Exercise 23. Use exercise 22 to tell about healthy way of life. 

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Exercise 23. Use exercise 22 to tell about healthy way of life.

Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (СРС)

I.Перекладіть словосполучення: тривалість життя сприйнятливість отримувати погіршення стану передчасна смерть втома впливали вражати здоров’я справлятися зі стресом звичка   II. Дайте відповіді на питання: What are basic materials for the body growth? What can lead to serious diseases of human organism? What can help us look and feel better? What factors affect our health? Why is it necessary to handle stress reasonably?   III. Розкрийте поняття: Здоровий спосіб життя



Healthy Food

Exercise 1. Topic vocabulary:

beneficial, adj [beni'fi∫(ə)l] вигідний, корисний
break down, v [breik daun] розбиватися
carbohydrate, n [ka:bə'haidreit] вуглевод
combustion, n [kəm'bΛst∫(ə)n] окислення, горіння
complicate, v [ 'kɔmplikeit] ускладнювати
composition, n [kəmpɔ'zi∫(ə)n] склад
digest, v [dai'dƷest] перетравлювати (їжу)
enable, v [i'neibl] давати змогу
fat, n [fæt] жир
fuel, n [fj:uəl] паливо
foodstuff, n ['fu:dstΛf] продукти харчування
maintain, v [mein'tein] підтримувати,зберігати
matter, n [´mætə] речовина
repair, v [ri'pεə] відновлювати
wear out, v [´wεə ´aut] зношуватися

Exercise 2. Guess the meaning of the following words without using a dictionary:

Building, material, activity, produce, energy, constantly, mineral, salt, regulator, nature, absorb, diet, fruit, vegetable, protein, vitamin, organic, inorganic.

Exercise 3. a) Read and translate the following word combinations:

Activity: increasedactivity, mental activity, electrical activity, illegal activity, to stimulate activity

Repair: to repair easily, to try to repair, emergency repair, structural repair, vital repair, to make repair

Substance: harmful substance, poisonous substance, natural substance, pure substance, soluble substance, medicinal substance, to contain substance

Matter: complicated matter, living matter, sensitive matter, personal matter, important matter, legal matter, urgent matter

b) Make up short sentences using the above given word combinations:

Exercise 4. Read and translate the following word combinations:

Essential needs of the body, repair and growth of the tissues, extra building material, fuel supplies, essential foodstuffs, tissue activity, to produce the energy, living thing, digestive juices, blood stream, complicated compounds, plant and animal matter, to enter into the composition, saturated fat, to maintain diet.


Exercise 5. Translate into Ukrainian paying attention to Infinitives:

1. To be of use to the body foodstuffs must be digested and absorbed.

2. Other substances are necessary to enable the tissues to use the building materials.

3. Fuel is required to maintain the heat at which the individual exists.

4. Extra building material is required to build up the new tissue.

5. N.I.Pirogov was the first to use ether as anesthesia during operations.

6. To identify the virus serologic tests were made.

Exercise 6. Read and translate the text:


Foodis one of the essential needs of the body. All food is made up of nutrients which our bodies use. Substances which can serve as food for the body are those which it can use either as fuel for combustion, building material for the repair and growth of the tissues, and regulators of body activity. Fuel is required to produce the energy for the activities of every living thing and to maintain the heat at which the individual exists. Building materials are necessary to repair the body tissues, since they are constantly active and being worn out by their activities; in addition, in infants and children, extra building material is required to build up the new tissues needed for the processes of growth. Fuel supplies and building materials alone are, however, not enough. The vitamins and certain salts act as regulators of tissue activity.

There are six essential foodstuffs with which the body must be constantly supplied through the foods that we eat. These are:

1. Proteins.

2. Carbohydrates— i.e., starch and sugar.

3. Fats.

4. Water.

5. Mineral salts.

6. Vitamins.

Table of Foodstuffs, showing their Uses.

Body Builders Fuel Foods Regulators
Proteins Carbohydrates Vitamins
Water Fats Salts
Salts Proteins  

To be of use to the body these foodstuffs must be digested and absorbed. Food must therefore be of such a nature that it can be digested— i.e., broken down by digestive juices into substances that can pass into the blood stream, and be carried to the various tissues for their use. Proteins, carbohydrates and fats are complicated compounds found in plant and animal matter, and require digestion. Water and mineral salts are simple inorganic substances; they can be absorbed, therefore, without digestion, they enter into the composition of all animal and plant matter. In fact, all living matter consists largely of water. The inorganic salts, absorbed from the soil or water, are built up by living things into organic salts.

