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A) Journey B) Cup C) Record D) Information E) Son


Mathematics … important for those students studying Physics.

A) to be B) are C) were D) is E) be

21. Выразитеоднимсловом:

A person who travels by plane or by ship is a...

A) passenger. B) customer. C) businessman. D) seller. E) stranger.

22. Закончитефразеологизм: To be ready to …. Валитьсясног.

A) Stand. B) Drop. C) Get. D) Run. E) Sit.

23. Выберите правильный вариант предлога: She is fond … pop music.

A) after B) in C) of D) for E) with

24. Выберитеправильныйвариантместоимения: He saw … in the room, because there was no light there.

A) Something. B) No. C) Anything. D) Anybody. E) Nothing.

25. Дополните предложение существительным множественного числа в притяжательном падеже This is my …room

A) Parents B) Parents’ C) Parents’s D) Parent E) A parent

ЕНТ Английский язык Тест Вариант 7

1. Выберите слово с третьим типом слога:

A) Place B) Pupil C) Observe D) Visit E) More

2. Выберитеправильнонаписанноеслово:

A) Seeson B) Forekast C) Mauntain D) Fachionable E) Expensive

3. Выберите правильный вариант перевода слова: Невозможный

A) Inpossible B) Possible C)Unpossible D) Dispossible E) Impossible

4. 3,542 правильночитается:

A) three thousand and five hundred and forty-second B) three thousand six hundred and fifty-second C) three thousand five hundred and forty-second D) three thousand four hundred and forty-second E) three thousand five hundred and forty-two

Найдите лишнее слово в данном тематическом ряду.

A) jokes B) comedies C)ride D) humour E) funny

6. Выберите слово противоположное по значению. Narrow

A) small B) wide C) new D) wise E) tall

7. Выберитеправильныйвариантпредлога:

My sister is always angry … me when I am late.

A) to B) on C) for D) from E) with

8. Обобщающим для данной группы слов является:

A) Prize B) Match C) Team D) Sport E) Result

9. Форма множественного числа отличается от остальных в слове:

A) Tree B) House C) Land D) Sheep E) Mother

10. Выберите правильный ответ: What is “Big Ben”?

A) University B) Theatre C) Exhibition D) Museum E) Clock

11. Выберитеглаголвформе Present Continuous Active:

A) Is playing B) Was C) Is done D) Are said E) Were given

12. Закончите предложение: The sun shines ….

A) brightly B) usual C) correct D) correctly E) bright

13. Выберитеправильныйответ: We leave for London on … of January.

A) eleven B) the second C) ten D) twelve E) twenty-three

Выберите фразовый глагол со значением «возвращаться»

A)to come back B)to come along C)to come off D)to come on E)to come across

15.Вставьтеартикли: He is playing … football in … yard.

A)the\- B)the\the C)-\the D)a\the E)a\-

Переведите: «Заниматьсяспортом»

A)to sport B)to study sport C)to learn sport D)to go in for sportE)to have sport

17. Выберите множественное число слова “An Umbrella”:

A) Umbrellas B) Umbrellaes C) Umbrell D) Umbrels E) Umbrelles

18. Выразитеоднимсловом:

A person who travels by plane or by ship is a...

A) passenger B) customer C) businessman D) seller E) stranger.

19. Выберитеправильныйвариантпредлога: She is fond … pop music.

A) after B) in C) of D) for E) with

20. Выберитеправильныйвариантместоимения:

He saw … in the room, because there was no light there.

A) Something. B) No. C) Anything. D) Anybody. E) Nothing.

21. Лишним в данной группе числительных является:

A) Twelve B) Two hundred C) Thousand D) Thirty-five E) Twentieth

22. Образуйте сравнительную степень от прилагательного "nice":

A) More nice. B) Nicer. C) The nicest. D) The most nice. E) The nicer.

23. Выберите правильный вариант местоимения: Let me know if you need ….

A) Anyone. B) Something. C) These. D) No. E) Those.

24. Найдите множественное число слова “a boy”:

A) Boies B) Boieses C) Boyses ь D) Boys E) Boyes

25. Дополните предложение существительным в притяжательном падеже: It is his…car.

A) Brothers’s B) Brother C) Brother’s D) Brother’ E) Brothers

ЕНТ Английский язык Тест Вариант 8

1 Выберите слово со II типом слога.

a) tame b) able c) frame d) sake e) mat

2. Выбериправильнонаписанноеслово.

a) hottest b) hottest c) hootest d) hotiest e) hottiest

3. Найдите синоним слова “ start”

a) to play b) to begin c) to bring d) to finish e) to give

4. Выберитефразовыйглагол.” Заботиться”

a) look out b) to look in c) to look after d) to look before e) to look up

5. Буквосочетание «al» читается отлично от других в слове.

