging lid on tinned food does not preclude C. botulinum contamination.

Control of case

Botulism is a medical emergency. Suspected cases should immediately be referred for specialist care and trivalent botulinum antitoxin (types A, B, E) administered as soon as possible. A limited supply is available from CSL Limited. Antitoxin is not used in infant botulism due to the risk of anaphylaxis. Antibiotics do not affect the course of the disease. For wound botulism, in addition to antitoxin the wound should be debrided or drained, and appropriate antibiotic prophylaxis against other potential infections should be administered. Isolation or quarantine is not needed but hand washing is indicated after handling soiled nappies. Usual sanitary disposal of faeces from infant cases is acceptable. Any implicated food should be retained for collection and investigation by public health authorities. Contaminated utensils should be cleaned by boiling or with household bleach.

Control of contacts

Those who have eaten incriminated food should be purged with emetics, gastric lavage or high enemas. Administration of polyvalent antitoxin to asymptomatic individual should be considered carefully, assessing potential protection against the risk of sensitisation and severe reactions to horse serum.

Control of environment

Environmental health officers and food safety officers should coordinate the appropriate disposal of implicated food.

Outbreak measures.

An outbreak of botulism is defined as one or more cases of disease. The immediate aim is to identify possible sources of the disease and other people possibly exposed. Recall any implicated food immediately and send samples to the Microbiological Diagnostic Unit for analysis. Take sera and faeces from cases as well as exposed but asymptomatic persons for analysis, before administration of antitoxin. Undertake efforts to recover and test implicated foods. This should be coordinated through Food Standards

Australia New Zealand (02) 6271 2222.




Exercise 1.Find the stem of the given bellow derivatives. Give the Ukrainian equivalents of the words. Mind the translation of the misleading words:

Connection, integrated, reliable, unlimited, inclusion, validity, bargaining, hourly, identification, processing, transferring, declaration, coincidence, familiarity, reference, applicant, payable, undoubtedly, caterer, obtainable, inaccessible, scheduled, illegal, exceptional, irrational, renovation, outgoing, marketing, impersonal, rigidity, permission, tranquility, incoming, unskilled, qualitative, contributor, unoriginal, briefing, contracting, negotiator, promotion.

Exercise 2. Translate the following sentences. Pay attention to the polysemantic words:

1. The company’s directing agency is located in Detroit. 2. The new chief executive officer was appointed in May. 2. Price gap has become the main reason for many domestic goods being brought out of the country. 4. Competitive capacity of the enterprises is number one issue. 5. The immediate task is to temper the impact of inflation. 6. This can hardly be treated as the free article. 7. They have been speculating on margin for a couple of years now.

Exercise 3. Form the proper English equivalents of the following Ukrainian words and word-combinations, using the word "living":

рівень життя, умови життя, заробляти на життя, життєвий простір, багате життя, жива матерія, жива істота, прожитковий мінімум, віталь­ня (спільна кімната), квартира на одну сім'ю, просте (скромне) життя.

Exercise 4. Arrange the following words in pairs according to:

a) similar meaning (synonyms): to start, to perform, to call for, to propose, to raise, to carry out,, to suggest, to begin, to increase, to supervise, to require, to control, complex, quick, radically, total, fast, considerably, whole, complicated.

b)opposite meaning (antonyms): to increase, dynamic, dependently, different, static, to decrease, simple similar, possible, low-cost, complex, total, impossible, above, high-cost, independently, below, partial.

Exercise 5. Substitute the following word combinations for one word of identical meaning:

Model: to make smaller - to reduce

To make larger, to make possible, to use instead of, to make steps forward, to work out, to carry out, to make contribution, to make progress, to gain victory, to draw dividing lines, to make sure.

Exercise 6. Render the following sentences into Ukrainian, using different ways of transformation:

1. Typical condensation polymers are polyamides, polyesters, and certain polyurethanes.

2. By using so called superheaters, modern boilers can achieve almost 90 per cent fuel efficiency.

3. A modem converts the digital signals of the sending computer to rivalries.

4. During the 20* century the suburbs of London continued to grow until 1935, when a Great Belt law was instituted to control further growth beyond a ring of parks.