Healthy food is food considered to be beneficial to health.

The goal of healthy eating is to develop a diet that you can maintain for life, not just a few weeks or months.

Finally, there are three main messages to follow for healthy eating: First, we should eat less fat, particularly saturated fat. Secondly, we are to cut down on sugar and salt. Thirdly, we must eat more fresh fruit and vegetables.

Exercise 7. Answer the questions:

1. What is our food made up of?

2. What are the main functions of the food substances?

3. How many essential foodstuffs are there that are supplied through the foods?

4. What substances are used as body builders?

5. What substances are used as fuel foods?

6. What substances are used as regulators of body activity?

7. What are three main rules for healthy eating?

Exercise 8.

а) Form nouns using the suffix –TH, translate the new words:

Model: Deep(глибокий) →depth (глибина)

long, true, wide, strong, grow, warm

b) Form nouns with the meaning instrument of action using suffixes -ег(-ог). Translate them:

Model: regulate (регулювати) → regulator (регулятор)

Sterilize, elevate, inhale, dilate, irrigate, transform, stimulate, time


Exercise 9. Exclude the unnecessary word from the logical sequence:

1. a) protein 2. a) heat 3. a) blood 4. a) water

b) fat b) warmth b) lymph b) hydrogen

c) carbohydrate c) coolness c) oil c) oxygen

d) hemoglobin d) refrigeration d) gastric juice d) carbon dioxide


Exercise 10. Give English equivalents of the following word combinations:

Здорове харчування, складні сполуки, нова тканина, насичені жири, процес росту, постачання палива, діяльність усіх живих істот, поживні речовини, проста, неорганічна речовина, відновлення тканини, будівельний матеріал, необхідні продукти харчування.


Exercise 11.Read and translate the information given below. You can use a dictionary. Be ready to use it in the story of your own:

Сarbohydrate is any one of a large group of compounds, including the sugars and starch that contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Carbohydrates are important as a source of energy: they are manufactured by plants and obtained by animals and man from the diet, being one of the three main constituents of food. All carbohydrates are eventually broken down in the body to the simple sugar glucose, which can then take part in energy-producing metabolic processes. Excess carbohydrate, not immediately required by the body, is stored in the liver and muscles in the form of glycogen. In plants carbohydrates are important structural materials (e.g. cellulose) and storage products (commonly in the form of starch).

Fat isa substance that contains one or more fatty acids (in the form of triglycerides) and is the principal form in which energy is stored by the body (in adipose tissue). It also serves as an insulating material beneath the skin (in the subcutaneous tissue) and around certain organs (including the kidneys). Fat is one of the three main constituents of food; it is necessary in the diet to provide an adequate supply of essential fatty acids and for the efficient absorption of fat-soluble vitamins from the intestine. Excessive deposition of fat in the body leads to 'obesity.

Protein isone of a group of organic compounds of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen (sulphur and phosphorus may also be present). The protein molecule is a complex structure made up of one or more chains of amino acids, which are linked by peptide bonds. Proteins are essential constituents of the body; they form the structural material of muscles, tissues, organs, etc., and are equally important as regulators of function, as enzymes and hormones. Proteins are synthesized in the body from their constituent amino acids, which are obtained from the digestion of protein in the diet. Excess protein, not required by the body, can be converted into glucose and used as an energy source.


Exercise 12. Match the terms with their explanation:

1. starch 2. tissue 3. vitamin 4. absorption 5. digestion 6. glucose a) a collection of cells specialized to perform a particular function; b) the uptake of fluids or other substances by the tissues of the body; c) the process in which ingested food is broken down in the alimentary canal; d) a simple sugar containing six carbon atoms, it is an important source of energy; e) any of a group of substances that are required in very small amounts for healthy growth and development; f) a white odorless tasteless granular or powdery complex carbohydrate.


