Counter-Offer (Price Too High) 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Counter-Offer (Price Too High)

Dear Sirs,

We thank you for your offer of 15th May and the patterns of Cloth No. D 677. The terms of your offer have our approval, but we feel that the price of £ 1.50 per yard is rather high. The cloth is for export to a market where competition is very keen, and at this figure our profit would be only nominal. However, if you could reduce the price to £ 1.25 per yard, we should be glad to place an order for some 30,000 yards.

We trust that in view of the size of this order you will see your way to making this concession.

Yours faithfully,


Refusal of Quotation

Dear Sirs,

We regret that we cannot make use of your quotation of 19th October for Tinplate, as we have been able to obtain this material at a lower price from another supplier.

Many thanks for the trouble you have taken in this matter.

Yours faithfully,


Confirmation of Order Placed by Telephone

Dear Mr. Smith:

We enclose Purchase Order No. 1787 in confirmation of the order we placed with you over the phone this morning.

As agreed, delivery is to be made not later than October 1. We are relying on you to see that this order is filled promptly and in accordance with our instructions.

Sincerely yours,



Cancellation of Order


We regret having to cancel Order No. 387 of January 18.

Our customer has just informed us that he has bought the furniture from a local sup­plier.

We hope that we shall soon be able to make good to you the loss of this order.


Yours sincerely,



I. Translate letters from Russian into English:



Уважаемые господа!

Благодарим Вас за Ваше письмо от 15 октября. Мы готовы разместить пробный заказ на следующие товары:


Количество Наименование Номер по каталогу Цена
  Простыня (bed sheet) (120 см) синяя   ?5.50
  Простыня (150 см) синяя   ?5.80
  Наволочка (pillow case) (50*60 см) синяя   ?2.70
  Наволочка (70*70 см) синяя   ?2.90


Как только мы получим подтверждение и предварительную счет-фактуру, мы произведем оплату банковским переводом.

С нетерпением ждем Вашего письма.

Искренне Ваши,


Уважаемые господа!

Большое спасибо за Ваш быстрый ответ на наш запрос о телефонном кабеле. Мы прилагаем наш заказ на 20000 метров кабеля, которые, как мы понимаем, Вы можете поставить со склада.

Как мы заявляли в нашем запросе, качество изоляционного материала должно соответствовать образцу, который мы Вам выслали.

Поставка необходима не позднее конца этого месяца.

С уважением,


II. Draft letters in English from the following particulars:


Фирма «А» в Брюсселе посылает фирме «В» в Сарагосе, от которой она уже раньше получала товары, заказы №№ 683, 981 и 985 на различные детские товары из хлопка. Номера заказов и цены, указанные в формуляре заказа, фирма взяла из каталога прошлого года. Фирма «А» просит уведомить её немедленно о возможном изменении цен и наличии запрашиваемых товаров на складе.


Фирма «А» в Бремене после своего запроса получила предложение на поставку кофе от фирмы «В» в Лондоне. Фирма-поставщик информирует о том, что она берёт на себя ответственность за потери, которые могут возникнуть в результате любой задержки поставки, а товары низкого качества будут возвращены с риском для поставщика и за его счёт. Фирма «В» советует быстро воспользоваться преимуществом этого предложения и подтвердить заказ быстро, с указанием самой ранней даты поставки, поскольку цены, вероятно, скоро вырастут.


III. Read, translate and act out the dialogues:

Making an Order by Telephone

J. – Jean, Ju. – Junko

J.: TEGID, Jean Duban speaking.

Ju.: Hello, Jean. It’s Junko from Japan Com in Tokyo. How are you this morning?

J.: Oh fine, Junko, thanks. And yourself?

Ju.: Not bad. At least the sun is shining today.

J.: Yes, here too – a nice improvement. So, what can I do for you today?

Ju.: We would like to order some USB adapters for our network – both the XPR14 and XPQ12 models.

J.: OK. Let me just write this down. So, model number XPR14: how many do you need?