A) ballB) callC) calm D) hall E) tall

6. Артикльупотребленправильно.

a) There is a river near my village b) A rain is very heavy

c) I like to go to a theatres d) A sun is shining brightly.

e) Give me your book.


The teacher isn’t satisfied …. your answer. a) on b) for c) with d) about e) at

8. Выбери правильный вариант существительного Mouse

a) mouses b) mice c) mices d) mouse e) muise

9 Найдитеимясуществительное.

a) quickly b) action c) sixty d) develop e) fruitful

10. Выбери правильный вариант чтения даты. “ 14/10”

a) The fourteen of October. b) The fourteen October.

C) The October and fourteen d) The fourteenth October

e) The fourteenth of October

11. Выбери правильный вариант степени сравнения прилагательного.

A tiger is as.. …as a lion. A) strong b) the strongest c) stronger

d) more stronger e) much stronger

12. Выбериверноеместоимение. Where is John? …… is in the kitchen.

a) she b) we c) I d) they d) he

13. Выбери правильный вариант существительного Day

a) dayies b) Day c) dayes d) daies e) days.

14. Выбери правильный вариант притяжательной формы.

a) the babie’s b) the babies c) The babys d) The babies’ e) The baby.

15. Выбери правильный вариант артикля.

…. Londonis… capitalof … England and one of … most cities in… Europe.

a) -/ the /a/ the /a b) – a/ the - /the c) -/ the/ a/-/a d) -/a/-/ the/- e) - /the -/the/-

16.Выберите модальный глагол. I … speakverywell.

a) were to b) be able to c) must to d) can e) was

17. Выбери верный вариант предложения в косвенной речи.

I said to Bob: “ Ask for his advice”.

a) I told Bob ask his advice. b) I told Bob to ask for his advice.

c) I told Bob to ask his advice d) I told Bob to ask to his advice

e) I told Bob to ask his advice.

18. Дополните предложение, используя выражение ‘ tobegoingto”

Look at the sky!. It…. to rain. A) am going b) were going c) was going

d) are going e) is going

19. Выбериправильныйвариантглагола.

She …… her hands before going to eat.

a) is washing b) washed c) washes d) are wash e) have washed.

20.Выбери правильный вариант неличной формы глагола

We think of …. to the South in summer.

A)go b) goes c) going d) went e) have gone

21. Выберите правильно написанное слово:

A) Freindship. B) Friendshep C) Frendship. D) Friendship. E) Friendchip.

22. Выберите слово, противоположное по значению: silence.

A) Noise. B) Trip. C) Wind. D) Colour. E) Wonder.

23. Выберите слово, близкое по значению: begin.

A) Burn. B) Build. C) End. D) Start. E) Finish.

24. Выберите правильный вариант артиклей. He was lying on … bed reading … book.

A) A, an. B) An, -. C) The, a. D) The, -. E) An, a.

25. Существительное во множественном числе.


ЕНТ Английский язык Тест Вариант 9

1 Выберите слово с IIIтипом слога.

a) Stable b) fork c) pin d) bear e) my

2. Выбериправильнонаписанноеслово.

a) bigin b) begining c) beginning d) bigen e) beginin

3. Найдитесинонимслова “go ”

a) to give b) attend c) to finish d) to bring e) to give

4. Выбериправильныйвариант.

There is …….. snow in the street this year.

a) many b) few c) a d) – e) much


He wants to know …… time is it now.

a)what b) who c) where d) why e)how

6. Артикльупотребленправильно.

a) There is river near my village b) Rain is very heavy

c) I like to go to theatres d) The sun is shining brightly.

e) Give me your book.


…the end of the lesson we were give home task.

a) on b) at c) in d) up e) off

8. Образуйправильнослово.

Travel…… a) room b) case c) agency d) knife e) girl

9 Найдитеглагол

a) quickly b) action c) sixty d) develop e) fruitful

10. Выбери правильный вариант чтения даты. “ 22/ 5 ”

a) The twenty two of May b) the twenty second May c) The twenty second of May d) Twenty second of May e) twenty second of the May

11. Выбери правильный вариант степени сравнения прилагательного.

This is ……. flower I have ever seen. a) a beautiful b) the beautifuler c) beautifulest d) the most beautiful e) more beautiful

12. Выбериверноеместоимение. Where are children? …… are in the kitchen.

a) she b) we c) I d) they d) he

13. Выбери правильный вариант существительного Mouse

a) mousesb) micec) micesd) mousee) muise

14. Выбери правильный вариант притяжательной формы.

a) parents’ room b) parent’s c) parents’s d) parentes’ e) parentses’

15. Выбери правильный вариант артикля.

