Make sure you know the pronunciation of the zodiac signs. 

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Make sure you know the pronunciation of the zodiac signs.

1) Aries – [ˋɛəri:z] 7) Libra – [ˋli:brə]

2) Taurus – [ˋtɔ:rəs] 8) Scorpio – [ˋskɔ:pɪəʊ]

3) Gemini – [ˋʤemɪnaɪ] 9) Sagittarius – [ sæʤɪˋtɛərɪəs]

4) Cancer – [ˋkænsə] 10) Capricorn – [ˋkæprɪkɔ:n]

5) Leo – [ˋli:əʊ] 11) Aquarius – [əˋkwɛərɪəs]

6) Virgo – [ˋvɜ:ɡəʊ] 12) Pisces – [ˋpaɪsi:z]

Do a class survey. Find out the star sings of your groupmates. Who knows their own star sign description? Who finds it accurate? Who believes that someone’s star sign has an influence on their personality? Who reads their horoscopes?

II. Listening and Comprehension Tasks

Five people were interviewed about horoscopes in Covent Garden, a busy shopping area in London. Listen to the recording and write down their star sign. Tick the people who believe strongly that star signs can influence people’s personality.

1. Cherry

2. Miles

3. Mike

4. Theresa

5. Kurt

Listen again and write the name of the person.

1. Who thinks they are typical of their star sign?

2. Who thinks you can often know what someone is like if you know their star sign?

3. Who nearly forgets what star sign they are?

4. Who is the most skeptical about horoscopes and star signs?

5. Who sometimes enjoys reading their horoscope?

III. After-Listening Tasks

Answer the questions about yourself from 2.2.

Write a paragraph about yourself whether you believe in horoscopes.

In-Class Listening 2. National Stereotypes

I. Pre- Listening Task

You are going to listen to four speakers talking about the typical characteristics of people from their country (England, Ireland, Scotland and the USA). Before you listen, try to predict what national characteristics the speakers might mention.

II. Listening and Comprehension Tasks

Listen to the recording and fill in the chart.

The speaker’s nationality Strengths Weaknesses Typical / Not typical

Listen to the first part of the recording and fill in the gaps.

1. We want as few rules as possible _________ our lives.

2. People here live to ______ and don’t work to live.

3. We think that if we work hard, we can _______ anything.

4. The __________ of success for most people here is money.

5. We are extremely __________ with “things” – possessions and the bigger the better.

6. Personally, I think I have __________ the typical optimism and drive.

7. I hope I’m less materialistic than many of my _______ seem to be.

Listen to the second part of the recording and answer the questions.

1. Which of the following characteristics wasn’t mentioned to describe the Irish: religious, sociable, easy-going, family oriented, outgoing, great storytellers?

2. Why are they considered to be very patriotic?

3. What makes Irish people melancholic and nostalgic? Where are these characteristics revealed?

4. What is the stereotypical image of the nation?

5. Is the speaker typical in all respects?

Listen to the third part of the recording and decide whether the following statements are true or false.

1. It’s hard to generalize about the English as a people.

2. There aren’t many nationalities living in England.

3. In the past they were more insular.

4. English people defend the things they believe in and, when they have to, they always take extreme positions.

5. The English are arrogant towards foreigners because they don’t want to learn foreign languages.

6. They never worry about the way they dress.

7. The speaker mentions one of the weaknesses he has.

Listen to the fourth part of the recording and fill in the missing prepositions.

1. As a nation we are proud … our identity and our cultural heritage.

2. We are also great travellers and people often compliment us … the good behaviour of our sports fans abroad.

3. … the other hand, we do have a tendency … melancholy – maybe it’s something to do … the weather, you know we tend … think that life is hard.

4. There’s also a negative attitude … our neighbor – and this can range … humorous comments … actual violence.

5. I feel that we tend to focus too much … the wrongs done … us in the distant past, rather than trying to move ….

III. After-Listening Tasks

Translate the fragments into English using the vocabulary of the recording.

1. I think above all we are (непоколебимые индивидуалисты).

2. We want as few rules as possible (управлять) our lives.

3. For most people here money is (мера успеха).

4. I (унаследовать) the typical optimism and drive.

5. I think we are (общительные) and (великолепные рассказчики).

6. It (напоминать) me that we also drink quite a lot.

7. I believe I’m quite typical (во многих отношениях).

8. Our big cities now have such a (многонациональное население).

9. I would say that we are very (терпимые) and (открытые). We are not as (замкнутые) as we used to be.

10. One of our (главный недостаток) is that we can be quite (самодовольные) and (надменные) towards foreigners.

11. As a nation we (гордиться своими национальными особенностями) and (культурным наследием).

12. We often feel (изолированные) and (забытые) by our bigger neighbour.

13. We do have а (склонность к меланхолии).

14. Although we are (страстные любители путешествий), we can be quite negative (по отношению к) foreigners.

15. I love the country, and I think it has some of the most beautiful (ландшафт) in the world.

16. I feel that we (концентрироваться на) the wrongs done to us in the past, rather than trying to (двигаться дальше).

Work in four groups and prepare a presentation of one of the four nationalities using the vocabulary of the recording.

Compare people living in Britain, the USA and Belarus. Do they have anything in common? What differs them?

Using the vocabulary of the recording speak about Belarusians.


Out-of-Class Listening. Description of People

I. Pre-Listening Task

You are going to listen to four people describing someone they know. These are the beginnings of their descriptions:

- She’s absolutely adorable…

- He was very boring and predictable…

- Well, he’s quite well-dressed and punctual…

- I’ve never actually spoken to him…


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