Standart health examination record 

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Standart health examination record

Date / /

Name ………………………………... …………………………………….

last first

Age ………………………………….

Sex …………………………………..

Address ……………………………...




Have you had any problems with


Frequent colds …………………….

Frequent sore throats ………………

Allergies …………………………

Operations …………………………

Stomach upsets ……………………

Convulsions ……………………….

Diabetes ……………………………

High blood pressure ……………….

Bad headaches …………………….


Chicken pox ……………………….

Measles ……………………………

Mumps …………………………….

Scarlet fever ……………………….

Other ………………………………

List of medications you are now taking ……………..

Allergies to medications …………………………….


Lesson 18.

Біль. Анестезія

Ex. 1. Read and memorize the words



головний біль, — headache,

гризучий біль — gnawing pain

жагучий біль — burning pain

зубний біль — toothache

іррадіюючий біль — radiating /referred /extending pain

колючий біль — piercing /stabbing pain

сильний біль — troublesome /excruciating pain

невралгічний біль — neuralgic pain

нестерпний біль — unbearable pain

постійний / безперервний біль — constant /persistent /continuous pain

пульсуючий біль — throbbing pain

різкий біль — sharp pain

стискуючий біль — tightening /pressing pain

сильний біль — severe / intense /violent /bad pain

слабкий біль — slight pain

стійкий біль — steady /lasting pain

стріляючий біль — shooting pain

тупий біль — dull pain

довгочасний тупий біль — long-standing dull pain

фантомний біль — phantom limb pain

біль в грудях — chest pain

біль в животі — stomach ache

біль в попереку — back pain

біль в суглобах — joint pain, arthralgia

несподіваний (поступовий) початок болю — sudden (gradual) onset of pain

загострення (посилення) болю — exacerbation of pain, increased pain

приступ болю — episode attack of pain, occurance of pain

боліти, мати біль — to hurt, to have pain, to be painful

мучитися від болю — to suffer from pain, to have excrusating pain

починатися (про біль) — to start, to occur, to come on (of pain)

полегшувати біль — to relieve /allay/ alleviate /mitigate pain

терпіти біль — to bear /endure /stand pain

посилюватися (про біль) — to increase, to worsen, to precipitate (of pain)

відчувати біль — to feel /have /experience pain

Що зазвичай викликає біль? — What usually causes the pain?

Який у вас біль? Постійний (приступоподібний, сильний, слабкий, гострий, тупий)? — What kind of pain do you have? Is it constant (severe, slight, sharp, dull)?

Куди віддає біль? В який бік, вверх, вниз, в руку (ногу, плече)? — Where does the pain radiate to? To which side, flank, upwards, downwards, into the arm (leg, shoulder)?

Що полегшує біль? — What relieves the pain?

Ex. 2. Translate the text:



There is no adequate stimuli for pain; any form of stimulus evokes pain if sufficiently strong. Pain is the most primitive and one of the most important of all sensations. It is generally held that the free nerve endings of small myelinated fibres which do not end in specialized anatomic structures constitute the receptors for pain. They are the most widely distributed receptors in the body, being found in the skin, cornea, blood vessels and most viscera.

Pain can be relieved by reducing the irritability of the nerve as by compression, cold, drugs or by reducing the sensitivity of the cerebral cells, as in general anaesthesia.

Pain can be elicited by stimulating a nerve fibre at any point along its course, but the sensation is always referred, or projected, to the endings of the nerve.

Pain cannot always be definitely localized, especially when it is severe and of long duration, the sensation then seems to spread to neighbouring parts.

Answer the questions:

1. How can the pain be relieved? 2. Can pain be localized? 3. Where are receptors for pain distributed? 4. Can pain always be localized? 5. What are the most widely distributed receptors in the body? 6. Where can these receptors be found?


The doctor said (that) - he examined (оглядає) the patients every day. - he had examined (оглядав) these patients. - he would examine (буде оглядати) the patients in this room.

Ex. 3. Враховуючи правило узгодження часів, перекладіть речення українською мовою:

1. The student said that this group studied in the chemical labora­tory twice a week. 2. He said that their group had studied here. 3. We knew that she had lived in the village. 4. She said that he lived in Kyiv. 5. Petro did not know that he would work at this depart­ment. 6. Yesterday my friend said to me he had a medical dictionary and he would translate the text with its help. 7. The nurse said she had already given the medicines to those patients. 8. We knew that this doctor had visited the patients and prescribed them the treatment.


Ex. 4. Перекладіть другу частину речення англійською мовою:

The surgeon said that він часто робить операції. він зробив багато операцій. він буде робити багато операцій. (to perform operations)
He told us that вони вже застосували цей метод. вони будуть застосовувати цей метод. вони застосовують цей метод. (to use this method)
We knew that   він (є) видатний вчений. він був видатним ученим. він буде видатним ученим. (to be a prominent scientist)

Lesson 19.

Предмети догляду за хворими

Ex. 1. Read the words and translate the text.

identical — однаковий

to react — реагувати

own — власний

to be under special care — бути під особливим наглядом

observation — нагляд

N ursing

Every medical worker must remember that there are no two identical people and that every patient will react to illness in his own way.

That’s why the doctors and nurses look for new methods and medicines every day.

If a nurse gives a patient a new medicine this patient is under special care of the doctor and the nurse.

