Contribution of IBM in the development of new technologies 

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Contribution of IBM in the development of new technologies

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The autumn leaves blew over the moonlit pavement in such a way as to make the girl who was moving there seem fixed to a sliding walk, letting the motion of the wind and the leaves carry her forward. Her head was half bent to watch her shoes stir the circling leaves. Her face was slender and milk-white, and in it was a kind of gentle hunger that touched over everything with tireless curiosity. It was a look, almost, of pale surprise; the dark eyes were so fixed to the world that no move escaped them. Her dress was white and it whispered. He almost thought he heard the motion of her hands as she walked, and the infinitely small sound now, the white stir of her face turning when she discovered she was a moment away from a man who stood in the middle of the pavement waiting.

The trees overhead made a great sound of letting down their dry rain. The girl stopped and looked as if she might pull back in surprise, but instead stood regarding Montag with eyes so dark and shining and alive, that he felt he had said something quite wonderful. But he knew his mouth had only moved to say hello, and then when she seemed hypnotized by the salamander on his arm and the phoenix-disc on his chest, he spoke again.

“Of course,” he said, “you're a new neighbour, aren't you?”

“And you must be”—she raised her eyes from his professional symbols—“the fireman.” Her voice trailed off.

“How oddly you say that.”

“I'd-I'd have known it with my eyes shut,” she said, slowly.

“What-the smell of kerosene? My wife always complains,” he laughed. “You never wash it off completely.”

“No, you don't,” she said, in awe.

He felt she was walking in a circle about him, turning him end for end, shaking him quietly, and emptying his pockets, without once moving herself.

Fahrenheit 451

Ray Bradbury


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Social network

A social network is a social structure made up of a set of actors (such as individuals or organizations) and the dyadic ties between these actors. The social network perspective provides a clear way of analyzing the structure of whole social entities. The study of these structures uses social network analysis to identify local and global patterns, locate influential entities, and examine network dynamics.

Social networks and the analysis of them is an inherently interdisciplinary academic field which emerged from social psychology, sociology, statistics, and graph theory. Georg Simmel authored early structural theories in sociology emphasizing the dynamics of triads and "web of group affiliations." Jacob Moreno is credited with developing the first sociograms in the 1930s to study interpersonal relationships. These approaches were mathematically formalized in the 1950s and theories and methods of social networks became pervasive in the social and behavioral sciences by the 1980s. Social network analysis is now one of the major paradigms in contemporary sociology, and is also employed in a number of other social and formal sciences. Together with other complex networks, it forms part of the nascent field of network science.


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The last few nights he had had the most uncertain feelings about the sidewalk just around the corner here, moving in the starlight toward his house. He had felt that a moment before his making the turn, someone had been there. The air seemed charged with a special calm as if someone had waited there, quietly, and only a moment before he came, simply turned to a shadow and let him through. Perhaps his nose detected a faint perfume, perhaps the skin on the backs of his hands, on his face, felt the temperature rise at this one spot where a person's standing might raise the immediate atmosphere ten degrees for an instant. There was no understanding it. Each time he made the turn, he saw only the white, unused, buckling sidewalk, with perhaps, on one night, something vanishing swiftly across a lawn before he could focus his eyes or speak.

But now, tonight, he slowed almost to a stop. His inner mind, reaching out to turn the corner for him, had heard the faintest whisper. Breathing? Or was the atmosphere compressed merely by someone standing very quietly there, waiting?

He turned the corner.

Fahrenheit 451

Ray Bradbury



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Contribution of IBM in the development of new technologies

Came in the laboratories of IBM in collaboration with scientists at Harvard University was worked on creating one of the first computers - automatic sequential controlled calculator (Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator). Such a machine was assembled in 1944 and was named "Mark 1". This computer weighed more than five tons, despite a low speed, could make a fairly complex sequence of mathematical calculations. In 1946, IBM offered the first commercial model of the electronic computer - IBM 603 Multiplier.

In 1952 was released electronic computer IBM 701, which uses electron vacuum tubes. Unlike electromechanical switches are in the "Mark-1" vacuum tubes in the car easily replaced in case of failure, and most importantly - allow computing speed to 17 thousand operations per second. In 1957 annual sales of IBM exceeded $ 1 billion.

Using computers acutely the question of storing output data and results of calculations, and in 1957 was created machine IBM 305 RAMAC (Random Access Method of Accounting and Control), computer and storage systems results of calculations. RAMAC widespread commercial firms, and in 1960 was used for the Winter Olympics in Squaw Valley (USA). In the same 1957 IBM engineers have developed a programming language Fortran.


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I was perfectly up in the subject which was the question of the day. How could I be otherwise? I had read and reread all the American and European papers without being any nearer a conclusion. This mystery puzzled me. Under the impossibility of forming an opinion, I jumped from one extreme to the other. That there really was something could not be doubted, and the incredulous were invited to put their finger on the wound of the Scotia.

On my arrival at New York the question was at its height. The theory of the floating island, and the unapproachable sandbank, supported by minds little competent to form a judgment, was abandoned. And, indeed, unless this shoal had a machine in its stomach, how could it change its position with such astonishing rapidity?

From the same cause, the idea of a floating hull of an enormous wreck was given up.

There remained, then, only two possible solutions of the question, which created two distinct parties: on one side, those who were for a monster of colossal strength; on the other, those who were for a submarine vessel of enormous motive power.

