Дієслово то be в Indefinite Tenses 

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Дієслово то be в Indefinite Tenses


  Present (тепер.) Past (минул.) Future (майб.)
I (я) am was will (shall) be
He (він) is was will be
She (вона) is was will be
It (воно) is was will be
We (ми) are were will (shall) be
You (ти, ви) are were will be
They (вони) are were will be


Ex. 5. Заповніть пропуски потрібною формою дієслова to be:

1. І... a medical student now. 2. My father... an old worker. 3. Her brothers... good engineers. 4. My friend... a first-year student. 5. She... at home yesterday. 6. Tarasenko... a doctor next year. 7. I... a doctor in five years. 8. We... at the lesson. 9. I... at the English lesson yesterday.


Загальні запитання

Are you a student? — Yes, I am. No, I am not.

Is he a doctor? — Yes, he is. No, he is not.


Альтернативні запитання

Are you a student or a doctor? — I am a student.

Спеціальні запитання

Where are the students? — (They are) at the lecture.

What are you? — (I am) a student.


Ex. 6. Дайте відповіді на запитання у стверджувальній або запе­речній формі:

1. Is Petrenko a student of our Institute? 2. It she a first-year stu­dent? 3. Are they Ukrainians? 4. Is the T. V. set on the table? 5. Were you ill last week? 6. Are you well? 7. Was he at the lecture yesterday? 8. Will you be at the meeting tomorrow? 9. Is he a worker or a student?


Ex. 7. Поставте спеціальні запитання до речень, починаючи їх пи­тальними словами, що в дужках:

1. His name is Peter. (What?) 2. He is at the lecture. (Where?) 3. His father is a worker. (What?) 4. Nina is ill. (Who?) 5. They are at home. (Where?) 6. He was a doctor. (What?) 7. They were at the English lesson yesterday. (When?) 8. The students are in this hall. (What hall?)




  Present Past Future
I have had will (shall) have
He (she, it) has had will have
We have had will (shall) have
You have had will have
They have had will have


Але: У розмовній мові дієслово to have може замінюватися формою to have got. Наприклад: I have got many friends.

Ex. 8. Заповніть пропуски потрібною формою дієслова to have:

1. І... a brother. 2. Не... two sisters. 3. They... many friends. 4. This man... a large family some years ago. 5. They... got a good flat last year. 6. I... a new coat next month. 7. You... new textbooks tomorrow. 8. We... got many relatives.

Загальні запитання


Have you a brother? Yes, I have. No, I have not.
Has he got a friend? Yes, he has got. No, he has not got.
Do you often have English lessons? Yes, we do. No, we don’t.


Альтернативні запитання

Have you a brother or a sister? I have a sister.


Спеціальні запитання

What books have you in your bag? (I have) English books.

How many lectures did you have yesterday? (We had) two lectures.


Ex. 9. Дайте відповіді на запитання у стверджувальній або

запереч­ній формі:

1. Have you many friends? 2. Has he got a brother? 3. Do you have many good books? 4. Had you a lecture yesterday? 5. Have your parents a good flat? 6. Did he have a large family? 7. Has she got a dictionary?

Ex. 10. Поставте спеціальні запитання до речень, починаючи їх пи­тальними словами, що в дужках:

1. They have two lectures every day. (How many?) 2. His parents have a big house in the country. (Where?) 3. He has got good work. (What kind of work?) 4. Nick has a big family. (Who?) 5. You had your dinner at 5 o'clock. (What time?) 6. They have much money. (How much?) 7. He has got three friends. (How many?) 8. You have a two-room flat. (What flat?)


Ex. 11. Перекладіть речення англійською мовою:

1. У неї є брат. 2. У мене є багато друзів. 3. Кожен день у нас лекції. 4. У моїх батьків гарна квартира. 5. У Петра багато книжок. 6. У вас є сьогодні лекції? 7. Скільки лекцій у вас щодня? 8. Які лекції у вас були вчора?

