Lesson 33. Infectious Diseases 

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Lesson 33. Infectious Diseases

Ex.1. Read and memorize the words:

cold — застуда;

quinsy — ангіна;

pneumonia — запалення легенів;

flu (influenza) — грип;

measles — кір;

scarlet fever — скарлатина;

tuberculosis (TB) — туберкульоз;

ulcer — виразка;

rickets — рахіт;

typhoid — черевний тиф;

flushed — почервонілий; pneumonia — запалення

delirium — марення; легенів;


Ex.2. Read the texts:


Pneumonia begins suddenly. In most cases temperature rises quickly. The pulse rate and breathing are fast. Cough begins early and, at first, is dry and painful. The patient feels ill, has flushed face and a dry tongue.

In severe cases there may be delirium. A patient with delirium is very restless and the nurse must pay special attention to them.

Patients with pneumonia need rest and sleep. The best position for a patient is semi-sitting. Fresh air is very important. These patients need a lot of liquid and a light diet.


Influenza is a very infectious disease. The disease can be mild or severe. The symptoms of influenza are: high temperature, headache and general pain. In most cases, the patient must stay in bed, be warm and drink a lot of water. The patient must stay in bed until the temperature is normal. The next two or three days he may be up for only short periods of time. After being infected with influenza patients feel weak and often depressed. As influenza is very infectious you must remember:

Never shake hands when you have a cold. Colds are communicated by contact. You should wash your hands after shaking hands with many people or people who have colds to prevent yourself from getting sick.

Ex.3. Give the English equivalents:

починається раптово; почервоніле обличчя; сухий язик; у важких випадках; легка дієта; інфекційна хвороба; залишатися в ліжку; слабкий і пригнічений; потиснути руку; передається при контакті; запобігти захворюванню.

Ex.4. Give the Ukrainian equivalents:

need rest and sleep; there may be delirium; very restless; pay special attention; need a lot of liquid and a light diet; to prevent yourself from getting sick; after being infected with influenza.

Ex.5. Say if it is true or false:

1. Pneumonia begins suddenly.

2. The pulse rate and breathing are slow.

3. Coughing is usually bad in case of pneumonia.

4. In most cases there may be delirium.

5. Fresh air is very important for patients with pneumonia.

6. Influenza is a very infectious disease.

7. Colds are not communicated by contact.

Ex.6. Answer the questions to the text:

1. What kind of diseases is pneumonia? 2. What is the pulse rate and breathing? 3. In what cases may there be delirium? 4. What is the best position for a patient? 5. What do these patients need?

Lesson 34. At the Pediatric Department

Ex.1. Read and memorize the words:

To occur — траплятись

To suffer — страждати

To be transmitted — передаватись, переходити

Scarlet fever — скарлатина

Contagious — заразний

Vomiting — блювання

Sneezing — чхання

Sore throat — запалене горло

Contaminated — забруднений, заражений

measles — кір

chickenpox — вітряна віспа

mumps — паротит

sweat rash (pricky heat) — пітниця


Ex.2. Match the words-combinations:

specialized knowledge and skills лущення шкіри

implement the nursing process збудник

child health status гостре захворювання

an acute disease спеціальні знання та вміння

require hospitalization крапельним шляхом

the causative agent стан здоров’я дитини

peeling of the skin потребують госпіталізації

droplet exposure впровадження сестринського процесу


Ex.3. Read and translate the text:

At the Pediatric Department

At the Pediatric department children who suffer from diferrent diseases are treated. Working with children is different from working with other populations because changes in child health status (стан здоров'я) occur more rapidly, children are often unable to communicate verbally. All children encounter infectious (communicable) diseases of one type to another.

Nursing care interventions include keeping the child in bed during the febrile period, encouraging fluid and soft food intake, maintaining isolation during the communicable stage, and administering antibiotics and acetaminophen as prescribed. Since most children are not hospitalized, parents, the child, and the family members must understand the illness, its communicability, treatment, and possible complications.

Pertussis (whooping cough) is a highly contagious infection. It occurs most commonly in infants under 6 month of age because they have not yet completed their immunization regimen.

Complications include pneumonia, haemorrhages, hernia, trauma of the tongue, and rectal prolapse. Pertussis immunoglobulin is recommended for children under 2 years of age or for children with severe cases.