But this last theory, plausible as it was, could not stand against inquiries made in both worlds. That a private gentleman should have such a machine at his command was not likely. Where, when, and how was it built? and how could its construction have been kept secret? Certainly a Government might possess such a destructive machine. And in these disastrous times, when the ingenuity of man has multiplied the power of weapons of war, it was possible that, without the knowledge of others, a State might try to work such a formidable engine.

Leagues Under the Sea

Jules Verne


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With the advent of transistors tube computers obsolete. In 1959, IBM established its first all-transistor large universal computer model 7090, can carry 229 thousand transactions per second.

In 1964, it was announced the release of six models of software compatible family of IBM System-360 integrated circuits. They had combined set of peripherals and external storage devices, a single system of standard data structures and commands different from each other terms of memory usage and performance. The central processor introduced a system interrupt and memory built in block principle.

The first examples of computers IBM/360 family marked the beginning of the third generation of computers. They were made for a customer in the second half of 1965, and until 1970 was developed 15 models, including the smallest (IBM/360-20-10) was about 50 times cheaper.

In the development of a family of universal scalable architecture management IBM invested a 4 year $ 5 billion project has completely changed the industry standards, and the whole computer industry, making the position of the Blue giant computers on the market almost invulnerable. The logical structure of the System-360 became the basis for the development in 1967 of the family board machines 4Pi and nearly a dozen systems for strategic purposes. The most famous board computers for IBM spacecraft Gemini and Apollo, and even cars for flight control system in Houston.



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Mr. Dursley always sat with his back to the window in his office on the ninth floor. If he hadn't, he might have found it harder to concentrate on drills that morning. He didn't see the owls swoop ing past in broad daylight, though people down in the street did; they pointed and gazed openmouthed as owl after owl sped overhead. Most of them had never seen an owl even at nighttime. Mr. Dursley, however, had a perfectly normal, owl-free morning. He yelled at five different people. He made several important telephone calls and shouted a bit more. He was in a very good mood until lunchtime, when he thought he'd stretch his legs and walk across the road to buy himself a bun from the bakery.

He'd forgotten all about the people in cloaks until he passed a group of them next to the baker's. He eyed them angrily as he passed. He didn't know why, but they made him uneasy. This bunch were whispering excitedly, too, and he couldn't see a single collecting tin. It was on his way back past them, clutching a large doughnut in a bag, that he caught a few words of what they were saying.

“The Potters, that's right, that's what I heard yes, their son, Harry”

Mr. Dursley stopped dead. Fear flooded him. He looked back at the whisperers as if he wanted to say something to them, but thought better of it.

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The first examples of computers IBM/360 family marked the beginning of the third generation of computers. They were made for a customer in the second half of 1965, and until 1970 was developed 15 models, including the smallest (IBM/360-20-10) was about 50 times cheaper.

In the development of a family of universal scalable architecture management IBM invested a 4 year $ 5 billion project has completely changed the industry standards, and the whole computer industry, making the position of the Blue giant computers on the market almost invulnerable. The logical structure of the System-360 became the basis for the development in 1967 of the family board machines 4Pi and nearly a dozen systems for strategic purposes. The most famous board computers for IBM spacecraft Gemini and Apollo, and even cars for flight control system in Houston.

In 1971 the company introduced a floppy disk, which has become a standard for data storage. In 1973, when IBM became president Frank Carey, Issue computers has grown considerably and increased the time of their life. Also in 1973 IBM released the automatic reading system for laser products intended for supermarkets, and even IBM 3614 computer with which bank customers began operations accounts.

In 1980, IBM took the revolutionary leadership decision to establish a personal computer. His design used the principle of open architecture, its components are versatile, allowing upgrade computer parts. To reduce the cost of creating the IBM PC used the development of other firms as parts for his creation, including microprocessor company Intel and software company Microsoft. The emergence of IBM PC in 1981 led to an avalanche demand for personal computers, which have now become instruments of labor of people of different professions. Along with this came a huge demand for software and computer peripherals. And this wave have hundreds of new companies, who won a niche in the computer market.


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It was a very sunny Saturday and the zoo was crowded with families. The Dursleys bought Dudley and Piers large chocolate ice creams at the entrance and then, because the smiling lady in the van had asked Harry what he wanted before they could hurry him away, they bought him a cheap lemon ice pop. It wasn't bad, either, Harry thought, licking it as they watched a gorilla scratching its head who looked remarkably like Dudley, except that it wasn't blond.

Harry had the best morning he'd had in a long time. He was careful to walk a little way apart from the Dursleys so that Dudley and Piers, who were starting to get bored with the animals by lunchtime, wouldn't fall back on their favorite hobby of hitting him. They ate in the zoo restaurant, and when Dudley had a tantrum because his knickerbocker glory didn't have enough ice cream on top, Uncle Vernon bought him another one and Harry was allowed to finish the first.

Harry felt, afterward, that he should have known it was all too good to last.

After lunch they went to the reptile house. It was cool and dark in there, with lit windows all along the walls. Behind the glass, all sorts of lizards and snakes were crawling and slithering over bits of wood and stone. Dudley and Piers wanted to see huge, poisonous cobras and thick, man-crushing pythons. Dudley quickly found the largest snake in the place. It could have wrapped its body twice around Uncle Vernon's car and crushed it into a trash can—but at the moment it didn't look in the mood. In fact, it was fast asleep.

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Men use languages in order to communicate with each other. When the man wishes to communicate with the computer he uses in the same way "languages" such BASIC, PASCAL, ADA, FORTRAN, ALGOL, COBOL, PL/m and others.

BASIC is considered to be one of the easiest programming languages to learn. It is now used almost universally.