Ju.: We need 400. And then for model XPQ12, 250. Can you manage delivery to our office in Osaka by Friday morning?

J.: Yes, of course. That’s no problem. So, let me just make sure I’ve got everything down right. So, Model XPR14, 400 units, and XPQ12, 250 units, to be delivered by Friday morning in Osaka.

Ju.: Yes, that’s right.

J.: Fine. I’ll fax you a model contract immediately. As soon as we get that back with your signature, we can send off the shipment.

Ju.: OK. That sounds fine. Thanks, Jean.

J.: My pleasure, Junko. Bye.

Ju.: Bye.

Placing the First Order

J. – Jean, A. – Alex

A.: Phone Europe. Alex Beck speaking.

J.: Hello, Alex. It’s Jean Duban at TEGID in Lyon. I’ve just received your message.

A.: Hi, Jean. Yes, thanks for getting back to me. As I said in my message, we are ready to place our first order under the frame contract.

J.: That’s great, Alex. Let me just find a pen so I can write this down. OK, go ahead.

A.: OK, we’d like to have 13,000 extension leads.

J.: Sorry, Alex. Did you say 13,000 or 30,000?

A.: Thirteen. One three.

J.: OK, 13,000. Yes, that will be fine. Obviously we need to talk about the delivery date. If I remember correctly, we promised we would deliver that quantity within two months.

A.: Yes, that’s correct.

J.: Good. I know our production unit is ready so I’ll pass the order on to them. But you will email us the form as required, right?

A.: Of course. I’ll email it to you straight away.

J.: That’s great, Alex. I’ll be in touch to let you know how things are going.

A.: Thanks, Jean. Have a nice day.

J.: You too, Alex. Bye.

Cancelling an Order

C. – Customer, S. – Supplier

C.: I’m calling about the sales invoice I’ve just received from you – for 50 car CD players.

S.: OK, what’s the problem?

C.: Well, there seems to have been a misunderstanding. I haven’t actually placed an order for them.

S.: Sorry, I don’t follow you.

C.: Well, when I called your office last week, I was just making enquiries about the players – prices, availability …

S.: Are you saying you don’t want them? My assistant told me you needed them urgently. We’ve packed them and we’re just about to send them off to you.

C.: I’m sorry. To be honest, I was getting quotes from several suppliers. If I’d wanted to place a firm order, I’d have given you written confirmation. Your assistant was a bit too hasty, I’m afraid.

S.: OK, well, I suppose we’d better cancel the order then. I take it you don’t want the CD players.

C.: I’m afraid not. We’ve ordered them from another source this time. I’m sorry if this has caused you any inconvenience.

S.: Don’t worry. I’ll have a word with my assistant, I don’t want him to make the same mistake again.

C.: Yes, I think you should do that. Well, goodbye for now.

IV. Read and translate the text:

Confusing Order

A milkman, while on his rounds one morning, found the following note from a customer:

“Dear Milkman:

We don’t want milk every day. We want milk like this: Today we want milk. Tomorrow we don’t. And the next day will be just like the day before the day after tomorrow.

Mrs. Jones”


IV. Acknowledgments


Replies to Orders

When an order is received, it is customary for the seller to send the buyer a written acknowledgment. The acknowledgment of an order placed on the basis of a firm offer, in good time, and without any qualifications, is sent merely "for order's sake", as a final confirmation of a contract already in existence. In all cases where the seller is free to accept or refuse the buyer's order, the acknowledgment constitutes the seller's formal acceptance of the order, which results in a contract between buyer and seller.

Occasionally, however, a supplier is compelled to refuse an order. Perhaps the buyer's terms are not acceptable, the goods ordered are no longer manufactured or carried in stock, or the firm which placed the order is known to be financially embarrassed. Manufacturers selling through agents or dealers often have to refuse orders received at the factory.



Acknowledgments of orders may be either letters or printed forms. In his acknowledgment, the supplier thanks the customer for his order and informs him of the date on which the goods will be delivered. In the case of immediate delivery, the acknowledgment includes an advice of dispatch. If the order is incomplete or not clear, the supplier asks the customer to furnish further details or to specify his wishes. The acknowledgment may also contain a request for references or credit information.