Takethese …. apples, please. a) the b) - c) an d) a e) at

16.Выберитемодальныйглагол We ….. to eat earlier.

a) were to b) had c) must to d) can e) was

17. Выбери верный вариант предложения в косвенной речи.

I asked Bob: “ Where are you from? ”.

a) I asked Bob where are you from. b) I asked Bob where I form

c) I asked Bob where he was from. d) I asked Bob where he is from

e) I asked Bob where from was he.

18. Дополните предложение, используя выражение ‘ tobegoingto”

I …… to wait for your long.

a) is b) are c) were d) am e) -

19. Выбериправильныйвариантглагола.

She …… her hands before going to eat.

a) are washing b) washed c) has washed d) are wash e) have washed.

20.Выбери правильный вариант неличной формы глагола Iwasfondof……. chess.

a)plays b) has played c) played d) play e) playing

21. Выберитеправильныйвариантстепенисравненияприлагательного: This house is … of all the houses in the street.

A) The newer. B) Newer C) New. D) As new as E) The newest.

22. Выберите правильный вариант местоимения: Wouldyoulike … toeat?

A) Some B) Anything. C) Not D) Somebody E) None.

23. Выберите исчисляемoе существительнoе:

A) Magazine B) Health. C) Rain D) News E) Peace.

24. Дополните предложение существительным в притяжательном падеже:

Do you know my…daughter?

A) Uncle’s B) Uncles C) Uncle D) Uncles’ E) Uncles’s

25. Найдитеправильныйвариантглагола: She … excited about her birthday.

A) are B) do C) am D) were E) is


ЕНТ Английский язык Тест Вариант 10

1..Выбери правильный вариант неличной формы глагола.

I would like you….. go home.

a) going b) to go c) went d) have gone e) goes.

2. Выбери правильный вариант страдательного залога.

Look! Our tests….. by the teacher now.

a) are being checked b) is being checked c) were checked

d) have been checked e) are checked.

3. Закончипословицу.

Never put off till tomorrow…….

a) is a friend indeed b) what you can do today. c) must have an end

d) out of a molehill e) has his day

4. The anthem of the USA is ….

A) America, the Beautiful B) The Star Spangled Banner. C) God Save the Queen

d) In Got we trust e) America


He wanted to know …… my granny lived.

a)what b) who c) where d) why e)how

6.Выбери правильный вариант условного предложения.

If I find a temporary file I…… it to you.

a) will show b) show c) shown d) have shown e) would show

7. If I …. where he lived I …… you about it. a) know / would tell b) knew/ will tell

c) knew/ told d) know/ will tell e) knew / would tell

8. Выбериправильныйвариант.

There is …….. snow in the street this year.

a) many b) few c) a d) – e) much

9. Выбериправильноеместоимение.

Is there ….. in the room? a) somebody b) anybody c) anything d) something e) -

10. Образуйправильнослово.

Double….. s) bus b) Decker c) table d) book e) teacher.

11..Выбери правильный вариант неличной формы глагола.

I want you ….. home with me.

a) going b) go c) went d) have gone e) to go.

12. Выбери правильный вариант страдательного залога.

Our tests….. by the teacher yesterday.

a) are being checked b) is being checked c) were checked

d) have been checked e) are checked.

13. Закончипословицу. Love me …..

a) out of a molehill b) love my dog c) must have an end

d) handsome does e) has his day

14. Uncle Tom, the main hero of the novel " Uncle Tom's Cabin" was...

a) farmer. B) A drover. C) A slave. D) farmer e) teacher


He wants to know …… time is it now.

a)what b) who c) where d) why e)how

16.Выбери правильный вариант условного предложения.

We….. go home when the lesson….. over.

a) would / is b) will / is c) would/ will is d) will/ was e) will/are

17. Trained dogs... by the police to find the drugs.

A) use; B) are using; C) used; D) are used.

18. Выбериправильныйвариант.

There are……..books on the shelf.

a) many b) few c) a d) – e) much

19. Выбери правильное местоимение.

Thereisn’t ….. intheroom. a) somebody b) anybody c) anything d) something e) -

20. Образуйправильнослово.

Travel…… a) room b) case c) agency d) knife e) girl

21. Выберите слово с 3 типом слога:

A) Bind B) Bird C) Match D) Seed E) Please

22. Найдите предложение с фразовым глаголом:

A) He couldn’t play the guitar. B) The family breakfast is usually at 9 o’clock.

C) I don’t like coffee. D) The girl looks after her little sister. E) What do you usually wear to school?

23. Дополнитепредложение: She... from her illness.

A) likes B) enjoys C) is fond of D) suffers E) is interesting

24. Синонимслова "power":

A) Quality. B) Taste. C) Smell D) Energy. E) Beauty.

25. Дополните пословицу: Liveand …

A) Love. B) Live. C) Earn. D) Think. E) Learn.



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