PASCAL is a general purpose high Level programming language. It is named after the famous French mathematician, Blaise Pascal- In 1642 he designed and built the first mechanical calculator*, the "Pascaline".

ADA is a high level programming language. It is a PASCAL-based language, but much, more comprehensive than PASCAL. It was named after Augusta Ada Byron (1816 - 1852), daughter of the English, poet, Lord Byron.

FORTRAN is a problem oriented high level programming language for scientific and mathematical use. FORTRAN was the first high level programming language. It was developed in 1956 and was designed to easily express mathematical formulas for computer processing. It is still widely used as a programming language.

ALGOL - was developed as an international language for the expression of the algorithms between individuals as well as a. programming' language. It was introduced in the early 1960s^ ALGOL was originally known as IAL or International Algebraic Language.

COBOL is internationally accepted, programming language developed for general commercial use. The advantages of using COBOL are that it is relatively simple to learn and programs can be quickly written and tested. Programmers can easily understand programs not written by themselves.


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The escape of the Brazilian boa constrictor earned Harry his longest-ever punishment. By the time he was allowed out of his cupboard again, the summer holidays had started and Dudley had already broken his new video camera, crashed his remote control airplane, and, first time out on his racing bike, knocked down old Mrs. Figg as she crossed Privet Drive on her crutches.

Harry was glad school was over, but there was no escaping Dudley's gang, who visited the house every single day. Piers, Dennis, Malcolm, and Gordon were all big and stupid, but as Dudley was the biggest and stupidest of the lot, he was the leader. The rest of them were all quite happy to join in Dudley's favorite sport: Harry Hunting.

This was why Harry spent as much time as possible out of the house, wandering around and thinking about the end of the holidays, where he could see a tiny ray of hope. When September came he would be going off to secondary school and, for the first time in his life, he wouldn't be with Dudley. Dudley had been accepted at Uncle Vernon's old private school, Smeltings. Piers Polkiss was going there too. Harry, on the other hand, was going to Stonewall High, the local public school. Dudley thought this was very funny.

“They stuff people's heads down the toilet the first day at Stonewall,” he told Harry. “Want to come upstairs and practice?”

“No, thanks,” said Harry. “The poor toilet's never had anything as horrible as your head down it—it might be sick.” Then he ran, before Dudley could work out what he'd said.

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The computer revolution is obvious to anyone who watches TV or reads any of business publications. He cannot fail to notice that personal computer users are becoming much more sophisticated.

As an example, let’s discuss the use of computers for word processing in typing. Thanks to the development in 1984 of software programs that can lay out text on a page and combine it with high-resolution graphics many personal computer (PC) users now create their own texts, manuals, bulletins and news-letters. Writers make use of computers and word processors, which allow them to revise easily what they write. They can insert, delete or move words and sentences, and see the results on a screen without having to type entire paragraphs or pages. This technology is termed desktop printing.

What exactly is desktop printing or publishing? It is the application of personal computers to the entire range of the printing process, from the typing in the author’s original copy to the final printing of the publication. It is a means of producing documents, complete with graphics, ranging from one-page information to advertizing leaflets, magazines and even books, an equipment which can comfortably be housed on a reasonably large desk.



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Captain Farragut was a good seaman, worthy of the frigate he commanded. His vessel and he were one. He was the soul of it. On the question of the monster there was no doubt in his mind, and he would not allow the existence of the animal to be disputed on board. He believed in it, as certain good women believe in the leviathan—by faith, not by reason. The monster did exist, and he had sworn to rid the seas of it. Either Captain Farragut would kill the narwhal, or the narwhal would kill the captain. There was no third course.

The officers on board shared the opinion of their chief. They were ever chatting, discussing, and calculating the various chances of a meeting, watching narrowly the vast surface of the ocean. More than one took up his quarters voluntarily in the cross-trees, who would have cursed such a berth under any other circumstances. As long as the sun described its daily course, the rigging was crowded with sailors, whose feet were burnt to such an extent by the heat of the deck as to render it unbearable; still the Abraham Lincoln had not yet breasted the suspected waters of the Pacific. As to the ship's company, they desired nothing better than to meet the unicorn, to harpoon it, hoist it on board, and despatch it. They watched the sea with eager attention.

Besides, Captain Farragut had spoken of a certain sum of two thousand dollars, set apart for whoever should first sight the monster, were he cabin-boy, common seaman, or officer.

Leagues Under the Sea

Jules Verne



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What exactly is desktop printing or publishing? It is the application of personal computers to the entire range of the printing process, from the typing in the author’s original copy to the final printing of the publication. It is a means of producing documents, complete with graphics, ranging from one-page information to advertizing leaflets, magazines and even books, an equipment which can comfortably be housed on a reasonably large desk.

The basic equipment, or hardware, consists of a computer, complete with a visual display unit (screen), a keyboard and a movement sensing device known as a mouse, an optical scanner and a laser printer. The programs, or software, needed to operate the equipment consists of a page description language which translates the image on the computer screen into a set of digital instructions that the laser printer can follow, and a composition program to drive the entire system.

Desktop publishing, as its name suggests, allows a publishing house to be established on the top of a desk. It allows of an enormous saving of both time and money. With the use of a personal computer system and the appropriate software, it is now possible to edit, design, illustrate, lay out, and typeset a book in a relatively short time and without a large staff and a staggering budget.


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Stupefaction more than fear made us dumb and motionless. The animal gained on us, sporting with the waves. It made the round of the frigate, which was then making fourteen knots, and enveloped it with its electric rings like luminous dust.

