Ex. 1. Read the words and translate the text. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Ex. 1. Read the words and translate the text.

Professional oath — професійна клятва Noble profession — благородна професія
Famous physician — відомий лікар Direction — керівництво
Swear — присягати To take care — доглядати (когось)
God and goddess — бог і богиня Harm — шкода
Witness — свідок Treatment — лікування
Ability and judgment — здібності і розуміння To treat a patient — лікувати хворого
Injury and wrong-doing — завдавати шкоди і зла Protection — захист, охорона



Our future profession is noble. Every medical worker must take care about people, treat them and help them to be healthy. The student’s task is to have good knowledge of medicine and to love people. Medical students must remember the words of their professional oath. It is the oath of the famous physician Hippocrates who was called the Father of medicine.

“I swear by Apollo Physician, by Asclepius, by Health, by Panacea and by all the gods and goddesses, making them my witnesses that I will carry out, according to my ability and judgment this oath.

I shall use treatment to help the sick according to my ability and judgment, but never with a view to injury and wrong-doing. I shall enter any house for the good of the patient. I shall not do my patient any harm”.

The oath is the direction for the future doctor’s work. Each doctor must be ready to give all his abilities, all his strength to the protection of people’s health.


Ex. 2. Answer the questions:

2. Why is our future profession noble?

3. What must a medical student understand?

4. What is his task?

5. What must medical student remember?

6. What is the main idea of the Hippocratic Oath?

What must each doctor be ready to do?


General Questions


Present Do you read much? Yes, I do.
No, I don’t.
Does he (she) write much? Yes, he does.
No, he doesn’t.
  Past Did you work last year? Yes, I did.
he(she) No, I didn’t.
Future Will you study next yеаr? Yes, I shall.
he (she) No, I shan’t.


Ex. 3. Складіть загальні запитання до речень:

Зразок: Не studies at school N 5.

Does he study at school N 5?

1. You study at the Medical College. 2. Your friend works at this factory. 3. They went to school last year. 4. You speak English well. 5. He does the morning exercises every day. 6. Petrenko reads newspapers in the evening. 7. They fulfilled their plan last month 8. You learn English. 9. He wrote you many SMS last year. 10. They told you some interesting facts.


Ex. 4. Special Questions

What books do you read? Who reads much?
Where did you work? How many engineers worked there?
When will he study? Who will study there?

Ex. 5. Складіть спеціальні запитання до речень, починаючи їх пи­тальними словами, які стоять у дужках:

1. Не writes many letters to his friends. (Whom? Кому?) 1. He gave some medicine to the child. (What? Що?) 3. My friend lived in a hostel, last year. (Where? Де?) 4. He will go to, Kyiv next month. (Where? Куди?) 5. He comes here every day. (When? Коли?) 6. The doctor examined these patients. (Whom? Кого?) 7. Your mother looks after your grandfather. (Who? Хто?) 8. They listened to him attentively. (How? Як?)

Ex. 6. Поставте дієслова в заперечній формі і перекладіть речення: Зразок: Не worked at the plant. He did not work at the plant.

1. They studied English last year. 2. We work at the factory. 3. His brother studies at our College. 4. I translated that text yesterday. 5. You fulfilled that task last month. 6. She writes SMS to her brother. 7. This College trains nurses. 8. They got scholarship last month.

СПР №4. Read and translate the text.



Paragraph 1 reason(s) for writing

Paragraphs 2, 3 qualifications — previous experience

Final paragraph closing remarks

Ex. 7. Translate the text of the letter of application.

Dear Sir,

I am writing in response to your advertisement in Sunday’s edition of The Times. I would like to apply for the position of nurse at the health resort.

I am a graduate of the Baron School of Medicine and my degree is in Nursing.

I have previous experience with Golden Sun Hotel as Assistant nurse. My responsibilities included assisting the doctor at the health resort.

I believe that I have the proper qualifications and experience for the position of nurse at your hospital.

I have enclosed my C. V. and would be glad to supply any further information required.

I look forward to meeting you to discuss employment opportunities at The Sunshine Resort.

Yours faithfully,

Ann Brown



Ex. 1. Read and memorize the words:

Wealthy –багатий nurse — медсестра to take care –піклуватисьwounded -поранені uniform -форма


The Nightingales were wealthy and could live wherever they wanted. When William Nightingale married, he and his beautiful bride toured Europe and visited many cities. On May 12, 1820 in Florence, Italy, their first child was born and they called their daughter Florence. Later the family lived most of the time in London, England. During her childhood and youth Florence was chiefly interested in taking care of poor people in hospitals; her dream was to become a nurse. At the age of seventeen she was presented td Queen Victoria; with her sister she toured Italy, Germany and France where she learned the languages of those nations. In Germany Florence entered the nurse institute for a three-month training course. When she was 34 Florence became the Head of the hospital for governesses in London. She organized the work of medical nurses very well there. The Sponsors of the hospital were very pleased with her.

