Ex.3. Make up the plan of the text. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Ex.3. Make up the plan of the text.

Ex.4. Be ready to speak about the childbirth.


Зверніть увагу на значення різних форм інфінітива
А c t i v e Indefinite I am (always) glad to help you. Я радий (завжди) допомогти вам.
Continuous I am glad to be helping you now. Я радий, що допомагаю вам зараз.
Perfect I am glad to have helped you. Я радий, що допоміг вам.
Perfect Continuous I am glad to have been helping you since morning. Я радий, що допомагаю вам з ранку.
P a s s i v e Indefinite I am (always) glad to be helped. Я (завжди) радий, коли мені допомагають.
Perfect I am glad to have been helped. Я радий, що мені допомогли.

Функції інфінітива у реченні

Переклад інфінітива у функціях означення і обставини має певні особливості. У функції означення може вживатися форма пасивного стану.

Функція Перекладається Приклади
Підмет неозначеною формою діє­слова То study well is our duty. (Добре вчитися — наш обов’язок.)
Додаток неозначеною формою діє­слова І want to become a doctor. (Я хочу стати лікарем.)
Означення означальним підряд-ним реченням з дієсловом-присуд-ком у майбутньому часі особовою формою дієслова The question to be discussed at the conference is very important. (Пи­тання, що буде обговорюватися на конференції, дуже важливе.) Не is always the first to come here. (Він завжди приходить сюди пер­шим.)
Обставина неозначеною формою діє­слова із сполучником щоб (для того щоб) (In order) to become a doctor I entered the Medical Institute. (Для того щоб стати лікарем, я посту­пив до медичного інституту.)
Іменна частина складеного при­судка неозначеною формою діє­слова І hope to see them tonight. (Я сподіваюся побачити їх сьогодні вве­чері.) They must do it once. (Вони мусять зробити це колись.)


Ex.5.Translate into Ukrainian:

1. То save this patients life the doctors decided to perform the operation. 2. To save the patients life is necessary. 3. This man to be given first aid suffers from heart disease. 4. They want to give him first aid. 5. It is necessary to examine this man to give him first aid. The patient to be operated on was brought to the operating-room. To prevent the danger of infection the surgeons use the sterile instruments. 8. To prevent the danger of infection is very important. 9.Measures to be taken to protect the health of people are various. 10.They want to prevent the danger of infection. 11. The patients to be admitted to this department suffer from pneumonia. 12. To transfer blood from one person to another one the medical staff must have some technical skill.

Lesson 28.


Ex.1. Read and memorize the words:

preventive-cure measures — лікувально-профілактичні заходи

disorder — розлад, хвороба

progeny — потомство

pregnancy — вагітність

obstetrics — акушерство

obstetrician-gynaecologist — акушер-гінеколог­

appropriate care — належне піклування

advisory — консультативний

to provide care — виявляти піклування

availability — наявність,

ailment — хвороба

delivery — пологи

to facilitate — поліпшувати

Ex.2. Match the word combinations:

preventive-cure measures виявляти піклування

disorder вагітність

pregnancy розлад, хвороба

obstetrics пологи

obstetrician-gynaecologist належне піклування

appropriate care акушер-гінеколог­

to provide care лікувально-профілактичні заходи

delivery акушерство



Specialized medical care is given to the baby beginning with its first day of life at our in-patient and polyclinic establishments for children. A special obstetrical-gynaecological and pediatric service has been established in Ukraine.

Specialized medical establishments provide appropriate care for future mothers and newborns through diagnostic and preveniive-cure measures to help women overcome different disorders and prevent them affecting the progeny.

Women who suffer from heart defects are placed, at the time of pregnancy and during delivery, under the observation of obstetricians, therapeutists, biochemists, immunologists, hematologists.

Thanks to medical care and the availability of specific instrumentation and equipment at our hospitals, the women who suffer from such diseases go through pregnancy and delivery successfully. All mother and child health advisory centres conduct disease preven­tion and cure work.

Our medical science devotes much attention to the health of mother and child.At present there are some research institutes for pediatrics, obste­trics, gynaecology and mother and child care in Ukraine. Their research and methods of treatment help controlling infantile infectious diseases and others. Our medical institutions train many obstetricians and midwives to take care of the health of mother and child.


Ex.3. Answer the questions to the text:

1. Who provides appropriate care for future mothers and newborns? 2. Where are women who suffer from heart defects placed? 3. Thanks to what do the women who suffer from diseases go through pregnancy and delivery successfully? 4. What work do all mother and child health advisory centres conduct? 5. What do our medical science devotes much attention to? 6.What specialists take care of the health of mother and child?


Ex.4. Say if it is true or false:

1. Specialized medical establishments provide appropriate care for future mothers and newborns.

2. All mother and child health advisory centres conduct disease prevention and cure work.

3. Our medical science devotes much attention to the health of mother and child.

4. There are no research institutes for pediatrics, obstetrics, gynecology and mother and child care in Ukraine.

5. Their research and methods of treatment help controlling infectious diseases and others.

Ex.5. Give the English equivalents for:гінеколог, акушерка,пологи,потомство, хвороба, педіатрія,превентивний, здоров’я.




Іменник або займенник в об’єктному відмінку +інфінітив

Місце звороту і його функція Перекладається Приклади
Після присудка, складний додаток підрядним з’ясувальним рeченням We think this doctor to work at the hospital (Ми думаємо, що цей лікар працює в лікарні.) І know him to have invented a new device. (Я знаю, що він винайшов новий прилад.)
Зверніть увагу на те, що після слова madeінфінітив вживається без частки to: I made them work. Я змусив їх працювати.