Then it moved away two or three miles, leaving a phosphorescent track, like those volumes of steam that the express trains leave behind. All at once from the dark line of the horizon whither it retired to gain its momentum, the monster rushed suddenly towards the Abraham Lincoln with alarming rapidity, stopped suddenly about twenty feet from the hull, and died out—not diving under the water, for its brilliancy did not abate—but suddenly, and as if the source of this brilliant emanation was exhausted. Then it reappeared on the other side of the vessel, as if it had turned and slid under the hull. Any moment a collision might have occurred which would have been fatal to us. However, I was astonished at the manoeuvres of the frigate. She fled and did not attack.

On the captain's face, generally so impassive, was an expression of unaccountable astonishment.

“Mr. Aronnax,” he said, “I do not know with what formidable being I have to deal, and I will not imprudently risk my frigate in the midst of this darkness. Besides, how attack this unknown thing, how defend one's self from it? Wait for daylight, and the scene will change.”

Leagues Under the Sea

Jules Verne



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The basic equipment, or hardware, consists of a computer, complete with a visual display unit (screen), a keyboard and a movement sensing device known as a mouse, an optical scanner and a laser printer. The programs, or software, needed to operate the equipment consists of a page description language which translates the image on the computer screen into a set of digital instructions that the laser printer can follow, and a composition program to drive the entire system.

Desktop publishing, as its name suggests, allows a publishing house to be established on the top of a desk. It allows of an enormous saving of both time and money. With the use of a personal computer system and the appropriate software, it is now possible to edit, design, illustrate, lay out, and typeset a book in a relatively short time and without a large staff and a staggering budget.

Desktop publishing eliminates the need for outside typesetters and artists. With the use of a relatively inexpensive computer, type can be set in the office. The results can be checked at once and corrections made easily and at no extra cost. Full page make up, too, can be done on the computer. Changes can be made on the screen, and there is no need for galleys, or for cutting and pasting.

With the use of painting and drawing programs, digitizers, image scanners, and other graphic tools, it is possible for artists to create images on the screen; this artwork combined on the same page with the text can be examined on the screen before printing. Once again, by this method, correction is simplified.



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The Dursleys' house had four bedrooms: one for Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia, one for visitors (usually Uncle Vernon's sister, Marge), one where Dudley slept, and one where Dudley kept all the toys and things that wouldn't fit into his first bedroom. It only took Harry one trip upstairs to move everything he owned from the cupboard to this room. He sat down on the bed and stared around him. Nearly everything in here was broken. The month-old video camera was lying on top of a small, working tank Dudley had once driven over the next door neighbor's dog; in the corner was Dudley's first-ever television set, which he'd put his foot through when his favorite program had been canceled; there was a large birdcage, which had once held a parrot that Dudley had swapped at school for a real air rifle, which was up on a shelf with the end all bent because Dudley had sat on it. Other shelves were full of books. They were the only things in the room that looked as though they'd never been touched.

From downstairs came the sound of Dudley bawling at his mother, I don't want him in there... I need that room... make him get out...”

Harry sighed and stretched out on the bed. Yesterday he'd have given anything to be up here. Today he'd rather be back in his cupboard with that letter than up here without it.

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Desktop publishing eliminates the need for outside typesetters and artists. With the use of a relatively inexpensive computer, type can be set in the office. The results can be checked at once and corrections made easily and at no extra cost. Full page make up, too, can be done on the computer. Changes can be made on the screen, and there is no need for galleys, or for cutting and pasting.

With the use of painting and drawing programs, digitizers, image scanners, and other graphic tools, it is possible for artists to create images on the screen; this artwork combined on the same page with the text can be examined on the screen before printing. Once again, by this method, correction is simplified.

Finally, type and art, in page format, can be output in the office by means of a laser printer. Once the image has been transferred to the computer, it can be modified, saved and printed out like other data.

In recent years, the traditional composition has been rendered almost obsolete by the introduction of computer generated and assisted typography. Metal typesetting has been gradually replaced by phototype setting and, increasingly, by digitized typesetting and other direct image composition, which account for most of today’s book typesetting.



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The repaired alarm clock rang at six o'clock the next morning. Harry turned it off quickly and dressed silently. He mustn't wake the Dursleys. He stole downstairs without turning on any of the lights.

He was going to wait for the postman on the corner of Privet Drive and get the letters for number four first. His heart hammered as he crept across the dark hall toward the front door —

Harry leapt into the air; he'd trodden on something big and squashy on the doormat—something alive!

Lights clicked on upstairs and to his horror Harry realized that the big, squashy something had been his uncle's face. Uncle Vernon had been lying at the foot of the front door in a sleeping bag, clearly making sure that Harry didn't do exactly what he'd been trying to do. He shouted at Harry for about half an hour and then told him to go and make a cup of tea. Harry shuffled miserably off into the kitchen and by the time he got back, the mail had arrived, right into Uncle Vernon's lap. Harry could see three letters addressed in green ink.

I want —” he began, but Uncle Vernon was tearing the letters into pieces before his eyes. Uncle Vernon didnt go to work that day. He stayed at home and nailed up the mail slot.

“See,” he explained to Aunt Petunia through a mouthful of nails, “if they can't deliver them they'll just give up.”

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In recent years, the traditional composition has been rendered almost obsolete by the introduction of computer generated and assisted typography. Metal typesetting has been gradually replaced by phototype setting and, increasingly, by digitized typesetting and other direct image composition, which account for most of today’s book typesetting.