Exercise 13. Put each of the following words into its correct position in the passage below:

Animals bowl chopsticks daily

Die energy European grow

Healthy knives left man

Mouth people plants plates

Play spoons


Food is one of our most important... needs. It gives us... to work and.... It makes us grow, and keeps our bodies strong and.... Without food, we.... All living things – plants,... and man - need food to live and.... But only... make their own food. They also provide food for animals and....

Customs influence the ways... eat. Most Americans and... eat from individual... using..., fork, and.... Arabs use only their... hands to spoon foods from a central.... Chinese and Japanese use... to pick up food from a small bowl held close to the....


Exercise 14. Match the words with their antonyms in the text:

Word Antonym
to waste  
at first  

Exercise 15. Make the following sentences negative:

1. Cold storage foods lose little of their nutritive qualities.

2. Fat also serves as an insulating material around certain organs (including the kidneys).

3. Canned food may be stored for long periods at the room temperature.

4. Food poisoning is most common during the summer months.

5. Milk lacks iron and other minerals essential to the diet.

6. Food preservation has now become an exact science.

Exercise 16. Translate the sentences having different forms of Participles:

1. Excess carbohydrate, not immediately required by the body, is stored in the liver and muscles in the form of glycogen

2. The circulating volume of the blood depends on the changes in the air temperature.

3. Excess protein, not required by the body, can be converted into glucose and used as an energy source.

4. The inorganic salts, absorbed from the soil or water, are built up by living things into organic salts.

5. The protein molecule is a complex structure made up of one or more chains of amino acids.

6. While eating food is broken down by digestive juices into substances.

7. Proteins, carbohydrates and fats are complicated compounds found in plant and animal matter.

Exercise 17. Change the sentences using the Passive voice:

Model: Amino acids synthesizedproteins in the body.→ Proteins are synthesized in the body by amino acids.

1. A high concentration of salt or sugar will check the growth of many bacteria.

2. Milk may transmit infection from animals to man.

3. Special enzymes convert proteins into simple amino acids so that the body can use them.

4. Many amino acids linked together make proteins.

5. A lot of people use herbs as food.

6. Plants form the base of the natural food chain.


Exercise 18. Open the brackets using correct form of the verb. Translate the sentences:

1. The diet (to be) the daily ration of foods required by the individual.

2. A well-balanced diet (should, to contain) the foodstuffs roughly in the following proportions: 1 part protein, 1 part fat to 4 parts of carbohydrates.

3. The amount of carbohydrate required (to depend) on the energy output.

4. A man doing heavy work (to require) more carbohydrates than a sedentary worker.

5. It (to be) also essential that the food (should, to contain) cellulose. It is indigestable and therefore (to remain) in the bowels and (to stimulate) it to empty.

6. The value of foods (to calculate) by the amount of heat which they (to give) on combustion.

7. The heat (to measure) in calories.

8. The caloric value of a normal diet (should, to be) 3,000 to 3,300 calories per day.

9. The caloric value required by the individual (to affect) by age, exercise, sex, weight and build, climate and weather, temperament.

Exercise 19. Put questions to the underlined words:

1. There are six essential foodstuffs.

2. Fuel is required to produce the energy for the body activity.

3. The vitamins and certain salts act as regulators of tissue activity.

4. The infants and children require extra building material for the process of growth.

5. We should eat less fat.


Exercise 20. Fill in prepositions where necessary:

1. Glucose occurs... many fruits and is present... the blood... animals.

2. Hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen are... the most common.

3. Some vegetable foods are very rich... proteins.

4. The condensation... amino acids leads... building... proteins.

5. Proteins are separated... groups based chiefly... physical properties.

6. The granules of starch can be recognized... a microscope, … the iodine test.

7. Fructose is produced directly... photosynthesis.


Exercise 21. Speak about fats, proteins and carbohydrates using the phrases:

It is essential…

It includes…

It provides…

It is complicated compounds…



Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (СРС)

I. Перекладіть словосполучення: необхідні продукти харчування відновити тканини тіла складні сполуки перетравлення (їжі) травний сік вуглевод поживна речовина насичені жири здорове харчування будівельний матеріал   II. Дайте відповіді на питання: What are the main functions of the food substances? What substances are used as body builders? What substances are used as fuel foods? What substances are used as regulators of body activity? What are three main rules for healthy eating?   III. Розкрийте поняття: Вуглеводи Жири Білки


English-Ukrainian Glossary


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