5. Paleoanthropology calls on the skills of many specialists.

6. Governments do not relinquish their authority unless compelled to do so.

7. For unknown reasons Iraq chose not to unleash its chemical weapons arsenal in the Persian Gulf War of 1991.

8. Not until the 18th century scientists begin to appreciate the complex chemistry of metallurgy.

9. Some anthropologists use the term enculturation to refer to the process of socialization.

10. Bureaucracy is a system for administrating large organizations involving a specific structure of authority and a clear defined set of rules and regulations.

Exercise 7.Read and translate the following Text “Botulism”. Give a summary of the text.


The Order of the Wall

Response to the Sun By David Paul Bingham Thesis submitted to the Faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Blacksburg, Virginia April 2003

The heat retaining mass and wall does triple duty. Not only does it store and ration heat energy in winter, but it serves also as heat absorption mechanism, climate moderator in summer. Moreover, the openings in the wall serve to limit and control the amount of light admitted into the main house. Lastly, it restricts, but more importantly guides and focuses, the views of the exterior obtainable from the interior of the house. The wall is constructed of solid concrete blocks, held together by mortar. The blocks are, for the most part, flush. However, numerous among them project inward and outward in organized groups forming discrete walls within the wall. This serves both to affect the energy properties of the wall and to break up what might otherwise be a mere facade, lifeless and dull. These projections and recesses modulate the light, creating patterns of light and shadow that vary continuously with the movement of the sun through seasons and days.

Adjustable dampers serve to control and moderate energy flow and conservation. Energy flow is further moderated - stretched in time - by the propensity of the differing thicknesses of the wall to give off or absorb heat at different times and rates of exchange. By its combination of openings and solid barriers, the wall unites two disparate structures to make a unified whole.

Elevations of interior wall looking south through the addition's heat retaining wall. Former openings are shown with a dashed line. The existing wall openings propose the location of most of the openings in the new addition wall.

The wall acts as the mediator between the old and the new, deciding how much southern light the interior receives, as well as how much of the existing structure is revealed in the addition.




Зразок оформлення………………………………………………………..5

Контрольне завдання 1……………………………………………………6

Variant 1……………………………………………………………………6

Variant 2…………………………………………………………………….8

Variant 3…………………………………………………………………….10

Variant 4…………………………………………………………………….12

Variant 5…………………………………………………………………….16

Список використаної літератури…………………………………………18



Контрольні роботи призначені для проведення перевірки якості фахової підготовки студентів лінгвістичного факультету іV курсу заочного відділення з дисципліни «Переклад науково-технічної літератури» при проведенні залікового контролю знань.

Контрольні роботи включають теоретичні та практичні аспекти, мають п’ять варіантів, що складаються з 7 завдань, які дозволяють провести індивідуальну перевірку знань студентів з дисципліни «Переклад науково-технічної літератури». Варіант визначається останньою цифрою номеру залікової книжки студента:

1 варіант — 1, 2

2 варіант — 3,4

3 варіант — 5, 6

4 варіант — 7, 8

5 варіант — 9, 0

Контрольне завдання 1 виконується в VІІІ семестрі. Контрольна робота виконується в окремому зошиті.

Завдання мають на меті перевірити знання студентів з основних теоретичних положень перекладу англійської науково-технічної літератури та вміння застосовувати ці знання на практиці.

Завдання є комплексними і складені з урахуванням рівня вимог до сучасних фахівців з іноземних мов.



Зразок оформлення титульної сторінки контрольної роботи

Черкаський державний технологічний університет

Кафедра прикладної лінгвістики



Контрольна робота № 1

З «Перекладу науково-технічної літератури»

Варіант 1



Перевірив Виконав

Доцент, к.філол.н. студент іV курсу

(ПІБ викладача) лінгвістичного факультету

групи ____

(ПІБ студента)

залікова книжка № ____



Черкаси 2014



Контрольне завдання 1

Щоб виконати завдання, необхідно засвоїти такі розділи курсу:

1. Система дієслівних часів англійської мови (активний та пасивний стан) та їх переклад на рідну мову.

2. Поняття модальності. Засоби вираження модальності в англійській мові.

3. Неособові форми дієслова (інфінітив, герундій та дієприкметник). Особливості перекладу конструкцій.

4. Числівники, прийменники, сполучники.

5. Багатофункціональні слова: it, one, that, there, for, but, after, before, since, as.

6. Аналіз речень та їх переклад. Загальна перебудова речення.

7. Прийом смислового розвинення і цілісного перетворення тексту, «компресія» тексту, емфатичні конструкції речення та їх переклад, еліптичні конструкції.