As its name implies, phototypesetting is based on the principles of photography, the copy to be used in the making of the printing plates is created by exposing photosensitive paper or film to light formed into the shapes of type characters, and the paper or film is then processed like any other photograph.

All phototypesetting reguires3 elements: a master character image, a light source, and the photosensitive material or film.

An operator sits down at an input device, a typewriter-like keyboard, and copies the manuscript, also giving codes, stored in a computer, dictates the type sizes, the space between letters, words and lines, as well as the width of lines, justified or unjustified. The material is then put into the type-setter system, which creates the type images on the paper or film directly by tape (paper or magnetic) or floppy disk.

That is how computers are used in printing. This technology gives the possibility to refuse from a hard and monotonous craftskills of the publishing process. Desktop publishing enables writer’s words and ideas to reach a large number of readers more economically and efficiently than ever before.

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It was too late to call up for a cab or anything, so I walked the whole way to the station. It wasn't too far, but it was cold as hell, and the snow made it hard for walking, and my Gladstones kept banging hell out of my legs. I sort of enjoyed the air and all, though. The only trouble was, the cold made my nose hurt, and right under my upper lip, where old Stradlater'd laid one on me. He'd smacked my lip right on my teeth, and it was pretty sore. My ears were nice and warm, though. That hat I bought had earlaps in it, and I put them on—I didn't give a damn how I looked. Nobody was around anyway. Everybody was in the sack. I was quite lucky when I got to the station, because I only had to wait about ten minutes for a train. While I waited, I got some snow in my hand and washed my face with it. I still had quite a bit of blood on. Usually I like riding on trains, especially at night, with the lights on and the windows so black, and one of those guys coming up the aisle selling coffee and sandwiches and magazines. I usually buy a ham sandwich and about four magazines. If I'm on a train at night, I can usually even read one of those dumb stories in a magazine without puking. You know. One of those stories with a lot of phony, lean-jawed guys named David in it, and a lot of phony girls named Linda or Marcia that are always lighting all the goddam Davids' pipes for them. I can even read one of those lousy stories on a train at night, usually. But this time, it was different. I just didn't feel like it. I just sort of sat and not did anything. All I did was take off my hunting hat and put it in my pocket.

The Catcher In The Rye

Jerom Selinjer

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A computer is really a very specific kind of counting machine. It can do arithmetic problems faster than any person alive. By means of electric processes it can find the answer to a very difficult and complicated problem in a few seconds.

A computer can “remember” information you give it. It keeps the information in its “memory” until it is needed.

There are different kinds of computers. Some can do only one job. These are special-purpose computers. Each specific problem requires a specific computer. One kind of computer can help us build a spaceship; another kind can help us navigate it. A special-purpose computer is built for this purpose alone and cannot do anything else.

But there are some computers that can do many different jobs. They are called the general-purpose computers. These are the big “brains” that solve the most difficult problems of science.

We used to think of a computer as a large machine that took up a whole room. But today computers are becoming smaller and smaller. Though these small devices are called microcomputers or minicomputers, they are still true, computers.


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The storm raged more and more ferociously as the night went on. Harry couldn't sleep. He shivered and turned over, trying to get comfortable, his stomach rumbling with hunger. Dudley's snores were drowned by the low rolls of thunder that started near midnight. The lighted dial of Dudley's watch, which was dangling over the edge of the sofa on his fat wrist, told Harry he'd be eleven in ten minutes' time. He lay and watched his birthday tick nearer, wondering if the Dursleys would remember at all, wondering where the letter writer was now.

Five minutes to go. Harry heard something creak outside. He hoped the roof wasn't going to fall in, although he might be warmer if it did. Four minutes to go. Maybe the house in Privet Drive would be so full of letters when they got back that he'd be able to steal one somehow.

Three minutes to go. Was that the sea, slapping hard on the rock like that? And (two minutes to go) what was that funny crunching noise? Was the rock crumbling into the sea?

One minute to go and he'd be eleven. Thirty seconds... twenty...ten... nine—maybe he'd wake Dudley up, just to annoy him—three... two... one...


The whole shack shivered and Harry sat bolt upright, staring at the door. Someone was outside, knocking to come in.

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The most important parts of a general-purpose computer are as follows: 1) memory, where information is kept; 2) an arithmetic unit for performing calcul­ations; 3) a control unit for the correct order of operations; 4) input devices; 5) output devices for display­ing the results of calculations. The input and output devices are called peripherals.

There are several advantages in making computers as small as one can. Sometimes weight is particularly important. A modern plane carries many heavy elec­tronic apparatus. If it is possible to make any of them smaller, it can carry a bigger weight. But weight is not the only factor. The smaller the computer, the faster it can work. The signals go to and for at a very high but almost Constant speed.

Some of the first computer cost millions of dollars, but people quickly learned that it was cheaper to let a million dollar computer make the necessary calculations than to have a hundred clerks trying to do the same by hand. Scientists found that computers made fewer mistakes and could fulfil the tasks much faster than almost any number of people using usual methods.

The computers became popular. As their popularity grew the number of factories producing them also grew.


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THEY read the long afternoon through, while the cold November rain fell from the sky upon the quiet house. They sat in the hall because the parlour was so empty and grey-looking without its walls lit with orange and yellow confetti and sky-rockets and women in gold-mesh dresses and men in black velvet pulling one-hundred-pound rabbits from silver hats. The parlour was dead and Mildred kept peering in at it with a blank expression as Montag paced the floor and came back and squatted down and read a page as many as ten times, aloud.

