I. Определите функцию Participle I в следующих предложениях. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 

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I. Определите функцию Participle I в следующих предложениях. Переведите предложения на русский язык.


1. Motor cars and airplanes burn liquid fuel producing heat which is converted into the kinetic energy of motion.

2. At an average room temperature a gas molecule travels at the tremendous rate of several hundred meters per second making more than five milliard collisions with other speeding molecules every second.

3. Being acted upon by an external force a body will change its state of rest to a state of motion.

4. While freezing water expands by about 9% of its volume.

5. Falling on a special kind of cell, a light beam can generate an electric current. The appliance using that phenomenon to produce electricity is called a photoelectric cell.

6. Being influenced by temperature and pressure, the volume of any substance is not constant.

7. Being separated from the sun by vacuum the earth receives its heat by radiation.

8. This experiment shows that the air being heated in the flask expands and shifts the drop of water.

9. Being subjected to high temperatures aluminium loses its strength rapidly.

10. The liquid passing through this pipe is gradually warmed.



1. Having alloyed copper with tin Greeks and Romans formed a new alloy called "bronze".

2. Having been heated at one end and then left to itself, a solid body eventually acquires a uniform temperature.

3. Having determined the number of amperes and volts one can find the resistance of the coil.

4. Having dried the bricks in the sun the ancient Egyptians put up four walls, and above these they placed a flat roof.

5. Having been adjusted by the operator the machine tool continued to work.

6. Having compressed dry ammonia the piston goes up again.

7. Having been heated the substance occupied every portion of the container.


II. Переведите на русский язык предложения с Participle II, предварительно определив его функцию.


1. Heat absorbed by a solid may cause the solid to melt or to change from a solid to a liquid state.

2. Liquid fuels if used in the cylinders of diesel engines produce heat.

3. If produced by friction heat is usually considered as useless work.

4. The temperature of the liquid obtained remained constant.

5. When alloyed with some other metals aluminium gets much better characteristics.

6. The machines used differed in sizes and designs.

7. The lathe described machined workpieces automatically.

8. If heated magnetized steel will lose its magnetism.

9. The energy transferred by radiation is transmitted from one place to another by waves of exactly the same nature as radio waves.


1. Numerous experiments followed by sound conclusions helped to solve the problem.

2. The formation of vapour followed by its diffusion in the atmosphere will be dealt with in the next article.

3. The data referred to in the paper is of great importance.

4. 108 is a number expressed by one followed by eight zeroes.

5. The Universal gravitation spoken about at the lecture was discovered by Newton in 1665.

6. The agreement arrived at yesterday is of great importance.

7. Bodies acted upon by some force have changed their state of rest.

8. The substance affected by a magnetic field was a metal.

9. The state of the substance influenced by temperature and pressure is taken into account.


III. Определите независимый причастный оборот в следующих предложениях и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. A gas being heated at constant pressure, work is done by the gas while expanding.

2. The temperature rising, the bodies expand, their volume increasing.

3. Friction produces heat, the heat produced by friction being considered as lost heat or useless work.

4. The name electronics is known to be derived from the word electron, the electron itself being the basic unit of negative electricity and all electric currents consisting of electrons in motion.

5. Other conditions being equal, iron will oxidize more rapidly than mercury or silver.

6. In other words, we convert the chemical energy of the fuel into heat energy, the latter being converted into mechanical and then electrical energy.

7. Iron or steel being magnetized, the molecules are moved into a new arrangement which is caused by the force used for magnetizing them.

8. With a car moving with constant velocity, the distance travelled is directly proportional to the time.

9. With the electric current passing through a wire, the heat developed will depend upon the amount of current.

10. The length of a conductor doubled, the resistance is doubled.

11. Non-ionized clean air is also considered to be a good insulator, it often being used for this purpose in electrical apparatus.


IV. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на обороты "сложное подлежащее с причастием" и "сложное дополнение с причастием".

1. As a rule, most of the non-metals are found transmitting only a negligible current; that is why they are considered as insulators.

2. Newton noticed the apple falling from a tree.

3. We consider pure germanium being a poor conductor.

4. A chemical change was shown as being accompanied by a change in temperature.

5. Early experimenters noticed many bodies becoming hot in consequence of work but could not explain this phenomenon.

6. The specific heat of a substance has been shown varying considerably with temperature.

7. Most elements have been found consisting of two or more isotopes. Thus, oxygen atoms of atomic number 8 are found having atomic weights of 16, 17, and 18.



V. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.