1. Самостійна поза аудиторна робота №1 (СПР)

Nowadays — зараз Important — важливий
State language — державна мова PC — персональний комп’ютер
Mother tongue — рідна мова User — користувач
Science — наука Should — слід
Educated — освічений Useful — корисний
Enjoy — насолоджуватися To master — оволодівати
Worth studying — варто вчити Hard — наполегливо

Підготовте усне повідомлення з теми


There are thousands of languages in the world. Nowadays English has become the most important of them. English is the state language of Great Britain, the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. About 500 million people speak English as their mother tongue. Millions of people in different countries learn it as a second language at schools, colleges and universities.

English is the language of international relations, economy, business, culture, science and sport. Internet made English important for all PC users. Every educated person should know English. You can learn interesting facts, get useful professional information and enjoy great works of literature if you know English well. It is not easy to master a foreign language, but English is worth studying hard.


Answer the questions: 1. What foreign languages do you study? 2. What is the most important foreign language today? 3. Why is English so popular? 4. In what countries is it a mother tongue? 5. Why should you study English? 6. Is it easy to master a foreign language? 7. Why is English worth studying hard?




Ex. 1. Запам’ятайте слова і словосполучення:


to enter the College вступити до коледжу practical training —практика, практична підготовка
to attend відвідувати, бути присутнім research work науково-дослідна робота
academic year навчальний рік society — гурток
Subject — предмет experience досвід
twice — двічі institution — заклад

Ex. 2. Прочитайте і перекладіть текст:



My surname is Petrenko. I am 18 years old. I am a first-year stu­dent of the Medical College.

I live in Chernihiv in Shevchenko street. I graduated from school 2 last year. I want to become a medical worker. That’s why I entered the Medical College.

My family is not big. It consists of my mother, father, sister, brother and grandparents. My mother’s name is Maria. She is a nurse. She loves her work very much. My father is a driver. His name is Mykola. My sister’s name is Lena. She is a schoolgirl. She is 14. Her hobbies are music and dancing. My brother Pavlo is a student of the Pedagogical University. He wants to be a teacher of Physical training. He goes in for sports and is a good athlete. My grandparents live in the village. We often visit them. They are happy to see us. We are a friendly family. I love my relatives very much.


Ex.3 Answer the questions about yourself:

1. What is your name? 2. How old are you? 3. Where do you live? 4. Where does your family live? 5. Is your family large or small? 5. Have you got a sister or a brother? 6. What is your father (mother, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather)? 7. How old is your sister (brother)? 9. What is your hobby? 10. Are you fond of sports? 11. What kind of sport do you like? 12. Do you sing, dance well? 13. What kind of music do you prefer? 14. Where do you study? 15. What is your future profession (a medical attendant, a midwife, a nurse, a dental mechanic)? 16. Why do you want to be a medical worker?

Features of character:

еnergetic — енергійний; enthusiastic — ентузіаст; kind — добрий; generous –щедрий; charming — чарівний; loving –люблячий; creative — творчий; reliable — надійний; hard working — працездатний; honest — чесний; sensitive — чутливий; optimistic — оптимістичний; patient –tidy — терплячий; stubborn — впертий; rude — грубий; tidy — охайний; untidy — неохайний; lazy — лінивий; selfish — егоїстичний; nervous — знервований; impatient — нетерплячий; unkind — недобрий

Ex. 4. Name the features of character important for a medical worker.

Ex. 5. Name your characteristic features.



Особові     Називний відмінок Об’єктний відмінок     Однина Множина
I he she it me him her it we you they us you them
Присвійні   my his her its our your their


Ex. 6. Виберіть потрібну форму займенника:

1. I often see (his, him) in the street. 2. We gave (us, our) books to (their, them). 3. Will you give (I, me) your textbook, please? 4. I received a letter from (she, her). 5. We saw (they, them) at the theatre. 6. Give me (you, your) pens, please. 7. (Me, my) sister teaches (them, their). 8.(Him, his) mother works at (us, our) College. 9. (Them, their) daughter goes to (us, our) school. 10. We often see (their, them) in this hall. 11. It is (me, my) book. (Its, it) is on the table. 12. (Our, us) students’ hostel is in the centre of the city.


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