Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в требуемом времени. Предложения переведите. 

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Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в требуемом времени. Предложения переведите.


1. If we had time enough, we (to repeat) our experiment.

2. Provided we not (to raise) the temperature, the pressure would not increase.

3. The measurements were always correct, provided the necessary instruments (to be used).

4. If a substance (to be heated) it will usually expand.

5. The manned spaceships might not have been launched into the cosmos unless scientists (to study) the information received from the space satellites.

6. We shall test the device if we (to get) it.

Перевод глаголов SHOULD, WOULD


    should = must You should test this device once more. Вам следует испытать этот прибор еще раз.
модальный глагол  
should     относительное будущее (future –in-the-past)
      вспомогательный глагол They knew that I should (he would) study well. Они знали, что я буду (он будет) учиться хорошо.
вспомогательный глагол Сослагательное наклонение
      Were the problem solved we should (they would) finish the tests. Если бы проблема была решена, мы (они) бы закончили испытания.
  повторность действия в прошлом The inventor would spend much time in the laboratory. Изобретатель обычно (бывало) проводил много времени в лаборатории.



1. The engineer proposed that we should test the new device at our laboratory. 2. Atom should serve peaceful purposes. 3. We answered that we should finish this work in time. 4. All the preparation should be completed in a week. 5. Since the Moon is much less massive than our globe we shouldn't weigh so much there. 6. We were said that we should carry out this experiment under the supervision of our teacher. 7. This student would answer much better. I don't know what had happened to him today. 8. It would be desirable to finish this work as quick as possible. 9. Hundreds years ago a man dreamed that cosmos would give away its secrets. 10. Last year we would spend much time in the laboratory. 11. The instructor said that they would use this device in the experiment. 12. Were the problem solved they would finish the tests. preparation – подготовка.

Выберите перевод подчеркнутого сказуемого:

1. It is important that our Institute should continue this research. а) должен продолжать, б) продолжил бы, в) будет продолжать.

2. We were told that we should test new devices at our lab. а) должны испытать, б) испытали бы, в) будем испытывать.

3. There are problems which should be solved in co-operation with other countries. а) должны решаться, б) будут решаться, в) решались бы.

4. The engineer proposed that the new automatic line should begin operating at оnсе. а) начинает работать, б) (чтобы) начала работать, в) должна начать работать.

5. The building of this project would be impossible without modern technique. а) будет невозможно, б) было бы невозможно,
в) невозможно.

6. Were the соnstruction of the power station completed, the region would get electricity in the necessary аmount. а) получит,б) получал, в) получил бы.

Перевод слова «PROVIDED»


    Сказуемое в Past indefinite Automation provided the control of whole shops and even plants. Автоматизация обеспечила управление целыми цехами и даже заводами.  
  Определение The number of plants provided with automatic control is rapidly increasing. Число заводов, оснащенных автоматическим управлением, быстро растет.  
Provided Обстоятельство Provided with automatic control our plant will increase the output. Если наш завод будет обеспечен автоматическим управлением, он увеличит выпуск.  
    Perfect Tenses Our University has provided all the facilities necessary for successful studies and rest. Наш университет обеспечил все условия для успешной учебы и отдыха    
Часть сказуемого    
  Passive Voice Our students are provided with everything necessary for studies. Наши студенты обеспечены всем необходимым для учебы.    
  Союз Provided we use the necessary instruments, the measurements will always be correct. Если мы будем применять необходимые приборы, измерения всегда будут правильными.    



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