1. The temperatures being kept below 1000C, a heat storage tank can be constructed much cheaper.

2. Knowing that the state of a substance depends on the pressure applied, one can change a substance into the states desired varying the pressure.

3. When properly hardened steel becomes hard and strong.

4. The energy lost by the hot water is equal to the energy transferred to the cold water.

5. All metals are good conductors, silver being the best.

6. The properties described required further investigations.

7. While repairing the machine the operator found two broken parts.

8. Solid bodies offering resistance to a change in form or size exhibit the property of recovery.

9. Having established relations of independence among physical facts, modern physics tries to interpret these relations.

10. When acted upon by an external force a body will change its state of rest to a state of motion.

11. With the distorting force removed, elastic bodies exhibit the property of recovering to their original state.

12. Newton's laws of motion referred to are to be modified when speed approaches the speed of light.

13. Having become saturated the vapour may condense in the air.

14. We watched mercury expanding.

15. The fall of temperature of the hotter body was shown by experiments being equal to the rise of temperature in the other.

16. Having been seen in action the device was greatly modified.

17. Heat was considered as being an invisible weightless substance that could be transferred from one body to another.





  Simple Perfect
Active Voice asking having asked
Passive Voice being asking having been asked


Герундий – это неличная форма глагола, совпадающая с формами причастия I (Simple и Perfect) и обладающая свойствами как глагола, так и существительного. Как глагольная форма, герундий может выражать категории залога и времени, может иметь при себе прямое дополнение и определяться наречием. К именным свойствам герундия относятся следующие:

а) перед герундием может стоять предлог;

б) герундию может предшествовать существительное в общем или притяжательном падеже или притяжательное местоимение;

в) герундий может выполнять такие же синтаксические функции, что и существительное, т.е. функцию подлежащего, части сказуемого, дополнения, обстоятельства и определения.

Итак, герундий или герундиальный оборот (т.е. герундий с зависимыми словами) может выполнять в предложении следующие функции:


1. Подлежащего. В этой функции герундий переводится на русский язык отглагольным существительным или инфинитивом.


Lifting this heavy weight is impossible without necessary appliances.


2. Части сказуемого:

а) составного именного после глагола "to be" и сочетания глагола "to be" с предлогами for и against. В этой функции герундий переводится на русский язык отглагольным существительным или инфинитивом, а после предлогов for и against – придаточным предложением.

One of the effects of heat is changing a solid into liquid.

Один из результатов воздействия тепла – это превращение твердого тела в жидкость.

They are against postponing the negotiations.

Они против того, чтобы переговоры были отложены.

They are for discussing this problem as soon as possible.

Они за то, чтобы эту проблему обсудили как можно быстрее.


б) составного глагольного после глаголов, указывающих на начало, продолжение или конец процесса, а также после глаголов to like, to love, to hate, to prefer, to avoid, to enjoy и после сочетаний to be worth…, to be busy….

They have finished discussing the results of the experiment.

Они окончили обсуждать результаты эксперимента.

He likes taking part in conferences.

Ему нравится принимать участие в конференциях

It is worth entering into a contract with this company.

Стоит заключить контракт с этой компанией.

He was busy drawing up a contract.

Он был занят составлением контракта.


3. Дополнения прямого и предложного. В этой функции герундий можно переводить отглагольным существительным, инфинитивом или придаточным дополнительным предложением.

This forging press needs repairing.

Этот штамповочный пресс нуждается в ремонте.

He insisted on using these substances in the experiment.

Он настаивал на использовании этих веществ в эксперименте.

4. Обстоятельства. В этой функции перед герундием всегда стоит предлог: in – при, во время, в процессе; on – после, по; by – при помощи, посредством, путем; after – после; before – до, перед; without – без…

In solving the problem he made some mistakes.

При решении (Решая) задачи он допустил несколько ошибок.

On reaching the boiling point the water temperature is no longer increased.

После достижения (Достигнув) точки кипения температура воды больше не повышается.

One can perform work by lifting a weight.

Можно совершить работу, поднимая (посредством поднятия) груза.

Gas volume can be changed without changing its temperature.

Объем газа можно изменить, не изменяя (без изменения) его температуры.


5. Определения. Определяет существительное и, как правило, вводится предлогом of (реже предлогом for). Переводится на русский язык существительным в родительном падеже, инфинитивом или придаточным предложением.

There are different methods of obtaining forgings.

Существуют различные методы получения штамповок.

Energy is defined as capacity for doing work.

Энергия определяется как способность выполнять работу.

A thermometer is an instrument for measuring temperature.

Термометр –это прибор для измерения температуры.



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