Mumps (swelling of the parotid (привушних слинних) glands) is painful and is accompanied by fever, headache, and vomiting, which may be severe. The infection occurs most often in late winter or early spring. Patients should be isolated until the swelling has subsided.

Parents should be taught the signs and symptoms of complications so that they can seek medical treatment should complications arise.


Ex.4. Suggest the Ukrainian equivalents:

specialized knowledge and skills; child health status; abdominal pain; indirect contact; complications include; nursing interventions; maintaining strict respiratory isolation; maintaining adequate fluid and nutritional intake; provision of adequate rest.

Ex.5. Suggest the English equivalents:

хворіють на інфекційні захворювання; скарлатина; інкубаційний період; типові симптоми; сестринські втручання; можливі ускладнення; супроводжується; потребують госпіталізації; запезпечення необхідного відпочинку; дві стадії захворювання; введення антибіотиків.

Ex.6. Say if it true or false:

1. Working with children is different from working with other populations.

2. Scarlet fever is an acute disease that can occur only once.

3. The causative agent belongs to Group B streptococci.

4. The skin feels soft to the touch.

5. The disease is transmitted only through direct contact.

6. Mumps occurs most often in late winter or early spring.

7. Parents should be taught the signs and symptoms of complications.

Ex.7. Skim the text and do exercises:

Infectious diseases can pass from an infectious person to a healthy person in different ways.


Measles is a very infectious disease. The disease passes from one child to another. The first symptoms are sneezing and coughing. The disease begins with signs of a heavy cold, a running nose and a dry cough. The temperature is high and the child has a dislike of light.

Rash appears on the third or fourth day behind the ears and around the mouth, and then covers the body.

The nurse must be very careful to prevent the spread of infection. The nurse must take care of the mouth hygiene. The patient's mouth and lips must be clean and moist.

Scarlet Fever

Scarlet fever is an infectious disease. We can often see children ill with this disease, and only sometimes grown-ups.

The disease passes from one person to another through the nose and mouth. The beginning of the disease is quick. The patient has a sore throat, fever, headache, and vomits often. The face is flushed and the skin feels hot and dry. The temperature rises quickly on the first day and remains high for a few days. The rash appears on the second day. After the temperature falls the skin begins to peel. We must isolate the child with scarlet fever and put him/her in bed. When the temperature is high the nurse gives him/her a fluid diet and when the temperature falls she gives him/her nourishing food.


Ex.8. Are the sentences true or false? Correct false statements.

l. An infectious disease is a disease that you get from someone

or something.

2. Scarlet fever passes from one person to another only through the mouth.

З. Тhе rash appears in a week.

4. The nurse gives nourishing food when the temperature rises.

5. Measles begin with a cold and a bad cough.

6. The nurse must take care of the mouth hygiene.

7. The first symptom of measles is only coughing.

8. Rash covers the body.

9. The patient's mouth and lips must be clean.

10. The patient's temperature in case of measles and scarlet

fever is usually low.

Ex.9.Answer the questions.

l. What does a patient with scarlet fever have?

2. What is the temperature of a patient with scarlet fever?

3. Does skin begin to peel?

4. Must we isolate a person with scarlet fever?

5. What are the first symptoms of measles?

6. When does rash begin in case of measles?

7. How must a nurse look after a patient with measles?

8. What diet must a child with scarlet fever have?

9. What are the symptoms of measles?

СПР №18

Ex.10. Read the words and translate the text:

Hygiene — гігієна

Spreading of disease — поширення хвороби

Quarantine — карантин

Safe disposal — безпечне знищення

Medical waste — медичні відходи

Reusables — речі повторного використання

Linen — білизна

Include — включати

Tissue — паперова серветка

Generally considered — загальноприйняте

Proper — відповідний, належний


Ex.11. Match the words:

Spreading of disease паперова серветка

Quarantine загальноприйняте

Safe disposal речі повторного використання

Medical waste включати

Reusables медичні відходи

Include безпечне знищення

Tissue поширення хвороби

Generally considered карантин



Medical hygiene

Medical hygiene is related to the administration of medicine, and medical care, that prevents or minimizes disease and the spreading of disease.

Medical hygiene practices include:


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