Ex.6.Translate into Ukrainian:

1. І know her to be a very skilled teacher. 2. We believe him to have finished his scientific work. 3. We know them to read many books. 4. He thinks them to be discharged from the hospital. 5. The professor considers our students to pass the exams successfully. 6. They want this patient to be examined by the professor. 7. I know this patient to have been examined by this professor. 8. We believe him to be made a correct diagnosis. 9. We think him to be ill. 10. This doctor knows her to complain of a heart trouble. 11. They considered us to have completed our research work.

Lesson 29.

Check-up of the Patient

Ex.1. Read and memorize the words:

a check-up — обстеження;

to examine the patient — оглянути хворого;

to listen to heart and lungs — слухати серце, легені;

to X-ray — робити рентген;

to make tests — робити аналізи;

blood test — аналіз крові;

urine test — аналіз сечі;

to check the blood pressure — виміряти тиск;

to take the pulse — виміряти пульс;

scarlet fever — скарлатина

breathlessness — утруднене дихання

measles — кір

quinsy — ангіна

complaint — скарга

influenza — грип

to complain — скаржитися

pneumonia — пневмонія

to trouble — турбувати

bronchitis — бронхіт

to fall ill — захворіти

weakness -слабість

stomach — шлунок

to swallow -ковтати

headache -головний біль

cough -кашель

to feel a pain — відчувати біль

to prescribe treatment — призначати ліку­вання

to put on a sick-leave — дати бюлетень (лі­карняний лист)

to stay in bed -знаходитися в ліжку

to take drugs (medicine) -приймати ліки

to apply cupping-glasses — ставити банки

to apply mustard plasters — ставити гірчич­ники

to be X-rayed — зробити рентгенограму

to make analyses — робити аналізи

to take electrocardiogram — зробити електрокардіограму

Ex.2. Read the dialogue and translate it:
Patient: May I come in?

Doctor: Yes, you may. Sit down, please. What do you complain of?

P.: I have a bad cough and a running nose.

D.: Have you a high temperature?

P.: Yes, I have. It is 37.8°.

D.: What else troubles you?

P.: I have a sore throat and a bad cough.

D.: Is it painful to swallow?

P.: Yes, it is.

D.: What about your headache?

P.: I have a splitting headache.

D.: Does your heart trouble you?

P.: Yes, it does.

D.: Have you any other complaints?

P.: No, I have not.

D.: Please, tell me when did you fall ill?

P.: I fell ill three days ago.

D.: What first signs did you notice?

P.: Weakness and a headache.

D.: Were you consulted by any doctor?

P.: No, I was not.

D.: What diseases did you have in your childhood?

P.: I had scarlet fever and measles.

D.: Now I want to examine you. Take off your shirt and come here.

D: First of all take your temperature, please.

P: All right. D.: What is your temperature?

P.: My temperature is 37.8°.

D.: Let me examine you. Open your mouth and say "Ah", please. Show me your throat. Oh, your tongue is thickly coated and your tonsils are swollen and red. Now strip to the waist, please. I'll examine your heart and lungs Breathe deeply. Now don't breathe. There are rales in your lungs. Have you a bad cough?

P.; Yes, I have.

D.: Turn round, please. The borders of your heart are dilated and there is murmur in your heart. Let me palpate you now. Lie down on the coach. I'll check your liver. Do you feel any pain in your abdomen?

P.: Yes, I do.

D.: Show me where have you pain. Is it painful here?

P.: Yes, it is.

D.: Now you may stand up. Dress and sit down. Let me measure your blood pressure. It is normal. I suppose you have pneumonia. I'll put you on a sick-leave and prescribe you some treatment.

P: What must I do?

D.: Listen to me attentively. Take these drugs. This mixture is for your cough. These tablets are for your headache. These drops are for the heart trouble. Take these drugs three times a day.

P.: Must I stay in bed?

D.: Yes, you must. Apply cupping-glasses and mustard plasters every other day before going to bed. Take hot tea with raspberry jam. Gargle you throat several times a day. You must make the analyses of blood and urine. Your lungs should be X-rayed. Besides it's necessary to take electrocardiogram.

P.: Well, doctor. I'll fulfill all your prescriptions.


Ex.3. Pick up the Ukrainian equivalents to the English word-combinations:

to be in good health, to restore one's health, to build up one's health, to be in poor (bad) health, to protect one's health, to injure one's health;

поправити здоров'я, охороняти здоров'я, бути здоровим, бути хворим (нездоровим), відновлювати здоров'я, завдати шкоди здо­ров'ю.


Ex.4. Fill In the blanks with the suitable words: ill, to be taken ill, sick, to feel sick:

1. When people are... and have a high temperature we say they are in a high fever. 2. The nurse gave the medicine to the... man who sat up in bed to take it. 3. When I go on board a ship or a boat, I.... 4. He was suddenly.... 5. There's nothing pleasant than being... when you are away from home.


Ex.5. Translate the following sentences:

1. First of ail I shall prescribe you some drugs.

2. This mixture is for your cough.

3. I'll put you on a sick-leave.

4. Gargle your throat several times.

5. Apply cupping-glasses and mustard plasters on your back.

6. Your lungs should be X-rayed.

Ex.6. Carry out the following exercises and memorize the doctor's instructions:

a) Read the doctor's instructions to his patient:

1. Stay in your bed for some days.

2. Apply mustard plasters andcupping-glasses.

3. Gargle your throat.

4. Take hot tea with raspberry jam.

b) Give instructions to your patient using the verbs in the Imperative form:

1. To apply cupping-glasses every other day.

2. To take hot tea with raspberry jam.

3. To stay in your bed for 2—3 days.

4. To gargle your throat.

5. To come to me next week.


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