8. Спеціальні терміни та їх переклад, скорочення, інтернаціоналізми. Псевдодрузі перекладача та їх переклад.

9. Багатозначність слів, переклад вільних і стійких словосполучень, переклад препозитивних атрибутивних словосполучень, переклад неологізмів та безеквівалентної лексики, передача власних назв при перекладі.

10. Основін види і форми перекладу.

11. Види технічної літератури.

12. Переклад технічної документації.




Exercise 1. Substitute the following word-combinations for one word using the prefix en- (em-). Render the words into Ukrainian:

a) to put smth. (smb.) into a circle, a frame, a danger, a plane, an act, a trap;

b) to make smth. (smb) large (noble, bitter, able, dear, rich, feeble);

c) to give smth. (smb.) courage (power, a title).

Exercise 2. Find the stem of the given bellow derivatives. Give the Ukrainian equivalents of the words. Mind the translation of the misleading words:

Impression, entertainer, trailer, borrowing, borrower, profiteer, profitable, overdependent, unskilled, growth, rapidity, rapidly, aimless, aimlessly, computing, costing, preferable, preferably, accounting, accountant, unoriginal.

Exercise 3. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following word-combinations:

Electronic phenomenon, mono-frequential pulse, digital broadcasting, all-purpose instrument, overall trend, suitable trade, printed board, charge carrier, intrinsic semiconductor, space exploration, milling machine, scientific management, public ownership, fierce competition.

Exercise 4. Translate the following Ukrainian words having the same root in English:

План – планувати – плановий – планування;

просування – просуватися – передовий;

Людина – забезпечувати (укомплектовувати) людьми - керований людиною;

Рівновага - урівноважений – урівноваження;

основа - засновувати - заснований – заснування.

Exercise 5. Arrange the following words in pairs according to:

c) similar meaning (synonyms): close, tremendous, increase, significance, tight, branch, importance, raise, field, efficiency, work, huge, rest, labour, impact, effectiveness, influence, cornerstone, latest, reserve, essential, resource;

d) opposite meaning (antonyms): backward, powerless, few, slow, heavy, prime, natural, speed up, strong, major, dependent, weak, advanced, many, slow down, powerful, secondary, rapid, light, artificial, independent, minor.

Exercise 6. Render the following sentences into Ukrainian. Pay attention to the ways of term-building:

1. To be really cost effective, we must have a good footing in the world market.

2. In fact, software and the disk that contains it are often thought of as being the same thing.

3. It is a fact that some materials are available on insufficient quantities and the more effective use of new substitute materials should be made.

4. We have at our disposal several procedures to apply.

5. The inflation rate in October was higher than that in September.

6. Any list of operations a processing engineer has to deal with will be incomplete without mentioning the finishing process.

7. Iron is made by refining iron ore to a point where it reaches 90 to 95% purity.

8. The evidence may be biased or mistaken, fragmentary, or nearly unintelligible after long periods of cultural or linguistic change.

9. Few, if any, theories or empirical investigations in the field appear sufficiently related to the present area to permit extrapolation of testable hypotheses.

10. Many of the biggest pharmaceutical producers are involved in the search for genetically improved plants and animals and for genetically engineered vaccines.

Exercise 7. Translate the follow word-combinations into Ukrainian:

The ideas to be advanced, a problem to be discussed, facts to prove the theory, the equipment to carry on the experiment, the data to be given in the article, the results to be obtained.

Exercise 8. Read and translate the following Text “Electromagnetic Waves”. Give a summary of the text.

The conversion of sound waves into electric currents and the amplification of these currents are the two basic electronic techniques required for record players, different electronic techniques.

There are many reasons why it is not practically to transmit radio waves of very low frequencies, but for one thing, the transmitting aerial will be impossibly large. It is therefore not possible: to broadcast electromagnetic waves of audio frequencies, and for long-distance transmission it is necessary to resort to higher frequencies and therefore shorter wavelengths; the wavelengths actually used vary about 1 m to 2000 m.

In general electromagnetic waves are propagated through the Earth's atmosphere in two ways: travel over the surface of the Earth, and waves, which leave the surface of the Earth and are reflected back ionized layers of the outer atmosphere between 60 and 400 km above the Earth's surface. This ionized region of the atmosphere is called ionosphere.

