In Graham Green’s “The Power and the Glory” the story is set in 

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In Graham Green’s “The Power and the Glory” the story is set in

a) in Mexico during the 1930s;

b) in Vietnam during the French war;

c) in Spain during World War II.


19. Determine the statement that is not true: the main character of “The Great Gatsby” believes:

a) that money has absolute power and natural goodness;

b) that men are not capable of true love;

c) that one can acquire happiness through the accumulation of wealth and power;

d) that one can repeat the past.

The theme of W.H. Auden’s poem “Epitaph on a tyrant” is

a) ethnic;

b) social,

c) religious and moral.


21. In “The Great Gatsby” _____ is the novel's narrator:

a) Thomas Buchanan;

b) Jay Gatsby;

c) Nick Carraway.


The Second Coming” by W.B. Yeats gives

a) Christian interpretation of the myth;

b) non-Christian interpretation of the myth.


23. John Fowles’s novel _______ is the story of the abduction and imprisonment of Miranda Grey by Frederick Clegg, told first from his point of view, and then from hers by means of her diary, with a return in the last few pages to Clegg's narration of her illness and death.

a) “The Magus”;

b) “ The Collector”;

c) “The French Lieutenant's Woman”.


Graham Green’s “The Quiet American” is

a) a social novel;

b) a psychological novel;

c) a political detective novel.


25. When Dorian Gray stabs a knife into his portrait:

a) the weapon sinks into a canvas but cannot be pulled out again;

b) the portrait is torn to pieces, and these pieces show a beautiful young man again;

c) the portrait reverts to its original beauty, while Dorian suddenly becomes aged, withered and horrible.


Mrs. Ramsey is the central character in Virginia Woolf’s novel

a) “Orlando”;

b) “The Waves”;

c) “To the Lighthouse”.


The name of the professor from G.B. Show’s play who trains a flower girl to pass for a duchess by teaching her phonetics is

a) Alfred Doolittle;

b) Henry Higgins;

c) Hugh Pickering.

28. Finish the phrase from the preface to “The Picture of Dorian Gray”: "All art is quite________”.

a) admirable;

b) useful;

c) useless;

d) beautiful.


Describes a futuristic society that has an alarming effect of dehumanization. This occurs through the absence of spirituality and family, the obsession with physical pleasure, and the misuse of technology. In this world, each person is raised in a test tube rather than a mother's womb, and the government controls every stage of their development, from embryo to maturity.

a) “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley;

b) “Nineteen Eighty-Four” by G. Orwell;

c) “Animal Farm” by G. Orwell.


Pastiche, intertextuality, metafiction, temporal distortion, paranoia, etc. are specific features of

a) modernism;

b) postmodernism;

c) realism;

d) romanticism.


The story of Hemingway’s novel “For Whom the Bell Tolls” is set during

a) the Cuban Revolution;

b) The Spanish Civil War;

c) World War I.


David Herbert Lawrence’ novel “Sons and Lovers” reveals the idea that

a) the mother has no power in her sons’ lives, the bond between mother and sons is just her illusion;

b) the mother holds her sons with her love and control, the bond between mother and sons cripples their other relationships;

c) the mother is the strongest power in her sons’ lives, the bond between mother and sons makes them happy.


In “The Rainbow” D.H. Lawrence focuses his attention on psychological problems and familial relationships of

a) The Morels;

b) The Brangwens;

c) The Chatterleys.


Is Iris Murdoch’s experimental novel which centers on the life and erotic obsession of a writer, Breadly Pearson. The text suggests multiple interpretations, when subordinate characters contradict the narrator.

a) “The Black Prince”;

b) “The Sandcastle”;

c) “Bruno’s Dream”.


35. Indicate which statement is not true: T. S. Eliot’s “The Journey of the Magi” is

a) a lament about the future death of the magic world;

b) a joyful account of the wonders of the journey;

c) a complaint about a journey that was painful and tedious.


The philosophical movement that had an impact on Iris Murdoch’s works is

a) Logical Positivism;

b) Existentialism;

c) Marxism.


