Узгодження часів. Непряма мова. 

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Узгодження часів. Непряма мова.

Sequence of Tenses
She livesin Kyiv (живе). I knew that she lived in Kyiv (живе). Одночасова дія
He is working (працює). I thought he was working (працює).
He has left Kyiv (виїхав). I did not know that he had left Kyiv (виїхав). Попередня дія
She losther keys (загубила ключі). I knew that she had lost her keys (загубила).
They will come in time (прийдуть). I hoped they would come in time (прийдуть). Подальша дія

Ex.4. Поставте подані речения в минулому часі.

Зверніть увагу на правило узгодження часів у головному і підрядному реченнях.

1. Tom says he will tell you the truth.

2. We think that he is joking.

3. John says he knows how I feel.

4. I can’t believe she has done it.

5. She is sure we will be glad to meet her.

6. I don’t know where she is.

7. We hope they have noticed us.

8. He doesn’t suppose she speaks so much.

9. She says she will let me know when they come.

10.I think he came by bus.

11.They are sure we will be waiting for them in the library.

СПР №11

Ex. 5. Read the words and word-combinations to the text:

Drugless therapy лікування без медикаментів

either... or або... або

side effect побічна дія

complication ускладнення

anti-allergic action антиалергійна дія

electrophoresis електрофорез

procedure процедура

resort treatment курортолікування

drinkable mineral water питна мінераль­на вода

medical muds лікувальні грязі

mineral spring мінеральне джерело

to elaborate розробляти

indication показання

contraindication протипоказання

to expand knowledge розширяти знання

professional approach професійний підхід

microwave frequency частота мікрохвиль

lupus вовчий лишай (вовчак)

female and male infertility чоловіча і жіно­ча безплідність

thyroid gland щитовидна залоза

to design розробляти


Ex. 6. Read and translate the text:



Nowadays, doctors widely use medicines to treat patients. But in a number of cases medicines may either not be quite effective or produce side effects. That explains a growing interest in methods that will have anti-allergic action.

Our doctors have designed an effective system of completing the cure at sanatoria. It comprises special physical exercises, psychotherapy, dietotherapy, and balneotherapy.

Our research institutes are doing much into health resort treatment and physiotherapy. In Myrgorod, for example, they specialize in using drinkable mineral water, in Odessa they study medicinal muds, etc.

The specialists work out the scientific foundations for health resort treatment, study the mechanisms of physical factors, define indications and contraindications for health resort treatment. Over the last few decades they have greatly expanded their knowledge about man and his diseases. The medical profession's approach to treating ill­nesses has been changing.

They use microwave-frequency electromagnetic fields to act upon endocrine glands to cure such diseases as rheumatism, female and male infertility, and bronchial asthma. By applying electromagnetic fields to the thyroid gland they can cure ulcer. This kind of treatment is much more effective than drug therapy. While drug therapy produces 50 to 60 per cent successful treatment of an ulcer, this method is nearly 75 per cent effective.


Ex. 7. Answer the following questions:

1. Are medicines widely used by our doctors? 2. What explains a growing interest to other methods of treatment? 3. What does a system of completing the cure at sanatoria comprise? 4. Does their use cut the dosage of drugs? 5. What are our research institutes doing? 6. What specific research do the institutes do for the cure at sanatoria?


Make up 5—6 questions to the second part of the text "Drugless Therapy”


Lesson 21.

Хірургічне відділення

Ex.1. Read and memorize the words and word-combinations:

operating-room — операційна

gown — халат

glove — рукавичка

surgical disease — хірургічна хвороба

hernia — грижа

duodenal ulcer — виразка дванадцятипалої кишки

anesthesia — анестезія

blood transfusion — переливання крові

to perform — виконувати, проводити, здій­снювати

tumour — пухлина

fracture — перелом

dressing — перев’язувальний матеріал

suture material — шовний матеріал

syringe — шприц

gauze — марля

perform an operation — проводити операцію, оперувати

cabinet for dressings — шафа для перев’язувального матеріалу

special device — спеціальний прилад

artificial respiration — штучне дихання

blood circulation — кровообіг

to dress wound — перев’язувати рану

gauze drain — марлевий тампон

Ex.2. Match the word combinations:

suture material марлевий тампон

perform an operation перев’язувати рану

cabinet for dressings спеціальний прилад

special device кровообіг

artificial respiration штучне дихання

blood circulation проводити операцію

to dress wound шовний матеріал

gauze drain шафа для перев’язувального матеріалу

Ex.3. Read and translate the text:


A surgical department is on the firsl floor of this hospital. One can see patients with surgical diseases, such as appendicitis, ulcer of abdomen, tumour, carbuncle, phlegmon, fractures and others. If the operation is necessary, the doctor performes it immediately. Operations are performed in a special operating room.

There is a large operating room in this department. Here one can see two operating-tables, instrument tables, small cabinets for suture material, dressings and instruments.

Before the operation the nurses prepare surgical instruments fol­lowing the rules of aseptic. After sterilizing them they put the instru­ments on a special table covering them with sterile material.