Long waves are transmitted as over ground waves and therefore lose a good deal of their energy in passing through ground obstacles; they consequently have only a limited range. The shorter waves escape more easily from the surface of the Earth and can be received over greater distances owing to their reflection back to the Earth bythe ionosphere. Very short waves pass through the ionosphere so they can be used for long-distance communications. This is why the range of TV stations is limited. This problem has, however, been overcome in recent years by the use communication satellites. If the satellite simply reflects the radiation it is called a passive satellite, where as it is receives the signal and retransmits an amplified signal, it is called an active satellite.




Exercise 1. Provide written forms:

a) numerals:

7.008.568 miles; 4.673 tons; 3.706 metres; ½ inch; 2 1/3 tons; 4 ½ cm; 35/8 miles; 953.385 kilometres; 73.573.501 miles.

b) dates: in 2567; March 20, 1998; 18th May, 1986; 9/18/2015; 1950’s.

c) mathematical symbols and expressions: 3x-5=25; 3x3 +5=8; a>b 64×10=640; 15:3=5; 75; √125.

Exercise 2. Read and give Ukrainian equivalents of the following international words:

Potential, conservation, productivity, intensive, natural, character, modern, effect, extensive, universal, priority, total, reconstruction, scale, integrate, peak, transmission, distance, manufacture, national, concentration, primitive, utility, expressive, personal, exterior, dynamic, application, concept, assembly, radically, safe, interference, composition, coding, detective, sensitive, to register.

Exercise 3. Use the words "advanced", "leading", “progressive" to translate the following Ukrainian word-combinations:

Передова наука, прогресивні ідеї, прогресивна технологія, прогресивна людина, прогресивний письменник, передовий робітник, передова бригада, передова стаття, провідний інженер, провідний, прогресивне людство, поглиблений курс.

Exercise 3. Arrange the following words in pairs according to:

a) similar meaning (synonyms): exploration, cosmos, modern, change, launch, humanity, conquest, artificial, breakthrough, spaceman, open, send, man-made, cosmonaut, outer space, up-to-date, mankind, achievement, begin, turn into;

b) opposite meaning (antonyms): late, near, advanced, complex, early, old, swift, long, short, slow, few, new, artificial, backward, simple, many, far, natural.

Exercise 4. Render the following sentences into Ukrainian. Pay attention to the translation of titles and personal names:

1. Peter Schwarz, former headof the London Stock Exchange, illustrates the reformational nature of the planetary economy by noting that international foreign exchange transactions)reached 87 trillion dollars in 1986, trade being only about 10 percent of that sum.

2. Such projects as the Strategic Defense Initiative or Star Wars have as their ultimate goal giving the USA absolute strategic superiority.

3. I spent most of my vacation in 1950 studying the first 354 pages of R.G.D. Allen's "Mathematical Analysis for Economists", because Professor Milton Friedman said I needed calculus to take Kris University of Chicago course in price theory. This paper was originally presented at the 79th Annual Meeting of the Communications Association in Miami Beach, FL, Nov. 18-21,1993, as part of a program entitled "Communication, Education, and Culture: Perspectives on the Scholarly Activity of Neil Postman".

4. He once was the Co-director of the Institute for Health, Behavior, and Environmental Policy at the University of Ohio.

5. When I was teaching at the University of California Berkeley Law School, at a Lake Arrowhead conference I ran into important IBM executive.

6. Scientists at SIBLA, the corporate spin-off of the Balk Institute for Biotechnology La Jolla, California, are preparing to commercialize the first predictive diagnostic tests for Alzheimer disease.

7. In a paper reported in the Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, Alan Price states that it is a mistaken idea that road corrugation results from the frictional action of motor car wheels.

8. On April 30 the U.S. responded to the French plan by detonating a nuclear bomb in a tunnel at the US Department of Energy Nevada Test Site.

9. The World Space Congress brings together scientists from the Committee Research and the Astronautical federation.

10. Tethered Satellite System is a cooperative undertaking with NASA, to be operated with its space shuttle.

Exercise 5. Translate the follow word-combinations into Ukrainian.

Various means of generating energy, a new idea of applying low temperatures, great interest in modifying old equipment, the reason for launching new space rockets, to prevent smbd from using glass plastics, to object to extracting metals from these ores.

Exercise 6. Form the proper English equivalents of the following Ukrainian words and word-combinations, using the word "power":

енергетика, виробництво електроенергії, споживання електроенергії, атомна електростанція, електростанція, енергопостачання, енергія поділу ядра, термоядерна енергія, реактивна сила, ядерна держава.


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