“We cannot tell the precise moment when friendship is formed. As in filling a vessel drop by drop, there is at last a drop which makes it run over, so in a series of kindnesses there is at last one which makes the heart run over.”

Montag sat listening to the rain.

“Is that what it was in the girl next door? I've tried so hard to figure.”

“She's dead. Let's talk about someone alive, for goodness’ sake.”

Montag did not look back at his wife as he went trembling along the hall to the kitchen, where he stood a long. time watching the rain hit the windows before he came back down the hall in the grey light, waiting for the tremble to subside.

He opened another book.

Fahrenheit 451

Ray Bradbury


Додаток до білету №13


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Додаток до білету №14


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They had sat in the green soft light without saying a word for a moment, and then Montag talked about the weather, and then the old man responded with a pale voice. It was a strange quiet meeting. The old man admitted to being a retired English professor who had been thrown out upon the world forty years ago when the last liberal arts college shut for lack of students and patronage. His name was Faber, and when he finally lost his fear of Montag, he talked in a cadenced voice, looking at the sky and the trees and the green park, and when an hour had passed he said something to Montag and Montag sensed it was a rhymeless poem. Then the old man grew even more courageous and said something else and that was a poem, too. Faber held his hand over his left coat-pocket and spoke these words gently, and Montag knew if he reached out, he might pull a book of poetry from the man's coat. But he did not reach out. His. hands stayed on his knees, numbed and useless. “I don't talk things, sir,” said Faber. “I talk the meaning of things. I sit here and know I'm alive.”

That was all there was to it, really. An hour of monologue, a poem, a comment, and then without even acknowledging the fact that Montag was a fireman, Faber with a certain trembling, wrote his address on a slip of paper. “For your file,” he said, “in case you decide to be angry with me.”

“I'm not angry,” Montag said, surprised.

Mildred shrieked with laughter in the hall.

Montag went to his bedroom closet and flipped through his file-wallet to the heading: FUTURE INVESTIGATIONS. Faber's name was there. He hadn't turned it in and he hadn't erased it.

He dialled the call on a secondary phone. The phone on the far end of the line called Faber's name a dozen times before the professor answered in a faint voice. Montag identified himself and was met with a lengthy silence. “Yes, Mr. Montag?”

Fahrenheit 451

Ray Bradbury



Додаток до білету №14


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The computer, with its millionfold increase in man’s capacity to handle, information, undoubtedly, holds the first place. Without the computer, data and information processing would be impossible, say, in space programs. It is the phenomenal speed of computers that makes them practically well suited to pursuing activities that require instant solution to complex dynamic problems. They are extensively used in the control and monitoring of space vehicles. Computers are ideal for high-volume computing tasks such as the computation and analysis of statistical and mathematical data as well as scientific and engineering calculations.

For example, before production can be started in the factory, raw materials and parts have to be procured. This involves the data processing system in the preparation of purchase orders. When supplies are received they have to be recorded on appropriate stock or job records, which again involves data processing..

When production is due to begin materials and parts have to be issued to the production centres and suitability recorded on issue notes which are subsequently recorded on stock and job records. The issues are often priced and extended. These are also data processing operations.



Додаток до білету №15


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Some things are hard to remember. I'm thinking now of when Stradlater got back from his date with Jane. I mean I can't remember exactly what I was doing when I heard his goddam stupid footsteps coming down the corridor. I probably was still looking out the window, but I swear I can't remember. I was so damn worried, that's why. When I really worry about something, I don't just fool around. I even have to go to the bathroom when I worry about something. Only, I don't go. I'm too worried to go. I don't want to interrupt my worrying to go. If you knew Stradlater, you'd have been worried, too. I'd double-dated with that bastard a couple of times, and I know what I'm talking about. He was unscrupulous. He really was. Anyway, the corridor was all linoleum and all, and you could hear his goddam footsteps coming right towards the room. I don't even remember where I was sitting when he came in—at the window, or in my chair or his. I swear I can't remember. He came in griping about how cold it was out. Then he said, “Where the hell is everybody? It's like a goddam morgue around here.” I didn't even bother to answer him. If he was so goddam stupid not to realize it was Saturday night and everybody was out or asleep or home for the week end, I wasn't going to break my neck telling him. He started getting undressed. He didn't say one goddam word about Jane. Not one. Neither did I. I just watched him.

The Catcher In The Rye

Jerom Selinjer


Додаток до білету №15


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When production is due to begin materials and parts have to be issued to the production centres and suitability recorded on issue notes which are subsequently recorded on stock and job records. The issues are often priced and extended. These are also data processing operations.

In the industry, for instance, one of the new generations of press control combines a menu-driven press computer with a programmable press controller. The press control system monitors all vital functions of the stamping system. It provides an infinite capacity for storing all your setup information.

Total system diagnostics are enhanced by the computer to provide on screen remedies for identifiable problems. Not only do you know why the press has stopped, but now you know where the problem is and how to remedy it.

On-line operating data are automatically recorded. You can now call up a report to tell all about the job while it is running and how long to completion. The computerised control system has the flexibility to meet all production needs; its configuration can be expanded to meet new requirements for more information.

It is absolutely necessary for every active member of modern society to be able to use the computer system in data (information) processing and management.



