In-Class Listening. People and Their Names 

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In-Class Listening. People and Their Names

Part I. It Takes All Sorts

Unit 1. Introducing People

In-Class Listening. People and Their Names

I. Pre-Listening Task

Before you listen to the people talking about their names and the ways other people call them, recollect what the people in the box call you. Share this information with the class.

For example: My parents call me …, but my close friends call me lots of different names. They are …, …, ….

your parents your teachers close friends your next door neighbours new acquaintances your siblings (cousins) your group-mates shop assistants

II. Listening and Comprehension Tasks

Listening 1

Listen to the man talking about the ways people call him and match the information from both the columns.

1. His close relatives a) Dad

2. His wife and close friends b) Mike

3. His colleagues c) Sir

4. His children call him / is d) Micky

5. Strangers e) Mick

6. His kids’ friends f) Michael Carter

7. People in expensive shops g) Mr. Carter

8. His full name h) Michael

9. The name he doesn’t like

Listening 2

Listen to the two people talking about the names people call them. Answer the following questions.

1. How do parents call the guy?

2. Which name do his friends call him?

3. What was the name his old friends called him? Why?

4. How do his sisters call him?

5. Where do the girl’s parents come from?

6. How do her English friends call her?

7. How do her French friends call her?

8. How does the girl’s brother call her? Why?

Listening 3

A woman is paying by credit card. There is a problem with the transaction. The credit card company asks to speak to her on the phone. Listen and complete the information about her.

1. Family Name _______________________________

2. Middle Name _______________________________

3. First Name _______________________________

4. Title _______________________________

5. Trisha’s maiden name ______________________________

6. Mother’s maiden name _______________________________

7. Place of Birth ______________________________

8. Date of Birth _______________________________

9. Confirmation number _______________________________


Listen again and write down the questions Philip asks.

III. After-Listening Tasks

3.1. Provide English equivalents for the following:

1. имя

2. фамилия

3. девичья фамилия

4. второе имя

5. инициалы

6. дата рождения

7. место рождения

8. называть

9. давать кому-либо имя

10. называть по-разному (разными именами)

Make a brief self-introduction using the words from the recording. Make use of the vocabulary from 3.1.

Interview your group-mates about their family members’ personal details and report the results.

Make a written profile of your family members and relatives.

Out-Of-Class Listening. My Best Friend

I. Pre-Listening Task

You are going to listen to the man talking about his best friend. Do you remember how you and your best friend met and why you became best friends? Be ready to share your recollections with your group-mates in class.

II. Listening and Comprehension Tasks

Listen and mark the following statements as True (T) or False (F).

1. They met 5 years ago.

2. They became friends only because they went to school together.

3. Now Den lives in Brazil.

4. They meet only in the summer when Den comes to teach in the International School.

5. During the year they don’t lose touch with each other.

6. Den is a good listener and he is very punctual.

7. Den never apologises for anything.

8. One day they decided to play football, but Den came two hours and a half late.

9. Den’s friend didn’t forgive him for his being late.

10. Last time they met was on Den’s birthday.


Listen again and fill in the missing prepositions if necessary.

1. We went … the same school.

2. He lives … Brussels, so I only see him … the summer when he comes … home to visit his family.

3. Of course we stay … touch … e-mail and phone.

4. He is important … me.

5. When I’m feeling … and I want to talk … somebody I can always call… him.

6. He is always late … everything.

7. One day … last summer we arranged to meet … 7 o’clock to play football and he arrived … half past nine!

8. Last I saw him … my birthday.


III. After-Listening Tasks

3.1. For the following vocabulary items provide synonyms from the recording:

1. to keep in touch

2. to be upset

3. to apologise

4. to make an appointment

5. almost


Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using the words of the unit.

1. Мы познакомились, когда нам было пять лет, потому что наши родители дружили и мы ходили в одну школу. 2. Сейчас мой друг живет в Брюсселе, и я вижу его только летом, когда он приезжает навестить своих родственников. 3. В течение года мы поддерживаем связь по электронной почте и телефону. 4. Мой друг важен для меня, потому что он очень хорошо знает меня. 5. Когда я расстроен или мне нужно поговорить с кем-нибудь, я всегда могу ему позвонить. 7. Он умеет слушать и всегда дает мне возможность выговориться. 8. Но мой друг не совершенен. Он всегда и всюду опаздывает и никогда не просит прощения! 9. Последний раз я видел его на моем дне рождения, и мы прекрасно провели время. 10. Мы всегда хорошо проводим время.