During the war in the Crimea, Florence and her nurses took care of the wounded and dying. They brought order and cleanliness into the army hospitals. In England she was asked to organize an army hospital reform. She returned to her native land to popularize nurses' uniforms and the nursing institutes.

The fame of F. Nightingale spread and throughout the world she was known as the "Lady of the Lamp". Today all Nurse Training centers exist due to Florence Nightingale's first institute. She also wrote a practical book entitled Notes on Nursing.

She had much to do with bringing the Red Cross into army medical activities. Florence Nigntingale lived to be very old. On August 13, 1910 at the age of ninety she died.


Ex. 2. Do the tests:

1. Florence Nightingale was born in...

a) a poor family

b) a rich family

c) a middle class family

2. She was named after....

a) her grandmother

b) a queen

c) her birthplace

3. Florence had always wanted to become....

a) a nurse

b) a teacher

c) a doctor

4. She received her nurse's training in....

a) England

b) Germany

c) Italy

5. At the age of 34 Florence became....

a) a nurse

b) the Head of a hospital

c) a doctor

6. Florence Nightingale and her nurses worked in army
hospitals during a....

a) war in Africa

b) war in the Balkans

c) war in the Crimea

7. For her work Florence became well-known throughout.

a) Europe

b) England

c) the world

8. In England she was asked to organize....

a) The Red Cross

b) an army hospital reform

c) the network of hospitals

9. Florence Nightingale did much to popularize....

a) nursing institutes

b) medical training о f doctors

c) system of nursing

10. Thanks to Florence Nightingale's work army medical
activities were continued in....

a) the United Nations

b) the Red Cross

c) the British Parliament





CAN могти, уміти MAY могти, мати можливість MUST мусити, бути повинним
SHOULD бути повинним, (комусь) слід WOULD виражає ба­жання, ввічли­ве прохання OUGHT TO бути повин­ним, (комусь) слід SHALL бути повин­ним WILL мати намір, бажання
NEED потребувати, бути зобов’язаним DARE сміти, наважуватися
I, he, she, we, you, they can (could) speak English. do this task. Can you speak English? Yes, I can. No, I cannot.
I, he, she, we, you, they may (might) take this book. come into the room. May I ask you? Yes, you may. No, you may not.
I, he, she, we, you, they must (—) read this text. go to the meeting. Must we go there? Yes, you must. No, you must not (не можна). No, you need not (не треба).

Ex. 3. Перекладіть речення українською мовою, звертаючи увагу на модальні дієслова:

I. You can see many students in this library. 2. You may take this book. 3. Every doctor must know at least one foreign language. 4. My friend can’t speak English. 5. He could read English when he was a boy. 6. They might come to Kyiv in summer. 7. His mother must stay in bed because she is still ill. 8. Can you speak English? Yes, I can. 9. Must we read this article? No, we needn’t. 10. May I ask you? Yes, you may. 11. Where may we sit? 12. What foreign languages can you speak?

Ex. 4. Заповніть пропуски модальними дієсловами can, may, must.

1.... you speak English? No, I... 2.... I open the window? It’s very hot here. 3. What book... І take? You... take any book. 4. You are busy. You... not go to the cinema. 5....we take these dictionaries? No, you... not. 6. We have a little time, we... hurry. 7. Students... not miss classes. 8.... I ask you a question? Yes, you... 9. We … translate this text. 10.... you help me? Yes, I... 11. We... take these books from the library yesterday. 12. He... do this work two days ago.

Ex. 5. Перекладіть другу частину і короткі відповіді англійською мовою:


Can you розмовляти англійською? Так (можу), виконати цю роботу? Ні (не можу), перекласти це речення? Так (можу).
  May I   взяти цю книгу? Ні (не можна). зайти в аудиторію? Так (можна). спитати вас? Так (можна).
  Must we   перекласти цей текст? Так (треба). іти додому зараз? Ні (не можна). складати цей іспит? Ні (не треба).
Who can   переказати цей текст? Я (можу). розмовляти англійською? Він (може). взяти цю книжку в бібліотеці? Ми (можемо).




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