Is an art movement supporting the ideas that a life had to be lived intensely, with an ideal of beauty; beauty was considered the basic factor of art; the Arts should provide refined sensuous pleasure, rather than convey moral or sentimental messages.

a) Impressionism;

b) Expressionism;

c) Aestheticism;

d) Symbolism.


John Galsworthy’s “The Forsyte Saga” is a series of novels in which the first book is

a) “To Let”;

b) In Chancery;

c) “The Man of Property”.


39. Determine the literary trend that is characterized by the following: the unconscious life of the mind is as important as the conscious; our perceptions of life are uncertain and provisional; the intense, but isolated image is something that must be in the centre of the author’s attention; supposedly primitive myths can help to grasp and order the complexity of the twentieth century experience, etc.

a) realism;

b) modernism;

c) romanticism.


40. ______ is a dystopian novel describing a fictitious world of constant war and a society held captive by the ever-watchful gaze of a shadowy totalitarian dictator known as "Big Brother.

a) “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley;

b) “Nineteen Eighty-Four” by G. Orwell;

c) “Animal Farm” by G. Orwell.


Тести зі стилістики.

The disyllabic foot in which the stress is upon the second syllable is called

a) trochee;

b) amphibrach;

c) iambus.


Metonymy is based on

a) similarity; b) contiguity; c) contrast.


Assonance is the repetition of

a) the same stressed vowel;

b) the same unstressed vowel;

c) the same consonant.

Slang words belong to the bulk of

a) neutral words;

b) common colloquial words;

c) special colloquial words.


Rearranging questions in the direct word order is called

a) secondary inversion;

b) partial inversion;

c) complete inversion.


6. Fill in the gap: ________ is the sequence of ideas where the weakest element is added to one or several strong ones and thus receives prominence due to an interruption inthe pattern of predictability.

a) Climax;

b) Anticlimax;

c) Enumeration.


Asyndeton is

a) the deliberate omission of the pronominal connective creating a blend of the main and the subordinate clauses;

b) the deliberate omission of the connective where it is generally expected to be according to the norms of the literary language;

c) the repeated use of conjunctions.

A stressed vowel is followed by the same sounds in

a) assonance;

b) perfect rhyme;

c) alliteration.


Anaphora is

a) the repetition of the same word or words at the end of two or more successive clauses or sentences;

b) the repetition of the same unit both at the beginning and at the end of the utterance;

c) the repetition of the same word or words at the beginning of two or more successive clauses or sentences.


The three-syllabic foot in which the stress is upon the second syllable is called

a) anapest;

b) dactyl;

c) amphibrach.


11. Graphon is used to reflect a) the authentic pronunciation of words; b) to imitate sounds produced in nature; c) to achieve a melodic and rhythmic effect.

12. Fill in the gap: ______ is used to create the second plane, or background, to the narrative, to reproduce two parallel lines of thought.

a) Detachment;

b) Parenthesis;

c) Syntactic tautology.


13. Fill in the gap: _______ is a combination of sounds the aim of which is to make the sound of the utterance an echo of its sense.

a) Indirect onomatopoeia;

b) Alliteration;

c) Direct onomatopoeia.


If we can indicate the exact word in whose meaning there is contradiction between the said and the implied, this type of irony is called

a) stylistic irony;

b) verbal irony;

c) sustained irony.


Meiosis is

a) overstatement;

b) understatement;

c) play on words.


Intentional treating idioms as if they were word combinations (or single words) used in their primary sense results in the formation of

a) zeugma;

b) pun;

c) anticlimax.


17. A figure of speech in which a word or phrase literally denoting one kind of object or idea is used instead of another to suggest likeness or analogy between them is called:

a) metonymy;

b) epithet;

c) metaphor.


18. Fill in the gap: ______ is the repetition of the general scheme of a sentence, by means of the pronominal subject and an auxiliary or modal verb, representing the predicate of the main sentence.

a) Syntactic tautology;

b) Emphatic construction;

c) Catch repetition.



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