Write a passage about your best friend. Mention why your friend is important to you, what you like and dislike about your friend. Make use of the vocabulary from the recording.

Unit 2. People’s Occupations

In-Class Listening. People and Their Jobs

I. Pre-Listening Task

You are going to listen to the people describing their jobs. Before you listen match the jobs on the left with the adjectives on the right which best describe them from your point of view. Explain what makes you think so.

1. flight attendant (air-hostess) • rewarding

2. lighthouse keeper • secure

3. restaurant chef • repetitive, monotonous

4. baby-sitter (nanny) • creative

5. surgeon • stressful

6. vet • risky

7. au pair • boring

8. social worker • varied

9. receptionist • challenging

10. interpreter • gratifying


II. Listening and Comprehension Tasks

Listening 1

Listen to the three people talking about their jobs and write which jobs they are talking about. How do you know?

Speaker A _____________________________________________________

Speaker B _____________________________________________________

Speaker C _____________________________________________________

Listen again and fill in the table.

  Speaker A Speaker B Speaker C
I deal with …      
I have to be …      
My salary is …      
I love my job because …      

Listening 2

You will hear five people talking about why they chose their particular job. Listen, write down their jobs and match the speakers (1-5) with their reasons (A-F). There is one reason you don’t need to use.

Speaker 1 _____________________ A. loves working with children

Speaker 2 _____________________ B. always wanted to help people

Speaker 3 _____________________ C. likes being alone

Speaker 4 _____________________ D. always loved animals

Speaker 5 _______________ _______ E. is good at languages

F. enjoys travelling


Listen again and fill in the missing prepositions if necessary.

1. We are far … everyone.

2. There is a lot … time … reading and thinking.

3. When I was … school I was never good … Maths and Science.

4. I thought … becoming a teacher.

5. I ended … doing an interpreters’ course … Brussels.

6. When I was younger I used to help look … my brothers and sisters.

7. I never minded … baby-sitting when my mum and dad went … … the evening.

8. I was accepted … the training course and I’ve been an air-hostess … ten years.

9. … the morning I might be … London and … the evening I could be … New York.

10. My family had plenty … money but I used to see children … the poorer areas … town.


Listening 3

You will hear seven people talking about their job responsibilities. Listen and fill in the blanks.


I work ________ a big company. We ________________ audio equipment. I’m _________________ for sales and promotion.


________ present I’m _________________. I’m looking ________ a job ____ publishing.



I work _____ a body guard and I’m ___________ in London. My job _____________ a lot of foreign travel.



I _________ the photography department. I’m ___ _____________ of taking photographs.



I ____________ as a _______________ for Carter’s Hairdressers’. I’m in charge __________ appointments and accounts.



I’m a _____________________ and I _____________ for City Tours. My job involves _________________ tourists around London. At ____________ present I’m _______________ for a job _______________ hotel business.



I ___________ a company called Fine Wines. We _________________ red and white wine. We are __________________ in South East England.


Listening 4

Listen to the four people talking about what they dreamed to be when they were children. Take down the professions of their dreams and note whether they fulfilled their dreams or not.

Name Dream Job Fulfilled Unfulfilled

Listen again and mark the following statements as True (T) or False (F), correct the false ones.

1. Mark didn’t become an engineer because his father forced him to work together.

2. Mark is still working with his father.

3. Mark is unhappy about the way things turned out.

4. Lucy wanted to follow in her father’s footsteps.

5. Lucy was influenced by the choice of her best friend.

6. Frank has always had a clear picture of what he wanted to be.

7. Frank enjoys what he is currently doing.

8. Mia got interested in modeling after her holiday in Egypt.

9. Mia preferred money to her dream.

10. Mia will never turn to studying again.

III. After-Listening Tasks

Think of a job (or choose one from 3.1) and talk about it without telling anyone what the job is. The class have to guess which job you have chosen. Talk about what you do, what qualities you need to do the job, why you like/ dislike the job (make use of the words in 3.2).

Try to recollect what you wanted to be when you were a child and why. Have you given up since then or are you still trying to fulfill your dream? Share your ideas with the class. Remember to use the vocabulary from the recordings.

