Belles-lettres style is known for 

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Belles-lettres style is known for

a) its precision and logical cohesion;

b) its imagery;

c) absence of ambiguity.


20. Fill in the gap: _________ is a confrontation of two separate phrases (sentences or even paragraphs) of opposite meaning.

a) Oxymoron;

b) Antithesis;

c) Anticlimax.


The stylistic device based on peculiar use of negative constructions is called

a) chiasmus;

b) meiosis;

c) litotes.


Aesthetical-cognitive” function distinguishes

a) Belles-Lettres style;

b) Publicistic style;

c) Scientific style.


Archaisms are included into the group of

a) neutral words;

b) elevated (literary) words;

c) degraded (colloquial) words.


The stylistic device which is often used in fables and parables for didactic purposes is called

a) metaphor;

b) periphrasis;

c) allegory.


Parenthesis is based on

a) redundancy of syntactical elements;

b) the absence of elements which are obligatory in a neutral construction;

c) change of fixed word order.


A milder word replacing another word which is obscene, profane or having unpleasant associations is

a) a periphrasis;

b) euphemism;

c) metonymy.


Colloquialisms are

a) avoided in polite conversation;

b) limited to a highly informal communication;

c) not used in formal speech though they have a slight tinge of informality or familiarity about them.


28. Fill in the gap: ______ denotes such an arrangement of notions expressed by words, word combinations or sentences in which what precedes is less significant than what follows.

a) Anticlimax;

b) Climax;

c) Chiasmus.


The main function of publicistic style is

a) to convey logical intellectual information;

b) to inform and instruct the reader;

c) to influence the reader and to shape his views in accordance with the argumentation of the author.


An attributive or an adverbial combination of two contradictory words is called

a) antithesis;

b) zeugma;

c) oxymoron.


The stylistic device which is based on the relation between the part and the whole is called

a) synecdoche;

b) personification;

c) irony.


Objectivity, impartiality in rendering facts or events, “inverted pyramid” structure - these are the peculiar features of

a) Newspaper style;

b) Scientific style;

c) The Style of Official Documents.

The use of impersonal passive constructions is typical of

a) Belles-Lettres style;

b) Publicistic style;

c) Scientific style.


If a secondary part of the sentence is torn away from the word it refers to and gains some sort of independence and greater degree of significance, it is a

a) detachment;

b) syntactic tautology;

c) parenthesis.


The reiteration of the final unit of one utterance at the beginning of the next utterance is

a) aposiopesis;

b) anadiplosis;

c) anaphora.


If poetic or archaic words are used in the colloquial context,

a) they elevate the speech;

b) they produce humorous effect;

c) they characrerize the speaker as a well-educated person.


The stylistic device that shows likeness of two objects, belonging to two different classes is

a) an imaginative comparison;

b) a logical comparison;

c) epithet.


Words (belonging to elevated (literary) stratum) which denote objects, processes, phenomena of science, humanities, technique are

a) terms;

b) professionalisms;

c) barbarisms.


A combination of speech sounds which aims at imitating sounds produced in nature, by people, things or animals is called

a) onomatopoeia;

b) alliteration;

c) assonance.


40. A stylistic device which is not based on the contrast between two notions

a) irony;

b) antithesis;

c) metaphor.

Тести з методики.

Motivation is

a) a kind of internal drive that encourages somebody to pursue a course of action;

b) a desire to be able to communicate in a foreign language;

c) positive attitude towards learning a foreign language.


2. Decide which of the following methods and approaches corresponds to the following main characteristics:

These courses are characterised by emphasis on the communicative functions of language and a strong situational element. Functions are presented in the language materials contextualised in situations.”

a) Functional-notional;

b) Neuro-linguistic programming;

c) Task-based learning.


3. The listening exercises focusing on detailed comprehension of meaning are

a) expansive listening activities;

b) extensive listening activities;

c) intensive listening activities.


4. Decide which of the kinds of communicative competence corresponds to the following definition:

“________is the ability to connect separate sentences into a discourse with the help of various syntactic and semantic means of cohesion.”

a) discourse competence;

b) social-linguistic competence;

c) illocution competence.


5. Decide which of the following methods and approaches corresponds to the following main characteristics:

“A teaching method that emphasises learning about something rather than learning about language. Learner motivation increases when students are learning about something, rather than just studying language.”

a) Content based instruction;

b) Self-directed learning;

c) Task-based learning.


6. Non-isolated preparatory listening exercises include only two groups out of three given below. Find the inappropriate answer:

a) exercises aimed at forming listening speech skills;

b) exercises aimed at forming listening speech habits;

c) exercises aimed at developing speech mechanisms of listening.


7. Decide which of the kinds of communicative competence corresponds to the following definition:

“_______is the ability to participate in communication, choosing the correct strategy of discourse for the increase of communication effectiveness.”

a) linguistic competence;

b) lingua-cultural competence;

c) strategic competence.


A speech pattern is

a) a scheme expressing the relationships between the components of a speech unit not less than a syntagm;

b) the typical unit of speech, by analogy with which other speech units of the same structure can be produced;

c) the speech realisation invariant (S + P + O + AM) used as an item of teaching.


The main aim of teaching reading at school is communicative efficiency in

a) general and close reading;

b) searching and skimming reading;

c) the technique of reading.



10. Mark the correct answer to the following characteristics of the skills: “ Speaking and writing_______”

a) are written forms of communication;

b) involve language production and are productive skills;

c) are oral forms of communication.


Scientific character; interdependence; consistency and simplicity; recurrence of speech operations and language material; communicative character of teaching-learning activities are

a) characteristics of the system of exercises;

b) methodological principles of constructing the system of exercises;

c) criteria of classification of exercises.


If you ask your students to read the words, which they usually misread: cold – could; come – some; called – cold; walk – work; then they are doing an exercise in

a) establishing phoneme-grapheme correlation;

b) reading isolated words and word combinations;

c) predicting a word form.


13. Mark the correct answer to the following characteristics of the skills:

“Listening and reading_____”

a) involve receiving messages and are receptive skills;

b) are written form of communication;

c) are oral form of communication.


A group of replies characterised by structural, semantic and intonation completeness is called

a) a macrodialogue;

b) a dialogical unit;

c) a dialogical whole.


15. Point out the stage of teaching writing in school to which the following statement corresponds:

“The main concern of teaching writing is its technical side. Much prominence is given to teaching handwriting and spelling.”

a) junior;

b) intermediate;

c) senior.


16. Decide which of the following methods and approaches corresponds to the following main characteristics:

“The language is broken down into small grammar components that are presented in a strictly controlled sequence aimed to build language competence through knowledge and interiorisation of the linguistic rules.”

a) structural;

b) direct;

c) communicative.



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