In order to avoid misunderstandings, it is often advisable to repeat in the acknowledgment the most important points of the order. The acknowledgment may also be a detailed confirmation of the sale concluded (sales note, contract note). Sometimes the seller sends the buyer a contract in duplicate and asks him to return one copy with his signature.

Terms and phrases

a. Acknowledgment of Orders Подтверждение заказа
We thank you for your order, which we acknowledge as follows:... Мы благодарим Вас за заказ, который мы подтверждаем следующим образом: …
Your order has been put in hand, and we shall do our best to have the goods ready by the end of next week. Ваш заказ передан для исполнения, и мы приложим все усилия, чтобы подготовить товары к концу следующей недели.
We shall do our utmost to expedite the completion of your order. Мы сделаем всё возможное, чтобы ускорить завершение Вашего заказа.
We shall notify your forwarding agent as soon as the consignment is ready for collection. Мы уведомим Вашего экспедитора, как только посылка будет готова к тому, чтобы её забрали.
We assure you that your instructions will be carefully observed. Мы уверяeм Вас, что Ваши инструкции будут тщательно соблюдаться.
Special care will be devoted to the execution of your order. Особое внимание будет уделено исполнению Вашего заказа.
We hope that this first order will lead to further business. Мы надеемся, что этот первый заказ приведёт к дальнейшим деловым отношениям.
… represents the first step in the establishment of (marks the commencement of, is the beginning of) a long and mutually beneficial business relationship. …. представляет собой первый шаг в установлении долгих и взаимовыгодных отношений.
We trust that we may have the pleasure of serving you again soon. Мы надеемся, что вскоре снова будем иметь удовольствие оказать Вам услугу.
We should be glad if you availed yourselves of our services in the event of further requirements. Мы были бы рады, если бы Вы, в случае дальнейшей необходимости, воспользовались бы снова нашими услугами.
b. Refusal of Orders - Counter-Offers Отказ от заказов, контрпредложения
We regret being unable to supply the goods ordered. Мы сожалеем о том, что не можем поставить заказанные товары.
We must ask you to excuse us from accepting your order. Мы должны попросить Вашего извинения за невозможность принять Ваш заказ.
We cannot execute your order at the prices stipulated. Мы не можем выполнить Ваш заказ по указанным Вами ценам.
As we cannot supply our motor scooters direct from the factory, we refer you to…, our authorized dealers in your area. Поскольку мы не можем поставлять наши мотороллеры прямо с фабрики, мы направляем Вас к …, нашим дилерам в Вашем регионе.
We have passed your order on to our agents. Мы передали Ваш заказ нашим агентам.
We no longer stock this item. Мы не занимаемся больше этим товаром.
These sizes are no longer available. Этих размеров нет больше в наличии.
We are out of these blouses. Эти блузки закончились.
These blouses are out of stock. Этих блузок на складе нет.
Our stock have been sold out (have been cleared, are depleted, are exhausted). Наш запас на складе исчерпан.
A new supply will not be available until … Новой поставки не будет до … (дата).
Unless you instruct us to the contrary, shipment will be made on receipt of new supplies. До тех пор, пока Вы не дадите нам других указаний, отгрузка будет осуществляться по получении новых поставок.
For article No. 223 we could substitute articles No. 226 or No. 228, which are very similar to the quality ordered. Артикул № 223 мы могли бы заменить на артикул № 226 или № 228, которые очень схожи по качеству с заказанным артикулом.
If you raise your order to…, we shall be glad to supply the material at the price requested. Если Вы увеличите Ваш заказ до…, то мы будем рады поставить материал по желаемой цене.
The prices stated in your order have been taken from our price list of 1st January 20..., which has in the meantime been superseded by a new one. Цены, заявленные в Вашем заказе, были взяты из нашего прайс-листа от 1 января 20… года, который тем временем был заменён новым.

Specimen letters


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