I. Pre-Listening Task

You will hear two people talking about the worst jobs they have ever done. Before you listen to the recording, think of the words which from your point of view describe best a nightmare job and fill in the chart below. Give examples of such jobs. Be ready to share your ideas with the class.





III. After-Listening Task

Writing a dictation.

Unit 3. Appearance

I. Pre-Listening Task

Listen and check.

III. After-Listening Tasks

I. Pre- Listening Task

You are going to listen to the song “Gold Digger” by Steve Hall. The singer describes the four people in the pictures and calls them gold diggers. Before you listen, work with your partner and decide how you would describe them. Why do you think they are called gold diggers?

Now listen to the song and match the verses (1-4) with the people in the pictures (A-D).

Verse 1 picture A

Verse 2 picture B

Verse 3 picture C

Verse 4 picture D

III. After-Listening Tasks

I. Pre-Listening Task

III. After-Listening Tasks

Unit 4. Character

I. Pre-Listening Tasks

Do a class survey. Find out the star sings of your groupmates. Who knows their own star sign description? Who finds it accurate? Who believes that someone’s star sign has an influence on their personality? Who reads their horoscopes?

Five people were interviewed about horoscopes in Covent Garden, a busy shopping area in London. Listen to the recording and write down their star sign. Tick the people who believe strongly that star signs can influence people’s personality.

1. Cherry

2. Miles

3. Mike

4. Theresa

5. Kurt

III. After-Listening Tasks

I. Pre- Listening Task

You are going to listen to four speakers talking about the typical characteristics of people from their country (England, Ireland, Scotland and the USA). Before you listen, try to predict what national characteristics the speakers might mention.

III. After-Listening Tasks

I. Pre-Listening Task

You are going to listen to four people describing someone they know. These are the beginnings of their descriptions:

- She’s absolutely adorable…

- He was very boring and predictable…

- Well, he’s quite well-dressed and punctual…

- I’ve never actually spoken to him…

III. After-Listening Task

Unit 5. Family Relations

I. Pre-Listening Task

Listening 1

Listening 2

III. After-Listening Tasks

3.1. Discuss the following questions:

· What size is the perfect family?

· How many children would you like to have? Why?

3.2. Write an essay “Would you like to live in a large family or would you prefer to be an only child” using the following paragraph plan:

· State in what family you would like to live.

· List the advantages and disadvantages of living in a large family.

· List the advantages and disadvantages of being an only child.

· Make a conclusion.

I. Pre-Listening Task

III. After-Listening Tasks

I. Pre-Listening Task

III. After-Listening Tasks

You are going to listen to the song “We Are Family”. The song was originally recorded in 1979 by Sister Sledge, four sisters whose surname was Sledge. The writers of the song (Bernard Edwards and Nile Rodgers) got the idea for the song from seeing how well the four sisters got on with each other.

Now sing the song.


Unit 6. Love Stories

I. Pre-Listening Task

III. After-Listening Tasks

I. Pre-Listening Tasks

III. After-Listening Tasks

Unit 7. Weddings

I. Pre-Listening Task

III. After-Listening Tasks

Translate into English

1. Наша свадьба была традиционной. Мы венчались в церкви.

2. Мы хотели запомнить тот день на всю жизнь, поэтому не считали дорогую свадьбу потерей денег.

3. Мужчины были одеты во фраки и цилиндры. У невесты было три подружки и паж.

4. Мальчишник прошел накануне.

5. Банкет обошелся в копеечку.


I. Pre-Listening Task

You’ll hear Karen, Michael, Ishia and Tim describing the wedding they have attended. Match the names of the speakers to the points they made. Write K, M, I or T beside the comments – or N if nobody mentioned a point.

1. Everyone gave the newly-weds money.

2. The best man wore a black suit.

3. The live band was terrible.

4. The reception was not much fun.

5. The speaker’s brother was dressed like the other guests.

6. The wedding ceremony is not as important as the reception.

7. The wedding took place in Turkey.

8. There was a civil ceremony, not a religious one.


III. After-Listening Tasks

I. Pre-Listening Task

III. After-Listening Tasks

Part I. It Takes All Sorts

Unit 1. Introducing People

In-Class Listening. People and Their Names

I. Pre-Listening Task


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