Додаток до білету №16


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I could see my mother going in Spaulding's and asking the salesman a million dopy questions—and here I was getting the ax again. It made me feel pretty sad. She bought me the wrong kind of skates—I wanted racing skates and she bought hockey—but it made me sad anyway. Almost every time somebody gives me a present, it ends up making me sad. After I got all packed, I sort of counted my dough. I don't remember exactly how much I had, but I was pretty loaded. My grandmother'd just sent me a wad about a week before. I have this grandmother that's quite lavish with her dough. She doesn't have all her marbles any more—she's old as hell—and she keeps sending me money for my birthday about four times a year. Anyway, even though I was pretty loaded, I figured I could always use a few extra bucks. You never know. So what I did was, I went down the hail and woke up Frederick Woodruff, this guy I'd lent my typewriter to. I asked him how much he'd give me for it. He was a pretty wealthy guy. He said he didn't know. He said he didn't much want to buy it. Finally he bought it, though. It cost about ninety bucks, and all he bought it for was twenty. He was sore because I'd woke him up. When I was all set to go, when I had my bags and all, I stood for a while next to the stairs and took a last look down the goddam corridor. I was sort of crying. I don't know why. I put my red hunting hat on, and turned the peak around to the back, the way I liked it, and then I yelled at the top of my goddam voice, “Sleep tight, ya morons!” I'll bet I woke up every bastard on the whole floor. Then I got the hell out. Some stupid guy had thrown peanut shells all over the stairs, and I damn near broke my crazy neck.

The Catcher In The Rye

Jerom Selinjer


Додаток до білету №16


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Total system diagnostics are enhanced by the computer to provide on screen remedies for identifiable problems. Not only do you know why the press has stopped, but now you know where the problem is and how to remedy it.

On-line operating data are automatically recorded. You can now call up a report to tell all about the job while it is running and how long to completion. The computerised control system has the flexibility to meet all production needs; its configuration can be expanded to meet new requirements for more information.

Thus information and data processing is a special activity performed by the administrative organization for the business as a whole. It is concerned with the systematic recording, arranging, filing, processing and dissemination of facts relating to the phisical events occurring in business.

From the above said it can be concluded that data processing systems provide information and information pro-vides the basis for managerial control of business operations to achieve corporate objectives as effectively as possible. This means making the most suitable decisions based on the information provided.


Додаток до білету №17


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It was too late to call up for a cab or anything, so I walked the whole way to the station. It wasn't too far, but it was cold as hell, and the snow made it hard for walking, and my Gladstones kept banging hell out of my legs. I sort of enjoyed the air and all, though. The only trouble was, the cold made my nose hurt, and right under my upper lip, where old Stradlater'd laid one on me. He'd smacked my lip right on my teeth, and it was pretty sore. My ears were nice and warm, though. That hat I bought had earlaps in it, and I put them on—I didn't give a damn how I looked. Nobody was around anyway. Everybody was in the sack. I was quite lucky when I got to the station, because I only had to wait about ten minutes for a train. While I waited, I got some snow in my hand and washed my face with it. I still had quite a bit of blood on. Usually I like riding on trains, especially at night, with the lights on and the windows so black, and one of those guys coming up the aisle selling coffee and sandwiches and magazines. I usually buy a ham sandwich and about four magazines. If I'm on a train at night, I can usually even read one of those dumb stories in a magazine without puking. You know. One of those stories with a lot of phony, lean-jawed guys named David in it, and a lot of phony girls named Linda or Marcia that are always lighting all the goddam Davids' pipes for them. I can even read one of those lousy stories on a train at night, usually. But this time, it was different. I just didn't feel like it. I just sort of sat and not did anything. All I did was take off my hunting hat and put it in my pocket.

The Catcher In The Rye

Jerom Selinjer


Додаток до білету №17


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On-line operating data are automatically recorded. You can now call up a report to tell all about the job while it is running and how long to completion. The computerised control system has the flexibility to meet all production needs; its configuration can be expanded to meet new requirements for more information.

Thus information and data processing is a special activity performed by the administrative organization for the business as a whole. It is concerned with the systematic recording, arranging, filing, processing and dissemination of facts relating to the phisical events occurring in business.

From the above said it can be concluded that data processing systems provide information and information pro-vides the basis for managerial control of business operations to achieve corporate objectives as effectively as possible. This means making the most suitable decisions based on the information provided.

Додаток до білету №18


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Hagrid was so huge that he parted the crowd easily; all Harry had to do was keep close behind him. They passed book shops and music stores, hamburger restaurants and cinemas, but nowhere that looked as if it could sell you a magic wand. This was just an ordinary street full of ordinary people. Could there really be piles of wizard gold buried miles beneath them? Were there really shops that sold spell books and broomsticks? Might this not all be some huge joke that the Dursleys had cooked up? If Harry hadn't known that the Dursleys had no sense of humor, he might have thought so; yet somehow, even though everything Hagrid had told him so far was unbelievable, Harry couldn't help trusting him.

“This is it,” said Hagrid, coming to a halt, “the Leaky Cauldron. It's a famous place.”

It was a tiny, grubby-looking pub. If Hagrid hadn't pointed it out, Harry wouldn't have noticed it was there. The people hurrying by didn't glance at it. Their eyes slid from the big book shop on one side to the record shop on the other as if they couldn't see the Leaky Cauldron at all. In fact, Harry had the most peculiar feeling that only he and Hagrid could see it. Before he could mention this, Hagrid had steered him inside.

For a famous place, it was very dark and shabby. A few old women were sitting in a corner, drinking tiny glasses of sherry. One of them was smoking a long pipe. A little man in a top hat was talking to the old bartender, who was quite bald and looked like a toothless walnut. The low buzz of chatter stopped when they walked in. Everyone seemed to know Hagrid; they waved and smiled at him, and the bartender reached for a glass, saying, “The usual, Hagrid?”

