З’ясувальні речення (object clauses) 

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З’ясувальні речення (object clauses)

Не says that he wants to be a doctor.

She says she wants to be a teacher.

Ex. 8. Визначте з’ясувальні речення і перекладіть українською мо­вою:

а) 1. We know that you are a final-year student. 2. He says that he is free on his days off. 3. He thinks that he is a gifted specialist. 4. My friend says that he is fond of reading medical news. 5. We believe that he works at this hospital.

б) 1. I know they are experienced doctors. 2. We know the academic year begins in October. 3. He says he studies English regularly. 4. The students say they are attentive at the English lessons. 5. We know this patient will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow.




The man who was here is a doctor.
The book which (that) (that) you gave me is interesting.


Ex. 9. Визначте означальні речення і перекладіть їх українською мовою:

1. The problem at which we are working now is very complicated. 2. The doctor whom you wanted to see has come. 3. The book that you are reading was translated into Ukrainian. 4. Tell us about the city which you had visited. 5. The teacher will check the work which we are doing now. 6. His brother who works in a village hospital graduated from our College last year.



Ex. 1. Read the words and translate the text:

Alms-houses — богодільня

Physician — лікар

Detachment — загін

To train — готувати, тренувати

Valuable contribution — цінний внесок

Huge — величезний


The history of medicine in Ukraine begins with the history of folk medicine.

The first medical hospitals in Kyiv Rus were founded in the 11th century and were mostly in the form of alms-houses attached to churches.

In the 14th and 15th centuries new hospitals were built and many physicians gave the first aid to the inhabitants of Ukraine.

As the number of physicians was inadequate some medical schools which trained specialists were opened. Kyiv Academy was founded in 1632. It played a prominent role in the development of the Ukrainian medicine.. Many former students of this Academy have become the well-known scientists. They are the epidemiologist D. S. Samoilovych, the obstetrician N. M. Ambodyk-Maximovych, the pediatrist S. F. Chotovytsky, the anatomist О. M. Shumlyansky and many others.

At the end of the 18th and during the 19th centuries the medical departments were formed at the Universities of Kharkiv, Kyiv, Lviv and Odesa. The total number of physicians increased in Ukraine. The medicine of Zemstvo was widely used at that time.

During the Crimean War (1854—1856), upon Pirogov's initiative the first detachment of nurses was trained and sent to Sevastopol to help its defenders.

In 1886 the first bacteriological station was organized in Odesa which was of great importance in the development of microbiology and epidemiology. The famous scientists I. I. Mechnikov and M. F. Gamaliya worked at this stationss.Many outstanding scientists worked in Ukraine. It is known that the brilliant scientist M. I. Pirogov and his followers, as V. 0. Karavayev, 0. F. Shimanovsky, M. V. Sklifosovsky,D.K.Zabolotny and others made valuable contribution in the Ukrainian medicine.

The famous scientists V. P. Obraztsov and M. D. Strazhesko were founders of Kyiv therapeutist' school. They made a huge progress in the field of cardiology. Much was done in the treatment of many eye diseases by the prominent scientist, academician V. P. Filatov who founded the Institute of Eye diseases in Odesa. Many other outstand­ing scientists worked in Ukraine whose names are well known in the world.

Ex. 2. Answer the questions:

1. What does the history of medicine in Ukraine begin with?

2. When were the first medical hospitals founded in Kyiv?

3. What form were the first Kyiv hospitals in?

4. When were new hospitals built?

5. Whom did many physicians give the first aid to?

6. When was Kyiv Academy founded?

7. Where did many physicians receive their doctors' degrees?

8. What former students of the Academy have become the well-known scientists?

9. What Universities were the medi­cal departments founded at?

10. What medicine was widely used at that time?

11. When was the first detachment of nurses trained?

12.When and where’ was the first bacteriological station organized?

13.Did many outstanding scientists work in Ukraine?

14.What scientists made valuable contribution in the Ukrainian medicine?

15.What scientists were founders of therapeutists' school in Kyiv?

16.Who founded the Institute of Eye diseases in Odesa?



Tenses Active Passive(to be + Past Participle)
Present The doctor examines the patients every day. The patients are examined by the doctor every day.
Past The doctor examined the patients yesterday. The patients were examinedby the doctor yesterday.
Future The doctor will examine the pa­tients tomorrow. The patients will be examined by the doctor tomorrow.

Ex. 3. Перекладіть речення українською мовою, звертаючи увагу на час і стан дієслів:

1. The laboratory equipped with, modern devices belongs to the medi­cal faculty. 2. This hospital was equipped with new devices last year. 3. The Professor taught students Biology last term. 4. At the College the
students are taught many different subjects. 5. Next year this maga­zine will publish his medical articles. 6. New methods in medicine will be published in this magazine. 7. The Professor demonstrated the new device at the last lecture. 8. New medical instruments were demonstrated by this professor. 9. This student wrote a very interesting article. 10. This textbook was written by well-known scientists. 11. These books are given to you for two days only. 12. Our teacher gives us some tests at the lesson.


Особливості перекладу речень у пасивному стані


Active Voice Passive Voice Переклад
І gave him an English book. 1. He was given an English book. 2. An English book was given (to) him. Йому дали англійську книжку.


Ex. 4. Перекладіть, звертаючи увагу на речення у пасивному стані:

1. We were shown a new medical film. 2. They were given some English textbooks. 3. He was offered to work as a head doctor. 4. They are paid twice a month. 5. The surgeon was sent for. 6. This film is much spoken about. 7. This old man was taken to the hospital at once. 8. You are asked on the telephone. 9. They were asked to take part in the conference. 10. I am often asked at the English lesson. 11. The professor will be invited to this patient.



Active When Do the doctors examine patients every day? dothe doctors examine patients?
Does he (she)? Didhe, you? Will you?
Passive Whom Are the patients examined by the doctors? are the patients examined by?
Is he (she)? Was he (she)? Were you? Willyou be?

Ex. 5. Складіть запитання до речень, починаючи їх словами, що стоять у дужках:

а) 1. You learn English (Do?) 2. Ann saw Nick yesterday. (Did?) 3. You will go, to the cinema. (Will?) 4. She wrote an SMS to her parents. (Whom?) 5. You work five days a week. (How many?) 6. He will go to Lviv. (What city?) 7. His father works at this office. (Where?) 8. The lesson began at 8.30. (When?) 9. You go to the College on week-days. (What days?) 10. He always comes to the College in time. (When?)

б) 1. The letter was written by you. (Was?) 2. His articles are often published. (Are?) 3. A new hospital will be built here. (Will... be?) 4. Different subjects are studied by you at the College. (Where?) 5. This text was translated by him. (Whom?) 6. The work will be finished by them tomorrow. (When?) 7. Different problems were discussed at the last meeting. (What meeting?) 8. These books were taken from the library yesterday. (When?)

СПР №9

Ex. 6. Read the words and words-combinations to the text:

wide spread of epidemics широке розпо­всюдження епідемій

fight against the plague боротьба проти чуми

to the fore на передній план

to be republished перевидаватися

repeatedly неодноразово

while abroad перебуваючи за кордоном

to acquaint знайомитися

to become apparent ставати явним, очевидним

in the majority of instances у більшості випадків

to proceed (from) виходити (з)

precisely точно

observation спостереження

to lay waste виснажувати

to bring fame принести славу

beyond the borders за межами to

be available бути доступним (у роз­порядженні)

to pose the problem correctly правильно ставити проблему

valuable instruction цінна вказівка

to comment upon коментувати

Ex. 7. Read and translate the text:


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