The observations of the nurse are very important because they can give very important information. It will help the doctor to diagnose and treat the patient.

Ex. 2. Read and memorize the words.

air-ring — надувний круг

to give an air-ring to a bed patient —

bed-pan — судно

to give a bed-pan to a bed-patient

to take away (забрати) a bed-pan from a bed-patient

compress — компрес

to put a cold (hot) compress on…

cups — банки

to put cups on the back (chest)

dropping bottle — крапельниця

to drop

drops — краплі

enema — клізма

to give a warm enema

to give a cleansing (очищувальна) enema

to give a medicinal (лікувальна) enema

feeding-cup — напувальник

to give a feeding-cup of milk (tea, water, soup) to a bed-patient

hot-water bag (bottle) — грілка

to fill a hot-water bag with…

to put a hot-water bag on…

to change water in the hot-water bag

ice-bag — міхур з льодом

to put an ice-bag on…

to change ice in the ice-bag

wheel chair — інвалідний візок

to take a patient in a wheel chair into a ward

pipette — піпетка

to pipette

mustard plasters — гірчичники

to put mustard plasters on the back (chest, heart, neck)

scissors — ножиці

to cat a bandage with scissors

soap — мило

a piece of soap

sticking plaster — лейкопластир

syringe — шприц

to sterilize a syringe

to assemble (disassemble) a syringe

thermometer — термометр

to put a thermometer

to take a thermometer out

to read a thermometer

to shake a thermometer

basin — миска

to bring a basin to a bed-patient for washing

sponge — губка

stretcher — ноші

to be on a stretcher

to carry a patient on a stretcher

to be sure — бути певним

to substitute — заміняти

to address — звертатися

to be mistaken — помилятися

beyond the reach of children — так, щоб дитина не могла достати

label — етикетка

Ex. 3. When you give medicine:

1. Wash your hands.

2. Read carefully the doctor’s instructions. Be sure of the drug, dose, time, method of giving.

3. Don’t substitute one drug for another.

4. Address patients by name not to be mistaken.

5. If you made a mistake tell the doctor at once.

6. Keep all medicines beyond the reach of children.



1. read the order of the doctor before you give medicines.

2. if you make a mistake in your work you must tell the doctor about it at once.

3. do not be rude when you speak with patients.

4. learn to control your feelings. When you are angry — count to a hundred (100).

5. don’t gossip about your patients.

6. never say the word “incurable” (невиліковний).


Lesson 20.

Альтернативна медицина

Ex. 1. Read the words and word-combinations to the text:

acupuncture — голковколю­вання, акупунктура

invaluable experience — неоціненний досвід

needle — голка

to be convinced — бути переконаним

to intend намірятися, мати намір

to replace заміняти

to be compatible бути поєднаним, суміс­ним

to reduce зменшувати

advantage перевага

horrible ailments тяжкі недуги (хвороби)

harmful шкідливий

allergy алергія

widespread широко розпо­всюджений

to strive добиватися, боротися

merely просто, тільки

to substitute заміняти

acute and protracted pain гострий і три­валий біль

to select the appropriate

spot знайти від­повідну точку

to determine duration of needle therapy встановити тривалість голковколювальної терапії

numbness заціпеніння, нечут­ливість; задубіння

to simplify monitoring спрощувати конт­роль

rarely рідко

Ex. 2. Read and translate the text:



Part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture has been practised in China for around 3,500 years. However, it became widely known in the West only in the 1970s, when its use as an alternative to conventional anaesthesia received sensational press coverage. Practitioners insert fine, sterile needles intospecific points on the body as a treatment for disorders ranging from asthma to drug addiction, but most often in the West as a means of pain relief. Now one of the most well-known and most widely accepted Eastern therapies, acupuncture is increasingly practised in a simplified form by Western doctors.



At present researchers and physicians of the world show increasing interest in the ancient method of treatment by means of acupuncture. It is known that ancient oriental medicine gained invaluable experience in treating many diseases by the needle reflexotherapy method. Specialists are convinced of its effectiveness.

The folk medicine of the East should not replace classical medicine. Many of its techniques are compatible with modern methods and produce effective results given their optimal combination.

The growing interest shown in acupuncture is the possibility of reducing the need for medicine. The advantage made by the pharmaceutical chemistry helped mankind to rid itself of many horrible ailments. But the excessive use of medicine became harmful to people. Allergy to medicinal preparations became widespread.

That is why researchers and physicians began to look for new methods of regulating physiological processes in the organism. Acu­puncture was among them.

Modern medicine tries to find out how and why acupuncture relieves some patients of acute and protracted pain.

The scientists are able to select the appropriate spots of acupuncture, of which there are more than 700 on the human body, and to determine durations of needle therapy.

Acupuncture can be used to treat a strictly defined range of diseases, such as neurological and allergical pathologies, diseases of the ear, throat and nose and some other internal organs.

Acupuncture is used as a rule in combination with other types of treatments and rather rarely in the pure form.

Today acupuncture is practised at medical centres in many cities and villages.


Ex. 3. Answer the following questions:

1. Why do researchers and physicians all over the world show in­creasing interest in the ancient method of treatment by means of acu­puncture?

2. Are many of the techniques of folk medicine of the East compatible with modern methods?

3. What did the advantage made by the pharmaceutical chemistry do?

4. Why did excessive use of medicine become harmful to man?

5. What does modern medicine strive for?



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