Додаток до білету №18


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A management information system therefore embraces the data processing systems, control systems (using information provided by the data processing system), and decision making based on the facts indicated by the control systems.

A data processing system in its simplest form consists of three primary elements: input, processing and output. These elements apply whether the system is manual, mechanical or electronic.

A computer system consists of five elements, with input, processing, output, storage and control.

It is absolutely necessary for every active member of modern society to be able to use the computer system in data (information) processing and management.

Додаток до білету №19


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“Bring it. I know a man who printed our college paper half a century ago. That was the year I came to class at the start of the new semester and found only one student to sign up for Drama from Aeschylus to O'Neill. You see? How like a beautiful statue of ice it was, melting in the sun. I remember the newspapers dying like huge moths. No one wanted them back. No one missed them. And the Government, seeing how advantageous it was to have people reading only about passionate lips and the fist in the stomach, circled the situation with your fire-eaters. So, Montag, there's this unemployed printer. We might start a few books, and wait on the war to break the pattern and give us the push we need. A few bombs and the ‘families’ in the walls of all the houses, like harlequin rats, will shut up! In silence, our stage-whisper might carry.”

They both stood looking at the book on the table.

“I've tried to remember,” said Montag. “But, hell, it's gone when I turn my head. God, how I want something to say to the Captain. He's read enough so he has all the answers, or seems to have. His voice is like butter. I'm afraid he'll talk me back the way I was. Only a week ago, pumping a kerosene hose, I thought: God, what fun!”

The old man nodded. “Those who don't build must burn. It's as old as history and juvenile delinquents.”

“So that's what I am.”

“There's some of it in all of us.”

Fahrenheit 451

Ray Bradbury



Додаток до білету №19


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A recent advance in electronics has had great- impact on both the electronics and our daily lives. With the arrival of the microprocessor, another evolutionary stage has taken place in the electronics field. What the introduction of the transistor did a number of years back, the microprocessor is doing now. Every day, more and more applications of this device affect our lives in many ways.

What are microprocessors and microcomputers? Why have they such impact on industry and our lives?

Before an understanding and appreciation of microprocessors and microcomputers can be achieved, one must know how a computer works in general and what components are involved. A simplified description of how a computer works is to describe it as follows: the computer executes a sequential set of instructions. The instructions are in a binary-coded form and reside in the computer’s memory. Each instruction has a unique code specifying a particular operation and has been placed in specific sequence by the computer programmer.

Додаток до білету №20


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The sun shone brightly on a stack of cauldrons outside the nearest shop. Cauldrons—All Sizes—Copper, Brass, Pewter, Silver—Self-Stirring—Collapsible, said a sign hanging over them.

“Yeah, you'll be needin' one,” said Hagrid, “but we gotta get yer money first.”

Harry wished he had about eight more eyes. He turned his head in every direction as they walked up the street, trying to look at everything at once: the shops, the things outside them, the people doing their shopping. A plump woman outside an Apothecary was shaking her head as they passed, saying, “Dragon liver, seventeen Sickles an ounce, they're mad...”

A low, soft hooting came from a dark shop with a sign saying Eeylops Owl Emporium—Tawny, Screech, Barn, Brown, and Snowy. Several boys of about Harry's age had their noses pressed against a window with broomsticks in it. “Look,” Harry heard one of them say, “the new Nimbus Two Thousand—fastest ever —” There were shops selling robes, shops selling telescopes and strange silver instruments Harry had never seen before, windows stacked with barrels of bat spleens and eels' eyes, tottering piles of spell books, quills, and rolls of parchment, potion bottles, globes of the moon...

“Gringotts,” said Hagrid.

They had reached a snowy white building that towered over the other little shops. Standing beside its burnished bronze doors, wearing a uniform of scarlet and gold, was —

“Yeah, that's a goblin,” said Hagrid quietly as they walked up the white stone steps toward him. The goblin was about a head shorter than Harry. He had a swarthy, clever face, a pointed beard and, Harry noticed, very long fingers and feet. He bowed as they walked inside.

Додаток до білету №20


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The complete set of instructions is referred to as a program, and the program allows the computer to perform a useful function.

The computer can perform this function by taking (fetching) the first instruction from memory and performing (executing) the operation called for by the code. Then it goes back to the memory unit and takes the next instruction in sequence (unless directed otherwise) and performs the operation called tor by its code. This sequential fetching of an instruction and execution of that instruction continues until the final instruction is executed. Thus, the computer has finished performing the function defined by the program and can either wait for a new set of instructions (program) or be directed to repeat the entire program over again.

Computers can be broken down into three main categories based on their size. The biggest types are those that we see in large business corporations, banks and scientific laboratories. An entire large room may be devoted to these maxicomputers and their associated peripheral equipment, such as magnetic tape units, card punchers, card readers, and line printers. The function of these units can range from scientific computation and engineering problem solving to large business-type operations, such as payroll, accounts keeping, inventory, and maintaining large files of data.

Додаток до білету №21


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I groped about. In five steps I came to an iron wall, made of plates bolted together. Then turning back I struck against a wooden table, near which were ranged several stools. The boards of this prison were concealed under a thick mat, which deadened the noise of the feet. The bare walls revealed no trace of window or door. Conseil, going round the reverse way, met me, and we went back to the middle of the cabin, which measured about twenty feet by ten. As to its height, Ned Land, in spite of his own great height, could not measure it.


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