There are different instruments here: scalpels, syringes, surgical needles, scissors, wound clips, pincettes and sterilizing drums.

Before the operation the surgeon and his assistants wash their hands according to the rules of surgery and put on the sterilized overalls, caps and special face masks on their mouths.

The patient is put on an operating-table and is covered with a steri­lized cloth, Then a doctor or an assistant begins to give the patient narcosis. When the patient has fallen asleep the surgeon disinfects the skin of the region to be operated on and begins to perform the operation. One assistant helps the surgeon during the operations Other assistants listen to the heart, feel the pulse and look at the pupils. They use dif­ferent ways of controlling the patient's condition.

During the operation special devices are used for artificial respi­ration and blood circulation.

After the operation special care and attention is paid to the patient. The surgeon prescribes him definite medicine and diet.

Every day the surgeon examines the patients, dresses their wounds and introduces fresh gauze drains into them. He listens to the patients' lungs and hearts, tests their abdomens and others.

The surgeon prescribes the patients proper treatment. Many patients are doing well. Some patients are in their bad condition. The doctors and nurses pay much attention to them.


Ex.4. Answer the following questions to the text:

1. Where is the surgical department? 2 What are the surgical diseases? 3. What is there in the operating theatre? 4. What do the nurses do before the operation? 5. What instruments do they put on a special table? 6. What does the surgeon do before the operation? 7. When does the surgeon begin to perform the operation? 8. What do the assistants do during the operation? 9. What kind of devices are used during the operation. 10. Where is the patient moved after the operation? 11. What do the surgeon and assistants do before the operation? 12. What does the anaesthetist do before the operation? 13. Who performs the operation? 14. Who pays much attention to the patient after the operation?


Ex.5. Carry out the following exercises:

1. a) Read the sentences showing the furniture and things in the operating-room:

1. In the operating-room there are two operating-tables, instrument
tables, some medical appatuses. 2. One can see some small cabinets
for suture material, dressings and instruments here.

b) Complete the following sentences, using the necessary word-combinations:

1. In the operating-room there are....

2. Here one can see some small cabinets....

2. a) Read the sentences describing the patients who suffer from
surgical diseases:

1. In this department there are patients who suffer from appendici­tis, hernia, ulcer, and other diseases.

2. One can see the patients who have fractures of bones and others.

b) Translate the following sentences:

1. У хірургічному відділенні можна бачити хворих, які мають різні хірургічні хвороби.

2. Ці хворі страждають на грижу.

3. Цей чоловік має виразку дванадцятипалої кишки, а той хворий страждає на апендицит.

3. a) Read the sentences by means of which you may describe a
surgeon's work:

1. Every day the surgeon makes the morning round.

2. He examines the patients, makes diagnosis.

3. He prescribes operations and treat­ment.

4. Many patients are operated on by this surgeon.

b) Describe some surgeon's work using the verbs in the correct form:

Every day these surgeons; (to make) the morning rounds; (to exa­mine) many patients; (to palpate) them; (to make) diagnosis; (to pre­scribe) them treatment and (to perform) many operations.

4. a ) Read the sentences describing the medical personnel's actions
in the operating-room:

Before the operation: 1. The surgeon and assistants wash their hands, put on sterile gowns, caps, masks and come into the operating-room. 2. The anaesthetist gives the patient anaesthesia.

During the operation: 1. The surgeon performs the operation. 2. The assistants help the surgeon, give the instruments and control the patient's condition.

After the operation: The doctors and nurses pay much attention to the patient.

Make up your information about your surgical department keeping the following consistency:

Description of the surgical department; furniture and things in the operating-room; patients of the surgical department; your surgeon's work; your medical personnel's actions.



both... and — як... так і

either... or — або... або

neither... nor — ні... ні

not only... but also —не тільки... але й


Ex.6. Перекладіть речення, звертаючи увагу на парні сполучники:
1. Both his brother and sister are the students of our institute.

2. He is either a therapeutist or a surgeon. 3. He has neither sisters nor brothers. 4. He had not only high temperature but also some other symptoms. 5. They have neither a sufficient material basis nor enough medical personnel. 6. They cultivate both the vegetables and fruit. 7. He is either at the office or at the laboratory. 8. They are neither here nor there. 9. He is not only a skilled specialist but also a clever man.


as... as так само як; такий самий... як

as soon as як тільки

as far as до; так далеко, як

as long as до тих пір, поки

as much as (стільки) скільки

as well as також; як і...

so... as такий як

Ex.7. Перекладіть речення українською мовою, звертаючи увагу на складені сполучники:

1. І get up as early as you do. 2. He will do it as soon as he comes home. 3. As long as you insist on this term, we shall not do this task. 4. They try to do as much as they can. 5. She knows English as well as her sister. 6. Summer in England is not so hot as it is on the continent. 7. The English language is not so difficult as German. 8. This girl is as beautiful as her mother. 9. They are as busy as during the aca­demic year. 10. There are not so many cars and busses in this street as in the centre of the city.

Lesson 22.


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